101 Bloor Street West
Toronto ON, M5S 0A1
P: 416-961-8800
Toll Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1-888-534-2222
F: 416-961-8822

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Investigation Committee

The Investigation Committee considers and screens complaints made to the College about its members.

When an investigation is completed, a panel of the Investigation Committee, made up of members of the public and the profession, conducts a review of the information gathered. Neither the member, nor the public complainant, nor the reporting employer, is present at the meeting. According to the information it receives, the Committee may decide to:

  • refuse to investigate some or all allegations in a complaint
  • take no further action
  • issue a written reminder or advice to the member
  • require the member to complete remedial training or education
  • caution or admonish the member in writing or in person
  • refer the matter in whole or in part to the Discipline Committee for a hearing (incompetence or professional misconduct)
  • refer the matter in whole or in part to the Fitness to Practise Committee for a hearing (if the information indicates that there may be health-related issues affecting the member’s ability to teach)
  • conduct medical inquiries where a member may be incapacitated
  • adopt an Undertaking to Resign and Never to Reapply
  • adopt an Undertaking to resolve a Teacher Performance Appraisal complaint.

The panel’s written decision is sent to the member, the public complainant, or the reporting employer and the member's current employer (if different from the reporting employer).

Incompetence and the Teacher Performance Appraisal - Guide for the Investigation Committee and Discipline Committee

101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M5S 0A1

Client Services:

Telephone: 416.961.8800

Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.888.534.2222


All Other Inquiries:

Telephone: 437.880.3000

Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.833.966.5588


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