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Accreditation Committee Decision

Université d’Ottawa, Faculté d’éducation

Application for Initial Accreditation

Concurrent program of professional education with areas of study in the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate divisions, leading to a Bachelor of Education degree (French language program offered entirely by distance education)

Decision of the Accreditation Committee

Initial Accreditation with Conditions

For the reasons set out above, the Accreditation Committee finds that the following French-language program of professional education offered by the Faculté d’éducation at Université d’Ottawa substantially satisfies Requirements 6 and 10 and fully satisfies all other requirements of Regulation 347/02,

Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs:

  • Concurrent program of professional education with areas of study in the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate divisions, leading to a Bachelor of Education degree (French-language program offered entirely by distance education)

The Accreditation Committee grants initial accreditation with conditions as noted below to this program for a period of four years (November 19, 2017) or for the period of time ending on the graduation of the second class of candidates enrolled in the program whichever is the longer period of time, but not to exceed six years (November 19, 2019), or for an amended period of time that is in accordance with Section 15 of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs.

Requirement 6

Fully satisfying this requirement is contingent upon the Dean of the Faculté d’éducation at the Université d’Ottawa submitting evidence acceptable to the Accreditation Committee that the proposed program’s format and structure is appropriate for the course content.

  1. To satisfy the condition that all course outlines for the proposed program include a section detailing an explicit integration of the conceptual framework, the Dean could provide detailed evidence of the following, for example, for the committee to consider:
    • a universal template for course outlines for the program that includes a section identifying how the course relates to one or more components of the program’s conceptual framework, and
    • affirmation from the Dean of a policy requiring the use of the template.
  2. To satisfy the condition that the program curriculum content includes teaching methods in Health and Physical Education appropriate for the Primary/Junior division and for the Junior component of the Junior/Intermediate program, the Dean could provide detailed evidence of the following, for example, for the committee to consider:
    • an explanation of how the Faculté will ensure that all candidates in the Primary/Junior divisions will be prepared to teach Health and Physical Education, such as by means of a revised table of courses, according to teaching divisions, and
    • an explanation of how the Faculté will ensure that all candidates in the Junior/ Intermediate divisions will be prepared to teach Health and Physical Education in the Junior division, such as by means of a revised table of courses, according to teaching divisions, and
    • course outlines for one or more method courses for the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate areas of study in this program that explicitly reference division-appropriate Ontario program and curriculum content in Health and Physical Education, as well as subject-appropriate pedagogy, resources and delivery format, and
    • artifacts verifying that the content has been addressed, such as teacher candidate assignments reflecting the application of Health and Physical Education teaching methods or relevant summaries of outcomes of student course evaluations and/or faculty program reviews.

    The Dean must submit evidence to the College within three years of receipt of the Accreditation Committee’s decision. Once the Dean provides information that the Accreditation Committee finds to be acceptable evidence for both conditions, Requirement 6 will be fully satisfied for this program.

    Requirement 10

    Fully satisfying this requirement is contingent upon the Dean of the Faculté d’éducation at the Université d’Ottawa submitting evidence acceptable to the Accreditation Committee that the teaching method courses in the program are appropriate in relation to the divisions to which they relate.

  3. To satisfy the condition that the program curriculum content includes teaching methods in Health and Physical Education appropriate for the Primary/Junior division and for the Junior component of the Junior/Intermediate program, the Dean could provide detailed evidence of the following, for example, for the committee to consider:
    • an explanation of how the Faculté will ensure that all candidates in the Primary/Junior divisions will be prepared to teach Health and Physical Education, such as by means of a revised table of courses, according to teaching divisions, and
    • an explanation of how the Faculté will ensure that all candidates in the Junior/ Intermediate divisions will be prepared to teach Health and Physical Education in the Junior division, such as by means of a revised table of courses, according to teaching divisions, and
    • course outlines for one or more method courses for the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate areas of study in this program that explicitly reference division-appropriate Ontario program and curriculum content in Health and Physical Education, as well as subject-appropriate pedagogy, resources and delivery format, and
    • artifacts verifying that the content has been addressed, such as teacher candidate assignments reflecting the application of Health and Physical Education teaching methods or relevant summaries of outcomes of student course evaluations and/or faculty program reviews.

The Dean must submit evidence to the College within three years of receipt of the Accreditation Committee’s decision. Once the Dean provides information that the Accreditation Committee finds to be acceptable evidence, Requirement 10 will be fully satisfied for this program.

As required in subsection 16(1) of Accreditation Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, the Dean of the Faculté d’éducation shall submit to the Accreditation Committee, within six months of the Accreditation Committee issuing this decision, a plan outlining the proposed methods and estimated time for satisfying the aforementioned conditions of accreditation, and report annually to the Accreditation Committee on the progress in satisfying the conditions.

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
November 19, 2013

Amendments to Expiry Date

Pursuant to Section 15.2 (0.a) of the Accreditation Regulation, the Accreditation Committee granted an extension of initial accreditation until April 15, 2020 to the concurrent program of professional education (French-language program offered by distance education). This extension harmonizes the general accreditation expiry date for all of the accredited French-language program offered by the Université d’Ottawa, Faculté d’éducation.

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
February 27, 2014

Expiry of Accreditation

On November 19, 2014, the Université d’Ottawa, Faculté d’éducation advised the Ontario College of Teachers of its intent to cease to offer the accredited concurrent program of professional education (French-language program offered by distance education) as the program would not be implemented. In accordance with subsection 20(4) of the Accreditation Regulation, the Accreditation Committee revoked accreditation of the program effective February 11, 2015.

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
February 11, 2015

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