Resources Alpha
Answers to questions on teacher's role, testing, most enjoyable, challenging aspects of teaching, confidence in system and gender.
This bill, the Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Learning to Age 18), proposed raising the leaving age and giving credit for time spent in programs offered by non-traditional educational organizations. The College, while supporting the intent, said the bill did not deal adequately with accountability and responsibility for the educational programming.
Sets out 4Rs of safety: recognize, respond, report and reflect – to help members safeguard students in all learning environments and situations.
A workbook for teachers to use on their own.
Ontario’s teaching profession regulates itself. This means that the people of Ontario trust teachers to govern their own profession using their collective specialized knowledge, skills and experience.
Brochure outlining the mandate of the College.
Brochure outlining the mandate of the College.
Brochure outlining the mandate of the College.
Brochure outlining the mandate of the College.
Brochure outlining the mandate of the College.
Brochure outlining the mandate of the College.
This review of the language competencies required of teachers for effective professional practice reveals that teachers’ language competencies are diverse and extensive.
The Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession provide a framework of principles that describes the knowledge, skills, and values inherent in Ontario's teaching profession. Explore these principles through Anishinaabe art.
Download your posters for printing at home.
A two-sided poster listing the standards of practice and ethical standards that are the foundation of teaching in Ontario.
Answers to questions on confidence in system, positives and negatives of teaching, good teaching, public affairs, accountability, role of parents, mentoring, age and gender.
Answers to questions on school problems, reforms, career and professional development, multi-year agreement, initial education and public perception of teaching profession.
Answers to questions on stress, career planning, changes in education, student success factors, parent-teacher relations, age of consent, voting in College election.
Answers to questions on career satisfaction, challenges and retention, professional designation, classrooms, over-supply and cyber-bullying.
“We want to go to school!” This is what children of war countries from all over the world told humanitarian Stephen Lewis who opened the College conference in the fall. But the reasons are different than you might think. Hear what they shared with him and what Lewis had to say about public education, controversy and the role of the College.
Brochure outlines the complaint process and your rights. Includes a list of do's and dont's.
Brochure outlines how to complain to the College about the conduct of a teacher, including a list of do's and dont's.
Summary of a College study, Finding the Meaning in the Public Interest, which describes two competing views of the public interest in regulating professions.
Prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) is a process that allows applicants to demonstrate prior learning for all or parts of the Supervisory Officer’s Qualification Program (SOQP).
This advisory is intended to help Ontario Certified Teachers support students with mental health concerns and understand how to assist in their support.
Killoran, I., Zaretsky, H., Jordan, A., Smith, D., Allard, C., & Moloney, J. (2013). Supporting teachers to work with Children with Exceptionalities. Canadian Journal of Education, 36(1), pp. 240-270.
Answers to questions on professional designation, advisories, Additional Qualifications, College facilities, membership renewal and card use.
Answers to questions on professional designation, advisories, Additional Qualifications, College facilities, membership renewal and card use.
Answers to questions on professional standards, Additional Qualifications, associate teaching, College election participation, publication ban, labour mobility and the College magazine.
Annual survey of College members.