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Accreditation Committee Decision

Laurentian University – School of Education

Application for Initial Accreditation of the Consecutive Program of Professional Education for the Intermediate/Senior Divisions Leading to a Bachelor of Education Degree


Decision of the Accreditation Committee Regarding the Application for Initial Accreditation of the Consecutive Program of Professional Education for the Intermediate/Senior Divisions

The School of Education at Laurentian University submitted an application on November 4, 2009 for initial accreditation of a proposed Consecutive Program of Professional Education with concentrations in the Intermediate/Senior divisions leading to a Bachelor of Education degree.

The proposed consecutive Intermediate/Senior concentrations are related to the previously accredited concurrent program with concentrations in the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate divisions. Some components of the concurrent program have been used in the design of the proposed consecutive Intermediate/Senior program.

In accordance with Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, the Accreditation Committee established a seven-person accreditation panel to:

  1. conduct  a review of the aforementioned program of professional education
  2. act in an advisory role to the Accreditation Committee by
    1. reporting to the Committee on its findings, and
    2. making recommendations to the Committee with respect to the accreditation of the  proposed Consecutive Program of Professional Education with concentrations in the Intermediate/Senior divisions.

The accreditation panel met the requirements set out in Section 6 of Regulation 347/02.

The panel reviewed a self-appraisal report of the proposed program and other documentation provided by the School of Education at Laurentian University.

The panel conducted an on-site review at the School of Education, Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario from February 7-12, 2010. The review included an examination of artefacts, interviews with faculty and stakeholders, and a review of the resources at the School of Education. There were no submissions from the public regarding the proposed program.

The Accreditation Committee, by virtue of the authority granted under the Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996 and Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, set out to determine if the Consecutive Program of Professional Education with concentrations in the Intermediate/Senior divisions qualified for initial accreditation.

In making its decision, the Accreditation Committee considered the Accreditation Panel Final Report dated April 23, 2010, the Director’s response to the draft report dated April 15, 2010, a presentation of the Panel Report by the Chair of the Accreditation Panel, and the regulatory requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, and Regulation 184/97, Teachers’ Qualifications.

Decision of the Accreditation Committee at its Meeting of June 14, 2010

Requirements and Findings

The reasons for the Committee’s decision and the facts upon which it is based follow herein:

Requirement 1

The provider of the program is a permitted institution.


The evidence indicates that the School of Education at Laurentian University is a permitted institution that is able to offer a teacher education program.

The Laurentian University of Sudbury Act of 1960 gives the University the power to establish and maintain, in French and in English, schools as determined by the Board of Governors and to confer degrees. The Act confers upon the University Senate the power to create faculties and programs. The Senate examined the proposed consecutive Intermediate/Senior division program and approved its establishment on January 19, 2010.


Based on the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 1 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 2

The program has a clearly delineated conceptual framework.


Additional evidence is required to substantiate that the proposed consecutive program with concentrations in the Intermediate/Senior divisions fully satisfies the requirement for a clearly delineated conceptual framework.

The evidence indicates that the conceptual framework for the proposed consecutive Intermediate/Senior program relates to the University’s mission and northern context, and is grounded in equity principles. The concepts of equity and sustainability are to be embedded in all course work, and Aboriginal ways of knowing explored and infused across the program. A commitment to these principles is reflected in the design of the School of Education and the physical plant constructed on sustainable design principles, with an energy and health conscious footprint. Additionally, particular emphasis is placed on constructivism and social reconstructionism as theories guiding the proposed program. 

While the infusion of Aboriginal perspectives and environmental stewardship is generally acknowledged and valued in the School of Education, and the conceptual framework is referenced in some course outlines, the Committee did not find evidence of a consistent awareness or understanding of the conceptual framework in documentation for the program.


Based on the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 2 is substantially satisfied.

Reasons for Conclusion

The Accreditation Committee accepts that the School of Education at Laurentian University intends to ensure that the proposed program satisfies Requirement 2. Fully satisfying this requirement for the proposed program is contingent upon the Accreditation Committee finding clear evidence of the conceptual framework in all course outlines and other public documents pertaining to the program.

Requirement 3

The program is consistent with and reflects,

  • the College’s “Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession” and “the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession”,
  • current research in teacher education, and
  • the integration of theory and practice in teacher education.


The evidence indicates that the proposed consecutive program with concentrations in the Intermediate/Senior divisions is consistent with and reflects the Ontario College of Teachers’ Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession and the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession, current research in teacher education and the integration of theory and practice in teacher education.

The Mission Statement of the School of Education references the College’s standards. Teacher candidates of the proposed consecutive program will be introduced to the standards through their coursework, and each practicum session will focus on certain strands of the standards. The practicum is designed to allow candidates to demonstrate that they are meeting the standards.

Current research informs the design and content of the proposed program. The Director of the School of Education and other faculty are engaged in current research in teacher education. Course outlines make reference to current teacher education research. Constructivism and social reconstructionism are referenced in the proposed program’s conceptual framework. 

The proposed program is designed to ensure the integration of theory and practice both in the course work and in the practical experiences of teacher candidates. Particular emphasis is placed on acquainting teacher candidates with aboriginal perspectives in course work, and through “Circle as Pedagogy” practices. This theoretical knowledge will be extended in real interaction with students and schools where aboriginal perspectives are present. Regular reflection on practice and participation in action research are elements of the proposed program.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 3 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 4

The program curriculum is current, references the Ontario curriculum, includes the application of current research in teacher education, and represents a wide knowledge base in the divisions and components of the program.


While some evidence indicates that the curriculum for the proposed consecutive program with concentrations in the Intermediate/Senior divisions is current, references the Ontario curriculum, includes the application of current research in teacher education, and represents a wide knowledge base in the divisions and components of the programs, the Committee found that evidence of program curriculum currency is not consistent. Additionally, the representation of a wide knowledge base in the divisions and components of the programs is not fully evident with respect to senior division courses.

While many course outlines include current topics, evidence of currency is inconsistent.  Some course outlines are lacking in references to Aboriginal perspectives, environmental issues and contemporary pedagogical topics such as backwards design and differentiated instruction.

Evidence indicates that the Ontario Curriculum is referenced in course outlines.  Ontario Curriculum guidelines for all intermediate and senior courses will be available for use by candidates.

Current research in teacher education is evident in all available course outlines, required texts and suggested readings; several faculty indicated a number of ways that they intend to embed current research into their courses.

Some course outlines for the proposed consecutive Intermediate/Senior program lack reference to senior division programming and resources.  In particular, references are lacking to current Ministry initiatives such as Learning to 18 policy which requires that students remain in school until age 18 (for example, Dual Credit programs, paid co-op programs, etc.), different pedagogical considerations for university, college and workplace pathways.  Texts, resource materials, and software supporting teaching in the senior division are scanty.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 4 is fully satisfied.

Reasons for Conclusion

The Accreditation Committee accepts that the School of Education at Laurentian University intends to ensure that the proposed program satisfies Requirement 4. Fully satisfying this requirement for the proposed program is contingent upon the Accreditation Committee reviewing all Intermediate and Senior division course outlines to verify that the program curriculum is current. Additionally the Accreditation Committee will need to examine all senior division course outlines to verify that they contain direct references to current Ministry of Education initiatives and programs that relate specifically to senior students.

Requirement 5

The course content of the program includes theory, method and foundation courses and appropriate provision for the application of theory in practice.


The evidence indicates that the course content for the proposed consecutive program of professional education for the Intermediate/Senior divisions includes theory, method and foundation courses and appropriate provision for the application of theory in practice.

The course content of the program includes constructivist and social re-constructivist perspectives (as demonstrated through the work of Pinar, Reynolds, Slattery, Taubman; Ghosh; Willinsky; Eisner and Vallance; and Bruner), multicultural approaches to education (as advocated by Slater and Grant, Arcilla, Bowers, Carr and Kemmis, and McLaren), holism and connections with Aboriginal ways of knowing (as advocated by John Miller). The core program stresses theory in courses such as Education Psychology, Education & Schooling, School Law, and Special Education.

Course outlines detail method and foundation courses, including Special Education focusing on best practices for teaching students with exceptionalities.

Evidence indicates that the course content of the proposed program makes appropriate provision for the application of theory in practice. Laurentian University is located within Anishinabek territory and has many Aboriginal communities in the surrounding area and as a result, students of the concurrent program are able to bridge the theory-practice gap by way of hands-on experiences. The School of Education will make arrangements for sufficient intermediate and senior division practicum placements to accommodate the consecutive program teacher candidates. Course outlines indicate that teacher candidates will develop units of study in their teachable areas and use recently acquired philosophical, pedagogical and evaluation principles. Teacher candidates will be encouraged to document through observation charts how practice and theory are interconnected.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 5 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 6

The program’s format and structure are appropriate for the course content.


The evidence indicates that the format and structure are appropriate for the course content in the proposed consecutive program with concentrations in the Intermediate/Senior divisions.

The proposed Intermediate/Senior consecutive program has a strong emphasis on ethical behaviour and professionalism in conformity with the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession and the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession (“the standards”).” The proposed Intermediate/Senior program aligns with the standards and they are integrated into the objectives of each course.

The foundations courses include methods, classroom management, computer applications, curriculum development and evaluation, special education, education psychology, and education and schooling.

Teacher candidates each choose two teaching subjects in the proposed Intermediate/Senior program. For each teaching subject, candidates take two three-credit courses, one dedicated to the subject in the intermediate division, and the other to the subject in the senior division. Therefore, of the four teaching subject courses each teacher candidates takes, two are for the intermediate division and the senior division of each teachable. In addition to the credit courses, all Intermediate/Senior teacher candidates are required to attend mandatory workshops hosted by education partners. These include local school board supervisory officers, the Ministry of Education, the Ontario College of Teachers, the Ontario Teachers’ Federation, the Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario, and the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation.   

Proposed courses are designed to prepare teacher candidates for successful practicum experiences, encouraging professional growth and understanding and designing classroom environments for learning.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 6 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 7

Students are assessed and informed of their progress on an ongoing basis throughout the program.


Additional evidence is required to assure the Accreditation Committee that teacher candidates will be assessed and informed of their progress on an ongoing basis throughout the proposed consecutive program with concentrations in the Intermediate/Senior divisions.

The School of Education proposal for the Intermediate/Senior program expresses a commitment to develop with Intermediate/Senior faculty a comprehensive evaluation strategy that includes variety and frequency and seeks multiple perspectives.

Course outlines for most of the proposed foundations courses demonstrate a variety of evaluation practices to be employed: case studies, group research assignments, reflective exercises, tests, essays and papers, reports, demonstrations and quizzes. Timelines for assessment are not always noted on course outlines, however. Therefore, teacher candidates may not be certain in all cases that feedback will be provided to them on an ongoing basis. Some foundations courses also use the assessment and evaluation tasks required as opportunities in themselves for reflection on the strengths and limitations of various assessment and evaluation tools. Methods courses for the proposed program contain descriptions of the assessment and evaluation schemes and activities that will be employed and provide for formative feedback at regular intervals.

Associate teachers in the accredited concurrent program are advised to assess teacher candidate planning and to provide ongoing feedback to candidates during the practicum. The Accreditation Committee was assured that this practice will continue in the new Intermediate/ Senior program. The Professional Year Handbook for the concurrent program describes the nature, structure and timing of both formative and summative assessments that the teacher candidate will undergo. The Chair of the Practicum Committee observes teacher candidates in their placements and offers formative feedback to them. Practicum assessment and evaluation guidelines are clear and there is a mechanism for dealing with at-risk candidates. The proposed consecutive program will employ a similar approach to assessment and evaluation during the practical component of the program.

The Committee did not find evidence of a policy document governing assessment and evaluation at the School of Education as a whole or at the University, nor of a guideline that establishes minimum expectations for faculty regarding the timely provision of information to teacher candidates about progress in course work.

The Accreditation Committee acknowledges the intention of the School of Education to develop a comprehensive evaluation strategy in the near future. The Committee also acknowledges that many courses and all facets of the practicum are supported by progressive and helpful evaluation and assessment activities.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 7 is substantially satisfied.

Reasons for Conclusion

The Accreditation Committee accepts that the School of Education at Laurentian University intends to ensure that the proposed program satisfies Requirement 7. Fully satisfying this requirement is contingent upon the receipt of course outlines for all courses in the proposed program demonstrating provision for regular ongoing formative assessment for all candidates. Alternatively, a policy document showing that all candidates in the proposed program will be assessed and informed of their progress on an ongoing basis would be documentation acceptable to the Accreditation Committee.

Requirement 8

The program includes a practicum that satisfies the requirements set out in subsection 9. (2). Section 9. (2): The requirements for the practicum portion of the programs are as follows:

  • The practicum must include observation and practice teaching in an instructional setting in schools or other situations that use the Ontario curriculum or in situations approved by the College.
  • The practicum must be completed in accordance with the requirements of Ontario Regulation 184/97.
  • The practicum enables every student to participate in settings related to each division and at least one of the subject areas of the program that are relevant to the student.
  • An experienced teacher supervises the students and assesses their practicum.
  • A faculty member is appointed as an advisor for each student.


The evidence indicates that the practicum for the consecutive program of professional education for the Intermediate/Senior divisions includes observation and practice teaching in an instructional setting in schools or other situations that use the Ontario curriculum or in situations approved by the College, is completed in accordance with Ontario Regulation 184/97, enables every teacher candidate to participate in settings related to each division and at least one of the subject areas in the program relevant to the teacher candidate, has an experienced teacher supervise and assess the practicum, and a faculty member is appointed as an advisor for each teacher candidate.

The practicum will include observation and practice teaching in an Ontario school setting. Teacher candidates in the proposed program will begin their first practicum by observing, and by the end of the second practicum will be teaching 100 per cent of the time.

The proposed Intermediate/Senior teacher education program practicum will satisfy the 40 day requirement of Ontario Regulation 184/97. The School of Education proposal and The School of Education Practicum Handbook-2010-2011 (Draft) identify the number of days that teacher candidates will spend in their practicum experience: the first practicum will consist of 30 days and the second of 33 days, well in excess of the 40 days required in Regulation.

As indicated in The School of Education Practicum Handbook, 2010-2011 (Draft), the proposed program is designed to ensure that teacher candidates will be able to experience intermediate and senior classrooms and be able to have experience in at least one of their teachable areas.

An experienced teacher will supervise the students and assess their practicum. Principals confirm that only experienced teachers with good skills, talents and disposition would be assigned as associate teachers. The associate teachers listed a love of teaching, leadership skills, the ability to be reflective, openness to suggestions, the ability to be a team player and the desire to mentor as ideal qualities in excellent associate teachers. Practicum policy for the proposed consecutive Intermediate/Senior program indicates that all associate teachers will be members of the Ontario College of Teachers in good standing, who will act as role models and mentors in demonstrating and discussing best teaching practices.

A faculty member will be appointed as an advisor for each teacher candidate, as confirmed in The School of Education Practicum Handbook, 2010-2011 (Draft). Faculty advisors from the School of Education will provide support to all participants and will serve as a liaison between the School of Education and the participating schools. In each placement teacher candidates will get both formative and summative feedback from faculty advisors. Teacher candidates are promised a minimum of one faculty consultant visit in each of their practicum experiences. Associate teachers, teacher candidates or both may request additional visits at any time.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 8 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 9

Successful completion of the practicum is a requirement for successful completion of the program.


The evidence indicates that successful completion of the practicum is required for successful completion of the consecutive program of professional education for the Intermediate/Senior divisions.

In the proposed consecutive teacher education program, the practicum consists of two placements for a total of 63 days. Successful completion of both placements is a requirement for successful completion of the proposed consecutive Intermediate/Senior teacher education program.

The School of Education Practicum Handbook, 2010-2011 (Draft) also addresses the issue of teacher candidates having difficulties in their placements. There is provision for notification to, and support from, the practicum supervisor and faculty advisor, plus description of a Practicum Improvement Plan available to candidates.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 9 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 10

The teaching method courses in the program are appropriate in relation to the divisions to which they relate.


Additional evidence is required to fully substantiate that the teaching method courses in the proposed consecutive program with concentrations in the Intermediate/Senior divisions are appropriate to the divisions to which they relate.

While many teaching method course outlines indicated that the course content and structure are appropriate to both intermediate and senior divisions, some course outlines were lacking in this regard.

Interviews with current faculty who might be teaching in the proposed program indicated that materials and strategies will have to be adapted to the needs of teacher candidates in an Intermediate/Senior program.

The Curriculum Resource Center contains limited resources to meet the needs of candidates in the proposed program. Additional current materials are needed to support instruction in the method courses for the proposed program.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 10 is substantially satisfied.

Reasons for Conclusion

The Accreditation Committee accepts that the School of Education at Laurentian University intends to ensure that the proposed consecutive program with concentrations in the Intermediate/Senior divisions satisfies Requirement 10. Fully satisfying this requirement for the proposed program is contingent upon the Accreditation Committee examining appropriate documentation for evidence that the requirement is fully satisfied. Documentation might include: course outlines for the proposed method courses referencing topics, assignments, required and optional readings, assessment activities and evaluation strategies that specifically relate to Intermediate and Senior division educational pathways; a plan for the acquisition of support materials, including library resources, laboratory equipment and teaching support materials that specifically relate to the method courses for the Intermediate and Senior divisions.

Requirement 11

The teaching theory and foundation courses in the program include courses on human development and learning and on legislation and government policies relating to education.


The evidence indicates that the teaching theory and foundation courses in the consecutive program of professional education for the Intermediate/Senior divisions will include courses on human development and learning and on legislation and government policies relating to education.

There are three courses that provide for an understanding of human development and learning: Education Psychology, Intermediate/Senior Education and Schooling, and Special Education. Additionally, these courses emphasize the foundations of cognitive and behavioural adolescent psychology and provide a grounding in the theories and applications of special education.

Intermediate/Senior Social & Legal Issues in Education (School Law) and Intermediate/Senior Education and Schooling are required courses that provide a basis for the appreciation and implementation of legislation and government policies as they relate to education. In addition, in implementing the proposed program, the School of Education will continue its current practice of working with educational partners such as the Ministry of Education and teacher federations to acquaint candidates with current social and legal issues in education.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 11 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 12

The faculty members teaching the program are an appropriate combination of,

  • persons with appropriate academic qualifications,
  • practitioners with appropriate experience in the field of education, and
  • persons with appropriate expertise in the divisions and components of the program.


Additional evidence is required to fully substantiate that the faculty members teaching in the proposed consecutive program with concentrations in the Intermediate/Senior divisions are an appropriate combination of persons with appropriate academic qualifications, practitioners with appropriate experience in the field of education, and persons with appropriate expertise in the divisions and components of the program.

At present there are not enough faculty with appropriate qualifications and expertise to offer the program. The School is committed to hiring the faculty necessary to offer the proposed program.

Current faculty have academic qualifications in areas such as Drama, Educational Psychology, Education and Schooling, English, History, Mathematics, Music, Native Studies, Science-Biology and Special Education. Additionally, some current faculty are practitioners with appropriate experience in the field of education and in the divisions and components of the program to support the proposed consecutive Intermediate/Senior program.

The School of Education intends to hire qualified faculty in the following areas for 2011-2012: one in Curriculum Development and Evaluation/Instructional Methods, another in Special Education and Educational Psychology, a third in Education and Schooling; and two in Instructional Methodology.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 12 is substantially satisfied.

Reasons for Conclusion

The Accreditation Committee accepts that the School of Education at Laurentian University intends to ensure that the proposed consecutive program with concentrations in the Intermediate/Senior divisions satisfies Requirement 12. Fully satisfying this requirement for the proposed program is contingent upon the Director of the School of Education providing evidence acceptable to the Accreditation Committee of the qualifications and experience of the full-time and part-time faculty by providing the curriculum vitae or faculty academic profiles for faculty or sessional instructors who will be assigned to instruct in the proposed program. The proposal to hire five new tenure track faculty and eight sessional instructors should provide a full complement of persons with appropriate expertise for the various divisions and components of the program.

Requirement 13

The permitted institution maintains adequate internal controls to preserve the integrity of student records relating to the program.


The evidence indicates that the School of Education at Laurentian University maintains adequate internal controls to preserve the integrity of student records relating to its programs of professional education.

The Registrar’s office employs best practices in security and adheres to FIPPA guidelines. Both in the Registrar’s office and in the School of Education documents are stored in locked cabinets to which only authorized employees have access.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 13 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 14

The permitted institution is committed to continuous improvement and quality assurance of the program and, if the program is an existing program, has implemented measures demonstrating that commitment.


The evidence indicates that the School of Education at Laurentian University is committed to continuous improvement and quality assurance in the proposed consecutive Intermediate/Senior program of professional education.

Laurentian University has established eleven internal committees comprised of faculty and students to examine academic matters related to its professional schools. The proposed consecutive Intermediate/Senior division program intends to seek feedback from teacher candidates and professional partners, as well as through formal course evaluations. There are opportunities for evaluation of faculty and the program embedded in the model.

There is a proposed allotment of funding over a three-year period for resource materials to support the proposed consecutive Intermediate/Senior program. Provisions have been made for the acquisition of new Information Technology software to support the new program, and for the upgrading of existing computer facilities.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 14 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 15

The program has a Teacher Education Advisory Committee or similar body that functions in an advisory or liaison capacity in relation to the program.


The evidence indicates that the School of Education at Laurentian University has a Teacher Education Advisory Council (TEAC) that functions in an advisory capacity in relation to the proposed consecutive program of professional education for the Intermediate/Senior divisions.

The TEAC has been involved since the initial stages of the application process for the proposed Intermediate/Senior program. The Council’s mandate will expand as required to support the proposed consecutive Intermediate/Senior teacher education program. The composition of the Council draws on the expertise of the School of Education, the University, the local public and Catholic school boards, teacher federations and teacher candidates.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 15 is fully satisfied.

Decision of the Accreditation Committee

Consecutive Program of Professional Education – Intermediate/Senior Divisions

For the reasons set out above, the Accreditation Committee finds that the proposed Consecutive Program of Professional Education with concentrations in the Intermediate/Senior divisions leading to a Bachelor of Education degree to be offered by the School of Education at Laurentian University substantially satisfies the requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs.

The Accreditation Committee grants initial accreditation with conditions as noted below for a period of two years (June 14, 2012) or the period of time ending on the graduation of the second class of students enrolled in the program, whichever is the longer period of time, not to exceed three years (June 14, 2013).

The accreditation of the proposed Consecutive Program of Professional Education with concentrations in the Intermediate/Senior divisions is subject to the following conditions:

  1. The Director of the School of Education at Laurentian University submit evidence that the conceptual framework for the proposed consecutive program is clearly delineated in all course outlines and other public documents pertaining to the program. Once the School of Education at Laurentian University provides information that the Accreditation Committee finds to be acceptable evidence, Requirement 2 will have been fully satisfied.

  2. The Director of the School of Education at Laurentian University submit finalized course outlines for the proposed consecutive program, and/or other acceptable evidence addressing the concerns set out in this decision, for the Accreditation Committee to verify that Requirements 4 and 10 have been fully satisfied. Once the School of Education at Laurentian University provides information that the Accreditation Committee finds to be acceptable evidence, Requirements 4 and 10 will have been fully satisfied.

  3. The Director of the School of Education at Laurentian University submit finalized course outlines for all courses in the proposed consecutive program demonstrating provision for regular ongoing formative assessment for all candidates. Alternatively, a policy document showing that all candidates in the proposed program will be assessed and informed of their progress on an ongoing basis would be documentation acceptable to the Accreditation Committee. Once the School of Education at Laurentian University provides information that the Accreditation Committee finds to be acceptable evidence, Requirement 7 will have been fully satisfied.

  4. The Director of the School of Education at Laurentian University submit additional information acceptable to the Accreditation Committee that faculty with an appropriate combination of academic qualifications, experience in the field of education, and expertise in the divisions and components of the program have been hired for the proposed consecutive program. Appropriate documentation may include a summary of the qualifications and experience of the faculty assigned to teach in the program, as well as faculty profiles or curriculum vitae. Once the School of Education at Laurentian University provides information that the Accreditation Committee finds to be acceptable evidence, Requirement 12 will have been fully satisfied.

As required in Section 16.(1) of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, the Director of the School of Education shall submit to the Accreditation Committee, within six months of the Accreditation Committee issuing its decision, a plan outlining the proposed methods and estimated time for satisfying the aforementioned conditions of accreditation, and report annually to the Accreditation Committee on the progress in satisfying the conditions.

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
June 14, 2010

Amendment to Expiry Date

On February 15, 2011 the Accreditation Committee and the School of Education at Laurentian University agreed to extend the initial accreditation period for this program to June 14, 2014 to provide the faculty with additional time to complete an internal appraisal before preparing a submission for renewal of accreditation.

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers

February 15, 2011

Program update

The Director of the School of Education at Laurentian University has notified the Ontario College of Teachers that the consecutive program of professional education with areas of study in the Intermediate/Senior divisions as granted initial accreditation on June 14, 2010 will not be implemented. The accreditation of the program expires on June 14, 2014.

Decision Regarding the Enhanced Teacher Education Program Verification Report

Read the Full Decision

Confirmation of Accreditation

The Accreditation Committee finds that the following program of professional education offered by the School of Education, Laurentian University fully satisfies the accreditation requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs as they read on September 1, 2015:

  • Concurrent program of professional education with areas of study in the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate divisions, leading to a Bachelor of Education degree

The Accreditation Committee confirms general accreditation of these programs to continue until June 11, 2017.

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
April 7, 2016

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