Teachers' regulatory head to retire
September 20 2006
September 19, 2006 (Toronto) – The head of the teaching profession's licensing body, Doug Wilson, Registrar and Chief Executive Officer of the Ontario College of Teachers, will take a leave at month's end leading to retirement.
Wilson's 38-year commitment to public education comes to an end following the September 28 to 29 regular meeting of the College Council.
"The College thanks Doug for his contributions to our profession, most recently as our Registrar, and extends to him our best wishes for the future, " said Council Chair Marilyn A. Laframboise.
Wilson was appointed as College Registrar in March 2003, having served with distinction the previous two years as Deputy Registrar. Prior to that he served as the College's Standards of Practice and Education unit manager after 31 years with the Durham District School Board.
He began his career in 1968 as a geography teacher at Pickering High School and later became a department head, vice-principal, principal, curriculum consultant and supervisory officer. He is also the co-author of seven Canadian history textbooks.
Wilson told College staff he is leaving to spend more time with family and to enjoy life as a recent grandparent.
College Council is expected to launch a search for his successor next month.
The Ontario College of Teachers licenses, governs and regulates the profession of teaching in the public interest. It sets standards of practice and ethical standards, conducts disciplinary hearings and accredits teacher education programs affecting its 200,000 members in publicly funded schools and institutions across Ontario. The College is the largest self-regulatory body in Canada.
For more information:
Brian Jamieson
416-961-8800 ext.
Toll-free 1-888-534-2222 ext.