Resources Category
Ongoing Professional Learning
The College appoints an accreditation panel to conduct a comprehensive review of each teacher education program including interviews and observations.
This guide is a case-based resource to help facilitate professional inquiry into inclusive educational leadership practices through exploring professional experiences of school principals.
Exploring the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession through Anishinaabe Art is an educative resource designed to support exploration into the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession.
Exploring the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession through Anishinaabe Art is a teacher education resource designed to support inquiry into the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession.
For course providers, outlines requirements of four courses (classroom management, professional boundaries, stress and anger management and ethical practice), which members may be required to complete.
Report of the two-year review of teachers' qualifications, including 66 recommendations to the government for changing and updating courses for pre-service and in-service teacher education.
For program providers, outlines application and accreditation requirements and process.
Members recognize that a commitment to ongoing professional learning is integral to effective practice and to student learning. Professional practice and self-directed learning are informed by experience, research, collaboration and knowledge.
Prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) is a process that allows applicants to demonstrate prior learning for all or parts of the Supervisory Officer’s Qualification Program (SOQP).
Subject associations play a vital role in education. They offer conferences, workshops, newsletters and an array of learning resources.