101 Bloor Street West
Toronto ON, M5S 0A1
P: 416-961-8800
Toll Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1-888-534-2222
F: 416-961-8822

Ontario College of Teachers logo

A photo of a teacher reading to two students in a library.

Find a Teacher


How to become a teacher

You must be a member in good standing with the College to teach in Ontario’s publicly- funded elementary and secondary schools.

Teachers educated in Canada

Read our application guide to learn what qualifications you need to teach in Ontario.

New temporary certificate

The College has created a new, temporary teaching certificate to help the province address teacher shortages resulting from COVID-19. The temporary certificate will enable Ontario faculty of education students to begin teaching earlier.

Teachers certified in other Canadian provinces and territories can also apply.

Please see all eligibility requirements for the temporary certificate.

You can now request the temporary certificate online.

For more information, please see our frequently asked questions.

Teachers educated outside Canada

If you obtained your teaching credentials outside Canada, you can still apply for certification. Take our online applicant eligibility assessment to see if you meet the requirements.

Apply online

Apply now or resume your application. We recommend checking the status of your application regularly, so you can respond to requests for additional information or documents.

Appeals and re-applying

Before you apply online, watch our video, Registering with the Ontario College of Teachers for an overview of the process.


101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M5S 0A1

Client Services:

Telephone: 416.961.8800

Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.888.534.2222


All Other Inquiries:

Telephone: 437.880.3000

Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.833.966.5588


© 2025 Ontario College of Teachers

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