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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of the Meeting of the Governing Council of the Ontario College Of Teachers, held on Thursday 11th and Friday 12th December, 1997, in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto.


Thursday, December 11, 1997

Present: Liz Barkley, Sandi Bell, Jackie Breithaupt, Larry Capstick, Doug Carter, Paul Charron, Wayne Cornack, John Cruickshank (Vice-Chair), Lynn Daigneault, Margaret Dempsey, Solette Gelberg, Michel Gravelle, Jean Hanson, Frances Hill, Donna Marie Kennedy (Chair), Marilyn Laframboise, Diane Leblovic, Alfred Lorenzi, Kathleen McFadyen, George Merrett, Karen Mitchell, Harry Mulvale, Nicholas Myrhorod, Cecilia Reynolds, William Rogers, Anthony Saldanha, Stan Shapson, John Slade, David Somer, Frances Thorne, Clarice West-Hobbs, Margaret Wilson, (Registrar)

Guests: Tom Forbes (Legal Counsel, McCarthy Tétrault)

Staff: Joe Atkinson, Margaret Aubé, Phillip Carter, Gerry Gergely, Denis Giquere,, Myrtle Herzenberg, Genny Humby, Marie-France Le-Fort, Richard Lewko, Louise Nadeau, Patrick O’Neill, Susan Pelky, Josie Perreti

1. Call to Order and Welcome

The Chair, Donna Marie Kennedy, called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. She thanked the staff for the social event that had been organized for Council members the previous night.

2. Approval of Agenda (GC19971211-67)

It was moved by John Cruickshank, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and


That Council approve the Agenda for the December 11-12, 1997 meeting of the Governing Council of the Ontario College of Teachers.

3. Approval of Minutes (GC19971211-68, 70)

It was moved by Kathleen McFadyen, seconded by John Cruickshank, and


That Council approve the Minutes of the Meeting of the Governing Council of the Ontario College of Teachers held on September 11-12, 1997.

It was moved by John Cruickshank, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and


That Council approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Governing Council of the Ontario College of Teachers held on October 16, 1997.

4. Business Arising

4.1 Notices of Motion

4.1.1 Bylaw 2, Section 3.06(c) - Proposed Changes (GC19971211-72)

It was moved by George Merrett, seconded by Diane Leblovic, and


That Council approve that Bylaw 2 Section 3.06 (c) be amended by the deletion of the words 'at the preceding Council meeting' and replace it with the words 'in time for the notice of motion to be included in the notice of meeting under section 3.03', to read:

3.06(c) Motions of which a notice of motion was given by a member of the Council at the preceding Council meeting or in time for the notice of motion to be included in the notice of meeting under section 3.03.

4.1.2 Bylaw 4, Section 3.01 - Proposed Changes (GC19971211-73)

It was moved by Lynn Daigneault and seconded by DavidSomer, “That Council approve that in respect to Bylaw 4, section 3.01, a new subsection be added to section 3.01 following section (a), as follows: 3.01(b):Subsection 3.01(a) of the Bylaw shall not apply to any finding of professional misconduct or incompetence based on conduct of a sexual nature.

And further:

That Council request staff to bring back to the next meeting of Council a definition of “conduct of a sexual nature” which will then constitute a new section (c).

The Chair ruled this motion out of order on the grounds that it conflicted with statutory provisions governing the College (Sections 23 and 30 (5) of the Ontario College of Teachers Act).

4.1.3 Budget Lines for Council Members (GC19971211-74)

It was moved by Harry Mulvale and seconded by Liz Barkley, “That Council approve that a budget line be established for Council members’ expenses to provide financial support where required for the members to fulfil their responsibilities to the constituency represented by the Council member.”

It was moved by Nicholas Myrhorod, seconded by Doug Carter, and


That Council refer the Mulvale/Barkley motion re the matter of a budget line for Council members’ expenses to the Executive Committee for study and report to the February 26-27, 1998 Council Meeting.

It was moved by Wayne Cornack, seconded by Diane Leblovic, and


That Council call the question on the referral motion.

A vote was taken on the main motion, as referred, and it was


That Council refer the following motion, which had been moved by Harry Mulvale and seconded by Liz Barkley, to the Executive Committee for study and report to the February 26-27, 1998 Council Meeting:

That Council approve that a budget line be established for Council members’ expenses to provide financial support where required for the members to fulfil their responsibilities to the constituency represented by the Council member.

4.1.4. Advance Communications between Committees and Council (GC19971211-75)

It was moved by Frances Hill, seconded by Diane Leblovic and,


That Council request that the Executive Committee study ways in which advance lateral communication between standing and statutory committees' agendas and outcomes are communicated to all members of Council.

4.2 Bylaw 2, Section 5.04(d) — amendment (GC19971211-76)

It was moved by Kathleen McFadyen, seconded by John Cruickshank, and


That Council approve the recommendation of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee that Bylaw 2 Section 5.04(d) be amended by substituting the word 'maintain' in 5.04(d) (ii) with the word 'support', to read:

5.04(d) The Standards of Practice Committee shall advise Council on the development of:

i) Pre-service and in-service standards of practice.

ii) A provincial professional learning framework to support standards of practice and promote continuing competence among members of the College.

Council members were provided with copies of current bylaws.

It was agreed that members would be provided with up-to-date bylaws.

4.3 Bylaw 2, Section 9 — amendment (GC19971211-77)

It was moved by John Cruickshank, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and


That Council approve that Bylaw 2, Section 9 be amended by the inclusion of a new subsection 9.16 to read:

9.16 In order to ensure that Council members are adequately prepared to deal with questions from the membership, copies of communication materials that are distributed to the membership in general, as well as correspondence to the Minister of Education and Training related to policy matters, correspondence to school boards and schools, and those deemed appropriate by the Registrar, be shared with members of Council.

4.4 Bylaw on Investigation Procedures (GC19971211-78)

It was moved by John Cruickshank, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and


That Council approve that the proposed Bylaw on investigation procedures not be adopted

4.5 Over-Budgeted Expenses Motion — Executive Committee Approval (GC19971211-79)

It was moved by John Cruickshank and seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, “That Council approve the recommendation of the Finance Committee that: a) prior approval by the Executive Committee of any spending over the total of all operating budgets or the total of all capital budgets in any fiscal year; and b) that the Registrar be given authority for changes to any budget line not to exceed a total of 1% of the College's total approved expenditures provided that such reallocation has no effect on the total approved expenditures. Further, the Finance Committee is to be notified at every meeting of funding reallocations made by management among the major items in the Operating and Capital Budgets.”

It was moved by Margaret Dempsey, seconded by George Merrett, and


That Council call the question on the over-budgeted expenses motion.

A vote was taken on the main motion, and it was


That Council approve the recommendation of the Finance Committee that:

a) prior approval by the Executive Committee of any spending over the total of all operating budgets or the total of all capital budgets in any fiscal year; and

b) that the Registrar be given authority for changes to any budget line not to exceed a total of 1% of the College's total approved expenditures provided that such reallocation has no effect on the total approved expenditures.

Further, the Finance Committee is to be notified at every meeting of funding reallocations made by management among the major items in the Operating and Capital Budgets.

4.6 Code of Ethics for Council Members (GC19971211-80)

It was moved by John Cruickshank and seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, “That Council approve the Proposed Code of Ethics for Council Members.”

It was moved by Frances Hill and seconded by Jean Hanson, “That Council amend the Proposed Code of Ethics for Council Members by the addition of the words ’the profession of teaching’ after the word ‘public’ in the second item, to read, “Exercise their best judgement to ensure that they act in the interest of the public, the profession of teaching, and the College to fulfil the College’s legislated mandate.”

It was moved by Doug Carter, seconded by Wayne Cornack, but


That Council call the question to vote on the Proposed Code of Ethics motion.

It was moved by Wayne Cornack, seconded by David Somer, and


That Council amend the amendment to the Proposed Code of Ethics for Council Members by the deletion of the second item, which reads, “Exercise their best judgement to ensure that they act in the interest of the public and the College to fulfil the College’s legislated mandate.”

It was moved by Solette Gelberg and seconded by Stan Shapson, “That Council amend the Proposed Code of Ethics by deletion of the words “and the profession of teaching” from the last item, to read, “Seek to enhance the public perception of the College.”

It was moved by Nicholas Myrhorod, seconded by David Somer, and


That Council call the question to vote on the Gelberg/Shapson amendment motion.

A vote was taken on the Gelberg/Shapson amendment motion, but


That Council amend the Proposed Code of Ethics by deletion of the words “and the profession of teaching” from the last item to read, “Seek to enhance the public perception of the College.”

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was


That Council approve the Proposed Code of Ethics for Council Members, (GC19971211-80) as amended.

5. New Business

5.1 Council Meeting Dates, 1998 & 1999 (GC19971211-89)

It was noted that the meeting dates of September 17-18, 1998, be changed to September 24-25, 1998, and that the meeting dates of September 16-17, 1999, be changed to September 23-24, 1999.

It was moved by John Cruickshank, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and


That Council approve the dates for the meetings of the Governing Council of the Ontario College of Teachers in 1998 and 1999.

5.2 Annual Meeting 1998

The Chair informed Council Members that this matter would be reviewed by the Executive Committee to consider possible dates that fell within the requirements of the Act.

New Business continues under Item 10.

6. Registrar’s Report (GC11971211-82)

The Registrar reviewed her report. A question and answer period followed.

It was agreed that letters be sent to staff congratulating them on their fund raising efforts for the United Way.

It was agreed that information to assist Council Members in accessing a particular staff member/department would be circulated as information.

Margaret Aubé provided an explanation to the members on the changes in the Misconduct Regulation. A written outline of the changes was provided prior to the meeting’s adjournment.

The meeting recessed at 11:55 a.m.


The meeting reconvened at 1:10 p.m.

7. Chair’s Report (GC11971211-81)

The Chair reported on the College presentation to the media re Bill 160. She informed the members that the Minister of Education and Training would be in invited to a future Council Meeting. She expressed the hope that meetings with the Minister would be on a regular basis. A question and answer period followed the Chair’s report.

8. Committee Reports

8.1 Executive Committee

8.1.1 Report (GC19971211-83)

The Chair updated members on the various committee meetings held since the last Council Meeting. A question and answer period followed.

Frances Hill challenged the Chair ‘s decision on her ruling that the Executive Committee had the authority to make decisions, without prior approval of the Council.

A vote was taken on the decision of the Chair and the Chair was upheld.

Lynn Daigneault challenged the Chair’s ruling that new motions could only be brought under “New Business”.

A vote was taken on the decision of the Chair and the Chair was upheld.

8.1.2 Preparation Time - Payment (GC19971211-84)

It was moved by John Cruickshank, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and


That Council approve the recommendations contained in the Report of the Task Force on Payment of Preparation time (GC19971211-84), dated October 23, 1997.

8.1.3 Committee Vacancies

The Chair reported that Stan Shapson would fill the vacant position on the Accreditation Committee and Diane Leblovic would fill the vacancy on the Discipline Committee.

8.2 Investigation Committee

In his verbal report to Council, the Chair of the Committee, Harry Mulvale informed the members that Panel Meetings of the Investigation Committee had been held to consider some cases, a number of which had been referred to the Discipline Committee.

8.3 Discipline Committee

In his verbal report to Council, the Chair of the Committee, George Merrett informed the members that the Discipline Committee anticipated scheduling hearings by the end of January.

8.4 Fitness to Practise Committee

In her verbal report to Council, the Chair of the Committee, Marilyn Laframboise informed the members that the Committee had met in October for a training session and decision writing exercise.

8.5 Registration Appeals Committee

No Report.

8.6 Accreditation Committee

In her verbal report to Council, the Chair o the Committee, Cecilia Reynolds informed the members that a pre-service sub-committee had been struck, and the Committee was moving ahead with the accreditation panels.

8.7 Finance Committee

8.7.1 Financial Report, August 31 & September 30, 1997 (GC19971211-85)

Paul Charron, the Chair of the Committee, reviewed the Finance Committee Report.

8.7.2 1998 Budget of the Ontario College of Teachers (GC19971211-86)

It was moved by John Cruickshank and seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, “That Council approve the 1998 Provisional Budget of the Ontario College of Teachers”.

It was moved by Wayne Cornack and seconded by Doug Carter, “That Council amend the 1998 Provisional Budget of the Ontario College of Teachers by reducing budget item 4.1 by $241,000.00, which represents the costing of the salary administration program, found in document GC19971211-86. This amount is to be added to 9.55 ‘Contingency’ until a report on this program is referred to the Executive Committee for their response to the February 26-27, 1998 meeting of the Governing Council”.

It was moved by John Cruickshank and seconded by Kathleen McFadyen,

“That Council amend the Cornack/Carter amendment motion by deleting the text after the word “contingency”.

It was moved by George Merrett, and seconded by Margaret Demsey,

“That Council postpone consideration of the 1998 Provisional Budget of the Ontario College of Teachers until after deliberation of agenda item 8.3, under New Business”.

It was moved by Lynn Daigneault, seconded by Frances Hill, and


That Council call the question on the postponement of the motion.

A vote was taken on the postponement motion, and it was


That Council postpone consideration of the 1998 Provisional Budget of the Ontario College of Teachers until after deliberation of agenda item 8.3, under New Business.

Finance Committee, 1998 Budget of the Ontario College of Teachers, continues under Item 11.1.1.

8.7.3 Accreditation Committee Request for Accreditation Unit Budget (GC19971211-87)

Paul Charron circulated, and spoke to, a written response prepared on this matter. (GC19971211-94).

The meeting recessed at 5:05 pm.


The meeting reconvened at 9:00 am..

Friday, December 12, 1997

Present: Liz Barkley, Sandi Bell, Jackie Breithaupt, Larry Capstick, Doug Carter, Paul Charron, Wayne Cornack, John Cruickshank (Vice-Chair), Lynn Daigneault, Margaret Dempsey, Solette Gelberg, Michel Gravelle, Jean Hanson, Frances Hill, Donna Marie Kennedy (Chair), Marilyn Laframboise, Diane Leblovic, Alfred Lorenzi, Kathleen McFadyen, George Merrett, Karen Mitchell, Harry Mulvale, Nicholas Myrhorod, Cecilia Reynolds, William Rogers, Anthony Saldanha, Stan Shapson, John Slade, David Somer, Frances Thorne, Clarice West-Hobbs, Margaret Wilson, (Registrar)

Guests: Tom Forbes (Legal Counsel, McCarthy Tétrault),

Staff: Joe Atkinson, Margaret Aubé, Phillip Carter, Gerry Gergely, Denis Giguere, Myrtle Herzenberg, Genny Humby, Marie-France Le-Fort, Richard Lewko, Louise Nadeau, Patrick O’Neill, Susan Pelky, Josie Perreti

John Cruickshank assumed the role of Chair.

8. Committee Reports (Continued)

8.8 Standards of Practice and Education Committee

8.8.1 Report (GC19971211-88)

The Chair of the Committee, Clarice West-Hobbs reviewed the Standards of Practice and Education Committee Report.

The Co-ordinator of the Professional Affairs Department, Joe Atkinson updated the members on activities of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee.

8.9 Election Review Committee

No report.

Committee Reports continue under Item 11.

9. Correspondence

There was no correspondence to report.

10. New Business (Continued)

10.1 New Motions

10.1.1 Salary Administration Program (GC19971211-83)

It was moved by Donna Marie Kennedy, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and


That WHEREAS Bylaw 2 subsection 3.06(d) states that a Council meeting may only consider motions which the members of the Council agree to consider by a two-thirds vote of those in attendance, that Council consider the Daigneault/Hill motion on the salary administration program.

It was moved by Lynn Daigneault and seconded by Frances Hill, “that Council request the Executive Committee to bring a report on the salary administration program to the February 26-27, 1997 Governing Council Meeting for approval of the Governing Council.”

It was moved by William Rogers and seconded by Solette Gelberg, “that Council amend the motion by deletion of the words ‘for approval of the Governing Council’.“

The Vice-Chair ruled the amendment out of order.

It was moved by Donna Marie Kennedy, seconded by Doug Carter, and


That Council call the question on the salary administration motion.

A vote was taken on the main motion, and it was


That Council request the Executive Committee to bring a report on the salary administration program to the February 26-27, 1998 Governing Council Meeting for approval of the Governing Council.

New Business continues under Item 12.

11. Committee Reports (Continued)

11.1 Finance Committee (Continued)

11.1.1 1998 Budget of the Ontario College of Teachers (GC19971211-86) (Continued )

John Cruickshank withdrew his amendment to the amendment (see page 10). Wayne Cornack withdrew his amendment (see page 9).

A vote was taken on the main motion, and it was


That Council approve the 1998 Budget of the Ontario College of Teachers.

12. New Business (Continued)

12.1 New Motions (Continued)

12.1.1 Guideline for College Investments

It was moved by Donna Marie Kennedy, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, and


That WHEREAS Bylaw 2 subsection 3.06(d) states that a Council meeting may only consider motions which the members of the Council agree to consider by a two-thirds vote of those in attendance, that Council consider the Gelbert/Saldanha motion on College investments.

It was moved by Solette Gelbert, seconded by Anthony Saldanha, and


The Council approve a guideline for College investments to the effect that until monies of the College not immediately required for its operations shall be invested and/or reinvested in guaranteed financial instruments of the Government of Canada or the Government of Ontario or in other short term instruments issued and guaranteed by a Canadian chartered bank listed on Schedule 1 of the Bank Act (Canada).

It was moved by Donna Marie Kennedy, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen, but


That WHEREAS Bylaw 2 subsection 3.06(d) states that a Council meeting may only consider motions which the members of the Council agree to consider by a two-thirds vote of those in attendance, that Council consider the Cornack/Capstick motion:

'That Council request the College to postpone to March 31, 1998, the date for which the 1998 College Membership Fee is to be forwarded by School Boards'.

13. Notices of Motion (GC19971211-90)

The following Notices of Motion were read into the record for the February 26-27, 1998 Governing Council Meeting:

13.1 Regulation 72/97, Sub-section 26

William Rogers/Nicholas Myrhorod

That Council rescind resolution GC19970411-36-R12 of the September 11-12, 1997 meeting (to recommend to the Minister of Education and Training that changes be made to Regulation 72/79, sub-section 26) and that Council recommend to the Minister that Regulation 72/97 sub-section 26 be amended in part to read:

That bodies listed as items:

5. The Ontario Teachers’ Federation,

6. L’Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens,

7. The Federation of Women Teachers’ Association of Ontario,

8. The Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association

9. The Ontario Public School Teachers Federation, and

10. The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation

of sub-section 26 be required to supply only:

a) demographic information concerning a member of the college, and

b) any written summary of a formal investigation, conducted by that body, concerning an action of its names members, that has resulted in a reprimand or penalty to that named member.

13.2 Candidate Withdrawal

William Rogers/John Slade

That Council request that the Executive direct the appropriate committee to develop procedures and recommendations for changes to bylaws, regulations or rules of order if required, for approval by the Council at its next meeting, that in the event that when a candidate has withdrawn after the close of nominations and this has resulted in only one candidate on the election slate, that further nominations can be accepted.

13.3 Publicity Releases

William Rogers/Alfred Lorenzi

That Council acknowledge that although it is recognized that Council has authorized the Chair, Vice-Chair and Registrar to issue releases and statements to the media in order to fulfil the responsibilities of the Council without dialogue or consultation with the members of the Council, such releases will be issued during a session of Council only after Council has approved its contents.

13.4 Vote by Proxy

William Rogers/Anthony Saldanha

Notwithstanding any bylaws, regulations or rules of order that proscribe the acceptance or non-acceptance of votes by proxy, and
WHEREAS Council has not approved such a procedure, and
WHEREAS a vote by proxy has been presented and accepted at a committee meeting,
THEREFORE it is moved

That Council request the Executive to direct the appropriate committees to consider the desirability of proxy voting with a recommendation for approval at the next meeting of Council, and in the event the recommendation is to adopt proxy voting, a recommended procedure, to be approved at the next meeting of Council, setting out the terms and procedures for the acceptance of proxy voting.

13.5 Notices of Motion, Rules of Order, Motions Limiting Debate or Motions of Objection to Consider

William Rogers/John Slade

WHEREAS Bylaw No. 2, Section 3.09, of the General Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers sets out the requirement of majority voting as a simple majority unless otherwise required by law or by the bylaws, and
WHEREAS Bylaw 2, Section 3.13 stipulates that procedures at all meetings of the Council shall be governed by the rules laid down in Robert’s Rules of Order, except as provided in the bylaws or established as standard procedures by prior decision of Council, and
WHEREAS 21st Century Robert’s Rules of order, page 24, directs that a two-thirds majority is required for the following types of motion:

  1. Objection to consider — page 36
  2. To suspend the rules — page 37
  3. To end the debate — page 25

That Council amend Bylaw 2 to set out the voting majority as two-thirds for the aforementioned types of motions.

13.6 Conflict of Interest Policies and Operating Guidelines

Anthony Saldanha

That Council compile as part of its bylaws, a full set of conflict of interest policies and operating guidelines for the Council members and staff of this College, and furthermore, such policies specify that, those who are or have been members of the Executive of the Ontario Teachers Federation and/or its affiliates for the last 5 years from the date of the election, not be permitted to seek elected or appointed positions on the Council and this also be reflected in the staff hiring practices of this College.

13.7 Proposed Housekeeping Amendments/Additions

13.7.1 Bylaw 2

John Cruickshank/Kathleen McFadyen

That Council approve an amendment to Bylaw 2 by the addition of a new subsection 9.17 to state:

9.16 Pursuant to section 52(1)(c) of the Act, and notwithstanding any other provision of these bylaws, where:

(a) a person is deemed by section 62(1) of the Act to hold a certificate of qualification and registration; and

(b) such person has failed to:

(i) provide information to the Registrar which members are required by Bylaw 6 to provide;

(ii) pay the annual membership fee prescribed by the bylaws;

(iii) apply to the Registrar for the issuance of a certificate of qualification and registration in accordance with the regulations;

the Registrar shall give the notice required by section 24(2) of the Act by causing a notice to be published in an English language daily newspaper and a French language daily newspaper having provincial circulation in Ontario, on at least two occasions. The published notice shall state the Registrar’s intention to suspend the certificate of qualification and the certificate of registration of any member who has not paid the prescribed annual fee by a specified date which is at least two months after the date on which the publication occurs.

13.7.2 Bylaw 3

John Cruickshank/Kathleen McFadyen

That Council approve an amendment to Bylaw 3 by the addition of a new section 1.07 to state:

1.07 Where a person is deemed by section 62(1) of the Act to hold a certificate of qualification and registration but that person has failed to provide to the Registrar the information required in Bylaw 6, the Registrar may provide the notice referred to in subsection 1.05 by causing to be published, in English and French language daily newspapers having provincial circulation in Ontario, a notice of the amount of the annual fee payable by members, the due date, and the date on which members will be considered in default of payment.

13.7.3 Bylaw 4

John Cruickshank/Kathleen McFadyen

That Council approve the following amendments to Bylaw 4:

(1) That Council approve that subsection 1.02 be amended by deletion and by substitution of the following:

1.02 Despite subsection 1.01, in the case of those members deemed to hold a certificate of qualification and registration pursuant to section 62 of the Act, the member's name on the register shall be the full name that appeared on the member's initial registration form, or as later advised in accordance with subsection 1.03.

(2) That Council approve that subsection 1.03 be amended by deletion and by substitution of the following:

1.03(a) a member may request in writing a change of the name that appears on the register and the registration documents issued by the College.

1.03(b) where a member requests a change of name, the member shall file with the Registrar a change of name certificate issued under the Change of Name Act, or other proof of the change of name satisfactory to the Registrar, for example:

(i) original birth certificate; or

(ii) original or notarized baptismal record (Quebec); or

(iii) change of name certificate; or

(iv) notarized copy of Canadian Immigration Record; or

(v) notarized copy of passport used to enter Canada.

1.03(c) for the purposes of subsection (b) above, where a member adopted a name on marriage before April 1, 1987,and has not subsequently changed that name, and the member requests a change of the name on the register to reflect the name adopted on marriage, the Registrar may accept as sufficient proof of the indicating:

(i) the date and place of the marriage;

(ii) the surname of the member immediately before the marriage;

(iii) the surname of the member adopted on marriage.

1.03(d) where a member requests a change to the name that appears on the register, the Registrar shall, upon receipt of satisfactory proof, including those items listed in subsection 1.03(b), enter the new name on the register and issue a replacement certificate of qualification and certificate of registration to the member, bearing the new name, without charge to the member.

(3) That Council approve that Bylaw 4, subsection 2.01 be amended by renumbering (b) to (f).

(4) That Council approve that Bylaw 4, subsection 3.02 be amended by the addition of the number '(1)' after the words 'section 24' in line 2.

13.7.4 Simplification of the Bylaw Amendment Process.

John Cruickshank/Kathleen McFadyen

That Council approve that Bylaw 2, section 17.03 be amended by the deletion of the words ‘numbered according to the order in which it was passed,’ and ‘in its numerical order’ so that the section would read:

17.03 Every bylaw and every amendment and revocation thereof shall be certified by the Chair or Vice-Chair and by the Registrar, and sealed and maintained in a book.

13.7.5 Consolidation of the Bylaws

John Cruickshank/Kathleen McFadyen

That Council approve that Bylaws 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, and all amendments there-to be combined into a new bylaw, to be called 'The Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers'.

14. Next Meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting would take place on February 26-27, 1998, at 9:00 a.m.

15. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.

Signed: Chair


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