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AQ Development Process Chart

The top section of the process chart pertains only to new additional qualifications (AQs).

The development process is followed for new AQs as well as for the cyclical review of all existing AQs.

AQ providers may begin developing their courses according to the draft guideline posted for provincial validation. They must align their courses to the final guideline prior to submitting courses for accreditation.

See description of infographic below. 

An infographic of a process chart describing the Additional Qualification (AQ) Development Process. The process chart has five tiers describing each stage in the process.

The first tier describes the process for Proposed New AQs. A proposed new AQ is approved by the Standards of Practice and Education Committee and by Council. Council sends the regulatory amendment request to the Government. It is then enacted into Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation, O. Reg 176/10. 

The second tier describes the development process for new AQs and all AQs scheduled for renewal. Background research and consultation, along with input from a writing team, inform the Draft AQ Course Guideline. The draft guideline is reviewed by the Registrar and/or Deputy Registrar for approval. 

The third tier describes the process for Provincial Validation. Once approved, the guideline is posted for a three-month provincial validation period to collect input on the Draft AQ course guideline from members of the profession, educational partners and the public. The draft AQ guideline is also posted on the College Website.

The fourth tier describes the review of provincial validation feedback process. After the three-month provincial validation period, College staff reviews the Provincial feedback and implements changes into the Final AQ Course Guideline. Final guidelines are reviewed by the Standards of Practice and Education Committee for approval.

The fifth tier describes the Final AQ course guideline process, where final AQ Course Guidelines are posted to the College Website. AQ providers use the Final guideline to develop courses and submit to the College for accreditation.

101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M5S 0A1

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