IN THIS ISSUE: You’re invited to the College’s Annual Meeting of Members. Join us virtually on September 23

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A photo of two teachers talking in a staff room.


Photo of a person typing on a laptop computer.

You’re invited to the College’s Annual Meeting of Members. Join us virtually on September 23

Hear about the College activities and achievements during the last year.
When? Wednesday, September 23 at 5:30 p.m.
Who can attend? College members and the public.
Can’t attend? Watch the recording that will be posted soon after the event.
You decided 2021.

Run for College Council or nominate a colleague

Interested in shaping Ontario’s teaching profession or know someone who is? Consider running or nominating a colleague for one of 23 elected Council positions.
This short video highlights the information you need.
As a Council member, you would provide leadership for the teaching profession in Ontario.

Interacting with students via video conferencing?

You can minimize risks and model the virtual professionalism expected from teaching professionals.

In addition to your employer and the Ministry of Education’s advice, here are some guidelines to support your professional practice in the use of this increasingly popular technology.

New AQ guideline on anti-Black racism in the works

The College has appointed Karen Murray, OCT, to lead the development of its new Additional Qualification (AQ) guideline to address anti-Black racism.

The College is open, virtually

We are available to assist you. We have begun a phased-in return of staff to our physical office; however, it will remain closed to visitors for the time being to ensure everyone’s safety.

As you navigate a new reality this September, we’ve gathered various College resources to help guide you.

Visit our COVID-19 webpage to access a variety of information, resources and frequently asked questions.

Early teaching careers interrupted

The 2019-20 Ontario school year started well for most recent education graduates. Then, COVID-19 knocked them off their professional tracks when schools closed in mid-March, according to our Transition to Teaching annual survey.

Reminder: annual membership fee payment for 2020 due Sept 30

If you haven’t done so, please pay through E-Services to maintain your OCT status. The original April 15 payment date was deferred due to COVID-19.

A photo of the College's Council.

Roles of Council committees

There are 14 Council committees that help to govern the College. Each committee has a unique role in protecting the public interest.

For example, the Human Resources Committee provides advice to the Registrar and Council on human resources policies and programs.


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Free Resources:

Read these great articles:

Photo of the cover of Professionally Speaking.