New Council
July 06 2018
On July 4, 2018 the eighth College Council held its inaugural meeting, where the new Chair of Council Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT and Vice-Chair Tim Gernstein, OCT were elected.
Van Woudenberg is a Special Education coordinator with the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board where she liaises with ministry staff, collaborates with colleagues from regional boards and develops Special Education protocols and resources to support new and experienced teachers. She is dedicated to social justice causes, specifically access to free, high-quality education. Certified to teach in Ontario since 1998, van Woudenberg holds an Honours BA, a B.Ed. and an MA.
Gernstein is an elementary teacher with the York Region District School Board. He has taught in the Primary, Junior and Intermediate panels at four elementary schools in the York Region DSB, working as a supply, rotary, homeroom, reading recovery and regular classroom teacher. Gernstein was certified to teach in Ontario in 2004 and has a BA with Special Honours, a B.Ed. and an M.Ed.
The Chairs and members for each of Council's 14 committees were also appointed.
The committees play a significant role in regulating the teaching profession and in fulfilling the legislated mandate of the College.
The term of the eighth Council extends until June of 2021, although some public members may have shorter terms.
Regulatory – Reviews and accredits teacher education programs at Ontario faculties of education. Sets direction for the accreditation of additional qualification courses including principal and additional qualification programs.
- Paige Bennett, OCT (e)
- Susan Elliott-Johns, OCT (e)
- Rebecca Forte, OCT (e)
- Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT (e)
- Mary-Anne Mouawad, OCT (e)
- Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT (a)
- Marie-Thérèse Hokayem (a)
- Colleen Landers (a) (Chair)
- Tom Potter (a)
Regulatory – Considers and rules on appeals about accreditation of teacher education programs and courses.
- Charles Dimitry Abraham, OCT (e)
- Melissa Gaffen, OCT (e)
- Alicia Nunn, OCT (e) (Chair)
- Bill Petrie (a)
- Jonathan Rose (a)
Statutory – Conducts hearings into and rules on matters of professional misconduct or incompetence. Imposes penalties ranging from counseling, reprimands and admonishments to suspension and revocation, as appropriate. Hears applications for reinstatement of members whose teaching certificate was revoked for disciplinary reasons.
- Diane Ballantyne, OCT (e)
- Irene Dembek, OCT (e)
- Rebecca Forte, OCT (e)
- John Hamilton, OCT (e)
- Sara Nouini, OCT (e)
- Alicia Nunn, OCT (e)
- Nicola Powadiuk, OCT (e)
- Stéphane Vallée, OCT (e)
- Ravi Vethamany, OCT (e) (Chair)
- Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT (a)
- Marie-Thérèse Hokayem (a)
- Godwin Ifedi (a)
- Jane Ishibashi (a)
- Marlène Marwah (a)
- Bill Petrie (a)
- Tom Potter (a)
- Jonathan Rose (a)
Special – Oversees editorial and advertising policy and considers copy for Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession, the College's official publication.
- Chantal Côté, OCT (e)
- Melissa Gaffen, OCT (e)
- Tim Gernstein, OCT (e)
- Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT (a)
- Godwin Ifedi (a) (Chair)
Statutory – Conducts College business between Council meetings. Reviews committee reports and items coming before Council and makes recommendations as appropriate. Presents reports on policy initiatives to Council. Establishes ad hoc committees as necessary and appoints members to special and ad hoc committees and fills committee vacancies when they occur.
- Nicole van Woudenberg (e) (Chair of Council)
- Tim Gernstein (e) (Vice-Chair of Council)
- Colleen Landers (a)
- Ravi Vethamany (e)
- Bill Petrie (a)
- Irene Dembek (e)
- Jacqueline Karsemeyer (e)
- Sara Nouini (e)
- Susan Elliott-Johns (e)
Standing – Advises Council on College finances and functions as audit committee. Reviews and decides disposition of College investments. Reviews and makes recommendations about College budget. Recommends appointment of College auditor.
- Shannon Marcus, OCT (e)
- Ravi Vethamany, OCT (e)
- Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT (e)
- Colleen Landers(a)
- Bill Petrie (a) (Chair)
Statutory – Conducts hearings and rules on physical or mental capacity of members. Suspends, revokes or imposes terms, conditions or limitations on the member's Certificate of Qualification and Registration, as appropriate. Hears applications for reinstatement or variances of earlier orders.
- Diane Ballantyne, OCT (e)
- Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT (a)
- Irene Dembek, OCT (e) (Chair)
- Rebecca Forte, OCT (e)
- John Hamilton, OCT (e)
- Marie-Thérèse Hokayem (a)
- Godwin Ifedi (a)
- Jane Ishibashi (a)
- Marlène Marwah (a)
- Sara Nouini, OCT (e)
- Alicia Nunn, OCT (e)
- Bill Petrie (a)
- Thomas (Tom) Potter (a)
- Nicola Powadiuk, OCT (e)
- Jonathan Rose (a)
- Stéphane Vallée, OCT (e)
- Ravi Vethamany, OCT (e)
Special – Provides guidance on issues of governance and risk management. Ensures that the Council and the College function in accordance with the relevant legislation and regulations and the bylaws of the College.
- Tim Gernstein, OCT (e)
- Irene Dembek, OCT (e)
- John Hamilton, OCT (e)
- Sara Nouini, OCT (e)
- Tom Potter (a) (Chair)
- Jonathan Rose (a)
- Ronna Warsh (a)
Special – Provides ongoing advice to the Registrar and Council on human resources policies and programs. Monitors salary administration. Advises Council on the process for hiring the Registrar and Deputy Registrar.
- Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT (e)
- Paige Bennett, OCT (e)
- Alicia Nunn, OCT (e)
- Marlène Marwah (a)
- Michelle Miner-Seal (a) (Chair)
Statutory – Receives and investigates complaints about College members related to professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity. Examines documents and information collected in an investigation into a member's conduct or actions. Decides how to properly deal with complaints.
- Tim Gernstein, OCT (e)
- Erin Glen, OCT (e)
- Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT (e) (Chair)
- Shannon Marcus, OCT (e)
- Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT (e)
- Stephen Zimmermann, OCT (e)
- James Knopp (a)
- Colleen Landers (a)
- Michelle Miner-Seal (a)
Special – Assesses the College's progress in meeting its legislated objectives and reports to Council.
- Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT (e)
- Diane Ballantyne, OCT (e) (Chair)
- Stephen Zimmermann, OCT (e)
- Godwin Ifedi (a)
- Marlène Marwah (a)
Statutory – Considers and rules on appeals from applicants denied College membership or College members who are certified with terms, conditions and limitations. Assesses applicant qualifications against College registration criteria. May deny applications or direct the Registrar to issue a Certificate of Qualification and Registration.
- Chantal Côté, OCT (e)
- Sara Nouini, OCT (e) (Chair)
- Stéphane Vallée, OCT (e)
- Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT (a)
Standing – Advises Council on developing, reviewing and implementing ethical and practice standards and a professional learning framework to maintain the standards. Reviews staff research and policy proposals, and makes recommendations to Council. Participates in public and member-focused consultations on the standards and policy proposals.
- Charles Dimitry Abraham, OCT (e)
- Susan Elliott-Johns, OCT (e) (Chair)
- Erin Glen, OCT (e)
- Mary-Anne Mouawad, OCT (e)
- Nicola Powadiuk, OCT (e)
- Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT (a)
- Marie-Thérèse Hokayem (a)
- James Knopp (a)
- Ronna Warsh (a)
Facilitates the movement of motions during Council meetings. Meets with the Chair, the Registrar, the Deputy Registrar and other College staff prior to most Council meetings. Reviews the agenda, is briefed about any amendments or additions and reviews the motions that will be brought forward at the subsequent meeting. The Steering Committee consists of one appointed (vacant) and one elected member of the Executive Committee, one of whom is the Vice-Chair of Council, Tim Gernstein, OCT (e).