Portugal – Azores |
Secretaria Regional da Educação e Formação
Pacos Da Junta Geral,
Carreira Dos Cavalos,
9700 167 Angra Do Heroismo |
Portugal |
Ministério da Educação e Ciencia (Ministry of Education and Science)
Direção Geral da Administração Escolar
Avenida 24 de Julho, No. 142, 1399-024
Lisboa, Portugal |
AND from the applicable school board where you taught: |
Portugal - Alentejo |
Direcção Regional de Educação do Alentejo
Rua Ferragial do Poço Novo, n.º 22
Apartado 125 - 7002-555 Évora |
Portugal - Algarve |
Direção Regional de Educação do Algarve
EN125, Sítio das Figuras, 2.º Andar
8000-761 FARO |
Portugal - Centro |
Direcção Regional de Educação do Centro
Rua General Humberto Delgado, 319
3030 - 327 COIMBRA |
Portugal - Lisboa |
Direcção Regional de Educação de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo
Praça de Alvalade, 12
1749-070 Lisboa |
Portugal - Madeira |
Direcção Regional de Administração e Pessoal, Edificio Oudinot
4o Andar, Apartado 3206, 9051-901 Funchal Codex, Portugal
Portugal - Norte |
Please arrange for the head of the last school where you taught in the Norte region of Portugal to send a letter of reference directly to the College. The letter must be current. It must list the dates and length of your employment and say that you were never suspended for any disciplinary reason and that your conduct was satisfactory. |
A Statement of Professional Standing is a letter from a licensing body or an education ministry that says your right to teach has never been suspended, revoked or cancelled.
The Statement of Professional Standing provides the Ontario College of Teachers with information regarding your past professional practice as a teacher. For example, it tells the College whether your authorization to teach has ever been taken away for disciplinary reasons or whether you would still be welcome to teach in that country, province or state.
You must arrange to have this statement sent to the College from the jurisdiction where you completed your teacher education and from every jurisdiction in which you have been certified to teach.
The College recognizes some jurisdictions have no central authority governing the teaching profession. In these instances the College will accept other documents.