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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers, held by conference call on August 24, 2000 in Council Chamber B, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto.

Table of Contents

1. Call to Order

2. Agenda

3. Business

4. Adjournment

Present: John Cruickshank (Vice-Chair), Patrick Daly, Solette N. Gelberg, Marilyn Laframboise (left at 10:12 a.m.), George Merrett (left at 10:00 a.m.), Karen Mitchell, Ron Rambarran, Margaret Wilson (Registrar)

Present On Conference Line at 9:34 p.m. Samy Appadurai, Liz Barkley, Jackie Breithaupt, Sterling Campbell, Doug Carter, Paul Charron, Ernie Checkeris (left at 10.09 a.m.), Wayne Cornack, Janet Cornwall, Margaret Dempsey, Jean Hanson, Donna Marie Kennedy (Chair), Diane Leblovic, Elayne McDermid, Larry Mongeon, Cecilia Reynolds (left at 10.01 a.m.), Frances Thorne, Clarice West-Hobbs (left at 10:10 a.m.)

Staff: Kathy Anstett, Margaret Aubé, Genny Humby, Richard Lewko,

Regrets: Douglas Brown, Bill Bryce, Larry Capstick, Martin Kings, Harry Mulvale, David Somer

1. Call to Order

The Chair, Donna Marie Kennedy, called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m. and ascertained that all council members had received the meeting package.

2. Agenda (GC20000824-131)

The agenda was adopted by general consent.

3. Business

3.1 Report of the Hiring Committee — Appointment of the Registrar4.

It was agreed by general consent that Council should move into an In camera session, those present to include Council members and the Registrar.

The Council moved into an In camera session at 9:40 a.m.

The Council moved out of the In camera session at 10:10 a.m.

It was moved and seconded by Steering and


That Joe Atkinson be appointed Registrar of the Ontario College of Teachers from November 1, 2000.

Recorded Vote

For Against

Samy Appadurai


Liz Barkley


Jackie Breithaupt


Sterling Campbell


Doug Carter


Paul Charron


Ernie Checkeris


Janet Cornwall


John Cruickshank


Patrick Daly


Margaret Dempsey


Solette N. Gelberg


Jean Hanson


Donna Marie Kennedy


Marilyn Laframboise


Diane Leblovic


Elayne McDermid


George Merrett


Karen Mitchell


Larry Mongeon


Ron Rambarran


Cecilia Reynolds


Frances Thorne


Clarice West-Hobbs

Total For, 24 Total Against, 0

It was agreed that a public announcement about the appointment would be made after all candidates for the position had been notified of the result.

3.2 Criminal Record Screening Policy — Bylaws Amendment (GC20000824-132)

Margaret Wilson gave a brief overview of the amendment. Notice had been given at the previous Council meeting. She explained that the change was before Council at this time to facilitate the production of the 2001 Registration Guides.

It was movedand seconded by Steering and


That Section 30.02 (a) of the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by substitution so that the Bylaws would read:

“30.02 The form approved by the Registrar for persons applying for a certificate of qualification and registration, shall, inter alia, require the applicant to provide:

(i) a criminal record declaration which the applicant shall complete, sign and have witnessed.

(ii) an original Canadian criminal record check report not more than six months old at the date of receipt by the College.

(iii) other information related to either the criminal records declaration or the criminal record check report that the Registrar may request in order to consider the application.

Recorded Vote

For Against

Samy Appadurai


Liz Barkley


Jackie Breithaupt


Sterling Campbell


Doug Carter


Paul Charron


Wayne Cornack


Janet Cornwall


John Cruickshank


Patrick Daly


Margaret Dempsey


Solette Gelberg

Jean Hanson  

Donna Marie Kennedy


Marilyn Laframboise 


Diane Leblovic


Elayne McDermid


Karen Mitchell


Larry Mongeon


Ron Rambarran


Frances Thorne

Total For, 21 Total Against, 0

4. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 10:14 a.m.

Signed: Donna Marie Kennedy, Chair


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