IN THIS ISSUE: World Teachers' Day is October 5th
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Banner image for 'Your College and You'. The image is of a teacher and student in a science classroom. The text 'Your College and you' and 'Ontario College of Teachers, setting the standard for Great Teaching' is overlaid on the image
Photo of a group of teachers applauding.
World Teachers' Day is October 5th
In honour of World Teachers' Day, we're inviting Ontarians to share their thoughts about the best qualities of a favourite teacher on social media, using #GreatTeachersAre.
Do you know a fellow teacher who really stands out, who's particularly passionate, inspiring or determined? Here's a chance to celebrate them. Visit our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn pages between Sept. 30 and Oct. 5, and help us spread the word about the great work teachers do.
A photo of College Council.
Council Meeting Update
At its September 27 meeting, College Council approved a series of motions to recommend governance model changes for Council and Council committees responsible for regulating the teaching profession in the public interest.
Council recommended a sortition process (randomly selected members invited to apply) for future professional Council members and a selection process for future committee members. Both processes involve a series of core competencies to be developed by Council.
Other motions include requiring newly elected professional members to complete a governance course before assuming their position. With the passage of Bill 48 this past April, the government is drafting further legislation to make changes to the College’s governance model. The College continues to communicate with the Ministry regarding Council decisions in order to inform their process.
Until the government’s legislative changes have passed, the current governance model continues to exist.
Photo of a multiple choice test.
Mathematic Proficiency Test for aspiring teachers
The test will be a requirement for College certification.
Photo of a person typing on a laptop computer
Accessing your College account
We’ve updated our security practices to better protect your information. Log in with the email address you have on file with the College instead of your registration number. This update also enables you to access your College account and our library services at the same time. Learn more.
Photo of the book stacks at the Margaret Wilson Library.
New and improved library services

Access the new and improved Margaret Wilson Library services simply and directly via your online College account.


The library allows you to borrow materials, which we will ship to you at no cost. You can also access e-books and research databases.

Photo of the Ontario College of Teachers booth at a community event.
Tell us how you get involved in your community, in your profession, and beyond
See how your peers respond to that same question in the December issue of Professionally Speaking.
This poll encourages OCTs to share opinions and effective practices on educational topics.
Another photo of the Ontario College of Teachers booth at a community event.
In the community
We come to you! The College attends events to raise awareness about its role in protecting the public interest ‑ which includes promoting the high standards to which you and your colleagues aspire.
Have a question? Come talk to us at an event near you!
• Information Display at Teaching Pathways, Ryerson University on October 3rd
• Information display at the Toronto Baby Show, Enercare Centre - Hall B (Booth #529) on October 5-6
Advertisement for AgScape. The advertisement says 'Feed Their Minds! Free In-Class Food Literacy Lessons. Learn More'
Advertisement for Playdium. The advertisement says 'Level up your next class outing: educational workshop, STEM, Virtual Reality, Rope Course.'
Free Resources:
Read these great articles:
Cover image of 'Professionally Speaking' September 2019.