NEW: Professional advisory on anti–Black racism
The Ontario College of Teachers, has issued a professional advisory to the province's 232,000 Ontario Certified Teachers (OCTs). The advisory addresses the topic of anti–Black racism both in and out of the classroom.
The advisory provides OCTs an opportunity to examine anti–Black racism, including unconscious bias and long–ingrained systemic barriers and attitudes.
Governance applications update
A total of 648 Ontario Certified Teachers (OCTs) and members of the public completed applications for positions on our next Council, committees and rosters.
This is a significant increase from the 69 eligible nominations received for the 2018 Council election.
The enthusiastic engagement in the College's new governance application and appointment process demonstrates a keen interest on the part of OCTs and members of the public to govern the profession in the public interest.
Now and going forward, Council, committee and roster members are appointed based on specified selection and eligibility criteria needed to do the job, and are reflective of the geographic, linguistic and diverse perspectives of Ontario.
All individuals will begin their term on January 1, 2022, with a series of orientation and training sessions to follow.
Mandatory sexual abuse prevention program launching on January 3
On January 3, 2022, the Ontario College of Teachers will launch its mandatory sexual abuse prevention program for Ontario Certified Teachers (OCTs).
- The program will be offered online at no cost and will take approximately three hours to complete. It can be taken over multiple sessions.
- A link to the program will be available in the Member's Area starting on January 3, 2022.
- OCTs are legislatively required to successfully complete the program. Applicants and those who are applying for reinstatement, or renewing their membership, must complete the program to be considered eligible for certification.
- Beginning January 3, 2022, members' public register profiles will be updated with a notation that identifies whether the program is "completed" or "to be completed." A Certificate of Completion will be added to each member's account upon completion.
- Rest assured, OCTs have until August 31, 2022, to successfully complete the program. After that deadline, the notation for those who have not completed the program will change from "to be completed" to "incomplete" until the program is successfully completed.
The program complements existing College resources on professional conduct and is a proactive step toward strengthening the profession by better protecting the safety and well–being of students.
Math Proficiency Test deadline
Certificates will expire on December 31, 2021 for those who have a condition to pass the Math Proficiency Test (MPT) and have not passed the test by that date. The December 31, 2021, deadline does not apply to Internationally Educated Teachers. Instead, Internationally Educated Teachers will continue to have two years from the date of their initial certification to pass the MPT.
The fall 2021 MPT test window has been extended to December 15, 2021 on the MPT website.
Visit the MPT website for test booking and information.
Temporary certificate extension and expansion
The Ministry of Education has recently announced that temporary certificate holders who were granted the temporary certificate in 2021 are able to request an extension to the current deadline from December 31, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Here's how.
Temporary certificate holders must successfully complete the Math Proficiency Test by December 31, 2021.
Application for 2022 temporary certificate
The College is now accepting applications for temporary certificates by eligible teacher candidates who have successfully completed a portion of their practicum at the time of application and are expected to successfully complete the program by the end of 2022.
January 2022: Your College and You to become College's official publication
Effective January 2022, Your College and You, the College's monthly digital member newsletter, will become our official publication. This change coincides with the organization's decision to decommission our print magazine, Professionally Speaking / Pour parler profession.
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