IN THIS ISSUE: New legislation recognizes teacher professionalism and introduces further efficiencies to College's governance structure
New legislation recognizes teacher professionalism and introduces further efficiencies to College's governance structure
Bill 13 will entrench the term Ontario Certified Teacher (OCT) in legislation, reduce the size of the incoming College Council, and increase fairness to OCTs when they are not actively teaching. Learn more.
Mandatory sexual abuse prevention program launching on January 1
On January 1, 2022, the Ontario College of Teachers will launch its mandatory sexual abuse prevention program for Ontario Certified Teachers (OCTs) and all teacher applicants. The program will be offered online at no cost.
OCTs are legislatively required to successfully complete the program. Applicants and those who are applying for reinstatement must complete the program to be considered eligible for certification.
Beginning January 1, 2022, your public register profile will be updated with notations that identify the program as completed or to be completed. A Certificate of Completion will be profiled to each member’s account upon completion.
OCTs have until August 31, 2022, to successfully complete the program. All applicants must do the same prior to certification. After that deadline, the notation will change to complete or incomplete. It takes about three hours to complete the program.
The program complements existing College resources on professional conduct and is a proactive step toward strengthening the profession by better protecting the safety and well-being of students.
Free webinar: Indigenous ways of knowing in teacher education
On Monday, November. 29, 2021, from 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., you are invited to learn about our work to further include Indigenous Ways of Knowing as culturally responsive practices in teacher education and teaching standards. Register now at
Math Proficiency Test deadline
The deadline to fulfill the Math Proficiency Test (MPT) condition is December 31, 2021, for applicants who have completed an Ontario teacher education program.
Visit the MPT website for test booking and information.
The temporary certificate will expire on December 31, 2021 and is subject to a condition to pass the Mathematics Proficiency Test by December 31, 2021.
Holders of an expired certificate are no longer Ontario Certified Teachers and are not able to teach in Ontario's publicly funded schools.
The temporary certificate may be converted into a general Certificate of Qualification and Registration. Here's how.
OCT membership card compatible with digital wallet app for iOS and Android
The College is making it easier for Ontario Certified Teachers (OCTs) and members of the public to access membership information digitally.
Effective October 27, 2021, you will have the option of adding your OCT membership card to your mobile wallets on iPhones and Android phones.
The newly improved membership card will also list a QR code that is specific to each OCT. Once scanned by a mobile phone or tablet, the QR code will direct you to your record on the College's public register, Find a Teacher.