Teachers experience life-changing opportunities in difficult situations |
The College has released Acting on Our Ethics: Caring for Haiti, an audiovisual resource which brings to life the ethical standards of the teaching profession – care, trust, respect, integrity – in times of crisis.
This touching story profiles OCTs from the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board who traveled to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake.
Watch it on YouTube and share your feedback in the comment section. |
Top 10 inclusive classroom strategies |
Want your students to feel that their contributions and perspectives are equally valued? See what some of your colleagues are doing to create and maintain inclusive classrooms.
And check out our AQ on inclusive classrooms. |
What to do if you suspect that a student is being abused |
You have a legal obligation to report to a Children’s Aid Society if you suspect that a child is in need of protection. Need some help? The College’s latest professional advisory Duty to Report will guide you in the right direction. |
What does the College do? |
Not sure what we do in the public interest? Here’s a quick snapshot of our role. |
The College in the community |
The College attends events to raise awareness of its role in regulating the teaching profession, protecting the public interest and in promoting the high standards to which you and your colleagues aspire.
If you’re in the area, visit our display at:
- Telling Tales Festival in Rockton, September 18
- Word on the Street at the Harbourfront Centre, September 25th
Changed locations?
As an Ontario Certified Teacher, you are required to ensure the College
has accurate information about your work/business address. If you are employed or self-employed in a position of authority over children or students or in education, please let us know your employer’s address. |
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Add info@oct.ca to your address book to avoid your spam or junk mail filters and to ensure smooth, fast delivery of Your College and You. |