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Accreditation Committee Decision

York University – Faculty of Education

Application for General Accreditation

Full-time consecutive program of professional education with areas of study in the P/J, J/I and I/S divisions, leading to a BEd degree

Concurrent and part-time consecutive programs of professional education with areas of study in the P/J, J/I and I/S divisions, including the P/J divisions with a focus on teaching French as a Second Language, leading to a BEd degree

Application for Initial Accreditation

Concurrent technological education program of professional education leading to a BEd degree and an applied degree

Decision of the Accreditation Committee Regarding the Applications for Accreditation Submitted by the Faculty of Education at York University


Decision of the Accreditation Committee Regarding the Applications for Accreditation Submitted by the Faculty of Education at York University

The Faculty of Education at York University submitted an application on September 10, 2010 for renewal of accreditation of the following programs of professional education:

  • Full-time consecutive program of professional education with areas of study in the Primary/Junior, Junior/Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior divisions, leading to a Bachelor of Education degree
  • Concurrent and part-time consecutive programs of professional education with areas of study in the Primary/Junior, Junior/Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior divisions, including the Primary/Junior divisions with a focus on teaching French as a Second Language, leading to a Bachelor of Education degree

At the same time, the faculty submitted an application for initial accreditation of the following new program to prepare candidates to teach Grades 9/10 and Grades 11/12 in technological education subjects:

  • Concurrent technological education program of professional education leading to a Bachelor of Education degree and an applied degree

In accordance with Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education programs, the Accreditation Committee established an accreditation panel to:

  • conduct a review of the aforementioned programs of professional education on the direction of the Accreditation Committee; and
  • act in an advisory role to the Accreditation Committee by reporting to the Committee on its findings and making recommendations to the Committee with respect to the programs reviewed.

The seven-person accreditation panel met the requirements set out in Section 6 of Regulation 347/02 and was comprised as follows:

  • three members of Council, two of whom were members of the Accreditation Committee, and one of whom was an appointed member of Council
  • a member of the College who was not a member of Council
  • a roster member with experience as an educator in a faculty of education
  • a roster member with expertise in programs that prepare candidates to teach technological education subjects, and
  • a person nominated by the Faculty of Education at York University.

In making its recommendations, the panel reviewed a self-appraisal report and other documentation provided by the Faculty of Education at York University. The on-site visit took place from October 17 through 22, 2010 and included an examination of artifacts and program resources, interviews with faculty and stakeholders, and a review of virtual exhibits related to the program.

There were no submissions from the public regarding the existing or proposed programs.

Following the review, the accreditation panel compiled a report of its findings and recommendations for the Accreditation Committee’s consideration.

The Accreditation Committee, by virtue of the authority granted under the Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996, and Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, set out to determine if the programs of professional education in the application submitted by the Faculty of Education at York University qualified for accreditation.

The decision of the Accreditation Committee is based on the Accreditation Panel Final Report dated April 8, 2011, the Dean’s response to the panel’s draft report dated April 4, 2011, the Panel Chair’s presentation to the Accreditation Committee and the regulatory requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs and the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation.

In making this decision, the Committee considered that teacher candidates in the concurrent programs are enrolled on a full-time basis and that the new concurrent technological education program has an area of study in Grades 9 and 10 and Grades 11 and 12 in a technological education subject listed in Schedule B of the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation.

Decision of the Accreditation Committee at its Meeting of April 21, 2011

Requirements and Findings

The reasons for the Committee’s decision and the facts upon which it is based follow herein:

Requirement 1

The provider of the program is a permitted institution.


The evidence indicates that York University is a permitted institution as defined in subsection 1.(1) of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs.

The York University Act, 1965, outlines the authorities of the University, which include the establishment of faculties and the granting of university degrees, diplomas, and certificates. An ‘Order-in-Council’ approved by His Honour The Lieutenant Governor, dated August 18, 1971, and an ‘Agreement’, dated August 17, 1971, between the Minister of Education and the President of York University, created ‘the Faculty of Education of York University’ which assumed the function of the Lakeshore Teachers’ College and thereby discontinued the operation of the Lakeshore Teachers’ College by the Minister of Education.


Based on the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 1 is fully satisfied for all programs reviewed.
Requirement 2

The program has a clearly delineated conceptual framework.


The evidence indicates that the Faculty of Education at York University has a clearly delineated conceptual framework for its programs of professional education.

The core of the conceptual framework is made up of University Undergraduate Degree Level Expectations (UUDLEs) that are organized around the categories of Ethical Stance, Curriculum, Pedagogy, Autonomy and Worldliness.  These UUDLES are derived from and are a synthesis of foundational documents that pertain to all programs, including the new concurrent Technological Education program.

The Conceptual Framework is supported by theoretical and policy sources and informed by the following policy and research documents: York University, Faculty of Education – Report of the Academic Framework Committee, 1995; Association of Canadian Deans of Education Accord on Initial Teacher Education, 2006; Ontario College of Teachers’ Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession and Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession; Ontario Council of Academic Vice – Presidents’ Guidelines for University Undergraduate Degree Level Expectations, 2005; and the York University, Faculty of Education’s Teacher Candidate Practicum Evaluation Protocol, 2009/2010.  Interviews with all constituents confirmed that the Faculty of Education value difference, relationality, reciprocity, multiple perspectives, equity and social justice and democratic processes of governance.  The degree level expectations are framed as a teaching and learning dialectic that emanates from principles of adult learning and intellectual development, and reference to these principles is made in all course outlines for the programs reviewed.


Based on the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 2 is fully satisfied for all programs reviewed.

Requirement 3

The program is consistent with and reflects

  1. the College’s “Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession” and the “Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession”,
  2. current research in teacher education, and
  3. the integration of theory and practice in teacher education.


The evidence indicates that the programs of professional education reviewed are consistent with and reflect the Ontario College of Teachers’ Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession and the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession, current research in teacher education, and the integration of theory and practice in teacher education.

The Standards are embedded throughout the programs, graduate expectations and all courses, including those for the new concurrent Technological Education program.

Faculty members are using current research in their teaching and are also generating new knowledge in their respective areas of interest. The Dean’s Reading Group provides a forum for the faculty to share and critique current research in teacher education. The Education Resource Centre houses an array of contemporary research texts and materials which support course work in the program.  Documentation and interviews provided evidence that teacher candidates in the new concurrent Technological Education program will have opportunities to understand the theoretical frameworks and research that inform the teaching, learning, assessment and evaluation of the courses that comprise Technological Education in grades 9 – 12.

The integration of theory and practice in teacher education occurs throughout all of the programs as evidenced by the conceptual framework, the philosophy of the practicum as outlined in the Teacher Candidate Practicum Evaluation Protocol, interviews with course directors and faculty associated with the practicum, and interviews with the teacher candidates.  The new concurrent Technological Education program’s practicum structure and the assignments in the practicum will also integrate theory and practice.


Based on the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 3 is fully satisfied for all programs reviewed.
Requirement 4

The program curriculum is current, references the Ontario curriculum, includes the application of current research in teacher education, and represents a wide knowledge base in the divisions and components of the program.


The evidence indicates that the programs of professional education reviewed are current, reference the Ontario curriculum, include the application of current research in teacher education, and represent a wide knowledge base in the divisions and components of the programs.

The Faculty of Education bases its program on current research in teaching and learning. Program curriculum currency was evident in the course objectives, content and bibliographies in course outlines. Course outlines are updated annually and submitted to a curriculum committee for review. For example, a group of faculty members have formed a reading group, led by the Dean, which meets regularly to discuss the most recent local, national and international research findings in the field. Seconded faculty are rotated every three years to bring current perspectives on teaching to the program. The Education Resource Centre contains a current collection of hard and electronic materials for school classrooms, texts and Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum and policy documents, all of which are accessible to teacher candidates and faculty at all program sites. Teacher candidates contribute suggestions for the addition of library materials when they return from practicum placements. The structure and organization of the new concurrent Technological Education program is based on the recently revised Ministry of Education Technological Education curriculum.

Interviews confirmed that all teacher candidates are provided with Ministry of Education curriculum and related policy documents. Teacher candidates observe and practice in school settings where the Ontario curriculum is used and must show evidence of knowledge of the Ontario curriculum in their lesson planning. The program curriculum for the new concurrent Technological Education program references the 2009 Ministry of Education curriculum guidelines.

Current research in teacher education was found in: course outlines, course descriptions, objectives, content, assignments, bibliographies, and the holdings of the Education Resource Centre.  Teacher candidates and faculty engage in reflective practice throughout the program.  Research activities being undertaken by members of the Faculty reflect current local and provincial concerns.  The curriculum for the new concurrent Technological Education program includes the application of current research in teacher education such as current research in brain theory and adolescent development.

Course outlines from all programs represent a wide knowledge base in the divisions and expose candidates to a broad range of educational areas such as planning and teaching with an equity, diversity, social justice and sustainability framework. Teacher candidates must identify and respond to issues of inequities and intolerance, accommodate for students with special needs and implement diverse strategies of assessment and evaluation. The Faculty is composed of tenure track professors and educators from the field representing a diversity of academic and practical qualifications. Teacher candidates may choose from a wide range of elective offerings to focus on particular areas in teacher education, such as Indigenous Education, Early Childhood Education, Jewish Education, French as a Second Language Education, Fine Arts, and Technological Education. Teacher candidates in all programs are asked to engage with current and broad Ministry of Education initiatives. The new concurrent Technological Education program represents a wide knowledge base by the inclusion of such areas as student success initiatives, “Learning to 18” strategies, the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship System, and cooperative education options.


Based on the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 4 is fully satisfied for all programs reviewed.
Requirement 5

The course content of the program includes theory, method and foundation courses and appropriate provision for the application of theory in practice.


The evidence indicates that the course content for the programs of professional education reviewed includes theory, method and foundation courses and appropriate provision for the application of theory in practice.

Teacher candidates are required to take courses that include theory. The foundation courses are focused on theory and demand that teacher candidates apply theory to their community experiences and school practica. Teacher candidates in the new concurrent Technological Education program will take the concurrent program’s foundation and practicum seminar courses.  The Technological Education curriculum and instruction (method) courses provide the theoretical frameworks that comprise Technological Education in grades 9 to 12.

Course content for all the programs reviewed include curriculum and instruction (method) courses for respective divisions, grades and teachable subjects. All of the programs include courses that address all the subjects taught in the qualifying divisions.

Foundation courses include topics such as socialization and human development, communication, theories of knowledge and models of education.

In the consecutive full-time program, programs with a particular focus provide for the substitution of some of the common curriculum and instruction (method) or foundation courses for other, specific curriculum and instruction (method) and/or foundation courses, depending on the particular program focus.

Teacher candidates in the concurrent and consecutive part-time programs who elect to follow specific curriculum pathways such as Indigenous Teacher Education, or French As a Second Language, may substitute specific method or foundation courses related to their chosen focus.

Teacher candidates in the new concurrent Technological Education program complete the same foundational courses as candidates in the concurrent program.

The application of theory in practice is provided for in the curriculum and instruction (method) and foundation courses and the practicum seminar courses which support the practicum component.


Based on the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 5 is fully satisfied for all programs reviewed.

Requirement 6

The program’s format and structure are appropriate for the course content.


The evidence indicates that the format and structure are appropriate for the course content in all programs of professional education reviewed.

All programs include common foundational courses. In addition, York offers a variety of pathways designed to meet a range of student needs and interests.

Teacher candidates in the consecutive full-time program complete the program in one extended academic year after completing an approved first degree. Teacher candidates may study at the Keele Street campus or at regional sites. Teacher candidates with an interest in engaging more deeply with teacher education in urban areas of Toronto may take programs situated in neighbourhoods such as Regent Park and Parkdale. In addition, consecutive full-time program sites are also structured to allow teacher candidates to pursue particular areas of focus in education such as Early Childhood Education, Fine Arts, Catholic Education, Urban Diversity, and Indigenous Education. Teacher candidates in some focused programs such as Early Childhood Education or Fine Arts Education comprise cohorts that build on a prior degree or expertise. The consecutive full-time program has two practicum placements for teacher candidates in the Primary and Junior divisions, two placements in the Junior and Intermediate divisions and in one teachable area, and three placements in the Intermediate and Senior divisions and in two teachable areas.

The four or five-year concurrent teacher education program allows teacher candidates to complete an undergraduate degree while at the same time meeting the requirements of a Bachelor of Education degree in the Primary/Junior, Junior/Intermediate or Intermediate/Senior divisions. The concurrent teacher education program is completed in the latter three years of the program and is staged so that candidates complete foundation courses in Education Year 1 and move into the curriculum and instruction (method) courses in Education Years 2 and 3.  In addition to the core course components, the concurrent program is structured so that teacher candidates can choose a program focus such as Summer Science, Jewish Teacher Education, French As a Second Language, Indigenous Teacher Education, and, planned for 2012, Technological Education.

The concurrent Primary/Junior program with a focus on teaching French as a Second Language – the BEd (French) program – emphasizes French language proficiency and an understanding of Francophone cultures. The program is offered for the most part at the Glendon Campus. Teacher candidates may satisfy the cultural component of their program by participating in a one year study program in a Francophone context during Year 3 of a 4 year program or during Year 4 of a 5 year program (with a stop-out year). In year one of the program, candidates have experience in francophone community-based and/or French Immersion school-based sites. In year two, the practicum is carried out in Ontario French immersion schools, and in year three candidates are placed in Core French and English language elementary school settings. Candidates in the Junior/Intermediate or Intermediate/Senior divisions interested in teaching French as a Second Language choose it as a teachable subject within the regular concurrent program structure.

The Summer Science focus allows teacher candidates with very heavy science lab obligations in their undergraduate program to complete theoretical and curriculum-based courses in education over three years in May and June or in the summer. The concurrent programs’ practicum placements in Education Year 3 are weekly at schools and include a 20-day continuous block in May. Practicum placements in Education Year 4 (or Education Year 5 if the teacher candidate choses a stop-out year) are weekly and include a 20-day continuous block in May.  The Summer Science program has 50 practicum days and new concurrent Technological Education program has 40 practicum days. The concurrent program allows teacher candidates a ‘Stop Out Year’ to focus solely on their undergraduate degree in between their second and third year in Education.

The consecutive part-time program in the Primary/Junior, Junior/Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior divisions is completed over a three year period for teacher candidates who have completed an approved undergraduate degree, but who may not wish to or are unable to engage in a year of a consecutive full-time program. Teacher candidates follow the concurrent program pattern of study and are fully integrated into those classes. Following the structure of the concurrent program, the consecutive part-time program includes theory and foundation, curriculum and instruction (method), elective and practicum seminar courses and practicum. Teacher candidates in the consecutive part-time program can focus on Indigenous Teacher Education, French As-a-Second Language, Jewish Teacher Education or Summer Science. Practicum placements take place in the second and third years of the program. The consecutive part-time practicum format and structure mirrors the concurrent program.

The new concurrent Technological Education program will have teacher candidates complete a Bachelor of Education degree at York University and an applied degree at another post-secondary institution concurrently over six years.  The new concurrent Technological Education degree program will mirror the existing concurrent Bachelor of Education program.  The Technological Education program in years three and four will include theory and foundations courses, electives, and curriculum & instruction (method) courses titled Curriculum Connections for Technological Education and Technological Education as a Teaching Subject.  The practicum seminar courses will focus directly on teaching and learning and will be integrated with two supervised 20-day practicum placements in years 4 and 5. 

Teacher candidates in all programs are required to take a practicum seminar course
that includes faculty coursework linked to various curriculum based theory courses, an on-line tutorial of Professional Knowledge and Ethics, and a relevant practicum placement.  The practicum seminar course is structured uniquely based on the specific needs of each program to fulfill the requirement of appropriate format and structure.


Based on the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 6 is fully satisfied for all programs reviewed.
Requirement 7

Students are assessed and informed of their progress on an ongoing basis throughout the program.


The evidence indicates that the teacher candidates are assessed and informed of their progress on an ongoing basis throughout all programs of professional education reviewed.

 The Faculty of Education applies the University’s policies and procedures for teacher candidate evaluation in each course outline through a template which provides a full description of the formative assessment and summative evaluation plan and time line.
An advisory system is in place to provide each teacher candidate with general support and feedback as the program progresses.  The Faculty’s Teacher Candidate Practicum Evaluation Protocol includes the official forms and procedures for teacher candidate assessment in the practicum.  Course Directors and Seminar Leaders visit practicum placement sites regularly to offer feedback and support to teacher candidates.  Feedback on performance is constant, oriented toward growth and is based on a “no surprises” policy that is understood and supported by all.

The new concurrent Technological Education program will be operating within the overall Faculty expectations for the assessment and evaluation of teacher candidates.


Based on the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 7 is fully satisfied for all programs reviewed.

Requirement 8

The program includes a practicum that satisfies the requirements set out in subparagraph 2v of subsection 1 (2) and subsection (2).

Section 9, subsection (2): The requirements for the practicum portion of the program are as follows:

        1. The practicum must include observation and practice teaching in an instructional setting in schools or other situations that use the Ontario curriculum or in situations approved by the College.
        2. Revoked.
        3. The practicum enables every student to participate in settings related to each division and at least one of the subject areas of the program that are relevant to the student.
        4. An experienced teacher supervises the students and assesses their practicum.
        5. A faculty member is appointed as an advisor for each student.

Subparagraph 2v of subsection 1 (2):
(2) …a program of professional education…that satisfies the following requirements:…
              2. The program includes,…
                  v. a minimum of 40 days of practical experience in schools or in other situations approved by the College for observation and practice teaching.

O. Reg. 347/02, ss. 9. (1) 8


The evidence indicates that the practicum for all programs of professional education includes a minimum of 40 days practical experience that includes observation and practice teaching in instructional settings in schools or other situations that use the Ontario curriculum, or in situations approved by the College. The practicum enables every teacher candidate to participate in settings related to each division and at least one of the subject areas in the program relevant to the teacher candidate. An experienced teacher supervises and assesses the practicum, and a faculty member is appointed as an advisor for each teacher candidate.

Depending on the specific program, teacher candidates in the consecutive full- and part-time and concurrent programs complete between 85 – 100 days in their practicum placements. The concurrent and part-time consecutive Summer Science program, only offered in the Intermediate/Senior divisions, has a total of 50 practicum days. The new concurrent Technological Education program will have two practicum placements totalling 20 days in May in each of the 4th and 5th years of the program.

The Faculty provided a list of publicly funded schools that are used for practicum placements. Teacher candidates may also be placed in selected private schools teaching Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum, where they are mentored and assessed by Ontario Certified Teachers.

Teacher candidates in all of the Faculty’s programs complete observation and practice teaching in at least two schools and in the two divisions associated with their program. In the Junior/Intermediate divisions, teacher candidates have a practicum placement in one teachable subject, and in the Intermediate/Senior divisions, in two teachable subjects. Along with the school practicum placement, teacher candidates are required to take part in an in-faculty practicum seminar. Site Coordinators at the practicum placements ensure that Mentor Teachers and School Leaders are aware of the Faculty of Education’s expectations that the practicum placement experience include practice in two divisions, and, where required, the teachable subject(s).

Mentor Teachers support, supervise and assess teacher candidates with assistance from the Faculty of Education’s practicum Course Directors/Seminar Leaders and in accordance with York University’s Practicum Policy. The practicum policy document articulates the procedures for the practicum in all programs, including the descriptions of the role of the Mentor Teacher, and expectations for interactions between the Mentor Teacher and teacher candidate. Interviews confirmed that, as with all other program practicum experiences, experienced teachers will be Mentor Teachers in the new concurrent Technological Education program’s practicum school placements.

The responsibilities of the Course Director/Seminar Leader include organizing and maintaining regular on-line communication with teacher candidates, and visiting teacher candidates to provide support through discussion, reflection and counselling. Additional advisory support is available through the Practicum Office. Course Director/Seminar Leaders visit all sites and placements regularly and are available to their candidates electronically. 

Documentation and interviews confirmed that in the new concurrent Technological Education program a seconded faculty member is assigned to teach two practicum  seminar courses and to supervise candidates in practicum placements.


Based on the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 8 is fully satisfied for all programs reviewed.

Requirement 9

Successful completion of the practicum is a requirement for successful completion of the program.


The evidence indicates that successful completion of the practicum is required for successful completion of all programs of professional education reviewed.

Policy documents governing the practicum assert that its completion is a requirement for the successful completion of the B. Ed programs. This was confirmed by the Associate Dean, Special Projects Coordinator, Practicum Coordinators and Practicum Seminar Leaders.

Based on the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 9 is fully satisfied for all programs reviewed.
Requirement 10

The teaching method courses in the program are appropriate in relation to the divisions to which they relate.


The evidence indicates that the teaching method courses in all programs of professional education reviewed are appropriate in the relation to the divisions to which they relate.

Teaching method (curriculum and instruction) courses are appropriate to the Primary/Junior, Junior/Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior divisions, and for Grades 9 and 10 and Grades 11 and 12 in the new concurrent Technological Education program. When method courses combine divisions the learning objectives, texts, readings and assignments address specific divisions and, where required, specific subject areas. Course outlines reference the Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum and support documents, specific to the divisions and subjects. Evidence of differentiated instruction is apparent in course descriptions and in the comments of those interviewed.

In some cases specialized method courses may be substituted for generalized method courses. These specialized method courses remain division specific.

There are specialized method courses for the new concurrent Technological Education program. 

The additional method courses in the concurrent and consecutive part-time programs required for teaching French as a Second Language in the Primary/Junior Divisions are taken in lieu of electives.


Based on the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 10 is fully satisfied for all programs reviewed.

Requirement 11

The teaching theory and foundation courses in the program include courses on human development and learning and on legislation and government policies relating to education.


The evidence indicates that the teaching theory and foundation courses in all programs of professional education reviewed include courses on human development and learning and on legislation and government policies relating to education.

All programs include courses on human development and learning. All Primary/Junior & Junior/Intermediate courses explore what it means to be human, and what it means to develop. In the Intermediate/Senior area of study, candidates examine the history and theory of adolescent development and explore social and cultural contexts that affect the learner. The teaching theory and foundation courses that include courses on human development and learning in the new concurrent Technological Education program will be the same as the current concurrent program’s learning theory and foundation courses.

All teacher candidates must successfully complete an on-line tutorial, Ethics and Legal Studies in Education. The on-line tutorial is updated regularly so that it reflects current legislation and policies. The content of the tutorial is further developed through assignments and case studies in curriculum and instruction (methods) and practicum seminar courses and in such elective courses as Education and Human Rights.

The concurrent program and the part-time consecutive program also include a compulsory course that examines the ways that schooling, as a compulsory experience, is organized in society. The new concurrent Technological Education program includes this course as well. Additional legislative topics identified in curriculum and instruction course outlines for the Technological Education program include legislation and government policies relating to Technological Education such as legislated health and safety standards, teachers’ legal responsibilities, the Ontario School Boards’ Insurance Exchange and Board Insurance, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and the Canadian Food and Drug Act and Regulations.


Based on the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 11 is fully satisfied for all programs reviewed.

Requirement 12

The faculty members teaching the program are an appropriate combination of,

  1. persons with appropriate academic qualifications,
  2. practitioners with appropriate experience in the field of education, and
  3. persons with appropriate expertise in the divisions and components of the program.


The evidence indicates that the faculty members teaching in all programs of professional education reviewed are an appropriate combination of persons with appropriate academic qualifications, practitioners with appropriate experience in the field of education, and persons with appropriate expertise in the divisions and components of the program.

Documentation included curriculum vitae with the academic qualifications, experience and expertise of the 137 tenured, seconded, and contract faculty teaching in all the programs. Interviews confirmed that faculty are an appropriate combination of academic qualifications and experience in education. By design, there is a combination of tenure track professors and professional educators from the field so that a diversity of faculty with academic and practical qualifications participate in the teaching of pre-service candidates. Tenure stream faculty bring knowledge of current theory and research to their teaching; faculty seconded from school boards are recognized for exemplary classroom practice in specific subject or divisional areas and bring teaching currency and insight into recent developments in education and in the teaching profession. The Faculty appoints new seconded faculty for a three year term. On a cyclical schedule 10 seconded faculty leave each year and are replaced. Retired educators hired on a contract basis bring extensive experience in the profession.

The CVs identified practitioners with appropriate experience in the field of education that include academic study and research, instruction in post-graduate and undergraduate education, including teacher education, and experience in many areas such as Aboriginal Infusion in mainstream teacher education, curriculum theory, social justice, equity, teacher education, teacher education pre-service instruction, program assessment, multiculturalism, special education, human development and family ecology, Early Childhood Education, youth and homelessness, cultural studies in education, critical pedagogy, child and adolescent development, literacy and curriculum and instruction. CVs also identify practitioners with experience teaching in elementary and secondary schools and in all grade levels.

CVs demonstrate expertise and experience in the Primary division, including Kindergarten, the Junior, Intermediate, and Senior divisions, and components of the program, including specific curriculum areas. Faculty members’ expertise and experience in program components include such areas as English as a Second Language, Early Childhood Education, Special Education, Indigenous Education, Literacy, Curriculum Theory, Learning Theory, and Human Development., Multiculturalism, languages (e.g., French, German, Hebrew), literacy, and practice teaching.

Faculty for the new concurrent Technological Education program include members that currently instruct in the existing concurrent program’s foundation and practicum seminar courses. Current faculty hold academic qualifications and appropriate experience and expertise in Technological Education. One seconded faculty member who specializes in Technological Education will teach two practicum-seminar courses and supervise Technological Education teacher candidates in the practicum.


Based on the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 12 is fully satisfied for all programs reviewed.
Requirement 13

The permitted institution maintains adequate internal controls to preserve the integrity of student records relating to the program.


The evidence indicates that the Faculty of Education at York University maintains adequate internal controls to preserve the integrity of student records relating to all programs of professional education reviewed.

A tour of the Faculty of Education’s Office of Student Programs, as well as documents, artifacts and interviews with staff and faculty, confirm that the Faculty maintains adequate internal controls and preserves the integrity of student records relating to the programs.

The Faculty of Education’s Office of Student Programs is responsible for maintaining teacher candidate records according to the policies of the University Registrar’s Office.  In accordance with Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, York University’s Information and Privacy Office provides an Information and Privacy Toolkit for faculties which outlines the definition of confidential records, requirements for identifying and labelling confidential records and working with, storing and disposing of confidential records, including teacher candidates’ records.

The Office of Student Programs confirmed that confidential paper and electronic information and records of teacher candidates are held in a secure location at the Faculty. Electronic records are password protected and backed up to the larger university system. Storage areas and containers are away from public view. Teacher candidates are made aware of policies and procedures related to document storage and security.

All University and Faculty of Education policies for the internal controls to preserve the integrity of teacher candidate records will apply to the new concurrent Technological Education program.


Based on the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 13 is fully satisfied for all programs reviewed.
Requirement 14

The permitted institution is committed to continuous improvement and quality assurance of the program and, if the program is an existing program, has implemented measures demonstrating that commitment.


The evidence indicates that the Faculty of Education at York University is committed to continuous improvement and quality assurance for the programs of professional education reviewed, and for the existing programs has implemented measures demonstrating that commitment.

The Faculty of Education uses a number of resources and mechanisms to demonstrate commitment to continuous improvement and quality assurance. The Office of the Associate Dean – Pre-Service has responsibility for the on-going improvement of the Bachelor of Education Program. Course outlines are submitted to the Office of the Associate Dean and reviewed by the Committee of Curriculum Teaching and Learning. Each course and practicum experience is evaluated by teacher candidates, and these evaluations are available to course directors and are monitored by the Associate Dean. Regular Course Directors’ meetings include curriculum mapping exercises which ask Course Directors to evaluate their courses and program offerings in relationship to the University Undergraduate Degree Level Expectations, and for program coherence and development.

The commitment to continuous improvement is also demonstrated by the Dean’s Reading Group which encourages exchange about the latest research in teacher education and generates new questions about teaching and learning. 

Changes implemented since the last Ontario College of Teachers’ accreditation review include the development of the Teacher Candidate Practicum Evaluation Protocol to ensure programmatic consistency and clear exit requirements for the practicum in all programs, a new specialization in Indigenous Education (introduced in 2009), and the development of the new concurrent Technological Education program.  A new Summer Science option for Intermediate/Senior teacher candidates with teaching subjects in science and mathematics (introduced in 2010) is timetabled to address scheduling pressures on Faculty of Science and Engineering students wishing to complete a B.Ed.


Based on the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 14 is fully satisfied for all programs reviewed.
Requirement 15

The program has a Teacher Education Advisory Committee or similar body that functions in an advisory or liaison capacity in relation to the program.


The evidence indicates that the Faculty of Education at York University has a Teacher Education Advisory Council (TEAC) that functions in an advisory capacity in relation to all programs of professional education reviewed.

Interviews and documentation indicate that the TEAC operates in an advisory capacity, meeting once a year to provide feedback to the Faculty as it develops programs and courses and reaches out to its community partners.  The TEAC’s membership includes the Dean, Associate Deans (Pre-Service and Field Development), Graduate Program Director, Practicum Coordinator, other Education Faculty, and representation from the Senate, Faculty of Education’s Students’ Association, Ontario Ministries of Education and Training, Colleges and Universities, Supervisory Officers’ Associations, Principals’ Associations, Ontario Teachers’ Federation, and community organizations. Faculty indicated that a member with expertise in the area of Technological Education will be added to the TEAC.

In addition to the TEAC, the Faculty engages with several community partners such as the York Centre for Community Engagement. The Faculty of Education also liaises with the Teacher Education Liaison Committee (TELC) which is composed of Ontario teacher federation members.


Based on the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 15 is fully satisfied for all programs reviewed.

Decision of the Accreditation Committee

General Accreditation

For the reasons set out above, the Accreditation Committee finds that the following programs of professional education offered by the Faculty of Education at York University fully satisfy the requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs.

  • Full-time consecutive program of professional education with areas of study in the Primary/Junior, Junior/Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior divisions, leading to a Bachelor of Education degree
  • Concurrent and part-time consecutive programs of professional education with areas of study in the Primary/Junior, Junior/Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior divisions, including the Primary/Junior divisions with a focus on teaching French as a Second Language, leading to a Bachelor of Education degree

The Accreditation Committee grants general accreditation to these programs for a period of seven years until April 21, 2018 or for an amended period of time that is in accordance with Section 15 of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs.

Initial Accreditation

For the reasons set out above, the Accreditation Committee finds that the following new program of professional education to prepare candidates to teach Grades 9/10 and Grades 11/12 in technological education subjects that will be offered by the Faculty of Education at York University fully satisfies the requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs.

  • Concurrent technological education program of professional education leading to a Bachelor of Education degree and an applied degree

The Accreditation Committee grants initial accreditation to this program for a period of four years (April 21, 2015) or for the period of time ending on the graduation of the second class of candidates enrolled in the program, whichever is the longer period of time, but not to exceed six years (April 21, 2017), or an amended period of time that is in accordance with Section 15 of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs.

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers

April 21, 2011

Amendments to Expiry Date

Pursuant to Section 15.2 (0.a) of the Accreditation Regulation, the Accreditation Committee granted an extension of initial accreditation until July 1, 2017 to the concurrent technological education program of professional education with areas of study in Technological Education subjects at the Grades 9/10 and Grades 11/12 levels. This extension provides an option for the concurrent program to be reviewed in 2017 and exempt from the next review cycle, if the program is granted general accreditation within one year of April 21, 2018.

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
February 27, 2014

Decision Regarding the Enhanced Teacher Education Program Verification Report

Read the Full Decision

Confirmation of Accreditation

The Accreditation Committee finds that the following programs of professional offered by the Faculty of Education, York University fully satisfies the accreditation requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs as they read on September 1, 2015:

  • Full-time consecutive program of professional education with areas of study in the Primary/Junior, Junior/Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior divisions, leading to a Bachelor of Education degree
  • Concurrent and part-time consecutive programs of professional education with areas of study in the Primary/Junior, Junior/Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior divisions, including the Primary/Junior divisions with a focus on teaching French as a Second Language, leading to a Bachelor of Education degree
  • Part-time consecutive program of professional education with areas of study in Technological Education subjects at the Grades 9/10 and Grades 11/12 levels, leading to a Bachelor of Education degree

The Accreditation Committee confirms general accreditation of these programs to continue until April 21, 2018.

  • Concurrent technological education program of professional education with areas of study in Technological Education subjects at the grades 9/10 and grades 11/12 levels, leading to a Bachelor of Education degree and an applied degree

The Accreditation Committee confirms general accreditation of this program to continue until July 1, 2017.

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
May 31, 2016

Change Decision for Consecutive and Part-Time Consecutive Technological Education Programs

Read the Full Decision

The Accreditation Committee confirms that the following program, as modified, continues to qualify for general accreditation without conditions until the existing expiry date of April 21, 2018 or for an amended period of time that is in accordance with Section 15 of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs:

  • Consecutive and part-time consecutive programs of professional education with areas of study in Technological Education subjects at the Grades 9/10 and Grades 11/12 levels, leading to a Bachelor of Education degree

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
June 1, 2016

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