Minutes of Council Meetings
Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting of theGoverning Council of the Ontario College of Teachers, May 1-2, 1997 and June 20, 1997 in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto
Thursday, May 1, 1997
Council Members: Liz Barkley, Sandi Bell, Larry Capstick, Doug Carter, Paul Charron, Wayne Cornack, John Cruickshank, Lynn Daigneault,
Margaret Dempsey, Solette Gelberg, Michel Gravelle, Frances Hill,
Nancy Hutcheson, Donna Marie Kennedy, Marilyn Laframboise,
Diane Leblovic, Alfred Lorenzi, Kathleen McFadyen, George Merrett, Karen Mitchell, Harry Mulvale, Nicholas Myrhorod, Cecilia Reynolds, William Rogers, Anthony Saldanha, John Slade, David Somer, Frances Thorne, Clarice West-Hobbs, Margaret Wilson, Registrar
Guests: Gordon Baird (Legal Counsel, McCarthy Tétrault), Dave Cooke (former Minister of Education), Bryan Graham (Auditor, Coppers and Lybrand), Marie Kerchum (Deputy Registrar of the British Columbia College of Teachers), Veronica Lacey(Deputy Minister of Education and Training) Rod Sherrell (Vice-Chair of the British Columbia College of Teachers), Bette Stephenson (former Minister of Education), Ivor Sutherland (Registrar, General Teaching Council for Scotland), Carolyn Zayid (Legal Counsel, McCarthy Tétrault) and members of other self-regulatory bodies and teacher organizations and members of the public
Staff: Margaret Aubé, Peter Brown, James Carey, Noel Clark, Elizabeth Clark, Sheila Green, Myrtle Herzenberg, Genny Humby, Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Lyn Voorhees
Regrets: Jackie Breithaupt, Pierre Calvé
1. Call to Order and Welcome
The Registrar, Margaret Wilson, called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. and welcomed all those present, including special guests: Veronica Lacey, Deputy Minister of Education and Training; Marie Kerchum, Deputy Registrar of the British Columbia College of Teachers; Rod Sherrell, Vice-Chair of the British Columbia College of Teachers; Dave Cooke and Bette Stephenson, former Ministers of Education.
Each guest briefly addressed the meeting. Marie Kerchum and Rod Sherrell presented the Ontario College of Teachers with a native talking stick. The Registrar thanked the British Columbia College of Teachers’ representatives for their presentation to the College.
The Registrar then read those greetings and messages of goodwill that had been received from: The Honorable Monique Bégin, Dean of the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Health Sciences; William B.P. Robson, Chair, Ontario Parent Council;
Marie Jansen, Director and John Dwyer, Chair of the Board of Teacher Registration, Queensland, Australia; Ivor Sutherland, Registrar, General Teaching Council for Scotland; Anthea Millett, Chief Executive Officer, Teacher Training Agency, London, England; Henry Ngapo and Peter Allen, Co-chairs, Teaching Council of Aotearoa, New Zealand; Michael Dixon, Registrar, The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
2. Approval of Agenda (GC19970501-1)
It was moved by Sandi Bell and seconded by David Somer, “that Council approve the Agenda for the 1997 Inaugural Meeting of the Governing Council of the Ontario College of Teachers.”
It was moved by George Merrett and seconded by Clarice West-Hobbs, “that Council amend the Agenda for the 1997 Inaugural Meeting of the Governing Council, by moving Items 7 and 8, 1996 Financial Statements and 1997 Budget, scheduled for
11:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on Friday, May 2, 1997.”
A vote was taken on the amendment to the motion, and it was
That Council amend the Agenda of the 1997 Inaugural Meeting of the Governing Council, by moving Items 7 and 8, 1996 Financial Statements and 1997 Budget, scheduled for 11:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on Friday, May 2, 1997.
A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was
That Council approve the Agenda for the 1997 Inaugural Meeting of the Governing Council of the Ontario College of Teachers, as amended.
3. Registrar’s Report — Margaret Wilson
The Registrar gave a brief overview of the history of the establishment of the Ontario College of Teachers. She thanked those members who had worked on the Implementation Committee to establish the College.
A question and answer period followed the Registrar’s report.
4. Committee Reports
4.1 Nomination Committee (Ad Hoc) (GC19970501-2) - Noel Clark, James Carey
4.1.1 Nominations for Chair of Council - Noel Clark, James Carey James Carey reported that two nominations had been received for position of Chair of the Governing Council: Donna Marie Kennedy and Anthony Saldanha.
After addressing the Council, Anthony Saldanha withdrew his nomination for the position of Chair of the Governing Council.
It was moved by Doug Carter, seconded by Larry Capstick, and
That Council approve the nomination of Donna Marie Kennedy as Chair of the Governing Council of the Ontario College of Teachers.
Donna Marie Kennedy was acclaimed to the position of Chair of the Governing Council.
Donna Marie Kennedy assumed the Chair for the remainder of the meeting. She briefly addressed Council and thanked the members for their support in electing her to the position of Chair.
1. Official Greetings (Continued)
The Registrar read further greetings and messages of goodwill received from:
A. James Dunsdon, Registrar, Ontario College of Pharmacists; George Fierheller, President and Elyse Allan, Chief Executive Officer, The Board of Trade of Metropolitan Toronto; Margaret Risk, Registrar, College of Nurses of Ontario; David Rivard, Chairperson of Council, Ontario College of Certified Social Workers; and Dave Wilson, Chief Executive Officer, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario.
The meeting recessed at 11:45 a.m.
The meeting reconvened at 1:00 p.m.
4. Committee Reports (Continued)
4.1 Nominations Committee (Ad Hoc) (GC19970501-2)(Continued)
4.1.2 Nominations for Vice-Chair of Council - Noel Clark, James Carey
James Carey announced that the Committee had received four names for nomination as Vice-Chair of the Governing Council: Sandi Bell, John Cruickshank, Frances Hill and John Slade.
Frances Hill and John Slade withdrew their nominations.
Sandi Bell and John Cruickshank were given the opportunity to address the Council.
Ballots were distributed.
1. Official Greetings (Continued)
The Registrar read further greetings and messages of goodwill that had been received from: Wendy Hastings, Registrar, Teachers Registration Board of South Australia;
Don Laird, Chairperson, Standards Council of the Teaching Profession, Melbourne, Australia; Minna Stein, Registrar, Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario;
Emily Cheung, Registrar, College of Dental Technologists of Ontario; Sharon Saberton, Registrar, College of Medical Radiation Technologists of Ontario; Catherine Yarrow, Registrar, The College of Psychologists of Ontario; Stanislaw Stolarski, Registrar, College of Chiropractors of Ontario; Dianne Millette, Registrar, College of Physiotherapists of Ontario.
4. Committee Reports (Continued)
4.1 Nominations Committee (Ad Hoc) (GC19970501-2) (Continued)
4.1.2 Nominations for Vice-Chair of Council(Continued) - Noel Clark, James Carey
James Carey announced that 29 ballots had been received: Sandi Bell 9, John Cruickshank 20.
It was moved by Lynn Daigneault, seconded by Marilyn Laframboise, and
That Council approve the nomination of John Cruickshank as Vice-Chair of the Governing Council of the Ontario College of Teachers.
It was moved by Michel Gravelle, seconded by Solette Gelberg, and
That Council destroy the ballots used for the election of Vice-Chair.
John Cruickshank thanked Council for their support in electing him the inaugural Vice-Chair.
4.2 By-laws Advisory Group Report — By-laws 2 & 3 (GC19970501-3) - Margaret Wilson
Margaret Wilson presented a copy of the April 21, 1997 Report of the By-laws Advisory Group to Council for their consideration. She advised that the Report contained changes recommended by the Advisory Group for consideration at the first Council Meeting.
It was explained that, according to Regulation, a two-thirds majority was needed to consider changes to the By-laws.
It was moved by Harry Mulvale, seconded by Paul Charron, and
That Council consider the recommendations contained in the April 21, 1997 Report of the By-laws Advisory Group.
It was moved by Wayne Cornack, seconded by Cecilia Reynolds, and
That Council consider the recommendations contained in the April 21, 1997 Report of the By-laws Advisory Group en bloc, setting aside recommendations XXIV, XXV, XXVI, VI, X and XI.
It was moved by George Merrett, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and
That Council amend By-law 2 in accordance with the recommendations contained in the April 21, 1997 Report of the By-laws Advisory Group, which were to be considered en bloc.
By-Law 3
It was moved by Harry Mulvale, seconded by Nicholas Myrhorod, and
That Council postpone consideration of recommendations XXIV, XXV and XXVI, contained in the April 21, 1997 Report of the By-laws Advisory Group, to the Budget item on the Agenda at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, May 2, 1997.
By-Law 2
It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, seconded by Solette Gelberg, and
That Council amend clause 4:01 of By-law 2 of the Ontario College of Teachers by deletion of the words “Deputy Registrar” to read:
4.01 The officers of the College shall be the Chair, Vice-Chair, Registrar and such other officers as the Council shall determine from time to time.
It was moved by John Slade, seconded by Sandi Bell, and
That Council delete clause 4.10 of By-law 2 of the Ontario College of Teachers.
It was moved by Cecilia Reynolds, seconded by Harry Mulvale, and
That Council amend clause 5.16 of By-law 2 of the Ontario College of Teachers by deletion of the words “continue to” and “until the first meeting of the next Council” and by the addition of the words “for a term of one year renewable”, to read:
5.16 A person appointed to a standing committee shall be a member of the committee for a term of one year, renewable.
It was moved by Harry Mulvale, seconded by Sandi Bell, and
That Council approve that a Code of Ethics for members of Council be developed re By-law 2, Section 19.02, and that this Code be referred to the Executive Committee for study and report to the 1997 September Governing Council Meeting.
5. By-laws 4 and 5 (GC19970501-3 & 4) - Margaret Wilson
Margaret Wilson explained that By-law 4 set out the information that would appear on the College Register and that By-law 5 described the forms and/or formats to be used by the College.
By-law 4 (GC19970501-3)
It was moved by John Slade, seconded by Liz Barkley, and
That Council consider the proposed By-law 4 of the Ontario College of Teachers.
It was moved by John Slade and seconded by David Somer, “that Council approve the proposed By-law 4 of the Ontario College of Teachers.”
It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and
That Council amend By-law 4 by the deletion of section 2.01(b) from By-law 4.
It was moved by Liz Barkley, seconded by Larry Capstick, and
That Council refer the following amendment motion, which had been moved by Lynn Daigneault and seconded by David Somer, to the Executive Committee for referral to the appropriate committee(s) for study and report to the 1997 September Governing Council Meeting:
That Council amend By-law 4 by the addition of a new section
(c) to 3.01 as follows:
c) Pursuant to sections 23 and 43 of the Act, where a finding of professional misconduct is made against a member and that misconduct comprises inappropriate behaviour of a sexual nature towards a student or an employee in any jurisdiction within which the member teaches or has taught, that the finding of professional misconduct remain in the Register for a minimum of 10 years and that prior to the removal from the Register, a review be conducted by whichever of the Discipline Committee or Fitness to Practise Committee had originally made such a finding to determine the appropriateness of such removal, and further that the words “of a sexual nature” be defined as sexual harassment, sexual assault or sexual abuse.
It was moved by Margaret Dempsey, seconded by Nancy Hutcheson, and
That Council postpone consideration of the following amendment motion, which had been moved by Lynn Daigneault and seconded by David Somer, to the 1997 September Governing Council Meeting:
That Council amend By-law 4, Section 3.01(a)(iii), by substituting the words “at least 5 years” for the words “at least 3 years”.
It was moved by Marilyn Laframboise, seconded by Margaret Dempsey, and
That Council amend Section 1.03 of By-law 4, by the deletion of the words, “by filing with the College proof of the change of name and paying the prescribed fee” and by the addition of the words “in writing” after the words “may request”, to read:
1.03 A member may request in writing a change of the name that appears on the register and the registration documents issued by the College.
It was moved by Harry Mulvale, seconded by John Cruickshank, and
That Council set aside Section 4 of By-law 4 and that it subsequently be considered as Section 1 of By-law 6.
It was moved by John Cruickshank, seconded by Sandi Bell, and
That Council amend By-law 4 by the addition of a new Section 4.01 to read:
4.01 A member shall notify the Registrar in writing of any change in the information to be maintained in the Register.
A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was
That Council approve the proposed By-law 4 of the Ontario College of Teachers, as amended.
By-law 5 (GC19970501-4)
It was moved by Paul Charron, seconded by Anthony Saldanha, and
That Council consider the proposed By-law 5 of the Ontario College of Teachers.
It was moved by Paul Charron, seconded by Anthony Saldanha, and
That Council approve the proposed By-law 5 of the Ontario College of Teachers.
By-law 6
It was moved by Anthony Saldanha, seconded by Paul Charron, and
That Council consider the proposed By-law 6 of the Ontario College of Teachers.
It was moved by Anthony Saldanha, seconded by Paul Charron, and
That Council approve the proposed By-law 6 of the Ontario College of Teachers.
It was moved by Frances Hill, seconded by Nancy Hutcheson, and
That Council approve the extension of the Inaugural Council Meeting to 5:30 p.m.
6. Concordance Regulation(GC19970501-6) - Margaret Wilson
It was moved by Wayne Cornack, seconded by Larry Capstick, and
That Council move into an “in camera” session with Council members, legal counsel and staff present.
Council moved into an “in camera” session at 5:10 p.m.
It was moved by Frances Hill, seconded by Diane Leblovic, and
That Council move out of the “in camera” session.
Council rose from the “in camera” session at 5:30 p.m.
The meeting recessed at 5:30 p.m.
Friday, May 2, 1997
Present: Liz Barkley, Sandi Bell, Larry Capstick, Doug Carter, Paul Charron, Wayne Cornack, John Cruickshank, Lynn Daigneault, Solette Gelberg, Michel Gravelle, Frances Hill, Nancy Hutcheson, Donna Marie Kennedy, Marilyn Laframboise, Diane Leblovic, Alfred Lorenzi, Kathleen McFadyen, George Merrett, Karen Mitchell, Harry Mulvale, Nicholas Myrhorod, Cecilia Reynolds, William Rogers, Anthony Saldanha, John Slade, David Somer, Frances Thorne, Clarice West-Hobbs, Margaret Wilson, Registrar
Regrets: Jackie Breithaupt, Pierre Calvé, Margaret Dempsey
The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.
7. 1996 Financial Statements (GC19970501-7) - Margaret Wilson
Margaret Wilson introduced the Ontario College of Teachers Unaudited Financial Statements as at December 31, 1996. Peter Brown, Finance Controller of the Ontario College of Teachers, reviewed the Financial Statements with the Council members.
It was moved by Paul Charron, seconded by Liz Barkley, and
That Council extend the time for discussion on sections 7 and 8, 1996 Financial Statements and 1997 Budget, on the Agenda to 11 a.m., with the option to further extend.
The question was asked whether the membership fee of $90.00 could be changed. In response, the Registrar read two letters into the record: Letter dated September 24, 1996 from Ernie Eves, Minister of Finance, to John Snobelen, Minister of Education and Training; and letter dated October 8, 1996 to Ernie Eves and John Snobelen from Margaret Wilson, Registrar, Ontario College of Teachers. Ernie Eves’ letter to John Snobelen approved the provincial guarantee of the loan to the College on condition that the College maintained its annual membership fee at a minimum of $90.00 during the term of the guarantee.
Legal Counsel advised that any change to the fee would breach the conditions of the bank loan and the provincial guarantee.
It was agreed that members of Council would be provided with copies of the letters. (Copies of these letters are attached as Appendix I and Appendix II.)
8. 1997 Budget (GC19970501-8) - Margaret Wilson
It was moved by John Slade, seconded by Anthony Saldanha, and
That Council postpone consideration of item 8, 1997 Budget, of the Friday, May 2, 1997 Council Agenda until such time as the Finance Committee has reviewed the issues and prepared a report for Council’s consideration, all to be completed by May 30, 1997.
(Closure was used.)
7. 1996 Financial Statements (GC19970501-7) (Continued)
It was moved by Harry Mulvale, seconded by Frances Hill, and
That Council approve that all members of the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers be provided with accommodation by the College for the evening prior to any meeting of the Council, a committee of the Council, a sub-committee, or a panel where such meeting is scheduled to begin prior to 12:00 p.m. on the following day.
It was moved by Nicholas Myrhorod, seconded by Doug Carter, but
That Council extend the time for discussion on section 7, 1996 Financial Statements, on the Agenda to 12 noon.
4. Committee Reports(Continued)
4.1 Nomination Committee (Ad Hoc) (GC19970501-3)(Continued) - Noel Clark, James Carey
4.1.3 Presentation of the Slate of Candidates for Committees - Noel Clark, James Carey
Investigations Committee
Noel Clark reported that the following names had been received for nomination to serve on the Investigations Committee: Jackie Breithaupt, Doug Carter, John Cruickshank, Lynn Daigneault, Michel Gravelle and Alfred Lorenzi. Noel Clark advised that as a result of a change in the by-laws, that the position that was previously held by the Vice-Chair was now vacant. The Nomination Committee recommended that the position be filled before voting for the slate. Sandi Bell and Harry Mulvale indicated that they wished to serve on this Committee.
It was moved by Wayne Cornack, seconded by Sandi Bell, and
That Council, in accordance with clause 3.06(d) of
By-law 2 of the Ontario College of Teachers, which states that a Council Meeting may only consider or transact “Motions which the member of the Council agree to consider by a two-thirds vote of those in attendance,” consider enlarging statutory committees beyond that stipulated in the By-law.
It was moved by Frances Hill, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, but
That Council reconsider the resolution that the number of members to statutory committees be “at least” the number as indicated in the Act, respecting that a committee shall have a majority of elected members.
Ballots were distributed to the members.
11. Next Meeting
It was moved by Harry Mulvale, seconded by John Slade, and
That Council agree, that when this meeting recesses, it be reconvened on May 30, 1997 at 9:00 a.m. at 121 Bloor St. E.
4. Committee Reports(Continued)
4.1 Nomination Committee (Ad Hoc) (GC19970501—2) (Continued) - Noel Clark, James Carey
4.1.3 Presentation of the Slate of Candidates for Committees (GC19970501-2) - Noel Clark, James Carey
Investigations Committee (Continued)
Noel Clark reported that 28 votes had been cast: Sandi Bell 11, Harry Mulvale 17.
It was moved by Kathleen McFadyen, seconded by Clarice West-Hobbs, and
That Council destroy the ballots cast for the vacant position on the Investigations Committee of the Ontario College of Teachers.
It was moved by Anthony Saldanha, seconded by Wayne Cornack, and
That Council approve the appointment of the following members to serve on the Investigations Committee:
Jackie Breithaupt
Doug Carter
John Cruickshank
Lynn Daigneault
Michel Gravelle
Alfred Lorenzi
Harry Mulvale
Discipline Committee
Noel Clark reported that the following names had been received for nomination to serve on the Discipline Committee: Pierre Calvé, Paul Charron, Wayne Cornack, Solette Gelberg, Nancy Hutcheson, Marilyn Laframboise, Kathleen McFadyen, George Merrett, Karen Mitchell, Clarice West-Hobbs.
Noel Clark advised that as a result of a change in the by-laws, that the position that was previously held by the Chair was now vacant. The Nomination Committee recommended that the position be filled before voting for the slate. The following names were received for nomination to this position: Nicholas Myrhorod, Larry Capstick, Diane Leblovic, William Rogers and Sandi Bell.
Marilyn Laframboise requested that Council cast two votes for this position, if one of the members intended withdrawing. The Chair ruled the member out of order.
Marilyn Laframboise challenged the decision of the Chair. A vote was taken on the decision of the Chair and the Chair was defeated.
The Chair ruled that the vacant position would be dealt with first before dealing with the position that would be vacated by an elected member.
Ballots were distributed.
Noel Clark reported that 28 votes had been cast: Sandi Bell 8, Nicholas Myrhorod 2, William Rogers 1, Larry Capstick 14, Diane Leblovic 3.
There was no clear majority and thus ballots were redistributed, with the omission of William Rogers on the list.
Noel Clark reported that 28 votes had been cast: Sandi Bell 9, Larry Capstick 15, Diane Leblovic 4 and Nicholas Myrhorod 0.
It was moved by Diane Leblovic, seconded by Michel Gravelle, and
That Council destroy the ballots cast for the vacant position on the Discipline Committee of the Ontario College of Teachers.
It was moved by John Slade and seconded by Diane Leblovic, “that Council approve the appointment of the following members to serve on the Discipline Committee: Pierre Calvé, Larry Capstick, Paul Charron, Wayne Cornack, Solette Gelberg, Nancy Hutcheson, Marilyn Laframboise, Kathleen McFadyen, George Merrett, Karen Mitchell, Clarice West-Hobbs.”
Clarice West-Hobbs declined the nomination.
It was moved by Clarice West-Hobbs, seconded by Doug Carter, and
That Council amend the Slade/Leblovic motion by the deletion of the name Clarice West-Hobbs from the list of nominees.
It was moved by Harry Mulvale, seconded by Solette Gelberg, and
That Council proceed with the appointment of members to Committees as per the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Nominations Committee.
It was moved by Liz Barkley, seconded by John Cruickshank, and
That Council approve the nomination of Donna Marie Kennedy to serve on the Discipline Committee.
A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was
That Council approve the appointments of the following members to serve on the Discipline Committee:
Pierre Calvé
Larry Capstick
Paul Charron
Wayne Cornack
Solette Gelberg
Nancy Hutcheson
Donna Marie Kennedy
Marilyn Laframboise
Kathleen McFadyen
George Merrett
Karen Mitchell
The meeting recessed at 12:45 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 1:25 p.m.
Registration Appeals Committee
It was moved by Kathleen McFadyen, seconded by Larry Capstick, and
That Council approve the appointments of the following members to serve on the Registration Appeals Committee:
Jackie Breithaupt
Doug Carter
Michel Gravelle
George Merrett
Nicholas Myrhorod
Fitness to Practise Committee
It was moved by Kathleen McFadyen, seconded by Michel Gravelle, and
That Council approve the appointments of the following members to serve on the Fitness to Practise Committee:
Marilyn Laframboise
Nicholas Myrhorod
Cecilia Reynolds
Frances Thorne
Clarice West-Hobbs
Finance Committee
Liz Barkley withdrew her name from the list of nominees to this committee and nominated Frances Hill in her place.
It was moved by Diane Leblovic, seconded by Harry Mulvale, and
That Council approve the appointments of the following members to serve on the Finance Committee:
Paul Charron
John Cruickshank
Solette Gelberg
Frances Hill
Anthony Saldanha
Accreditation Committee
It was moved by Larry Capstick, seconded by Cecilia Reynolds, and
That Council approve the appointments of the following members to serve on the Accreditation Committee:
Pierre Calvé
Larry Capstick
Wayne Cornack
Lynn Daigneault
Donna Marie Kennedy
Cecilia Reynolds
John Slade
David Somer
Frances Thorne
Standards of Practice and Education Committee
It was moved by Larry Capstick, seconded by Cecilia Reynolds, and
That Council approve the appointments of the following members to serve on the Standards of Practice and Education Committee:
Liz Barkley
Sandi Bell
Margaret Dempsey
Frances Hill
Diane Leblovic
Harry Mulvale
William Rogers
Anthony Saldanha
Clarice West-Hobbs
4.1.4 Appointment of Statutory Committee Chairs by Council (GC19970501-2) - Noel Clark, James Carey
It was moved by Paul Charron, seconded by Doug Carter, and
That Council approve the nomination of Harry Mulvale as Chair of the Investigation Committee.
It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, seconded by Diane Leblovic, and
That Council approve the nomination of George Merrett as Chair of the Discipline Committee.
It was moved by Harry Mulvale, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and
That Council approve the nomination of Michel Gravelle as Chair of the Registration Appeals Committee.
It was moved by Kathleen McFadyen, seconded by Cecilia Reynolds, and
That Council approve the nomination of Marilyn Laframboise as Chair of the Fitness to Practise Committee.
4.1.5 Appointment of Standing Committee Chairs by Council - Noel Clark, James Carey
It was moved by Liz Barkley, seconded by Clarice West-Hobbs, and
That Council approve the nomination of Paul Charron as Chair of the Finance Committee.
It was moved by Nicholas Myrhorod, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and
That Council approve the nomination of Cecilia Reynolds as Chair of the Accreditation Committee.
It was moved by Diane Leblovic, seconded by Michel Gravelle, and
That Council approve the nomination of Clarice West-Hobbs as Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee.
4.1.6 Election of Remaining Executive Committee Members - Noel Clark, James Carey
James Carey informed Council that the nominees to Chairs of the various committees had all been elected members, thus two vacancies for appointed members remained vacant on the Executive Committee.
The following members agreed to be nominated to serve on the Executive Committee: Sandi Bell, Diane Leblovic, Kathleen McFadyen and Karen Mitchell.
Ballots were distributed.
11. Next Meeting (Continued)
It was moved by Paul Charron, seconded by Lynn Daigneault, and
That Council reconsider the Mulvale/Slade motion which requested Council to reconvene the Governing Council Meeting on May 30, 1997.
It was moved by Wayne Cornack, seconded by Michel Gravelle, and
That Council change the reconvened meeting date from
May 30, 1997 to June 20, 1997.
A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and
That Council agree, that when this meeting recesses, it be reconvened on June 20, 1997 at 9:00 a.m. at 121 Bloor St. E.
4. Committee Reports(Continued)
4.1 Nomination Committee (Ad Hoc) (GC19970501-2) (Continued) - Noel Clark, James Carey
4.1.6 Election of Remaining Executive Committee Members (Continued)- Noel Clark, James Carey
James Carey reported that 28 votes had been cast: Kathleen McFadyen 15, Karen Mitchell 5, Diane Leblovic 14 and Sandi Bell 15.
It was moved by Diane Leblovic, seconded by Clarice West-Hobbs, and
That Council approve the nominations of Sandi Bell and Kathleen McFadyen as members of the Executive Committee of the Ontario College of Teachers.
James Carey declared that the following members had been elected to the Executive Committee of the Ontario College of Teachers:
Sandi Bell
Paul Charron
John Cruickshank (Vice-Chair)
Michel Gravelle
Donna Marie Kennedy (Chair)
Marilyn Laframboise
Kathleen McFayden
George Merrett
Harry Mulvale
Cecilia Reynolds
Clarice West-Hobbs
4.1.7 Nomination Committee (Ad Hoc) — Final Report (GC19970501-2) - Noel Clark, James Carey
Noel Clark and James Carey advised Council that a final report of the Nomination Committee would be prepared for distribution to the members.
The Chair, on behalf of the Governing Council, thanked Noel Clark and James Carey for assisting Council in the establishment of the Committees and in the nomination of the Chairs.
9. Council Report of First Election (GC19970501-9) - Margaret Wilson
It was moved by Liz Barkley, seconded by Diane Leblovic, and
That Council postpone the First Council Election Report to the 1997 September Governing Council Meeting.
9.1 Appointment of Election Review Committee
It was moved by Liz Barkley, seconded by Larry Capstick, and
That Council postpone the Report of the Appointment of the Election Review Committee to the June 20, 1997 Governing Council Meeting.
10. Other Business
It was moved by Wayne Cornack, seconded by Lynn Daigneault, and
That the Governing Council of the Ontario College of Teachers direct that the Chair and Registrar communicate to the Minister of Education and Training the position of the Council that all requests to the Minister for alterations in the qualification requirements for those who deliver educational programs in Ontario schools be forwarded to the College for consideration, and that the Minister hold such requests for authorization in abeyance until the College has provided a decision or authorization.
It was moved by Wayne Cornack, seconded by William Rogers, and
That Council, in accordance with clause 3.06(d) of By-law 2 of the Ontario College of Teachers which states that a Council Meeting may only consider or transact “Motions which the member of the Council agree to consider by a two-thirds vote of those in attendance,” consider setting in abeyance the process for final authorization of the “Professional Misconduct Regulation”.
It was moved by Harry Mulvale, seconded by Nancy Hutcheson, but
That the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers request the Minister of Education and Training to set in abeyance the process for final authorization of the “Professional Misconduct Regulation” to permit a review of the proposed regulation by the: Investigation Committee, Discipline Committee, Fitness to Practise Committee, Standards of Practice and Education Committee, Executive Committee and the Governing Council of the Ontario College of Teachers.
Notices of Motion
The following Notices of Motion were read into the record for the 1997 September Governing Council Meeting:
I. Amendments to By-law 2 of the Ontario College of Teachers
1. 3.03 delete the word “regular”.
2. 3.04 delete the last sentence: “Notice of such … dispute the notice.”
Add new section after 3.05 to read: “At all meetings of the Council, 16 members constitute a quorum of whom a majority shall be members elected under clause 4(2)(a) of the Act.”
3. 3.06 Delete “at the preceding Council meeting” and replace with “in time for the notice of motion to be included in the notice of meeting under section 3.03.”
4. 4.02 Add after the word “Vice-Chair” and before the words “to hold”: “from among the Council members elected under clause 4(2)(a) of the Act.”
Delete “until the first meeting following the election of the next Council” and substitute with “for a term of one year”.
5. 4.07 Delete section (b).
6. 4.08 Delete section (b).
7. 4.09 Delete section (b).
The current (c) become (b). The new (c) reads:
Subject to 4.09(a) and (b) be responsible for carrying out the day-to-day business of the College.
8. 5.04(d) Delete (i) and (ii) and replace with “and review of professional standards.”
9. 5.04(f) Delete.
10. 5.05 Amend to read:
5.05. Unless otherwise required by law or prescribed in the by-laws, the members of each standing committee shall be appointed by the Council and a chair for each standing committee shall be elected by the members of the standing committee.
11. 5.07 Add: “and a majority of which shall be persons who were elected under section 4(2)(a) of the Act.”
12. 5.12 Delete: “or the Registrar”.
13. 6.01 Delete section 6.01(a) and section 6.01(c).
14. 6.02 Delete.
15. 6.04 Delete.
16. 6.05 Amend to read:
Unless otherwise required by law or prescribed in by-laws, the members of each special committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee: and a chair for each special committee shall be elected by the members of the special committee.
17. 6.08 Add:
“and a majority of which shall be persons who were elected under section 4(2)(a) of the Act.”
18. 6.12 Delete: “or the Registrar”.
19. 7.01 Replace the first six words with “A member of the Council whose term expires or”.
20. 7.03 Add:
“The Council shall appoint one or more elected members to replace the suspended member on the committee(s) on which that member served, for the period of the suspension.”
21. 7.04 Delete.
22. 7.11 Delete the last sentence.
23. 8.02 Delete.
24. 9. Add new 9.16 to read:
“Copies of communications with government, with agencies such as the Education Quality and Accountability Office and the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board and with employers shall be shared with the Council.”
25. 17.02 Delete “at the preceding Council meeting” and replace with “in time for the notice of motion to be included in the notice of meeting under section 3.03.”
26. 18.02 Add a new (i) under 18.02 to read:
“(i) An invitation to members and opportunities for members to provide feedback.”
27. 20. Add a new section 20.02 as follows:
“The Executive Committee shall establish a Human Resources sub-committee to:
a) advise the Council and the Registrar on personnel matters related to the College staff;
b) advise the Council on the hiring and employment of College staff;
c) advise the Council on the terms and conditions of employment of the College staff;
d) maintain a handbook of personnel policies;
e) undertake any other personnel matters referred by the Council or Executive Committee.
II. Regulation 72/97
1. 2.(8) At the beginning, add the words: “Subject to approval by Council”.
2. 5. Add:
“of which a majority shall be members elected under section 4(2)(a) of the Act.”
3. 6. Add a new 6(1)(h) to read:
h) fails to maintain required confidentiality of information related to members gained as a member of Council or one of its committees or panels.
Add a new 6(2) to read:
6.(2) The Council shall disqualify an appointed member of the Council from sitting on the Council if the member,
a) fails, without cause, to attend three consecutive meetings of the Council;
b) fails, without cause, to attend half the meetings of the Council in any twelve month period;
c) fails, without cause, to attend three consecutive meetings of a committee of which he or she is a member;
d) fails, without cause, to attend a hearing of a panel of a committee for which he or she has been selected; or
e) fails to maintain required confidentiality of information related to members gained as a member of Council or one of its committees or panels.
4. 6.(2) Delete “elected”.
5. 7.(1) Delete “elected”.
6. 7.(2) Delete “elected”.
7. 8.(1) Amend by substitution as 8.(1)(a) to read:
8.(1)(a) If the seat … than three months … the vacated position through a by-election.
Add a new section 8.(1)(b) to read:
“If the seat of an appointed member becomes vacant, the Registrar shall, within 10 days of the vacancy occurring, advise the Lieutenant Governor in Council of such vacancy.”
8. 8.(2) Delete.
9. 8.(3) Delete.
10. 8.(4) Replace “under subsection (1)” with “under subsection 1(a).”
11. 9.(1) Amend by substitution to read:
9.(1) If the seat of an elected member of Council becomes vacant more than three months before the expiry of the member’s term of office the Council shall fill the vacated position through a by-election.
9.(1) Amend by deletion of “by appointing … the date of the appointment” and substitute with “by holding a by-election according to the procedures in place at the time of the previous general election of the Council.”
12. 9.(1)(a) Delete.
13. 9.(1)(b) Delete.
14. 9.(2) Delete.
15. 9.(3) Delete “fill the vacated position” and substitute with “ensure that the by-election is held.”
16. 10. Delete 10.(b).
17. 11.(1) Amend by substitution to read:
“If a by-election is held under section 9.(1), the Registrar shall adapt the provisions of the regulation that governed the last election to the Council, as those provisions read on the last voting day in that election, as directed by the Executive.”
18. 12. Amend to read: “A person elected under section 8.(1)(a) or 9.(1) shall hold office until the former Council member’s term would have expired.”
Delete of “or 9” after section 8 and insert of “9 or” between “section” and “11”.
19. 14.(1) Add: “and, of that number a majority shall be persons elected under section 4(2)(a) of the Act.”
20. 14.(3) Delete “until the first meeting of the next Council” and substitute “for a period of one year.”
21. 14.(4) Amend by substitution to read: “Subject to subsection 20(1), a statutory committee shall elect a chair from among its members.”
22. 15.(1) Add: “Quorum is constituted only if there is a majority of persons elected under section 4.(2)(a) of the Act in attendance.”
23. 15.(2) Add: “of which two shall be persons elected under section 4.(2)(a) of the Act.”
24. 15.(3) Add: “of which three shall be persons elected under section 4.(2)(a) of the Act.”
25. 16.(3) Delete the words following “appoint” and replace with: “an elected member of the Council to fill a seat vacated by an elected member or appoint an appointed member of the Council to fill a seat vacated by an appointed member of Council.”
26. 16.(5) Delete the words following “possible” and replace with: ‘fill the seat in accordance with section 19 below.”
27. 16.(6) Delete.
28. 19.(1) Replace “appoint the chairs” with “appoint the elected chairs.”
29. 19.(2) Add after “of the Council” the following “elected in accordance with By-law 2, section 4.02.”
30. 19.(3)3 Delete.
31. 21.(2) Add: “a majority of whom shall be persons elected under section 4(2)(a) of the Act.”
32. 22.(2) Add: “a majority of whom shall be persons elected under section 4(2)(a) of the Act.”
33. 23.(3) Replace “At least two” with “At least three.”
34. 24.(2) Add: “a majority of whom shall be persons elected under section 4(2)(a) of the Act.”
35. 25.(2) Add: “a majority of whom shall be persons elected under section 4(2)(a) of the Act.”
36. 26. Delete 26.4 to 26.10
III. “New” By-Law re Investigation Procedures
That the Governing Council adopt the following as a By-law for Investigation Procedures:
1. A complaint under section 26.(1)(a) and 26.(1)(b) of the Act shall:
be submitted in writing;
clearly identify the complainant(s) and the member being complained against;
provide specific details supporting the allegation(s) contained in the complaint; and
outline the steps already taken to resolve the complaint and the results of such.
2. A complaint under section 26.(1)(c) and 26.(1)(d) of the Act shall:
be submitted in writing; and
provide full documentation supporting the allegation(s) contained in the complaint.
3. When a complaint is received, the Registrar shall ensure:
that a decision is made under section 26.(2) of the Act;
that no application has been made to the Minister for a Board of Reference;
that court actions have been completed;
that no grievance has been laid or that the grievance/arbitration procedure has been concluded; and
that no application has been to the Ontario Human Rights Commission.
4. If an investigation is warranted, the Registrar shall ensure:
that the member whose conduct or actions will be investigated is immediately provided with a copy of the complaint and given at least 30 days in which to submit in writing to the Investigation Committee any explanations or representations the member may wish to make concerning the matter;
that the Investigation Committee has examined or has made every reasonable effort to examine all the information and documents that the College has that are specific to the complaint;
that such documents and information be made available to the complainant and to the member being complained against, with an opportunity to respond prior to a determination being made under section 26.(5) of the Act by the Investigation Committee or a panel of such; and
5. If a member is required to appear under section 26(5)(c) of the Act, the appearance and associated costs shall be reimbursed by the College.
6. A caution or admonishment under section 26(5)(c) of the Act may alternatively be issued in writing.
7. Investigation findings, orders and decisions must remain confidential to the member being investigated and to the College.
8. In cases where cautions or admonishments have been issued, records shall be sealed for two years and, at the end of that period, destroyed unless a further complaint is submitted within that period.
9. Under section 26(5)(d) of the Act, the Investigations Committee may decide to dismiss the complaint. After a decision to dismiss has been communicated to the complainant and to the member complained against, all records of the complaint shall be destroyed.
12. Closing Address — Ivor Sutherland
The Registrar introduced Ivor Sutherland, Registrar, General Teaching Council for Scotland. After his address to the Governing Council, Ivor Sutherland presented the College with the gift of an inscribed gavel.
The Chair thanked Ivor Sutherland for his presentation and the gift.
11. Next Meeting(Continued)
The next official meeting of the Governing Council of the Ontario College of Teachers will be on September 11-12, 1997.
13. Adjournment
The meeting recessed at 3:35 p.m. to be reconvened at 9:00 a.m. on June 20, 1997.
Friday, June 20, 1997
Members: Liz Barkley, Sandi Bell, Jackie Breithaupt, Doug Carter, Pierre Calvé,
Paul Charron, Wayne Cornack, John Cruickshank (Vice-Chair),
Lynn Daigneault, Margaret Dempsey, Solette Gelberg, Michel Gravelle, Frances Hill, Nancy Hutcheson, Donna Marie Kennedy (Chair),
Marilyn Laframboise, Diane Leblovic, Alfred Lorenzi,
Kathleen McFadyen, George Merrett, Karen Mitchell, Harry Mulvale, Nicholas Myrhorod, Cecilia Reynolds, William Rogers,
Anthony Saldanha, John Slade, David Somer, Frances Thorne,
Clarice West-Hobbs, Margaret Wilson, Registrar
Guests: John Abbott , (Auditor, Coopers and Lybrand)
Staff: Margaret Aubé, Peter Brown, Sheila Green, Myrtle Herzenberg, Genny Humby, Josie Peretti, Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Lyn Voorhees
Regrets: Larry Capstick, Nicholas Myrhorod
1. Call to Order and Welcome
The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. She announced that John Cruickshank and Kathleen McFadyen would be acting as the Steering Committee in order to facilitate the motion process. Margaret Wilson, Registrar, was congratulated on having received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from the Nipissing University on Friday, June 13, 1997.
2. Approval of Agenda (GC1997070501-23)
It was requested that the following items be added to the agenda under “Other Business”: Professionally Speaking, Ontario Curriculum Grades 1 — 8, Notices of Motion.
It was moved by Kathleen McFadyen, seconded by John Cruickshank, and
That Council approve the Agenda for the resumed part of the May 1st and 2nd, 1997 Meeting of the Governing Council of the Ontario College of Teachers, as amended.
3. Finance Committee Report (GC19970501-24)
Paul Charron presented the Finance Committee Report to the Council members.
It was moved by Paul Charron, seconded by Diane Leblovic, and
That Council receive the Report of the Finance Committee dated
May 26, 1997.
3.1 1996 Audited Financial Statements (GC19970501-25)
It was moved by Paul Charron, seconded by Michel Gravelle, and
That Council receive the 1996 Audited Financial Statements of the Ontario College of Teachers.
3.2 1997 Budget (GC19970501-26)
It was agreed that members of Council would be supplied with additional information re the Audited Financial Statements and the 1997 Budget, as provided to Harry Mulvale by Paul Charron, in a letter dated June 19, 1997.
It was moved by Paul Charron, seconded by Anthony Saldanha, and
That Council receive the 1997 Budget of the Ontario College of Teachers.
4. Executive Committee Report
4.1 Appointment of Election Review Committee (GC19970501-27)
It was moved by John Cruickshank, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and
That Council approve that the following members be appointed to constitute the Election Review Committee:
- Larry Capstick
- Doug Carter
- Lynn Daigneault
- Frances Hill
- George Merrett
4.1.1 Appointment of Chair, Election Review Committee
It was moved by John Cruickshank, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and
That Council approve the nomination of Doug Carter as Chair of the Election Review Committee.
5. Other Business
5.1 Professionally Speaking
It was moved by John Cruickshank, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and
Whereas clause 3.06(d) of Bylaw 2 of the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers states that a Council meeting may only consider or transact “motions which the members of the College agree to consider by a two-thirds vote of those in attendance”.
That Council consider the motion related to setting up an editorial board to determine appropriate content for Professionally Speaking.
It was moved by Frances Hill and seconded by Liz Barkley, “that Council request the Executive to set up an editorial board consisting of three elected and two appointed members to determine appropriate content for each issue of Professionally Speaking.”
It was moved by David Somers, seconded by Karen Mitchell, but
That Council amend the motion by the deletion of “for each issue”.
A vote was taken on the main motion, and it was
That Council request the Executive to set up an editorial board consisting of three elected and two appointed members to determine appropriate content for each issue of Professionally Speaking.
5.2 Letter to Minister of Education and Training re Elementary Education
It was moved by John Cruickshank, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and
Whereas clause 3.06(d) of Bylaw 2 of the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers states that a Council meeting may only consider or transact “motions which the members of the College agree to consider by a two-thirds vote of those in attendance”.
That Council consider the motion related to writing a letter to the Minister of Education and Training re the new elementary program.
It was moved by Clarice West Hobbs and seconded by Liz Barkley, “that Council request the Chair to write a letter to the Minister of Education and Training expressing concern about the introduction by the Minister of the new elementary curriculum without prior consultation with the Standards of Practice Committee of the Ontario College of Teachers.”
At 10:55 a.m. John Cruickshank temporarily assumed the position of Chair so that Donna Marie Kennedy could participate in the discussion.
Margaret Dempsey requested a 15 minute recess so that the above motion could be rewritten. The recess was granted at 11:30 a.m. and the meeting resumed at 11:45 a.m.
It was moved by Lynn Daigneault and seconded by Sandi Bell, “that Council amend the motion by substitution to read: That Council request the Chair to write a letter to the Minister of Education and Training expressing concern about the introduction by the Minister of the Ontario Curriculum Grades 1-8 without prior consultation with the Ontario College of Teachers, and further that the Chair request a meeting with the Minister with the intent of establishing an appropriate consultative process on matters affecting the mandate of the Ontario College of Teachers.”
It was moved by Clarice West-Hobbs, seconded by Doug Carter, but
That Council refer the substituted motion to the Executive for study and action to the August 18, 1997 General Council Meeting.
It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson and seconded by Frances Hill, “that Council amend the substitution motion by the addition of “for implementation of this curriculum” after the words “prior consultation with the Ontario College of Teachers.”
A vote was taken on the amendment to the substitution motion, and it was
That Council amend the substitution motion by the addition of “on implementation of this curriculum” after the words “prior consultation with the Ontario College of Teachers”.
Margaret Dempsey requested a recorded vote.
Recorded Vote:
For: |
Against: |
Liz Barkley |
Jackie Breithaupt |
Sandi Bell |
William Rogers |
Pierre Calvé |
Anthony Saldanha |
Doug Carter |
John Slade |
Paul Charron |
David Somer |
Wayne Cornack |
Frances Thorne |
John Cruickshank |
Lynn Daigneault |
Margaret Dempsey |
Michel Gravelle |
Frances Hill |
Nancy Hutcheson |
Donna Marie Kennedy |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Diane Leblovic |
Alfred Lorenzi |
Kathleen McFadyen |
George Merrett |
Karen Mitchell |
Harry Mulvale |
Cecilia Reynolds |
Clarice West-Hobbs |
For 22 |
Against 6 |
A vote was taken on the motion, as amended, and it was
That Council request the Chair to write a letter to the Minister of Education and Training expressing concern about the introduction by the Minister of the Ontario Curriculum Grades 1-8 without prior consultation with the Ontario College of Teachers on implementation of this curriculum, and further that the Chair request a meeting with the Minister with the intent of establishing an appropriate consultative process on matters affecting the mandate of the Ontario College of Teachers.
Margaret Dempsey requested a recorded vote.
Recorded Vote:
For: |
Against: |
Liz Barkley |
Jackie Breithaupt |
Sandi Bell |
Pierre Calvé |
Doug Carter |
Diane Leblovic |
Paul Charron |
Alfred Lorenzi |
Wayne Cornack |
Karen Mitchell |
John Cruickshank |
William Rogers |
Lynn Daigneault |
Anthony Saldanha |
Margaret Dempsey |
John Slade |
Michel Gravelle |
David Somer |
Frances Hill |
Frances Thorne |
Nancy Hutcheson |
Donna Marie Kennedy |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Kathleen McFadyen |
George Merrett |
Harry Mulvale |
Cecilia Reynolds |
Clarice West-Hobbs |
For 18 |
Against 10 |
At 12:30 p.m. John Cruickshank returned the Chair to Donna Marie Kennedy.
5.3 Notices of Motion
The following notices of motion were read into the record for the 1997 September Governing Council Meeting:
i) By-law 4
George Merrett/Liz Barkley
That Council amend Bylaw No. 4 as follows:
Section 3.01 (a)(iii) to read:
at least two years have elapsed since the penalty order became final,
the finding of misconduct and the penalty shall be removed from the register and destroyed.
Section 3.01 (b) to read:
… the fact and content of the terms, conditions or limitation shall be removed from the register and destroyed.
Section 3.02 to read:
… and destroyed.
ii) By-law 5
George Merrett/Liz Barkley
That Council amend Bylaw 5, Section 1.01 by the addition of a subsection (e) and a subsection (f) to read:
e) outline the steps already taken to resolve the complaint and the results of such.
f) Include written consent to release a copy of the complaint and any enclosures to the member complained against.
iii) Approval of Overexpenditures
Nancy Hutcheson/John Slade
That Council request that expenses over the budgeted amounts indicated as operating expenses, items 4 to 11, and capital expenses, items 12 to 15 in the 1997 Budget be subject to prior approval by the Executive Committee.
6. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 12:35 p.m.
Signed: Chair