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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council of the Ontario College of Teachers held on April 12, 2007 in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto

Table of Contents

1. Call to Order/Welcome

2. Agenda

3. Business

4. Adjournment

Present: Danny Anckle, Paul Brazeau, Don Cattani (Chair), Brian Doubleday, Cynthia Farrar, Dean Favero, Laura Featherstone, Rosemary Fontaine, Nick Forte, Helen Fox, Brent Hamelin, Gord Hough, Garry Humphreys, Annilee Jarvis (Vice-Chair), Andrew Kane, Anne Marie Levesque, Lynne Mastin, Bill Matheson, Cyril Ménard, Heather Nagy, Jacques Pavesi, Ruth Ann Penny, Tanya Roberts, Susan Robertson, Amin Saab, Pauline Smart, Tianna Travaglini-Babic, Jacques Tremblay, John Tucker, Henry Tyndorf, Don Watson, Hanno Weinberger, John Wells, Sharon Young Kipp, Brian P. McGowan (Registrar)

Regrets: Gabrielle Blais, Peter Joong, Ijaz Rauf

Presiding Officers: Peter Lipman, George Merrett

Legal Counsel: David Leonard (McCarthy Tétrault)

Guests: Terri McKinnon, Auditor (PricewaterhouseCoopers) (until 2:15 p.m.)

Staff: Kim Bauer, Peter Brown (until 2:20 p.m.), Myrtle Herzenberg, Richard Lewko, Kevin Lowe (for Margaret Aubé), Charlie Morrison, Lise Roy-Kolbusz (Deputy Registrar), Michael Salvatori, David Tallo, Linda Zaks-Walker

1. Call to Order/Welcome

The Presiding Officer, George Merrett, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and welcomed all present.

The Chair, Don Cattani, welcomed two new members on their appointments to Council: Cyril Ménard and Susan Robertson. He noted that newly appointed Council member, Ijaz Rauf, was unable to attend the meeting.

The Presiding Officer noted the materials to be distributed.

It was noted that Annilee Jarvis and Andrew Kane comprised the Steering Committee.

It was announced that a special meeting of the Executive Committee would take place immediately following the Council meeting.

2. Agenda (GC20070412-62)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Agenda for the April 12, 2007 Special Meeting of Council be approved.

3. Business

3.1 Finance Committee

3.1.1 Finance Committee Report (GC20070412-63, -64, -68)

The report of the Finance Committee was received. The Chair, Andrew Kane, spoke to the report.

Andrew Kane introduced Terri McKinnon, Partner, Pricewaterhouse-Coopers. Terri McKinnon addressed Council and spoke to the Auditor’s Report. Copies of a slide-presentation were distributed to members of Council. Terri McKinnon was thanked for her presentation to Council.

The Controller, Peter Brown, spoke to the impact of the year’s results on the Members’ Equity and the various reserve balances. A question and answer session followed.

It was moved by Andrew Kane, Chair, Finance Committee, and


That Council approve that the Unappropriated account be set at $500,000.

It was moved by Andrew Kane, Chair, Finance Committee, and


That Council approve that:

  1. the Reserve for Stabilization of Facility costs be set at $6,000,000;
  2. the Reserve for Fee Stabilization be set at $3,422,000;
  3. the Reserve for Working Capital be set at $5,383,000.

The Finance Committee Chair spoke to the “College Principles — Purchase of Goods and Services” (GC20070412-63, attachment 1) report and answered questions.

It was moved by Andrew Kane, Chair, Finance Committee, and


That Council approve the College Principles - Purchase of Goods and Services as set out in document GC20070412-63, attachment 1.

3.1.2 2006 Audited Financial Report (GC20070412-65)

The Ontario College of Teachers draft Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2006 was received.

Terri McKinnon, PricewaterhouseCoopers, addressed the Auditor’s Report. The Controller, Peter Brown, provided a page-by-page analysis of the 2006 Consolidated Financial Statements and answered questions.

It was moved by Andrew Kane, Chair, Finance Committee, and


That Council accept the December 31, 2006, Consolidated Financial Statements of the Ontario College of Teachers.

The Chair of the Finance Committee, Andrew Kane, thanked Lise Roy-Kolbusz, Deputy Registrar, Peter Brown, Controller, Terri McKinnon of PricewaterhouseCoopers and the members of the Finance Committee for the work they had done in preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2006.

Terri McKinnon left the meeting at 2:15 p.m.

3.1.3 Appointment of Auditor (GC20070412-63)

The Chair, Andrew Kane, spoke to the appointment of the auditor and answered questions.

It was moved by Andrew Kane, Chair, Finance Committee, and


That Council reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as auditors for the 2007 fiscal year.

3.2 Regulation Approvals (GC20070412-66C, -67, -69C)

Peter Lipman assumed the role of Presiding Officer.

The Registrar noted the optional Council member briefing session that had taken place earlier that day with respect to the Provincial Government’s regulatory proposals relating to the Public Interest Committee and conflict of interest provisions. He noted that the text of the proposed regulatory amendments would be forwarded to the Minister of Education if approved by Council.

The Registrar spoke to the proposed amendments to Regulation 72/97 with respect to the Public Interest Committee and Conflict of Interest and answered questions.

It was noted that no other regulatory body had a Public Interest Committee.

The Chair advised Council members that there were three possible options: approve the proposed amendments; not approve the proposed amendments or approved the proposed amendments with recommendations.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve the proposed amendments to Regulation 72/97, General, regarding the Public Interest Committee and Conflict of Interest, as outlined in document GC20070412-66C.

A draft copy of the Ontario College of Teachers 2006 Annual Report (GC20070412-70) was distributed to members.

4. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

Signed: Chair, Don Cattani

Signed: Registrar, Brian P. McGowan



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