Myth: The College discourages Ontario certified teachers to use electronic communications and social media.
Fact: The College recognizes that social media offers new and exciting opportunities for teaching and learning.
However, your off-duty conduct matters. Read the College's advice on how to appropriately use electronic communications and social media.
New legislation strengthens College's role
Recent changes to the College's legislation expands the definition of sexual abuse that would result in mandatory revocation or suspension. A fund for therapy and counselling for student victims of sexual abuse will also be introduced.
Is your information up to date?
Check the College's public register Find a Teacher where you can find your own professional profile and those of over 243,000 Ontario certified teachers. Use this form if needed.
2017 Annual Report goes live
Take a closer look at member demographic information, committee reports, and our financial picture for the past fiscal year.
NEW! Watch the Chair and Registrar highlight the College's 2017 accomplishments in video.
Great discussion
The College recently held its Annual Meeting of Members. College's CEO & Registrar spoke of the College's accomplishments for 2017, with care and judgment at the core of the College's work.
Council Chair spoke of the 7th Council's last year of service, focusing on transparency and accountability.
Various committee reports were also provided. A panel discussion explored public expectations of regulators. Watch a recording of the meeting.
Want to provide feedback on AQ course guidelines?
College and public members provide feedback to help revise guidelines for Additional Qualification courses.
If you would like to add your input, please see the draft guidelines and use the forms to post your comments.
In the community
We come to you! The College attends events to raise awareness about its role to protect the public interest — which includes managing risks to protect student safety — and to promote the high standards to which you and your colleagues aspire.
Have a question? Come talk with us at an event near you!
Belleville Waterfront and Ethnic Festival on July 14 – 15