IN THIS ISSUE: Accessing your College account.
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Your College and You: a photo of two teachers talking in a staff room.
september 2019
A photo of a person typing on a laptop computer
Accessing your College account
We’ve updated our security practices to better protect your information. Log in with the email address you have on file with the College instead of your registration number. This update also enables you to access your College account and our library services at the same time. Learn more.
A photo of library shelves at the College
New and improved library services

Access the new and improved Margaret Wilson Library services simply and directly via your online College account.

The library allows you to borrow materials, which we will ship to you at no cost. You can also access e-books and research databases.
A bulletin board with notes pinned to it. All the notes are a single question mark.
New students, same advice

Should you accept a Facebook friend request from your students?

Read the College's advice on how to appropriately use electronic communications and social media. (The answer is no, by the way).
Two signs, one saying the word myth, and the other saying the word facts, point in opposite directions.
Myth: College members need to contact the College when they successfully complete an Additional Qualification (AQ) course.
Fact: When a member successfully completes an AQ course through an approved provider, the provider automatically forwards a report to the College on the member’s behalf. The College adds the qualification to the certificate and sends an acknowledgement within 20 business days to the email address on file provided by the member.
A photo of student art on the wall of the College
Showcase your students’ artwork!

Calling all budding Picassos!

The College exhibits Ontario students’ artwork at our office to promote the arts and the important work you do in the classroom.
Members of the profession and the public have the opportunity to see these creative expressions on our 15th floor.
All grades are welcome to submit a collection of up to 20 pieces illustrating a common theme.
A photo of College staff at an event
In the community
We come to you! The College attends events to raise awareness about its role in protecting the public interest, which includes promoting the high standards to which you and your colleagues aspire.
Have a question? Come talk to us at an event near you!


Free Resources:
Read these great articles:
Cover of Professionally Speaking magazine for September, 2019