Minutes of Council Meetings
Council Meeting
Council Chambers, 15th Floor,
101 Bloor Street West, Toronto
November 5-6, 2015
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on November 5-6, 2015 in the Council Chambers, 15 th Floor, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto
1. Call to Order/Welcome.
2. Agenda.
3. Conflict of Interest
4. Public Presentations.
5. Minutes.
5.1 Meeting, June 4-5, 2015.
5.2 Inaugural Meeting, July 6, 2015.
5.3 Special Meeting, October 15, 2015.
6. Business Arising.
6.1 Recommendations from the June 2015 Report of the of the Public
Interest Committee.
6.2 Discipline Committee/Fitness to Practise Committee – Combined Committee Membership
6.3 Professional Development – Remote Travel Allowance.
7. Registrar’s Report
7.1 Report
7.2 Financial Report as September 30, 2015.
8. Chair’s Report
8.1 Report
9. Committee Reports.
9.1 Executive Committee.
9.2 Investigation Committee.
9.3 Discipline Committee.
9.4 Fitness to Practise Committee.
9.5 Registration Appeals Committee.
9.6 Finance Committee.
9.7 Standards of Practice and Education Committee.
9.8 Accreditation Committee.
9.9 Accreditation Appeal Committee.
9.10 Human Resources Committee.
9.11 Editorial Board.
9.12 Governance Committee
9.13 Quality Assurance Committee.
10. New Business.
10.1 Report of the Public Interest Committee (Timed Item: Friday,
November 6, 2015 at 9:05 a.m.)
11. Correspondence.
12. New Business (Continued)
12.1 Proposed Amendments to Regulation 176/10 Teachers’ Qualifications
– Special Education (Change in terminology for the TTR elective)
12.2 Proposed Amendments to Regulation 176/10
Teachers’ Qualifications
– Rescind Motion re AQ and PQP Providers for courses and programs
in the Schedules of Regulation 176/10.
12.3 Quality Assurance Committee Recommendations – Proposed Amendments to the College Bylaws: Section 6.07 Quality Assurance Committee
12.4 Proposed Amendments to Standard Procedures of Council and the Executive Committee
12.5 Proposed Amendments to Standard Procedures of Committees of
Council, Work Groups and Sub-Committees.
12.6 Conference Call Protocol for Council Member Participation at Council and Committee Meetings
13. Business Arising (Continued)
13.1 Professional Development – Remote Travel Allowance.
14. Notices of Motion.
14.1 College Bylaws – Proposed Amendment to Section 6.07 Quality Assurance Committe
15. Next Meeting(s) of Council
16. Adjournment
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on November 5-6, 2015 in the Council Chambers, 15th Floor, 101 Bloor
Street West, Toronto
Session 1: November 5, 2015
: Brian Beal, OCT, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand,
Irene Cheung, OCT, Ann Ciaschini, OCT, Angela De Palma, OCT, (Chair) Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT, (via teleconference),
Robert Gagné, Tim Gernstein, OCT, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem,
Godwin Ifedi, Jane Ishibashi, Matthew Kavanagh, OCT, Shanlee Linton, OCT, Myreille Loubert, OCT, (Vice-Chair), Shannon Marcus, OCT, Richard Michaud, OCT,
William Ngassam, OCT, Sara Nouini, OCT,
Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, OCT, Tom Potter, Terry Price, OCT, Robert Ryan, OCT, Anthony Samchek, OCT, Vicki Shannon, OCT, Jennifer Stewart, OCT,
Stéphane Vallée, OCT, Ravi Vethamany, OCT, Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT, Wes Vickers, OCT, Ronna Warsh, Marie-Claude Yaacov, Michael Salvatori, OCT,
Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, OCT,
Dobi-Dawn Frenette,
Peter Lipman, Lori Lukinuk
Kim Bauer, Chantal Bélisle, OCT, Tan Crombie, Roch Gallien, OCT, Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson, OCT, (Deputy Registrar),
Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Fred Towers, Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT
1. Call to Order/Welcome
The Presiding Officer, Lori Lukinuk, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and welcomed all present.
It was noted that Robert Gagné and Myreille Loubert comprised the Steering Committee.
The Chair thanked Dobi-Dawn Frenette for her contributions to Council and noted that her term of office would end on December 18, 2015.
The Chair thanked those elected members who had given up their positions on committees in order to give the newly elected members an opportunity to serve
on committees.
The Chair introduced and welcomed newly appointed Council members: Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Jane Ishibashi and Tom Potter. She noted that each of these
members had been appointed to Council for a three-year term. She also welcomed newly elected members Brigitte Bidal Piquette and Ravi Vethamany who would
be representing the Northeast Region full-time and Northeast Region part-time/full-time positions.
Ravi Vethamany addressed Council and thanked the members and staff for making him feel welcome.
It was noted that there was one appointed member vacancy on Council. Members were advised that the Ministry had informed the College that this position
would soon be filled.
Council members accessed their Council documentation via eScribe.
2. Agenda
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Agenda for the November 5-6, 2015 Council meeting be approved.
3. Conflict of Interest
No conflicts were declared.
4. Public Presentations
There were no public presentations.
5. Minutes
5.1 Meeting, June 4-5, 2015
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on June 4-5, 2015 be approved.
5.2 Inaugural Meeting, July 6, 2015
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting of Council held on July 6, 2015 be approved.
5.3 Special Meeting, October 15, 2015
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held via teleconference on October 15, 2015 be approved.
6. Business Arising
6.1 Recommendations from the June 2015 Report of the Public Interest Committee
The Registrar, Michael Salvatori, advised members that at the June 4-5, 2015 Council meeting it was determined to refer the recommendations contained in
the Public Interest Committee Report (GC20151105-81, Attachment 1) to the 7th Council.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council refer the following four motions contained in the Public Interest Committee Report to the Discipline and Investigation Committees for
study and review and report to the March 2016 Council meeting:
That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s legislation be amended to allow board complaints to be dealt with as regular
employer notifications, as Council had recommended to the Minister of Education and as was endorsed in the recent external review recommendation 47.
That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s legislation be amended to realign the definition of “incompetence” as it appears
in the College’s legislation, the Ontario College of Teachers Act, to correspond to the five domains and 16 competency statements delineated
under the Teacher Performance Appraisal process.
That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s legislation be amended to allow for the publication of summaries of Discipline
Committee decisions involving incompetence, as was recommended in the recent external review recommendation 33 and as outlined in former Bill 103.
That the College consider publishing full Discipline Committee decisions in CanLII, a legal database that is available to the public without charge.
Roll Call Vote:
Brian Beal, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Irene Cheung, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad,
Robert Gagné, Tim Gernstein, Godwin Ifedi, Jane Ishibashi,
Matthew Kavanagh, Shanlee Linton, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, William Ngassam, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie,
Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Tom Potter, Terry Price, Robert Ryan,
Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Jennifer Stewart, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Ronna Warsh, Marie-Claude Yaacov
: 32
: 0
6.2 Discipline Committee/Fitness to Practise Committee – Combined Committee Membership
The Briefing Note on the Merging of the Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees was received. The Registrar advised that the 6th
Council had referred this proposal to the 7th Council for consideration. He noted that the briefing note considered a proposal that the
memberships of the College’s Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees be amended so that the memberships are comprised of the same Council members.
Robert Gagné, Chair of the Discipline Committee, provided reasons for requesting that the membership of these two committees be merged.
A question and answer session ensued.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve that the following motion be referred to the Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees for review and report to the March 3-4,
2016 meeting of Council:
- That Council appoint the same fifteen (15) members of Council to the Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees.
- Eight (8) of the members of each committee shall be persons who were elected to Council under paragraph 4 (2)(a) of the Act.
- Seven (7) members of the committee shall be persons who were appointed to the Council under paragraph 4 (2)(b) of the Act.
- That Council appoint one of the members of each committee as the Chair.
Roll Call Vote:
Brian Beal, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Irene Cheung, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad,
Robert Gagné, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Godwin Ifedi, Jane Ishibashi, Matthew Kavanagh, Shanlee Linton, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus,
Richard Michaud, William Ngassam, Sara Nouini,
Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Tom Potter, Terry Price, Robert Ryan,
Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Jennifer Stewart, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Ronna Warsh, Marie-Claude Yaacov
: 33
: 0
6.3 Professional Development – Remote Travel Allowance
The Chair noted that on June 5, 2015, Council approved the following amendment to the Professional Development Policy for Council Members:
3.2 … Where additional travel costs are incurred by Council members who reside far from major transportation hubs, accommodation for added travel costs to
a maximum of $700 could be made subject to the approval of the Chair of Council.
She noted that the proposed policy looked at options for how the $700 allowance could be used.
It was moved by Robert Gagné and seconded by Myreille Loubert, “That Council refer the options outlined in document 20151105-
83, for the $700 additional travel allowance be referred to the Executive Committee for study and report to the March 3-4, 2016 meeting of Council.”
It was moved by Ann Ciaschini, seconded by Tim Gernstein, and
That the question be called on referral of the motion to the Executive Committee.
Roll Call Vote:
Brian Beal, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Irene Cheung, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad,
Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Jane Ishibashi,
Matthew Kavanagh, Shanlee Linton, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, William Ngassam, Sara Nouini, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Tom Potter,
Terry Price, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Jennifer Stewart, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg,
Wes Vickers, Ronna Warsh, Marie-Claude Yaacov
: 28
: 0
It was moved by Steering, but it was
That Council refer the options outlined in document
83, for the $700 additional travel allowance be referred to the Executive Committee for study and report to the March 3-4, 2016 meeting of Council.
Roll Call Vote:
Terry Price
Brian Beal, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Irene Cheung, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad,
Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Jane Ishibashi,
Matthew Kavanagh, Shanlee Linton, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, William Ngassam, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie,
Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Tom Potter, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek,
Jennifer Stewart, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg,
Wes Vickers, Ronna Warsh, Marie-Claude Yaacov
: 1
: 28
It was moved by Tim Gernstein, seconded by Ann Ciaschini, “
That Council approve that the $700 additional travel allowance would apply to all eligible costs covered under the Council Travel Policy as well as
release time for an additional day where reasonably required. Where such costs exceed the $700 maximum, they will come from the member’s $2,520 PD
It was moved by Marie-Claude Yaacov, seconded by Jane Ishibashi, and
That Council amend the above motion by deleting the sentence “Where such costs exceed the $700 maximum, they will come from the member’s $2,520 PD
allocation.” to read:
That Council approve that the $700 additional travel allowance would apply to all eligible costs covered under the Council Travel Policy as well as
release time for an additional day where reasonably required.
Roll Call Vote:
Brian Beal, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Irene Cheung, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad,
Robert Gagné, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Jane Ishibashi,
Matthew Kavanagh, Shanlee Linton, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Tom Potter,
Terry Price, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon,
Jennifer Stewart, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg,
Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Marie-Claude Yaacov
William Ngassam
: 29
: 1
A voted was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was
That Council approve that the $700 additional travel allowance would apply to all eligible costs covered under the Council Travel Policy as well as
release time for an additional day where reasonably required.
Roll Call Vote:
Brian Beal, Shabnum Budhwani, Irene Cheung, Ann Ciaschini,
Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Robert Gagné,
Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Jane Ishibashi,
Matthew Kavanagh, Shanlee Linton, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, William Ngassam, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette,
Tom Potter, Terry Price, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek,
Vicki Shannon, Jennifer Stewart, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Marie-Claude Yaacov
: 30
: 0
Peter Lipman assumed the role of Presiding Officer.
7. Registrar’s Report
7.1 Report
The Registrar’s Report was received. The Registrar spoke to his report and responded to questions.
The Registrar undertook to research if there was a mechanism to make eScribe available to members of the public prior to and during Council meetings.
The Registrar undertook to provide Council with an attestation report that would include information on what an attestation means, how it might be
perceived by the public and members and the general understanding and perceptions with respect to enforcement.
7.2 Financial Report as September 30, 2015
The Ontario College of Teachers Financial Report as at September 30, 2015 was received. The Deputy Registrar spoke to the report.
8. Chair’s Report
8.1 Report
The Chair’s Report was received. The Chair, Angela De Palma, spoke to her report and responded to questions.
9. Committee Reports
9.1 Executive Committee
The report of the Executive Committee was received. The Chair,
Angela De Palma, spoke to the report. She noted that staff had been requested to develop a paper that distinguished between a committee chair’s
responsibilities and those of staff.
9.2 Investigation Committee
The report of the Investigation Committee was received. The Chair, Terry Price, spoke to the report. He thanked the new members for attending training
sessions during the summer. This ensured that there were no delays in panel hearings.
9.3 Discipline Committee
The report of the Discipline Committee was received. The Chair, Robert Gagné, spoke to the report. He advised that independent legal counsel had been
requested to assist the committee in how to conduct pre-hearings.
9.4 Fitness to Practise Committee
The report of the Fitness to Practise Committee was received. The Chair,
Shanlee Linton, spoke to the report.
9.5 Registration Appeals Committee
The report of the Registration Appeals Committee was received. The Chair,
Brian Beal, spoke to the report.
9.6 Finance Committee
The report of the Finance Committee was received. The Chair, Marie-Louise Chartrand, spoke to the report.
9.7 Standards of Practice and Education Committee
The report of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee was received. The Chair, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad spoke to the report. She noted that
Richard Michaud had been elected as the vice-chair.
9.8 Accreditation Committee
The report of the Accreditation Committee was received. The Chair, Nicole van Woudenberg, spoke to the report.
It was moved by Nicole van Woudenberg, Chair of the Accreditation Committee, and
That Council approve the proposed amendments to the Accreditation Regulation outlined in the document titled “Accreditation Regulation Proposed
Amendments Establishing and Directing a Panel”
94, Attachment 1).
Roll Call Vote:
Brian Beal, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Irene Cheung, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad,
Robert Gagné, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Godwin Ifedi, Jane Ishibashi, Matthew Kavanagh, Shanlee Linton, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus,
Richard Michaud, William Ngassam, Sara Nouini,
Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Tom Potter, Terry Price, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Jennifer Stewart, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi
Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Ronna Warsh,
Marie-Claude Yaacov
: 32
: 0
9.9 Accreditation Appeal Committee
The report of the Accreditation Appeal Committee was received. The Chair, Robert Gagné, spoke to the report. He noted that Jennifer Stewart had been
elected as the vice-chair.
9.10 Human Resources Committee
The report of the Human Resources Committee was received. The Chair,
Wes Vickers, spoke to the report and responded to questions. He noted that Shabnum Budhwani had been elected as the vice-chair.
9.11 Editorial Board
The report of the Editorial Board was received. The Chair, Myreille Loubert, spoke to the report. She noted that Anthony Samchek had been elected as the
vice-chair. She welcomed Godwin Ifedi to the committee.
9.12 Governance Committee
The report of the Governance Committee was received. The Chair,
Matthew Kavanagh, spoke to the report and responded to questions. He noted that Sara Nouini had been elected as the vice-chair.
9.13 Quality Assurance Committee
The report of the Quality Assurance Committee was received. The Chair,
Robert Ryan, spoke to the report and responded to questions. He noted that
Bill Petrie had been elected as the vice-chair.
The Chair of Council thanked Information Technology (IT) staff for their assistance in supporting Council members as they transitioned to the new eScribe
meeting management system.
The meeting recessed at 4:55 p.m.
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on November 5-6, 2015 in the Council Chambers, 15th Floor, 101 Bloor
Street West, Toronto
Session 2: November 6, 2015
: Brian Beal, OCT, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand,
Irene Cheung, OCT, Ann Ciaschini, OCT, Angela De Palma, OCT,
Robert Gagné, Tim Gernstein, OCT, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem,
Godwin Ifedi, Jane Ishibashi, Matthew Kavanagh, OCT, Shanlee Linton, OCT, Myreille Loubert, OCT, Shannon Marcus, OCT, Richard Michaud, OCT, William
Ngassam, OCT, Sara Nouini, OCT, Bill Petrie,
Brigitte Bidal Piquette, OCT, Terry Price, OCT, Robert Ryan, OCT,
Anthony Samchek, OCT, Vicki Shannon, OCT, Jennifer Stewart, OCT, Stéphane Vallée, OCT, Ravi Vethamany, OCT, Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT, Wes Vickers, OCT,
Ronna Warsh, Marie-Claude Yaacov,
Michael Salvatori, OCT, (Registrar)
Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT,
Susan E. Elliott-Johns, OCT, Dobi-Dawn Frenette, Tom Potter
Peter Lipman, Lori Lukinuk
Bill Kirkwood, Chair of the Public Interest Committee
Kim Bauer, Chantal Bélisle, OCT, Tan Crombie, Roch Gallien, OCT, Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson, OCT, (Deputy Registrar),
Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT
The meeting resumed at 9:00 a.m.
Lori Lukinuk assumed the role of Presiding Officer at this time.
10. New Business
10.1 Report of the Public Interest Committee
(Timed Item: Friday, November 6, 2015 at 9:05 a.m.)
The Chair introduced and welcomed Bill Kirkwood, Chair of the Public Interest Committee, to Council.
The Report of the Public Interest Committee was received. Bill Kirkwood spoke to the report and responded to questions.
The Chair of Council thanked Bill Kirkwood for his report.
11. Correspondence
(GC20151105-100 to 103)
The following items of correspondence were received for information:
· Letter to Minister of Education re Amendments to the Ontario College of Teachers Act following Independent Review and Response (GC20151105- 100)
· Letter to Minister of Education re Increase in Per Diem Rates for Appointed Members of Council and Minister’s Response (GC20151105-101)
· Letter to Minister of Education re Proposed Supplementary Council Member Compensation Schedule and Acknowledgement (GC20151105-102)
· Letter from the Ontario Principals’ Council re Duty to Report Advisory and Response (GC20151105-103)
12. New Business
12.1 Proposed Amendments to Regulation 176/10 Teachers’ Qualifications – Special Education (Change in terminology for the TTR elective)
The Registrar informed members of the proposed amendment to Regulation 176/10, Teachers’ Qualifications to rename the qualification Teaching the Trainable Retarded. He noted that College staff will work with the Ministry of Education to draft the proposed regulatory amendment
for Council’s approval and then for filing. The Director of Standards of Practice and Accreditation,
Roch Gallien, advised that changing the wording “trainable retarded” to “intellectual disabilities” aligns with other regulations.
A question and answer session ensued.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council request that the Minister of Education amend Regulation 176/10. Teachers’ Qualifications, by adding a new section 40.2, as
40.2 The Registrar shall change the entry Teaching the Trainable Retarded to read Teaching Students with Intellectual Disabilities on a current or
former member’s record.
12.2 Proposed Amendments to Regulation 176/10 Teachers’ Qualifications – Rescind Motion re AQ and PQP Providers for courses and programs in
the Schedules of Regulation 176/10
The Registrar advised that at its June 2 - 3, 2011 meeting, Council approved a regulatory amendment to identify the types of providers that could offer
Additional Qualifications (AQs) listed in the Schedules. The College is recommending that Council rescind this proposed amendment and maintain its current
practice of identifying the types of Additional Qualifications providers at a procedural and non-regulatory level. The Registrar noted the reasons for
rescinding the motion.
A question and answer session ensued.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council rescind the following motion approved by Council at its June 2-3, 2011 meeting:
That Council approve regulatory amendments to identify the types of organizations that can be providers of additional qualifications courses and
programs described in Schedules A, B, C and D, one-session Honours Courses, Principal’s Qualifications, and the Principal’s Development Course as the
same types of organizations previously specified in Regulation 184/97.
12.3 Quality Assurance Committee Recommendations – Proposed Amendments to the College Bylaws: Section 6.07 Quality Assurance Committee
The Registrar advised that at the June 4-5, 2015 meeting, the 6th Council Quality Assurance Committee had recommended that the following Notice
of Motion be read into the June 2015 Council Minutes for review at the November 2015 Council meeting:
That Council amend section 6.07 of the College bylaws by addition to include the Chair of Council as a member of the Quality Assurance Committee, to
read as follows:
6.07 Quality Assurance Committee:
) The Council shall appoint five (5) members of Council to the Quality Assurance Committee, one of whom shall be the Chair of Council.
The Chair of the Quality Assurance Committee, Robert Ryan, noted that the present committee had proposed the following amendment to the above motion:
That Council approve an amendment to the proposed amendment to section 6.07 (a) of the College bylaws, by the addition of the following words:
“effective July 1, 2018 unless an elected member vacancy of the committee occurs prior to June 30, 2018”, to read as follows:
.07 Quality Assurance Committee:
(a) One member of the committee shall be the Chair of Council, effective July 1, 2018, unless an elected member vacancy of the committee occurs prior
to June 30, 2018, and there shall be an additional four members of Council.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve an amendment to the College bylaws by the addition of a new section 6.07 (b) to read:
(b) One member of the committee shall be the Chair of Council, effective July 1, 2018, unless an elected member vacancy of the committee occurs prior
to June 30, 2018, and there shall be an additional four members of Council.
and renumber the section of the bylaws according.
A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was
That Council approve an amendment to the College bylaws by the addition of a new section 6.07 (b) to read:
(b) One member of the committee shall be the Chair of Council, effective July 1, 2018, unless an elected member vacancy of the committee occurs prior
to June 30, 2018, and there shall be an additional four members of Council.
and renumber the section of the bylaws according.
12.4 Proposed Amendments to Standard Procedures of Council and the Executive Committee
The proposed amendments to The Standard Procedures of Council and the Executive Committee were received. The Registrar noted the three reasons for
amending the procedures which were to align the standard procedures with the current bylaws and current practice.
It was noted that eScribe would have a component to allow for confidential voting in appropriate circumstances such as elections.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve the Standard Procedures of Council and the Executive Committee as outlined in document
GC20151105-108, Attachment 1.
12.5 Proposed Amendments to Standard Procedures of Committees of Council, Work Groups and Sub-Committees
The proposed amendments to The Standard Procedures of Committees of Council, Work Groups and Sub-Committees were received. The Registrar noted the
reasons for amending the procedures which were to align the standard procedures with the current bylaws and current practice.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve the Standard Procedures
Committees of Council, Work Groups and Sub-Committees as outlined in document
GC20151105-109, Attachment 1.
12.6 Conference Call Protocol for Council Member Participation at Council and Committee Meetings
The Conference Call Protocol for Council Member Participation at Council and Committee Meetings was received. The Chair of Council spoke to the
It was moved by Steering, “
That Council approve the Conference Call Protocol for Council Member Participation at Council and Committee Meetings as outlined in document
GC20151105-110, Attachment 1.”
It was moved by Terry Price, seconded by Jane Ishibashi, and
That Council refer the Conference Call Protocol for Council Member Participation at Council and Committee Meetings to the Executive Committee
for study and report to the
March 3-4, 2016 Council meeting.
13. Business Arising
13.1 Professional Development – Remote Travel Allowance
(GC20151105-83) (Continued)
Members were advised that according to the June 4-5, 2015 Council Minutes, the motion relating to the remote travel allowance had been incorrectly
presented. This was not the motion Council had passed. The Presiding Officer noted that Council was being asked to reconsider the motion they had passed
yesterday (option 4).
It was moved by Angela De Palma, seconded by Myreille Loubert, and
That Council reconsider the following motion:
That Council approve that the $700 additional travel allowance would apply to all eligible costs covered under the Council Travel Policy as well as
release time for an additional day where reasonably required.
It was moved by Ravi Vethamany, seconded by Vicki Shannon, but it was
That Council approve that the above motion be amended by deleting the words, “the $700”, to read as follows:
That Council approve that the additional travel allowance would apply to all eligible costs covered under the Council Travel Policy as well as release
time for an additional day where reasonably required.
A vote was taken on the main motion, but it was
That Council approve that the $700 additional travel allowance would apply to all eligible costs covered under the Council Travel Policy as well as
release time for an additional day where reasonably required.
It was noted that the Professional Development Policy would revert back to the motion passed at the June 4-5, 2015 Council meeting:
Where additional travel costs are incurred by Council members who reside far from major transportation hubs, accommodation for added travel costs could
be made subject to the approval of the Chair of Council.
14. Notices of Motion
The following Notice of Motion was read into the Minutes for consideration at the
March 3-4, 2016 Council Meeting:
14.1 College Bylaws – Proposed Amendment to Section 6.07 Quality Assurance Committee
The following Notice of Motion was read into the Minutes for consideration at the
March 3-4, 2016 Council Meeting:
Moved by Robert Ryan, Chair of the Quality Assurance Committee:
That Council amend section 6.07 (e) of the College bylaws by addition to include the following words “ and its Strategic Priorities as defined by Council; after the words “as defined in the Act”; and “and Strategic Priorities”; following the
words “College objectives”, to read as follows:
6.07 (e) The Quality Assurance Committee shall assess the performance of the College relative to its objectives as defined in the Actand its Strategic Priorities as defined by Council; identify opportunities to further support the achievement of these College objectives and Strategic Priorities; and report annually to Council.
15. Next Meeting(s) of Council
· December 3, 2015 Special Meeting of Council
16. Adjournment
The Chair of Council advised members that the comparative chart outlining the Membership Fees for the College and other Regulatory Bodies could be found on
She advised that the College of Early Childhood Educators had merged their Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees.
The Chair reminded Council members to bring their copies of Robert’s Rules of Order to the December 2015 Council meeting.
Council members agreed to claim up to one full day for meeting preparation.
Marie-Louise Chartrand requested members to send their comments about the 2016 budget to her. These comments would be considered at the next Finance
Committee meeting prior to the December 2015 Council meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
Chair, Angela De Palma, OCT
Registrar, Michael Salvatori, OCT