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Accreditation Committee Decision

Charles Sturt University in Ontario

In accordance with Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, the Accreditation Committee, at its December 8, 2004 meeting, granted initial accreditation with conditions to the proposed Consecutive Program of Professional Education (leading to a Bachelor of Primary Education Studies) offered by Charles Sturt University for the period of two years (2006) or the period of time ending on the graduation of the second class of students enrolled in the program, whichever is the longer period of time, not to exceed three years (2007).

The conditions on the grant of initial accreditation shall be that:

  • Charles Sturt University's status as a permitted institution is confirmed by the Minister, Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities;
  • Charles Sturt University makes abundantly clear in all appropriate documentation that the ultimate authority for program content, delivery, and assessment rests with Charles Sturt University and does not reside in any way with a school board.

In making its decision, the Committee considered:

  • the final report of the accreditation panel;
  • the response of the Faculty of Education of Charles Sturt University, dated October 25, 2004, to the panel’s draft report;
  • regulatory requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, and Regulation 184/97, Teachers’ Qualifications.

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