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Who governs your profession?

July 10 2015

College members recently elected the seventh College Council, which will govern the teaching profession in the public interest for the next three years. This means some new faces on College committees. Read on to learn more about our committees and their mandates.

The College’s 15 committees play a significant role in regulating the teaching profession and governing its members. Whether it’s supporting the implementation of the enhanced teacher education program, developing new partnerships in First Nation, Métis and Inuit communities, or managing complaints against members, each committee has its distinct mandate.

Accreditation Committee

Reviews and accredits teacher education programs at Ontario faculties of education. Sets policy direction for the accreditation of Additional Qualification courses including principal and supervisory officer qualification programs.


Angela De Palma, OCT (e)

Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad (a)

Susan Elliott-Johns, OCT (e)

Dobi-Dawn Frenette (a)

Matthew Kavanagh, OCT (e)

Richard Michaud, OCT (e)

Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT (e) (Chair)

Accreditation Appeal Committee

Considers and rules on appeals about accreditation of teacher education programs and courses.

Accreditation Appeal

Ann Ciaschini, OCT (e)

Robert Gagné (a) (Chair)

Godwin Ifedi (a)

William Ngassam, OCT (e)

Jennifer Stewart, OCT (e)


Discipline Committee

Conducts hearings into and rules on matters of professional misconduct or incompetence. Imposes penalties ranging from counselling, reprimands and admonishments to suspension and revocation, as appropriate. Hears applications for reinstatement of members whose teaching certificate was revoked for disciplinary reasons.


Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT (a)

Irene Cheung, OCT (e)

Ann Ciaschini, OCT (e)

Robert Gagné (a) (Chair)

Shanlee Linton, OCT (e)

Shannon Marcus, OCT (e)

Sara Nouini, OCT (e)

Vicki Shannon, OCT (e)

Stéphane Vallée, OCT (e)

Wes Vickers, OCT (e)

Marie-Claude Yaacov (a)


Editorial Board

Oversees editorial and advertising policy and considers copy for Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession, the College’s official publication.

Editorial Board

Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT (a)

Tim Gernstein, OCT (e)

Myreille Loubert, OCT (e) (Chair)

Anthony Samchek, OCT (e)


Executive Committee

Conducts College business between Council meetings. Reviews committee reports and items coming before Council and makes recommendations as appropriate. Presents reports on policy initiatives to Council. Establishes ad hoc committees as necessary, appoints members to special and ad hoc committees and fills committee vacancies when they occur.


Brian Beal, OCT (e)

Marie-Louise Chartrand (a)

Angela De Palma, OCT (e) (Chair)

Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad (a)

Robert Gagné (a)

Shanlee Linton, OCT (e)

Myreille Loubert, OCT (e) (Vice-Chair)

Terry Price, OCT (e)

Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT (e)

Finance Committee

Advises Council on College finances and functions as audit committee. Reviews and recommends disposition of College investments. Reviews and makes recommendations about the College budget. Recommends appointment of the College auditor.


Brian Beal, OCT (e)

Marie-Louise Chartrand (a) (Chair)

Bill Petrie (a)

Terry Price, OCT (e)

Vicki Shannon, OCT (e)


Fitness to Practise Committee

Conducts hearings and rules on physical or mental capacity of members. Suspends, revokes or imposes terms, conditions or limitations on the member's Certificate of Qualification and Registration, as appropriate. Hears applications for reinstatement or variances of earlier orders.

Fitness to Practise

Irene Cheung, OCT (e)

Ann Ciaschini, OCT (e)

Godwin Ifedi (a)

Shanlee Linton, OCT (e) (Chair)

Stéphane Vallée, OCT (e)

Marie-Claude Yaacov (a)


Human Resources Committee

Provides ongoing advice to the Registrar and Council on human resources policies and programs. Monitors salary administration. Advises Council on the process for hiring the Registrar and Deputy Registrar.

Human Resources

Shabnum Budhwani (a)

Angela De Palma, OCT (e)

Robert Gagné (a)

Robert Ryan, OCT (e)

Wes Vickers, OCT (e) (Chair)


Investigation Committee

Receives and investigates complaints about College members related to professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity. Examines documents and information collected in an investigation into a member’s conduct or actions. Decides how to properly deal with complaints.


Marie-Louise Chartrand (a)

Tim Gernstein, OCT (e)

William Ngassam, OCT (e)

Bill Petrie (a)

Terry Price, OCT (e) (Chair)

Robert Ryan, OCT (e)

Anthony Samchek, OCT (e)

Jennifer Stewart, OCT (e)



Provides guidance on issues of governance and risk management. Ensures that the Council and the College function in accordance with the relevant legislation, regulations and bylaws of the College. Ensures that Council fulfils its fiduciary responsibilities.


Angela De Palma, OCT (e)

Matthew Kavanagh, OCT (e) (Chair)

Myreille Loubert, OCT (e)

Sara Nouini, OCT (e)

Ronna Warsh (a)

Marie-Claude Yaacov (a)


Quality Assurance Committee

Assesses the College’s progress in meeting its legislated objectives and reports to Council.

Quality Assurance

Marie-Louise Chartrand (a)

Richard Michaud, OCT (e)

Bill Petrie (a)

Robert Ryan, OCT (e) (Chair)

Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT (e)

Registration Appeals Committee

Considers and rules on appeals from applicants denied College membership. Assesses applicant qualifications against College registration criteria. May deny applications or direct the Registrar to issue a Certificate of Qualification and Registration.

Registration Appeals

Brian Beal, OCT (e) (Chair)

Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT (a)

Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad (a)

Myreille Loubert, OCT (e)

William Ngassam, OCT (e)

Standards of Practice and Education Committee

Advises Council on developing, reviewing and implementing ethical and practice standards and a professional learning framework to maintain the standards. Reviews staff research and policy proposals, and makes recommendations to Council. Participates in public and member-focused consultations on the standards and policy proposals.

Standards of Practice  and Education

Shabnum Budhwani (a)

Irene Cheung, OCT (e)

Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad (a) (Chair)

Susan Elliott-Johns, OCT (e)

Dobi-Dawn Frenette (a)

Shannon Marcus, OCT (e)

Richard Michaud, OCT (e)

Stéphane Vallée, OCT (e)



(a) = appointed member

(e) = elected member

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