Now Open: Register for the Mathematics Proficiency Test
Registration for the Mathematic Proficiency Test (MPT) opened at in September, 2024. Please refer to that website for the latest information.
The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) is responsible for developing, facilitating and evaluating the MPT.
Ontario Certified Teachers who hold a general Certificate of Qualification and Registration (CQR) as of January 1, 2025, are not required to pass the MPT.
Satisfying the MPT requirement varies from group to group as follows:
Ontario Applicants
Ontario applicants who submit a complete application for a general CQR to the College before February 1, 2025, will not be required to pass the MPT.
Ontario applicants who submit a complete application for a general CQR on or after February 1, 2025, will be required to pass the MPT.
Transitional Certificates and Multi-Session Transitional Certificates
Applicants are not required to pass the MPT to be eligible for a Transitional Certificate (TCQR) or a Multi-Session Transitional Certificate (MTCQR). However, they may be required to pass the MPT depending on the date the certificate is converted to a general CQR.
OCTs who currently hold or are granted a TCQR or MTCQR and convert it to a CQR before February 1, 2025, will not be required to pass the MPT.
OCTs who currently hold or are granted a TCQR or MTCQR and do not convert it to a CQR before February 1, 2025, will be required to pass the MPT before they can convert their certificate.
Internationally Educated Teachers
Internationally educated teacher applicants who submit a complete application to the College for a general CQR on or after February 1, 2025, must successfully pass the MPT within two years of being granted their initial certification by the College or their certificate will expire. This applies whether or not the application was started before February 1, 2025.
Any questions?
More information about the MPT requirement is available on the College website.