IN THIS ISSUE:The College’s Investigation Committee reviewed the case of a male teacher charged...


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What would you do?

The College’s Investigation Committee reviewed the case of a male teacher charged with assaulting and threatening his spouse.


If you were a member of the College’s Investigation Committee, what would you do? See the outcome.

A photo of signage for the Ontario College of Teachers

A new and easier way to reach us

If you have questions for us, you can now send them through a simple-to-use interactive online form that will help us better understand your needs and get answers back to you faster.

Image of a Ontario Certified Teacher Membership Card

Accessing your College account

We’ve updated our security practices to better protect your information. Log in with the email address you have on file with the College instead of your registration number. This update also enables you to access your College account and our library services at the same time.

A photo showing shelves of books in the College's library.

New and improved library services

Access the new and improved Margaret Wilson Library services simply and directly via your online College account.


The library allows you to borrow materials, which we will ship to you at no cost. You can also access e-books and research databases.

A stylized image of tasks and skills.

Upgrade your skills

Special education, math, inclusive classroom? Find additional qualification courses that suit your professional learning goals.

A stylized image of various online activities.
Active on social media?

Be in the know about your profession. Follow the College on social media, including our new French-language Instagram account:


Share our posts with your own followers.

Click here to visit our Facebook page. Click here to visit our Twitter feed. Cliquez ici pour visiter notre page Instagram. Click here to visit our LinkedIn page. Click here to visit our Pinterest page. Click here to visit our YouTube videos.
A photo of College staff at a community event speaking with members of the public.

In the community

We come to you! The College attends events to raise awareness about its role in protecting the public interest, which includes promoting the ethical standards and standards of practice which you strive for in your professional practice.


Have a question? Come talk to us at an event near you!



  • Information display at Bump, Baby and Toddler Marketplace, Hamilton Convention Centre on November 2-3
  • Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board, Parent Conference, Bishop Ryan Catholic Secondary School on November 2


  • Poster session on the Professional Advisory on Supporting Students’ Mental Health at the Ontario Council for Exceptional Children 2019 Annual Special Education Conference, Toronto Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre Hotel on November 29-30


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Advertisement for Habitat for Humanity. Inspire your students to give back. Participate in the Meaning of Home writing contest! Our sponsors will donate $10 with every entry.
Advertisment for Fujitsu Paperstream.

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