Israël (siège social)
Ministry of Education, 34 Shivtei Yisrael Street, Jerusalem 91911, Israel
Israël - district central
Ministry of Education, Central District Office, 2 Hashlosha Street, Tel Aviv 67060, Israel
Israël - district de Haïfa
Ministry of Education, Haifa District, 15A Pal Yam Avenue, Haifa 33095, Israel
Israël - district de Jérusalem
Ministry of Education, 22 Kanfei Nesharim Street, Jerusalem 95464, Israel
Ministry of Education, Human Resources Department, 2 Dvora HaNeviaa Street, Jerusalem 91911, Israel
Israël - district de Tel Aviv
Ministry of Education, Tel Aviv District Office, 2 Hashlosha Street, Tel Aviv 61092, Israel
Israël - district du Nord
Ministry of Education, Bet Hamemshala, Upper Nazareth 17105, Israel
Israël - district du Sud
Ministry of Education, 4 HaTikvah Street, Governmental Building, 1st floor, room #1808
Be'er Sheva, Israel