July 2012, Issue 1
The Public Interest

Thank you for your interest in news from the
Ontario College of Teachers.
Expect greater accountability and transparency with discipline reform
More information. Faster results. Greater accountability. Improved transparency.
That’s what parents and the public can expect once new laws are struck and reforms are implemented to the College’s investigation and discipline processes.
In June, College Council approved the 49 recommendations in a 76-page review by the Honourable Patrick J. LeSage C.M., O.ONT, whom the College commissioned last summer to review its disciplinary practices.
More than half the recommendations require changes to Ontario laws, which the College has been working under for the last 15 years. The College has forwarded 26 of the 49 recommendations to Ontario’s Minister of Education already for action.
When the reforms are fully implemented, the College will:
- make information about discipline hearings available sooner
- report discipline outcomes faster, including naming all those found guilty of professional misconduct
- share more information with school boards, police and other regulators
- fast-track hearings for members who have been criminally convicted.
Read the report and recommendations.
Be Inspired by College conference
Want a closer look at how the public interest fuels democracy, politics and policy debates? Register now for Inspiring Public Confidence, November 21-23 at the Sheraton Centre Hotel, Toronto.Â
An internationally recognized line-up of speakers and presenters including Stephen Lewis and Wendy Mesley promises to unite parents and the public with education stakeholders and professional regulators in an examination of what it means to protect the public interest. Sign up now for the early bird rate of $150. Spaces are limited.
Adding up to excellence
Learn what teachers are learning to become better at their craft.
The College’s online annual report lets you know the most popular Additional Qualification courses taken by Ontario Certified Teachers in 2011, along with a wealth of statistical information about teachers dating back to 1998.
The report also provides an overview of Council and College activities, committee reports and key demographic data.
New Council holds inaugural meeting
Liz Papadopoulos, OCT, was re-elected Chair of Council yesterday at the inaugural meeting of the sixth Council. Marc Dubois, OCT, was elected as vice-chair.
Learn more about those who were elected and appointed to serve the public interest.
Certified, qualified and supporting student achievement
See how your child’s teacher is qualified to help students learn and achieve by visiting Find a Teacher, our public register of those who are certified to teach in Ontario’s publicly funded schools and school systems.
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- get the scoop on scholarship awards, contests and consultations.
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