IN THIS ISSUE: The College continues to work with the provincial government to establish parameters to fund therapy and counselling...

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A photo of signage for the Ontario College of Teachers

Program guidelines under development to aid victims of abuse

The College continues to work with the provincial government to establish parameters to fund therapy and counselling for students who have been sexually abused by Ontario Certified Teachers. Funding will also be available for therapy and counselling resulting from prohibited acts involving child pornography.

Image of a Ontario Certified Teacher Membership Card

2020 Membership package: from paper to digital

To save paper and reduce costs, the College is replacing the printed annual membership package, including your annual membership card, with an improved and secure mobile app.

An image of the words "Professional Advisory"

Valuable advice for your practice

Do you want to better understand your professional boundaries and responsibilities related to various parts of your practice?

Whether it is your use of social media, the signs of mental health concerns of your students or bullying among students, the College has a number of professional advisories to help guide your professional practice.
An image of the words "Myth Facts"

Myth: Only teachers need to address the causes and responses to bullying among students


Fact: Addressing allegations of bullying behaviour is a collective responsibility. It applies to all Ontario Certified Teachers including teachers, consultants, vice-principals, principals, supervisory officers, directors of education and those working in non-school board positions.

Image of people using tablets and computers

Poll: What are the main reasons you use apps, websites and other technologies in your classroom?

See how your peers respond to that same question in the March issue of Professionally Speaking.

This poll encourages OCTs to share opinions and effective practices on educational topics related to professional practice.
A photo of a person using their mobile phone.
A new and easier way to reach us

If you have questions for the College, you can now send them through a simple-to-use interactive online form that will help us better understand your needs and get answers back to you faster.

A photo of the College Council.

Roles of Council committees

There are 14 Council committees that help to govern the College. Each committee has a unique role in protecting the public interest.


For example, the Accreditation Committee ensures the quality of teacher education programs in Ontario through program review and accreditation.


The Accreditation Appeal Committee considers appeals from teacher education providers whose programs have been denied accreditation or awarded accreditation with conditions.

Read more about what Council committees contribute to self-regulation of the teaching profession in Ontario.
A photo of a person reading a book in front of a fireplace.

The holiday break is a good time… relax and reflect on your practice. Feeling overwhelmed? Want to learn more about how to support anxious students? Borrow books online from our Margaret Wilson Library and we'll mail them to you for free. Download eBooks directly to your device.



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