The case of social media use |
The College’s Investigation Committee examined concerns related to teachers who posted pictures to Facebook and wrote Twitter comments. See the outcomes. (Details have been altered to respect confidentiality.) |
What does it mean to have integrity? |
Or to care about someone? Use this new College resource with your students to explore these ethical standards through the eyes of an Anishinaabe artist.
Save the date – be with us in May 2016 |
Prepare to be enlightened about what inspiring public confidence truly means in times of crises and human tragedies.
The Honourable Roméo Dallaire and journalist Linden MacIntyre’s courage and dedication in advancing the public interest have earned them recognition and admiration from Canadians and around the globe.
Attend the Inspiring Public Confidence Conference to hear our two keynote speakers and much more! |
Strategies to inform your professional practice |
Tell us which education trends you think will dominate 2016 and see which ones top the list in the March 2016 issue of Professionally Speaking.
The poll enables OCTs to share advice, opinions and effective practices on educational topics related to professional practice. |
Curious about what is it like to be a new teacher in Ontario? |
The College is surveying teachers in their first years and tracking their experiences. Discover the types of jobs they are getting and how they are settling into the profession. Transition to Teaching provides interesting information, statistics and teacher testimonials. |
Changed locations?
As an Ontario Certified Teacher, you are required to ensure the College
has accurate information about your work/business address. If you are employed or self-employed in a position of authority over children or students or in education, please let us know your employer’s address. |
Ensure smooth delivery
Add info@oct.ca to your address book to avoid your spam or junk mail filters and to ensure smooth, fast delivery of Your College and You. |