Focus on Teaching: A survey of Ontario Certified Teachers
As we develop the College's 2024 Focus on Teaching survey, we've kicked off consultation sessions with interested groups from diverse organizations that represent teachers and the broader publicly funded education system.
Examples of groups with whom we have met are: Federations, Affiliates, Principals’ Associations, School Boards Associations, and Directors of Education.
Our goal is to gain perspectives and identify data gaps from across the education sector.
Their valuable input will inform the survey questions that will then be discussed during focus groups with individual teachers. Focus groups are expected to begin in July.
Survey focus groups are being created through a process of membership outreach to ensure diverse representation, safe space for participants and efficient management. A College representative will be in contact with members who may be involved.
Focus groups and consultations are an important part of developing survey questions that effectively address crucial areas of supply and demand in the teaching profession.
By gaining a deeper understanding of the OCT workforce, its geographic and demographic diversity, as well as bilingual capacity, policymakers will be better equipped to support and empower the teaching profession and public education as a whole.
We are delighted to welcome the perspectives of the profession and extend our gratitude to all those who have offered their time to actively participate in developing this initiative.