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Accreditation Committee Decision

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education University of Toronto – Application for Accreditation of New Areas of Concentration in the Intermediate and Senior Divisions to be Added to the Master of Teaching Program


Decision of the Accreditation Committee Regarding the Application for Accreditation of New Areas of Concentration in the Intermediate and Senior Divisions to be Added to the Master of Teaching Program

The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto, (OISE/UT) submitted an application on October 24, 2008 for accreditation of new areas of concentration in the Intermediate and Senior Divisions to be added to the accredited Master of Teaching (MT) Program leading to a Master of Teaching degree.

In accordance with Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, the Accreditation Committee appointed a panel to:

  1. conduct a review of the aforementioned program of professional education,
  2. act in an advisory role to the Accreditation Committee by,
    1. reporting to the Accreditation Committee on its findings, and
    2. making recommendations to the Accreditation Committee with respect to the accreditation of the addition of the Intermediate/Senior divisions to the Master of Teaching program proposed by OISE/UT.

All panel members have experience in teacher education and/or the accreditation process.

The panel reviewed documentation by OISE/UT, and conducted an on-site visit which included interviews with Master of Teaching program faculty and stakeholder representatives, and a review of resources at the facility. The review took place in Toronto, Ontario from November 30 to December 5, 2008. The Chair of the panel solicited additional information from the faculty to clarify factual findings after the site visit.

The Accreditation Committee, by virtue of the authority granted under the Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996, and Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, set out to determine if the addition to the Master of Teaching program proposed by OISE/UT qualified for accreditation.

In making its decision, the Accreditation Committee considered the Accreditation Panel Final Report dated February 9, 2009, the response to the Accreditation Panel Draft Report by the Dean of OISE/UT, dated January 26, 2009, and regulatory requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs and Regulation 184/97, Teachers’ Qualifications.

Decision of the Accreditation Committee at its Meeting of February 23, 2009

Requirements and Findings

The reasons for the Committee’s decision and the facts upon which it is based follow herein:

Requirement 1

The provider of the program is a permitted institution.


The evidence indicates that the provider of the program is a permitted institution.

Section 14 of the University of Toronto Act, 1971 authorizes the university to offer degrees under an act of the legislative assembly of the province of Ontario. Section 1 of the Agreement dated December 16, 1994 between the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) and The Governing Council of the University of Toronto integrates OISE into the University of Toronto as a professional faculty of education under the governing council of the University of Toronto.

OISE/UT is a faculty of education in Ontario that is affiliated with a university in accordance with the definition of permitted institution under subsection 1. (1) of Regulation 347/02.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 1 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 2

The program has a clearly delineated conceptual framework.


The evidence indicates that the program of professional education has a clearly delineated conceptual framework.

Evidence considered by the Accreditation Committee confirmed that the program is guided by a conceptual framework referred to as the Seven Guiding Principles and that these are infused throughout the proposed addition to the Master of Teaching program. The program is designed and operates in accordance with these seven principles. It was confirmed that course outlines must show evidence of attention to the seven principles. Hiring practices all address these principles.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 2 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 3

The program is consistent with and reflects,

  1. the College’s “Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession” and “the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession”,
  2. current research in teacher education, and
  3. the integration of theory and practice in teacher education.


The evidence indicates that the proposed addition to the Master of Teaching program of professional education is consistent with and reflects the Ontario College of Teachers’ Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession and the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession and, current research in teacher education, and the integration of theory and practice in teacher education.

These key requirements have been integrated into the program’s goals and curricular design.

Current research informs the work of the faculty who will teach the proposed program. Research methodology has an applied component and responds to current issues.

The integration of theory and practice permeates the courses and the general structure and the principles of the program. Faculty bring their own and other current research into their classroom. They ask the teacher candidates to reflect on research practice and to work collaboratively to develop research projects that can be undertaken in the field during the practica.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 3 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 4

The program curriculum is current, references the Ontario curriculum, includes the application of current research in teacher education and represents a wide knowledge base in the divisions and components of the program.


The evidence indicates that the curriculum for the proposed addition to the Master of Teaching program is current, references the Ontario curriculum, includes the application of current research in teacher education, and represents a wide knowledge base in the divisions and components of the program.

Course outlines reference the Ontario curriculum and show the presence of current research. Research activities are embedded in the proposed courses. Faculty members are knowledgeable about issues related to their courses and generic issues affecting educational practice at the Intermediate and Senior levels.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 4 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 5

The course content of the program includes theory, method and foundation courses and makes appropriate provision for the application of theory in practice.


The evidence indicates that the course content for the proposed addition to the Master of Teaching program includes theory, method and foundation courses and appropriate provision for the application of theory in practice. 

Documentation and course descriptions for the proposed program indicate that there is provision for method and foundation courses and for the inclusion of theory and the application of theory in practice.

Evidence from the documentation and interviews with faculty and community partners confirm that this program will be research-based. All teacher candidates will be required to complete a research project derived from the practicum experience.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 5 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 6

The program’s format and structure are appropriate for the course content.


The evidence indicates that the format and structure for the proposed addition to the Master of Teaching program are appropriate for the course content.

The structure and format of the proposed additional areas of concentration in the two-year full-time program and its courses are balanced and sequenced. The practicum placements that candidates take part in periodically throughout the two years expose them to a variety of teaching experiences.

The proposed addition to the program is designed to enable all teacher candidates to acquire teaching skills appropriate to the Intermediate and Senior divisions.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 6 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 7

Students are assessed and informed of their progress on an ongoing basis throughout the program.


The evidence indicates that the proposed addition to the Master of Teaching program enables teacher candidates to be assessed and informed of their progress on an ongoing basis throughout the program.

A wide variety and an appropriate range of assessment and feedback strategies are proposed. These include portfolios, performance rubrics, inquiry projects, self-evaluation, formative assessments, case-based learning and practica. Further, evidence shows that candidates experiencing difficulties will be identified, monitored and supported in an ongoing and extensive manner.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 7 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 8

The program includes a practicum that satisfies the requirements set out Regulation 347/02, Subsection 9. (2). The requirements for the practicum portion of the program are as follows:

  1. The practicum must include observation and practice teaching in an instructional setting in schools or other situations that use the Ontario curriculum or in situations approved by the College.
  2. The practicum must be completed in accordance with the requirements of Ontario Regulation 184/97.
  3. The practicum enables every student to participate in settings related to each division and at least one of the subject areas of the program that are relevant to the student.
  4. An experienced teacher supervises the students and assesses their practicum.
  5. A faculty member is appointed as an advisor for each student.


The evidence indicates that the practicum for the proposed addition to the Master of Teaching program includes observation and practice teaching in an instructional setting in schools or other situations that use the Ontario curriculum or in situations approved by the College and that a faculty member is appointed as an advisor for each student.

The proposed practicum for this program exceeds the requirement in Regulation 184/97 for 40 days of observation and practice teaching. The field co-ordinator of the Master of Teaching program and the School-University Partnerships Office (SUPO) will ensure that teacher candidates are assigned to settings approved by the Ontario College of Teachers for practicum placements.

Teacher candidates will participate in settings related to the Intermediate and Senior division and both teachable subject areas over the course of the program. Experienced teachers will oversee and assess the candidates' practicum experiences. A faculty member will be appointed as an advisor for each teacher candidate.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 8 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 9

Successful completion of the practicum is a requirement for successful completion of the program.


The evidence indicates that the successful completion of the practicum is required for successful completion of the program.

Successful completion of the practicum is a requirement for completion of the Master of Teaching degree. Candidates who do not complete the practicum requirements will not be recommended to the Ontario College of Teachers for certification.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 9 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 10

The teaching method courses in the program are appropriate in relation to the divisions to which they relate.


The evidence indicates that the teaching method courses in the proposed addition to the Master of Teaching program are appropriate in relation to the divisions to which they relate.

The program documentation includes outlines of the methods courses for the proposed teaching options in the Intermediate and Senior divisions.

Course instructors and documentation verified that the materials and the teaching and assessment strategies in the program are designed to reflect the Grades 7 to 12 continuum.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 10 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 11

The teaching theory and foundation courses in the program include courses on human development and learning and on the legislation and government policies relating to education.


The evidence indicates that the teaching theory and foundation courses in the proposed addition to the Master of Teaching program include courses on human development and learning and on legislation and government policies relating to education.

Teacher candidates in the program take compulsory courses in Child and Adolescent Development and in Educational Professionalism, Ethics and the Law. Course outlines confirmed that these compulsory courses and other additional courses cover the required concepts.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 11 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 12

The faculty members teaching the program are an appropriate combination of,

  1. persons with appropriate academic qualifications,
  2. practitioners with appropriate experience in the field of education, and
  3. persons with appropriate expertise in the divisions and components of the program.


The evidence indicates that the faculty members teaching in the program, including the faculty for the proposed additional areas of concentration in the Intermediate/Senior divisions, are an appropriate combination of persons with appropriate academic qualifications, practitioners with appropriate experience in the field of education, and persons with appropriate expertise in the divisions and components of the program.

The faculty complement for the Intermediate/Senior division Master of Teaching program includes tenured and pre-tenured faculty, lecturers and sessional instructors. Courses will be taught by faculty with experience relevant to their courses and with extensive experience in the field as teachers.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 12 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 13

The permitted institution maintains adequate internal controls to preserve the integrity of student records relating to the program.


The evidence indicates that OISE/UT maintains adequate internal controls to preserve the integrity of student records relating to the program.

Evidence supplied indicated that student records are kept in accordance with the University of Toronto Governing Council’s policy on access to student records. All records are held secure at all times in an area of the registrar’s office that is physically separate from the public area. Evidence showed that electronic records are currently held in the Repository of Student Information (ROSI) system, which is administered and secured centrally at the University of Toronto. Staff in the Registrar’s office keep current with best practices in record keeping, record management, privacy issues and record security.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 13 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 14

The permitted institution is committed to continuous improvement and quality assurance of the program and, if the program is an existing program, has implemented measures demonstrating that commitment.


The evidence indicates that OISE/UT is committed to continuous improvement and quality assurance of the program and has implemented measures demonstrating that commitment in all its teacher education programs, including the proposed teacher education program.

Evidence indicated a range of ongoing monitoring activities that result in improvement to programs and practices. Students are offered an opportunity to reflect on their experiences in the program and their suggestions for improvement are valued by the program developers and by the faculty.

The Partnership Advisory Council (PAC) meets regularly with the administrators and faculty of the program and their input informs both the design and content of the program.

The Master of Teaching program is the subject of an ongoing research project that is gathering data on the effectiveness of the existing program in the education of teachers.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 14 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 15

The program has a Teacher Education Advisory Committee or similar body that functions in an advisory or liaison capacity in relation to the program.


The evidence indicates that the program has a body that functions in an advisory capacity in relation to the program.

Evidence from a variety of sources showed that the Master of Teaching (MT) program has established an advisory council, the Partnership Advisory Council (PAC), consisting of principals and liaison teachers from partner schools, MT faculty, first- and second-year student representatives and administrative staff. All indicators show that the PAC is an integral part of the program’s structure and its ongoing development. Representatives from future partner schools will be added to the advisory council.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 15 is fully satisfied.

Decision of the Accreditation Committee

For the reasons set out above, the Accreditation Committee finds that the proposed addition of areas of concentration in the Intermediate and Senior Divisions to the accredited Master of Teaching program fully satisfies the requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs.

The Accreditation Committee grants accreditation for a period of time specified in Regulation 347/02 for the addition of new areas of concentration to an accredited program. Thus, the accreditation period for the addition of the Intermediate/Senior concentration shall expire at the same time as the accredited Master of Teaching program offered by OISE/UT (October 6, 2010).

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
February 23, 2009

Amendments to Expiry Date

In accordance with the May 1, 2009 amendment to the accreditation period for programs of professional education in the Accreditation Regulation, the expiry date for this program is amended to Oct 6, 2012.

Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs
May 1, 2009

On June 23, 2009, the Accreditation Committee and the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto, (OISE/UT) agreed to extend the accreditation period for this program to October 6, 2013.The extension enables all accredited programs at the institution to have a harmonized expiry date and more evenly distributes the accreditation reviews conducted by the Ontario College of Teachers.  

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
June 23, 2009

Pursuant to Section 15.2(1) of the Accreditation Regulation, the Accreditation Committee granted an extension of accreditation until October 6, 2016 for this program to enable time to implement the new enhanced teacher education program required in September 2015.

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
November 19, 2013

Decision Regarding the Enhanced Teacher Education Program Verification Report

Read the Full Decision

Confirmation of Accreditation

The Accreditation Committee finds that the following programs of professional education offered by the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT) fully satisfy the accreditation requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs as they read on September 1, 2015:

  • Consecutive program of professional education with areas of study in the Primary/Junior, Junior/Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior divisions, leading to a Master of Teaching degree
  • Consecutive program of professional education with an area of study in the Primary/Junior divisions, leading to a Master of Arts in Child Study and Education degree

The Accreditation Committee confirms general accreditation of these programs to continue until October 6, 2016.

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
April 8, 2016

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