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Accreditation Committee Decision

Nipissing University
Schulich School of Education

Application for Renewal of Accreditation

Multi-session consecutive program of professional education with an area of study in teaching Native Languages, leading to a Diploma in Education, (known as “Teacher of Anishnaabemwin as a Second Language program” or TASL).

  • Read the Full Decision
  • Decision Outcome
  • Amendment to Expiry Date
  • Removal of Conditions
  • Decision Regarding the Enhanced Teacher Education Program Verification Report
  • Program Change Decision

  • Decision of the Accreditation Committee

    General Accreditation with Conditions

    For the reasons set out above, the Accreditation Committee finds that the following program of professional education offered by the Schulich School of Education at Nipissing University
    substantially satisfies requirements 3, 6, 8 and 14 and fully satisfies all other requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs:

    • Multi-session consecutive program of professional education with an area of study in teaching Native Languages, leading to a Diploma in Education, (known as Teacher of
      Anishnaabemwin as a Second Language program or TASL).

    The Accreditation Committee grants general accreditation with conditions as noted below to this program for a period of time that expires on the same date as the general accreditation period expiry date for other accredited programs of professional education at the providing institution (June 23, 2016) or an amended period of time that is in accordance with Section 15 of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs.

    Requirement 3 Conditions:

    Fully satisfying Requirement 3 for the TASL program is contingent upon the Dean of the Schulich School of Education submitting evidence acceptable to the Accreditation Committee that the program is consistent with and reflects the College’s Standards of Practice and Ethical Standards.

    To fully satisfy this condition, the Dean could provide detailed evidence of the following, for example, for the committee to consider:

    • teacher candidate assignments that indicate the use of the current Standards (2006)
    • visuals supporting that the Standards are visible throughout the School of Education
    • distributing copies of the Standards to teacher candidates and infusing their use more explicitly within the program
    • measures that demonstrate that faculty members are ensuring that their courses are consistent with and reflect the Standards.

    The Dean must submit this evidence to the College within 12 months of receipt of the Accreditation Committee’s written decision. Once the Dean provides information that the Accreditation Committee finds to be acceptable evidence, Requirement 3 will be fully satisfied for the TASL program.

    Requirement 6 Conditions:

    Fully satisfying Requirement 6 for the multi-session consecutive TASL program is contingent upon the Dean of the Schulich School of Education at Nipissing University submitting evidence acceptable to the Accreditation Committee that the first session of the TASL program provides for appropriate methods instruction to teach Native languages in the Intermediate/Senior divisions.

    To fully satisfy this condition, the Dean could provide detailed evidence of the following, for example, for the committee to consider:

    • teaching methods for Native language course outlines that indicate all divisions have had subject material covered in the first session of the multi-session program, and
    • teacher candidate assignments related to teaching methods for Native language courses that indicate all divisions have had some subject material covered in the first session of the multi-session program, and
    • readings for teaching methods for Native language courses that indicate all divisions have had some subject material covered in the first session of the multi-session program, or
    • other evidence that candidates teaching on a transitional Certificate of Qualification and Registration are prepared to teach Native languages in the Intermediate/Senior divisions after the first session of the program.

    The Dean must submit this evidence to the College within two years of receipt of the Accreditation Committee’s written decision. Once the Dean provides information that the Accreditation Committee finds to be acceptable evidence, Requirement 6 will be fully satisfied for the TASL program.

    Requirement 8 Conditions:

    Fully satisfying Requirement 8 is contingent upon the Dean of the Schulich School of Education submitting evidence acceptable to the Accreditation Committee that the practicum enables every teacher candidate to participate in settings related to each division. To fully satisfy this condition, the Dean could provide detailed evidence of the following, for example, for the committee to consider:

    • program artifacts to verify that practicum experiences for the areas of concern reflect the regulatory standard, such as a summary chart or copies of completed practicum assessment forms identifying the divisions and subject areas taught,
    • a plan that acknowledges and addresses the faculty’s intention to supplement the practicum experience to enable TASL teacher candidates to participate, where feasible, in a practicum setting related to teaching in all of the divisions that certified Native
    • Languages candidates can teach (K – 3; 4 – 6; 7 – 10; 11 – 12);
    • a description of the quality assurances mechanisms employed by the faculty to track and verify that practicum placements for TASL candidates take place in each division and under the supervision of an Ontario certified teacher.

    In consideration of the unique nature of certification to teach across all divisions, and the unique challenges in arranging placements, the committee would consider field experiences gained through alternative teaching experiences comparable to divisional experience as satisfying this practicum requirement in up to two divisions. Options could include enabling Native Language teacher candidates to observe practicing Native language teachers in up to two divisions remotely through videoconferencing or previously taped videos with guided discussion and reflection facilitated by a faculty member or associate teacher. The summer sessions of the program may also present opportunities for alternative experiences for observation and teaching of students at various grade levels.

    The Dean must submit this evidence to the College within two years of receipt of the Accreditation Committee’s written decision. Two years would allow the present cohort to complete the program, with changes instituted for the next cohort. Once the Dean provides information that the Accreditation Committee finds to be acceptable evidence, Requirement 8 will be fully satisfied for the TASL program.

    Requirement 14 Conditions:

    Fully satisfying Requirement 14 is contingent upon the Dean of the Schulich School of Education at Nipissing University submitting evidence acceptable to the Accreditation Committee that the permitted institution is committed to quality assurance of the TASL program with regard to assuring language proficiency for candidates reported to the College for certification and has implemented measures demonstrating that commitment.
    To fully satisfy this condition, the Dean could provide detailed evidence of the following, for example, for the committee to consider:

    • a quality assurance mechanism prior to admission or completion of the first session of the multi-session program that assures candidates in the TASL program reported for a Transitional Certificate of Qualification and Registration have an acceptable level of language fluency for teaching the Native language across all divisions
    • a description of specific institutional policies and processes related to language proficiency admission or exit standards that assure graduates of the TASL program reported for a Certificate of Qualification and Registration possess an acceptable degree of language fluency for teaching the Native language across all divisions.
    • a description of institutional measures that demonstrate a commitment to supporting candidates to develop, as necessary, an acceptable degree of language proficiency for teaching the Native language across all divisions prior to being reported to the College for certification, such as:
      • providing additional language courses to support improving teacher candidate language proficiency throughout the duration of the program if there is not an acceptable level for certification as deemed by the university, and
      • if a teacher candidate does not meet an acceptable language proficiency level appropriate for reporting the teacher candidate to the College for certification, a commitment that the Schulich School of Education will withhold reporting the teacher candidate for a general or transitional certificate of qualification and registration until that time when the proficiency level is determined as acceptable for teaching the Native language across all divisions.

    The Dean must submit this evidence to the College within two years of receipt of the Accreditation Committee’s written decision. Once the Dean provides information that the Accreditation Committee finds to be acceptable evidence, Requirement 14 will be fully satisfied for the TASL program.

    As required in subsection 16(1) of Accreditation Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, the Dean of the Schulich School of Education shall submit to the Accreditation Committee, within six months of the Accreditation Committee issuing this decision, a plan outlining the proposed methods and estimated time for satisfying the aforementioned conditions of accreditation, and report annually to the Accreditation Committee on the progress in satisfying the conditions.

    Accreditation Committee
    Ontario College of Teachers
    October 11, 2013

    Amendment to Expiry Date

    Pursuant to Section 15.(2)(0.a) of the Accreditation Regulation, the Accreditation Committee granted a one year extension of general accreditation for these programs until June 23, 2017. This extension provides additional time for the Schulich School of Education to implement the enhanced teacher education program required in September 2015.

    The Accreditation Committee also extended the timelines for satisfying the conditions of accreditation by one year.

    Accreditation Committee
    Ontario College of Teachers

    August 27, 2014

    Removal of Conditions

    The Accreditation Committee issued a decision on December 10, 2014 to remove the accreditation condition on Requirement 3 for the multi-session consecutive program for teaching Native Languages.

    The Accreditation Committee acknowledged the Schulich School’s progress towards satisfying the remaining accreditation conditions on Requirements 6, 8, and 14. The committee looks forward to the next annual progress report.

    In making its decision, the Accreditation Committee considered the information in the Schulich School of Education’s annual report, including course outlines, and photos, demonstrating that the program is consistent with and reflects the Standards of Practice and Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession.

    Accreditation Committee
    Ontario College of Teachers
    December 10, 2014


    The Accreditation Committee issued a decision on October 29, 2015 to remove the remaining accreditation conditions on Requirements 6, 8 and 14 for the multi-session consecutive program for teaching Native Languages. This program is now accredited without conditions.

    In making its decision, the Accreditation Committee considered the information in the Schulich School of Education’s annual report, including:

    • course outlines from the first session of the program that demonstrated instructional methods for teaching Native languages in the Intermediate/Senior divisions;
    • plan and program documents confirming that teacher candidates will complete an appropriate practicum in the four divisions in which they will be certified to teach Native languages, and;
    • tools and program documents to verify that teacher candidates will demonstrate appropriate proficiency in the required Native language before they are reported to the College for certification.

    Accreditation Committee
    Ontario College of Teachers
    October 29, 2015

    Decision Regarding the Enhanced Teacher Education Program Verification Report

    Read the Full Decision

    Confirmation of Accreditation

    The Accreditation Committee finds that the following programs of professional education offered by the Schulich School of Education, Nipissing University fully satisfy the accreditation requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs as they read on September 1, 2015:

    • Consecutive program of professional education with areas of study in the Primary/Junior, Junior/Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior divisions, leading to a Bachelor of Education
    • Concurrent program of professional education with areas of study in the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate divisions, leading to a Bachelor of Education degree
    • Multi-session consecutive program of professional education for persons of First Nations, Métis or Inuit ancestry with areas of study in the Primary/Junior divisions, leading to a Bachelor of Education degree or certificate (“Aboriginal Teacher Certification Program” or ATCP)
    • Multi-session consecutive program of professional education with an area of study in teaching Native Languages, leading to a Diploma in Education (known as “Teacher of Anishnaabemwin as a Second Language program” or TASL)

    The Accreditation Committee confirms general accreditation of these programs to continue until June 23, 2017.

    Accreditation Committee
    Ontario College of Teachers

    April 8, 2016

    Decision of the Accreditation Committee

Read the Full Decision

Pursuant to its authority under subsection 15.2 (5) of the Accreditation Regulation, and based on the reasons set out above, the Accreditation Committee issues the following decision.

The Accreditation Committee confirms that the following program, as modified, continues to qualify for general accreditation without conditions until the existing expiry date of June 23, 2017 or for an amended period of time that is in accordance with Section 15 of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs:

  • Concurrent program of professional education with areas of study in the Primary/Junior, Junior/Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior divisions, leading to a Bachelor of Education degree

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
June 1, 2016


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