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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of the Meeting with the Transition Supervisory Officer held on September 15, 2021 via Videoconference

Present: Paul Boniferro (Transition Supervisory Officer)

Staff: Derek Haime, OCT (Registrar); Chantal Bélisle, OCT (Deputy Registrar); Linda Lacroix, OCT (until 11:15 a.m.); Richard Lewko; Demetra Saldaris, OCT (until 11:15 a.m.); Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT (until 11:15 a.m.); Kim Bauer (Recorder)

1. Call to Order/Welcome
The meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m. The Registrar, Derek Haime, welcomed all those present.

2. Agenda
No amendments to the meeting agenda were requested.

3. Conflict of Interest
No conflicts were declared.

4. Minutes
4.1 Meeting, June 3, 2021

The minutes of the June 3, 2021 meeting with the Transition Supervisory Officer were approved as presented.

5. Risks and Strategic Priorities
5.1 Registrar’s Report
The report of the Registrar was received.

The Registrar, Derek Haime, provided a verbal review of the report and highlighted a number of sections, including:

  • the high number of submissions received through the online application system for Council, committee and roster positions;
  • the ongoing development of a sexual abuse prevention program for Ontario Certified Teachers, developed in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Child Protection and on track to launch in January 2022;
  • the increases in readership for the College’s e-newsletters and growing social media audience; and
  • the addition of notations on the public register of criminal proceedings associated with an open investigation or hearing file where there is no other restriction or relevant notation listed on a member’s public register profile.

The Registrar and members of the Senior Leadership Team responded to questions from the Transition Supervisory Officer and provided additional clarification on a number of College activities.

The Transition Supervisory Officer commended the leadership team and College staff for their ongoing commitment to continuous improvement in all areas of the College’s work to protect the public interest.

5.2 Financial Report
The Deputy Registrar, Chantal Bélisle, presented the financial report to June 30, 2021.

The Deputy Registrar reported that the College continued to operate successfully in a pandemic environment and that the results to June 2021 were similar to those of the second quarter of the previous year. She noted that there had been no unanticipated spending during the first half of the year.

In response to a question from the Transition Supervisory Officer, the Deputy Registrar confirmed that the College followed a conservative policy with respect to short-term investments. The Transition Supervisory Officer noted that he supported a conservative investment policy with measured risk.

6. Correspondence
The following items of correspondence were presented for information:

  • Letter to Minister Lecce re Criminal Proceedings Regulation
  • Letter to Minister Lecce re Funding Program Eligibility
  • Letter to Minister Lecce re the Math Proficiency Test and Certificates of Qualification and Registration
  • Letter from Deputy Minister Naylor re PQP Entry Requirements
  • Response to Deputy Minister Naylor re PQP Entry Requirements
  • Letter to Minister Lecce re Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation and Language Proficiency
  • Letter to Minister Lecce re Requirement for Suspended for Non-Payment of Fees Members to Complete Sexual Abuse Prevention Program
  • Letter to Minister Lecce re Public Appointments to Council
  • Letter to Minister Lametti re Criminal Records Act.

7. New Business
7.1 Registrar Mid-Year Performance Review 

The Transition Supervisory Officer reported that he continued to meet regularly with the Registrar to review performance goals and plans, and that he had also recently completed a mid-year evaluation for the Registrar.

The Transition Supervisory Officer noted that the Registrar had exceeded expectations in the role and that he supported the developmental points that the Registrar himself had brought forward.

8. Adjournment
The Transition Supervisory Officer thanked members of the Senior Leadership Team for the information presented.

The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.

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