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March 18 2015

French-language members of the profession recently participated in a College survey that gauges their level of satisfaction with the quality of our French-language services. We wanted to know what they thought of the services we provide in day-to-day interactions with College staff and the improvements made to better reflect the Francophone culture in our publications.

The recent survey confirms that our members recognize the changes that have been occurring at the College and said they were very happy with the quality of services they receive in French.

When asked to what extent they agree that the College is easy to do business with in French, 3 out of 4 respondents said they strongly agree. ‘The service I receive in French is always impeccable’ commented one participant. Another said: ‘The staff who answer the phone are courteous, competent and patient.’

3 out of four said they feel that College publications effectively promote French-language culture – almost everyone said they are very satisfied with the College’s magazine Pour parler profession.

Several participants in the survey told us they want to see more French feature articles on issues, challenges, achievements specific to French-language education. They suggested articles that reflect the reality, sensibility and pride of teaching in the French-language education system or in immersion programs.

The College has made many improvements over the years in areas such as services to members, information technology and French-language publications.

College CEO and Registrar Michael Salvatori said “The dedication of our staff and their commitment to continuous improvement in the provision of quality service in English and French is key to our success and the results are a testament to their consistent effort. The College is committed to continuous improvement in all areas of our work. Member feedback through surveys such as this gives us concrete and helpful suggestions to guide our ongoing development.”

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