College helps shape new initial teacher education programs
June 20 2013
Earlier today, College Chair Liz Papadopoulos, OCT, and College CEO and Registrar Michael Salvatori, OCT, addressed stakeholders gathered at the College to discuss modernizing Ontario’s enhanced teacher education programs. Minister of Education Liz Sandals joined the group and highlighted the changes to the program and the ways in which it will enhance the excellent programs that currently exist so that new teachers will continue to be well prepared.
Starting in 2015, the four-semester program with an increased practicum of 80 days will include a sharper focus on diversity, meeting the needs of students with special needs, children’s mental health and the integration of technology.
The enhanced areas of focus, many of which are already embedded in teacher education programs, include:
- understanding the design, format and rationale for curricula and policies, the content and pedagogy in areas such as: literacy, numeracy, science, environment, knowledge of and appreciation for First Nations, Metis and Inuit traditions, cultures and perspectives
- understanding of child, youth and parental mental health issues
- articulation of teaching standards of practice
- preparing for transitions (i.e. student pathways such as: high school, college, university, apprenticeships, the workforce)
- teaching in the Ontario context (e.g. diversity, equity, safe and accepting schools, creation of a positive school climate,)
- education law (i.e. regulations/ethics/occupational health and safety/professional misconduct)
- professional relationships (communicating and engaging with teachers, school staff, students, parents, community)
- 21st century learning/technology as a teaching tool
- research and data analysis (e.g. self reflection)
- inquiry-based research, data and assessment
- theories of learning/teaching methods
- classroom management and organization
- child and adolescent development (i.e. brain development and understanding student transitions ages 0-21 and grades K-12)
- current observation, assessment and evaluation strategies (i.e. assessment for, as and of, learning)
- teaching English Language Learners/French Language Learners
- pedagogy, assessment and evaluation for learning for specific subjects (e.g. mathematics, literacy)
- special education (e.g. writing Individual Education Plans, mental health).
The Ontario College of Teachers is responsible for the accreditation of the programs and will work with the faculties and schools of education prior to the 2015 implementation date to ensure that the programs meet the new requirements.
See also:
Ontario College of Teachers welcomes extended initial teacher education program
Giving New Teachers the Tools for Success

Minister of Education Liz Sandals.
College officials David Tallo, Michelle Longlade, Michael Salvatori, and Liz Papadopoulos listen attentively to the Minister.

Education stakeholders listen to details about expanded programs.