Minutes of Council Meetings
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on March 26-27, 2009 in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor,
121 Bloor Street East, Toronto
Table of Contents
1. Call to Order/Welcome
2. Agenda
3. Conflict of Interest
4. Business Arising
5. Minutes
6. Business Arising
7. Registrar’s Report
8. Chair’s Report
9. Committee Reports
10. Correspondence
11. Notices of Motion
12. Next Meeting(s) of Council
13. Adjournment
Session 1: Thursday, March 26, 2009
Present: Danny Anckle, Greg Anderson (from 1:10 p.m.), Gabrielle Blais,
Paul Brazeau, Tammy Bush, Don Cattani (Chair), Monique Châteauvert, Brian Doubleday, Cynthia Farrar, Laura Featherstone, Rosemary Fontaine, Nick Forte, Dobi-Dawn Frenette, Clyde Glasgow, Mel Greif,
Brent Hamelin, Gordon Hough, Garry Humphreys, Annilee Jarvis (Vice-Chair), Bill Kirkwood, Anne Marie Levesque, Bill Matheson,
Alison Morawek, Heather Nagy, Jacques Pavesi, Ruth Ann Penny,
Tanya Roberts, Susan Robertson, Pauline Smart, John Tucker, Henry Tyndorf, Hanno Weinberger, Sharon Young Kipp,
Brian P. McGowan (Registrar)
Regrets: Madhu Bhardwaj, Dean Favero, Peter Joong, Jacques Tremblay
Presiding Officers: Douglas McCarthy, George Merrett
Staff: Margaret Aubé, Kim Bauer, Tan Crombie, Francine Dutrisac,
Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson, Richard Lewko, Michelle Longlade, Charlie Morrison, Lise Roy-Kolbusz (Deputy Registrar), Linda Zaks-Walker
1. Call to Order/Welcome
The Presiding Officer, George Merrett, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and welcomed all present.
The Presiding Officer noted the documents distributed at the meeting.
The Chair welcomed new Council member Dobi-Dawn Frenette to the meeting.
The Chair also welcomed and noted visitors in the gallery from the College of Early Childhood Educators: the Registrar, Dainora Juozapavicius and Director of Registration, Laura Sheehan. As well, he welcomed Malisa Mezenberg from the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association.
It was noted that Annilee Jarvis and John Tucker comprised the Steering Committee.
It was agreed to add an additional item under new business to the Agenda:
Item 10.2 Ad Hoc Committee on a Strategy to Enhance the Quality of College Relationships with College Members and College Partners - Motions
It was moved by Steering, and
That the revised Agenda for the March 26-27, 2009 Council meeting be approved as amended.
No conflicts were declared.
4.1 Appointment of Supervisory Officers’ Member — Council Vacancy (GC20090326-46, -47)
(Timed Item: March 26, 2009, 1:10 p.m.)
- The Chair received notification from Helen Fox that she would be resigning from Council effective February 4, 2009. As the first runner up in the Supervisory Officers’ category, Greg Anderson was contacted and informed of the vacancy resulting from Helen’s resignation from Council. He indicated that he was willing to fill the vacancy. His eligibility was confirmed with his employer and he has met the requirements for the position.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council appoint Greg Anderson to fill the Council vacancy in the Supervisory Officers’ position.
Greg Anderson assumed his seat at Council.
5.1 Meeting, December 11-12, 2008 (GC20090326-5)
It was noted that on page 3 under 5.1 College Mandate the word “chanced” should be “changed”.
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on
December 11-12, 2008 be approved as corrected.
5.2 Special Meeting, January 29, 2009 (GC20090326-7)
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held on
January 29, 2009 be approved.
5.3 Special Meeting, In Camera Session,
January 29, 2009 (GC20090326-9C)
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held in camera on January 29, 2009 be approved.
5.4 Meeting, February 13, 2009 (GC20090326-10)
It was noted that the roll call votes should indicate that Susan Robertson had voted at the meeting and that Nick Forte had not voted.
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held on February 13, 2009 be approved as corrected.
6.1 Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, Proposed Amendments (GC20090326-12C, -13)
The Registrar noted that a review of the proposed amendments to Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, had been discussed at the optional Council member briefing session prior to the Council meeting.
Margaret Aubé, Project Leader, Teachers Qualifications Review, and Michelle Longlade, Director of Standards of Practice and Accreditation, reviewed the proposed amendments to Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs and answered questions.
The Registrar thanked Margaret Aubé and Michelle Longlade, as well as staff from the Ministry of Education, for the work they had done on the amendments.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve that the proposed amendments to Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs/Règlement de l’Ontario 347/02, Agrément des Programmes de Formation des Enseignants as outlined in document GC20090326-12C be approved.
It was noted that the Registrar and Chair would sign the black-cornered Regulation and forward it to the Minister of Education immediately following the meeting.
6.2 Report of the Ad Hoc Committee Reviewing the Full-Time Chair Position
The Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee Reviewing the Full-Time Chair Position, Rosemary Fontaine, updated the members on the meetings of the Ad Hoc Committee to date, and noted that the committee would be providing a written report to the May Executive and June Council meetings.
6.3 Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on a Strategy to Enhance the Quality of College Relationships with College Members and College Partners (GC20090326-14)
The report of the Ad Hoc Committee on a Strategy to Enhance the Quality of College Relationships with College Members and College Partners was received. The Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee, Hanno Weinberger, spoke to the report and answered questions.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve that the Agenda be amended and that item 10.2 Ad Hoc Committee on a Strategy to Enhance the Quality of College Relationships with College Members and College Partners — Motions be considered at this time.
It was moved by Brent Hamelin, seconded by Tanya Roberts, and
That Council consider the following motion:
That Council direct the Registrar to review the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on a Strategy to Enhance the Quality of College Relationships with College Members and College Partners and report on the cost of the recommendations, if any, and their potential implementation with a report back to the Ad Hoc Committee by May 11, 2009, to the May 14-15, 2009 Executive Committee and to the June 4-5, 2009 Council.
It was moved by Brent Hamelin, seconded by Tanya Roberts, and
That Council direct the Registrar to review the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on a Strategy to Enhance the Quality of College Relationships with College Members and College Partners and report on the cost of the recommendations, if any, and their potential implementation with a report back to the Ad Hoc Committee by
May 11, 2009, to the May 14-15, 2009 Executive Committee and to the June 4-5, 2009 Council.
It was moved by Brent Hamelin, seconded by Tanya Roberts, and
That Council consider the following motion:
That Council approve that the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on a Strategy to Enhance the Quality of College Relationships with College Members and College Partners be formally shared with the College Partners (Report Appendix pages 8 & 9) with a request for input on the report back to the Ad Hoc Committee by May 1, 2009.
It was moved by Brent Hamelin, seconded by Tanya Roberts, and
That Council approve that the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on a Strategy to Enhance the Quality of College Relationships with College Members and College Partners be formally shared with the College Partners (Report Appendix pages 8 & 9) with a request for input on the report back to the Ad Hoc Committee by May 1, 2009.
Hanno Weinberger thanked members of the committee for their contributions and work done on this matter. He thanked Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison and Kim Bauer for the work they had done in support of the committee.
7.1 Report (GC20090326-15)
The Registrar’s Report was received. The Registrar, Brian P. McGowan, spoke to the report and answered questions.
7.2 Mandate of the Nomination Committee (GC20090326-16)
The Registrar’s Report re the Mandate of the Nomination Committee — Proposed Bylaw Changes was received. The Registrar spoke to the report and answered questions.
The Registrar agreed to provide clarification on the wording proposed for section 6.04 (d)(i) of the College bylaws: provide a list of all nominations received for the office of the Chair and Vice-Chair of Council, including any nominations received from the floor.
Douglas McCarthy assumed the role of Presiding Officer.
7.3 Labour Mobility — Agreement on Internal Trade (GC20090326-51, -55)
The Registrar, Deputy Registrar and Director of Membership Services, Linda Zaks-Walker, made a PowerPoint presentation on the Agreement on Internal Trade
The Registrar provided historical background on the Agreement on Internal Trade. He noted that a movement to begin the process had begun in 1994 and come into effect on July 1, 1995 and that the goal of the Agreement was to reduce barriers to the movement of persons, goods, services and investments within Canada. He noted that the text to the agreement was contained in document GC20090326-51, Chapter Seven, Labour Mobility, Attachment 1 to Ninth Protocol of Amendment.
The Director of Membership Services spoke to the contents of the Agreement.
The Deputy Registrar spoke to the emerging issues of the Agreement and next steps to be taken.
A question and answer session ensued. It was noted that Regulation 184/97, Teachers Qualifications, and the College’s Act would need to be reviewed for any required changes once the Agreement was put in place.
8.1 Report (GC20090326-16, -50, -56, -57)
The report of the Chair was received. The Chair, Don Cattani, spoke to the report and answered questions.
Letters from the Ontario Teachers Federation relating to the Media Article — BC Teachers fear rush of less-qualified hires(GC20090326-56) and a letter written by the Chair in the Cariboo press: Nothing wrong with Ontario teachers
(GC20090326-57) were distributed to Council members.
9.1 Executive Committee (GC20090326-18, -19)
The Executive Committee reports were received. The Chair, Don Cattani, spoke to the reports.
9.2 Investigation Committee (GC20090326-20)
The report of the Investigation Committee was received. The Chair,
Paul Brazeau, spoke to the report.
9.3 Discipline Committee (GC20090326-21)
The report of the Discipline Committee was received. The Vice-Chair,
Brent Hamelin, spoke to the report on behalf of the Chair, Jacques Tremblay.
9.4 Fitness to Practise Committee (GC20090326-22)
The report of the Fitness to Practise Committee was received. The Chair, Rosemary Fontaine, spoke to the report.
9.5 Registration Appeals Committee (GC20090326-23)
The report of the Registration Appeals Committee was received. The Vice-Chair, Bill Matheson, spoke to the report and the 2008 Registration Appeals Committee Statistics, and answered questions. He thanked Helen Fox for her contributions to the Registration Appeals Committee.
9.6 Standards of Practice and Education Committee (GC20090326-30)
The report of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee was received. The Chair, Nick Forte, spoke to the report and answered questions. He welcomed Dobi-Dawn Frenette to the committee.
9.7 Accreditation Committee (GC20090326-31, -32)
The reports of the Accreditation Committee were received. The Chair,
Gord Hough, spoke to the reports.
9.8 Accreditation Appeal Committee
There was no report at this time.
9.9 Human Resources Committee (GC20090326-33C, -34C, -35C, -36C)
(Timed Item: March 26, 2009, 5:10 p.m.)
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council move into an in camera session pursuant to section 8(3)(d) of the College’s Act, with members of Council, the Presiding Officers and the Registrar present and that the Deputy Registrar be invited to join the in camera session at the appropriate time.
The Committee moved into an in camera session at 5:10 p.m.
The Committee moved out of the in camera session at 5:20 p.m.
The Chair reported that the following motions had been passed during the in camera session:
That Council appoint the current Deputy Registrar,
Lise Roy-Kolbusz, as Interim Registrar and Chief Executive Officer for the period March 28, 2009 to May 31, 2009 or such earlier date as the incoming Registrar is able to begin his appointment.
That Council appoint Francine Dutrisac as Acting Deputy Registrar for the period March 28, 2009 to May 31, 2009 or such earlier date as the incoming Registrar is able to begin his appointment.
The meeting recessed at 5:20 p.m.
Session 2: Friday: March 27, 2009
Present: Danny Anckle, Greg Anderson, Paul Brazeau, Tammy Bush, Don Cattani (Chair), Monique Châteauvert, Brian Doubleday, Cynthia Farrar, Laura Featherstone, Rosemary Fontaine, Nick Forte, Dobi-Dawn Frenette, Clyde Glasgow, Mel Greif, Brent Hamelin, Gordon Hough,
Garry Humphreys, Annilee Jarvis (Vice-Chair), Bill Kirkwood,
Anne Marie Levesque, Bill Matheson, Alison Morawek, Heather Nagy, Jacques Pavesi, Ruth Ann Penny, Tanya Roberts, Susan Robertson,
John Tucker, Henry Tyndorf, Hanno Weinberger, Sharon Young Kipp,
Brian P. McGowan (Registrar)
Regrets: Madhu Bhardwaj, Gabrielle Blais, Dean Favero, Peter Joong,
Pauline Smart, Jacques Tremblay
Presiding Officers: Douglas McCarthy, George Merrett
Guests: Terri McKinnon, PricewaterhouseCoopers (from 9:00 a.m. to 9:20 a.m.)
Staff: Margaret Aubé, Kim Bauer, Tan Crombie, Francine Dutrisac,
Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson, Michael Kaptein, Richard Lewko, Michelle Longlade, Charlie Morrison, Lise Roy-Kolbusz (Deputy Registrar), Linda Zaks-Walker
The meeting resumed at 9:00 a.m.
George Merrett assumed the role of Presiding Officer.
9.10 Finance Committee (GC20090326-24, -25)
(Timed Item: March 27, 2009, 9:05 a.m.)
The report of the Finance Committee was received. The Chair, John Tucker, spoke to the report and answered questions.
The Chair welcomed new Controller, Michael Kaptein, to the meeting and thanked him for the work he had done with the committee.
It was moved by John Tucker, Chair, Finance Committee and,
That Council approve the following recommendations:
- that the Reserve for Fee Stabilization be set at $0
- that the Reserve for Working Capital be set at $3,188,000
- that the Reserve for Stabilization of Facility Costs be set at $9,498,000
- that the Unappropriated Members' Equity remain at $500,000.
9.10.1 Supplementary Report of the Finance Committee (Part 1) (GC20090326-26, -29)
The supplementary report of the Finance Committee was received. The Chair, John Tucker, spoke to the report and answered questions.
9.10.2 Unaudited Financial Report,
December 31, 2008 (GC20090326-27)
The Ontario College of Teachers Unaudited Financial Report,
December 31, 2008 was received. The Chair of the Finance Committee noted that there was no difference between the unaudited version and the audited version of the reports.
9.10.3 Auditor’s Report on 2008 Audited Financial Report, December 31, 2008 (GC20090326-28)
The Ontario College of Teachers draft Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2008 was received.
John Tucker introduced Terri McKinnon, Partner, Pricewaterhouse-Coopers. Terri McKinnon addressed Council and spoke to the Auditor’s Report. The Chair thanked Terri McKinnon for her report to Council.
It was moved by John Tucker, Chair, Finance Committee and,
That Council accept the December 31, 2008, Audited Consolidated Financial Statements of the Ontario College of Teachers.
Terri McKinnon left the meeting at 9:20 a.m.
9.10.4 Appointment of Auditor (GC20090326-26)
The Chair, John Tucker, spoke to the appointment of the auditor and answered questions.
It was moved by John Tucker, Chair, Finance Committee, and
That Council reappoint Pricewaterhouse-Coopers as auditors for the 2009 fiscal year.
9.10.5 Supplementary Report of the Finance Committee (Part 2) (GC20090326-26C, -29C)
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council move into an in camera session pursuant to section 8 (3)(d) of the College’s Act, with members of Council, the Registrar the Presiding Officers and staff present.
Council moved into an in camera session at 9:20 a.m.
Council moved out of the in camera session at 9:30 a.m.
9.11 Editorial Board (GC20090326-37, -54)
The reports of the Editorial Board were received. The Chair, Annilee Jarvis, spoke to the reports and the chart outlining the annual advertising revenue for the College and answered questions.
9.12 Election Committee (GC20090326-38)
The report of the Election Committee was received. The Chair, Tanya Roberts, spoke to the report.
Douglas McCarthy assumed the role of Presiding Officer.
9.13 Nomination Committee (GC20090326-39)
The report of the Nomination Committee was received. The Chair, Laura Featherstone, spoke to the report.
9.14 Quality Assurance Committee (GC20090326-40, -41, -42)
The reports of the Quality Assurance Committee were received. The Chair, Sharon Young Kipp, spoke to the reports and answered questions. The Chair noted that Council members had had the opportunity to review and discuss the Quality Assurance Committee’s survey results on Council committees during the optional briefing session the previous day.
It was moved by Sharon Young Kipp, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, and
That Council retain the requirement of membership in good standing to be eligible to use the professional designation of the Ontario College of Teachers.
It was moved by Sharon Young Kipp, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, “That Council approve that:
- Executive Committee — maintain the existing membership but formalize a process to invite other committee chairs to present as required
- Accreditation Appeal Committee — maintain as a regulatory committee but only constitute once an appeal has been filed
- Election and Nomination Committees — maintain as separate entities
- Quality Assurance Committee — broaden the scope of the committee’s mandate to reflect that this committee also identifies opportunities for further investigation self-generated through the object review.”
It was moved by Don Cattani, seconded by Brian Doubleday, and
That the above motion be split into four separate motions.
It was moved by Brent Hamelin, seconded by Annilee Jarvis, but it was
That the question be put re the first part of the split motion: Executive Committee — maintain the existing membership but formalize a process to invite other committee chairs to present as required.
Further discussion ensued on the membership of the Executive Committee.
It was moved by Paul Brazeau, seconded by Rosemary Fontaine, and
That the question be put re the first part of the split motion: Executive Committee — maintain the existing membership but formalize a process to invite other committee chairs to present as required.
A vote was taken on the first part of the split motion, but it was
That Council approve that the Executive Committee maintain the existing membership but formalize a process to invite other committee chairs to present as required
The second part of the split motion was considered: Accreditation Appeal Committee — maintain as a regulatory committee but only constitute once an appeal has been filed.
It was moved by Paul Brazeau, seconded by Rosemary Fontaine, That Council refer the following motion to the Registrar for study and report to the
June 4-5, 2009 Council meeting: That Council approve that: Accreditation Appeal Committee — maintain as a regulatory committee but only constitute once an appeal has been filed.
It was moved by Gord Hough, seconded by Sharon Young Kipp, but it was
That the Brazeau/Fontaine motion be amended by substituting the words “Quality Assurance Committee” for “Registrar”.
It was moved by Henry Tyndorf, seconded by Danny Anckle, and
That the question be put re the referral of the second part of the split motion.
A vote was taken on the referral of the second part of the split motion, and it was
That Council refer the following motion to the Registrar for study and report to the June 4-5, 2009 Council meeting:
That Council approve that: Accreditation Appeal Committee — maintain as a regulatory committee but only constitute once an appeal has been filed.
The third part of the split motion was considered: That Council approve that the Election and Nomination Committees be maintained as separate entities.
The Presiding Officer ruled the motion out of order and noted that the Election and Nomination Committees were separate committees and therefore a motion was not required to endorse the status quo.
The fourth part of the split motion was considered: Quality Assurance Committee — broaden the scope of the committee’s mandate to reflect that this committee also identifies opportunities for further investigation self-generated through the object review.
Don Cattani stated that he believed the motion was out of order as the Quality Assurance Committee had provided a Notice of Motion to amend the bylaws and that approval of this motion was not necessary.
The Presiding Officer stated that he believed the motion was in order as it was a policy statement and not a Notice of Motion.
A vote was taken on the fourth part of the split motion, and it was
That Council approve that: Quality Assurance Committee — broaden the scope of the committee’s mandate to reflect that this committee also identifies opportunities for further investigation self-generated through the object review.
The following items of correspondence were received for information:
- Letter to the Minister of Education from the Chair of Council re the Appointment of the New Registrar and Chief Executive Officer (GC20090326-43)
- Letter from the Minister of Education re Professional Designation
- Letter of Invitation to the Minister of Education to Address the 5th Inaugural Council Meeting (GC20090326-45)
- Letter to the Editor, Prince George Free Press, and to Paul Shaker, Simon Fraser University re article “Hopeful, but with a warning” — Labour Mobility (GC20090326-53)
The following Notices of Motion were read into the Minutes for consideration at the June 4-5, 2009 Council meeting:
Moved by the Steering:
11.1 Proposed College Bylaw Amendments re Sections 6, 7, 8, 18 and 5) (Nomination Committee Mandate) (GC20090326-48)
That Council approve that Section 6 — Special and Ad Hoc Committees, Section 7 - Committee Vacancies, Section 8 - Committee Reports, and Section 18 - College Publication, and Section 5 — Standing Committees, of the bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended, by addition, substitution and deletion as appropriate, to read:
Section 6 — Special and Ad Hoc Committees
6.01 There are hereby established the following special committees:
(a) Quality Assurance Committee
(b) Election Committee
(c) Nomination Committee
(d) Human Resources Committee
(e) any other special or ad hoc committee created by Council motion.
6.02 Quality Assurance Committee:
(a) Council shall appoint five (5) members of Council to the Quality Assurance Committee.
(b) Two (2) of the members of the Quality Assurance Committee shall be persons who were appointed to the Council under paragraph 4(2)(b) of the Act.
(c) Three (3) of the members of the Quality Assurance Committee shall be persons who were elected to Council under paragraph 4(2)(a) of the Act.
(d) Up to two (2) external representatives may be appointed to the Quality Assurance Committee, as the committee deems necessary and as approved by the Executive Committee.
(e) The Quality Assurance Committee shall assess the performance of the College relative to its objectives as defined in the Act and report annually to Council.
6.03 Election Committee:
(a) Council shall appoint five (5) members of Council to the Election Committee.
(b) Two (2) of the members of the Election Committee shall be persons who were appointed to the Council under paragraph 4(2)(b) of the Act.
(c) Three (3) of the members of the Election Committee shall be persons who were elected to Council under paragraph 4(2)(a) of the Act.
(d) The Election Committee shall:
(i) ensure that the election of the Council by members of the College is being carried out in accordance with prescribed regulations and bylaws
(ii) establish a calendar for:
A) the mailing of nomination papers
B) receipt of nomination papers and consent to stand for election
C) receipt of biographical summary
D) printing of voting instructions, biographical summaries, and regional ballots
E) mailing of regional ballots
F) election day
G) tabulation period
(iii) report to the Council on the process of the election and present the official results
(iv) review election regulations, bylaws, boundaries and population distributions to ensure ongoing relevancy and make recommendations to Council with respect to any changes.
6.04 Nomination Committee:
(a) Council shall appoint seven (7) members of Council to the Nomination Committee.
(b) Three (3) of the members of the Nomination Committee shall be persons who were appointed to the Council under paragraph 4(2)(b) of the Act.
(c) Four (4) of the members of the nomination committee shall be persons who were elected to council under paragraph 4(2)(a) of the Act.
(d) At the inaugural meeting of Council, the Nomination Committee appointed by the previous Council shall:
(i) provide a list of all nominations received for the office of the Chair and Vice-Chair of Council, including any nominations received from the floor.
(ii) make recommendations to Council regarding the membership of each committee established in the Act, regulations, or these bylaws.
(iii) make recommendations to Council regarding the chairs of each committee established in the Act, regulations, or these bylaws.
(iv) if necessary, make recommendations to Council for a candidate to fill a vacant elected Council position for which no nominations were received during the election process.
(e) During the term of Council, the Nomination Committee shall make recommendations to Council regarding:
(i) the selection of a Council member to fill an appointed or elected member vacancy on the Executive Committee pursuant to section 19 of Regulation 72/97, General.
(ii) the selection of an applicant to fill an acclaimed Council member vacancy.
(f) During the term of Council, the Nomination Committee shall make recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding:
(i) the selection of a Council member to fill an elected or appointed member vacancy on a statutory, regulatory, standing, special or ad hoc committee of Council.
(ii) the selection of elected and appointed Council members to an ad hoc committee.
(g) Members of the Nomination Committee are not prevented from becoming nominees for any of the positions listed in section 6.04 above.
6.05 Human Resources Committee:
(a) Council shall appoint five (5) members of the Council to the Human Resources Committee.
(b) One (1) member of the committee shall be the Chair of the Council or Vice-Chair of the Council and there shall be an additional four (4) members of Council.
(c) Two (2) members of the Human Resources Committee shall be persons who were appointed to the Council under paragraph 4(2)(b) of the Act.
(d) Three (3) members of the Human Resources Committee shall be persons who were elected to Council under paragraph 4(2)(a) of the Act.
(e) The Human Resources Committee shall:
(i) monitor the implementation of the Salary Administration Program on an annual basis
(ii) advise Council on the process for hiring the Registrar and Deputy Registrar
(iii) make recommendations to Council regarding the Human Resources policies of the College.
6.06 A person appointed to a special committee shall be a member of the committee until the first meeting of the next Council.
6.07 A person appointed by the Executive Committee to an ad hoc committee of Council shall be a member of the committee for a period prescribed by the Council.
6.08 A special or ad hoc committee shall elect a Vice-Chair from among its members.
6.09 A quorum on a special or ad hoc committee is a majority of the number of positions on the committee, including a minimum of one person who was appointed to the Council under paragraph 4(2)(b) of the Act.
6.10 In the absence of the Chair of a special or ad hoc committee, the Vice-Chair shall temporarily act as and have all the powers of the Chair.
6.11 In the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair of a special or ad hoc committee, the committee shall elect a person from among its members to temporarily act as and have all the powers of the Chair.
6.12 Unless otherwise required by law or by the bylaws, every question which comes before a special or ad hoc committee may be decided by a simple majority of the votes cast at the meeting by members of the committee present thereat (including the Chair of the committee) and, if there is an equality of votes on a question, the question shall be deemed to have been decided in the negative.
6.13 Each special committee shall meet at least once a year.
6.14 A meeting of a special or ad hoc committee may be held by any means that permits every person participating in the meeting to communicate with each other simultaneously.
6.15 The Registrar shall notify each member of a special or ad hoc committee in writing of the place, date, time and agenda for a special committee or ad hoc meeting by sending such notification no less than ten (10) days before a regular meeting.
6.16 The Chair of a special or ad hoc committee shall ensure that minutes are:
(a) taken at each meeting
(b) reviewed and approved at the meeting following the one at which they are taken
(c) signed by the Chair after approval.
Section 7 — Committee Vacancies
7.01 An elected member of the Council who is disqualified from sitting on the Council ceases to be a member of the Council and of the statutory, standing, special or ad hoc committees of which he or she is a member.
7.02 A person who is suspended as a result of a referral from section 26 or 29 of the Act from his or her office as member of the Council shall not participate in any meeting or other proceeding of the Council or the committees. The Executive Committee shall appoint one (1) or more elected members to replace the suspended member on the committee(s) on which that member served, for the period of the suspension.
7.03 The Council shall disqualify an elected member of the Council from sitting on committees if the member:
(a) is found by the Discipline Committee to be guilty of professional misconduct or to be incompetent
(b) is found by the Fitness to Practise Committee to be incapacitated
(c) fails, without cause, to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the Council
(d) fails, without cause, to attend half the meetings of the Council in any twelve-month period
(e) fails, without cause, to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of a committee of which he or she is a member
(f) fails, without cause, to attend a hearing of a panel of a committee for which he or she has been selected
(g) fails or ceases to meet the criteria set out in the regulations for eligibility to be nominated for the position for which the member was elected, as those regulations read on the day the member was declared elected.
7.04 The seat of a member of a standing, special or ad hoc committee becomes vacant if the member dies, resigns from the committee, resigns from the Council or is disqualified from sitting on the Council or the committee.
7.05 For the purpose of this bylaw, the resignation of a member of a standing, special or ad hoc committee is effective when received by the Registrar or the Chair of the committee.
7.06 A person who is suspended under section 6(3) of Regulation 72/97 from his or her office as a member of the Council is also suspended from his or her office as a member of a standing, special or ad hoc committee and shall not participate in any meeting or other proceeding of the committee.
7.07 If the seat of a member of a standing, special or ad hoc committee becomes vacant, the Executive Committee shall, as soon as reasonably possible, appoint a member of Council to fill the vacancy.
7.08 In filling a vacancy, the Executive Committee shall ensure that the requirements for the number of elected and appointed members are complied with.
7.09 Within ten (10) days of a committee vacancy coming to the attention of the Registrar, the Registrar shall:
(a) notify the members of the Nomination and Executive Committees that a vacancy has arisen
(b) provide the members of the Nomination and Executive Committees with the information that they need in order to be able to fill the vacancy
(c) draw the attention of the Nomination and Executive Committees to its obligation under this section to act expeditiously.
(d) Members of the Nomination Committee are not prevented from becoming nominees for any committee vacancy.
7.10 A person appointed by the Executive Committee to fill a vacancy on a committee shall hold office on the committee until the former committee member's term would have expired
Section 8 — Committee Reports
8.01 Unless otherwise provided for, each committee shall submit a report of its activities to the Council, at least annually.
8.02 In addition to an annual report, the Nomination Committee appointed by the previous Council shall report to the new Council at the first meeting of the Council following an election. The report shall contain:
(i) nominations for the office of the Chair, Vice-Chair and recommendations for the membership of each statutory, regulatory, standing, and special committee
(ii) if necessary, recommendations for candidates to fill any vacant elected Council positions for which no nominations were received during the election process.
8.02 The Finance Committee shall report at least semi-annually to the Council.
8.03 When reporting to Council, the Executive Committee shall not submit a report that contains information, other than information of a general statistical nature, relating to:
(a) a referral by the Executive Committee to the Discipline or Fitness to Practise Committee until a panel of the Discipline or Fitness to Practise Committee disposes of the matter
(b) an approval for the Registrar to appoint an investigator until the investigation is completed and reported by the Registrar and the Executive Committee decides not to make a referral with respect to the matter to the Discipline Committee or, if the Executive Committee makes a referral with respect to the matter to the Discipline Committee, until a panel of the Discipline Committee disposes of the matter
(c) an interim order made by the Executive Committee in respect of a member until a panel of the Discipline Committee or Fitness to Practise Committee disposes of the matter.
8.04 If the Executive Committee exercises a power of the Council under section 16 of the Act, it shall report on its actions to the Council at the Council's next meeting.
Section 18 — College Publication
18.01 The College shall distribute an official publication of the Council to members in good standing at least four (4) times per year.
18.02 The official publication shall include but not be limited to:
(a) the publication of decisions of Council and its committees
(b) notices of Council meetings
(c) notices of annual meetings
(d) a summary of committee reports
(e) notices of election
(f) election results
(g) nomination calls
(h) findings and orders in detail or in summary, other than interim orders made under section 29.3 of the Act.
18.03 (a) Notwithstanding subsection 18.02, any publication of a decision, finding or order of a panel of the Discipline Committee, whether pursuant to section 30(5), paragraph 3 or otherwise, shall be subject to the approval of the panel of the committee that heard and determined the matter..
18.03 (b) Where there is a dissenting opinion prepared by a member of the panel and the decision, finding or order of the committee is to be published, in detail or summary, any publication will include the dissenting opinion, and the publication shall be subject to the approval of the member of the panel who prepared the dissenting opinion.
18.04 The publication shall be available in both French and English.
18.05 Editorial Board
There shall be an Editorial Board to oversee the development of editorial and advertising policy and consideration of copy for the official publication of the College. The Board shall be treated as a special committee of Council.
(a) The Council shall appoint five (5) members of Council to the Editorial Board.
(b) Two (2) members of the Editorial Board shall be persons who were appointed to the Council under paragraph 4(2)(b) of the Act.
(c) Three (3) of the members of the Editorial Board shall be persons who were elected to Council under paragraph 4(2)(a) of the Act.
(d) A quorum on the Editorial Board is a majority of the number of positions on the committee, including a minimum of one person who was appointed to the Council under paragraph 4(2)(b) of the Act.
18.06 Unless otherwise required by law or prescribed in the bylaws, the Chair of the Editorial Board shall be appointed by the Council.
18.07 Unless otherwise provided for, the Editorial Board shall submit a report of its activities to Council, at least annually.
18.08 A person appointed to the Editorial Board shall be a member of the Board until the first meeting of the next Council.
18.09 Meetings of the Editorial Board may be held by any means that permits every person participating in the meeting to communicate with each other simultaneously.
Section 5 — Standing Committees
5.01 There are hereby established the following standing committees, in addition to those required by section 15 of the Act:
(a) Finance Committee
(b) Standards of Practice and Education Committee.
5.02 Finance Committee:
(a) The Council shall appoint five (5) of its members to the Finance Committee.
(b) Two (2) of the members of the Finance Committee shall be persons who were appointed to the Council under paragraph 4(2)(b) of the Act.
(c) Three (3) of the members of the Finance Committee shall be persons who were elected to Council under paragraph 4(2)(a) of the Act.
(d) The Finance Committee shall review and report to the Council regarding the financial affairs and position of the College, recommend an annual budget to Council and make recommendations to Council with respect to the appointment of the auditor.
5.03 Standards of Practice and Education Committee:
(a) The Council shall appoint nine (9) of its members to the Standards of Practice and Education Committee.
(b) Four (4) of the members of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee shall be persons who were appointed to the Council under paragraph 4(2)(b) of the Act.
(c) Five (5) of the members of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee shall be persons who were elected to Council under paragraph 4(2)(a) of the Act.
(d) The Standards of Practice and Education Committee shall advise Council on the development of:
(i) Pre-service and in-service standards of practice
(ii) A provincial professional learning framework to support standards of practice and promote continuing competence among members of the College.
(e) The Standards of Practice and Education Committee may from time to time appoint a minimum of three (3) members of the committee to a sub-committee, and the sub-committee shall meet as directed by the Committee to make recommendations with respect to issues within the scope of the Committee’s work.
(f) Up to two (2) external representatives may be appointed to a sub-committee of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee to ensure a range of expertise, as the Committee deems necessary and as approved by the Executive Committee.
5.04 Unless otherwise required by law or prescribed in the bylaws, the members of each standing committee and a chair for each standing committee shall be appointed by the Council.
5.05 A standing committee shall elect a Vice-Chair from among its members.
5.06 A quorum on a standing committee is a majority of the number of positions on the committee including a minimum of one person who was appointed to the Council under paragraph 4(2)(b) of the Act.
5.07 In the absence of the Chair of a standing committee, the Vice-Chair shall temporarily act as and have all the powers of the Chair.
5.08 In the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair of a standing committee, the committee shall elect a person from among its members to temporarily act as and have all the powers of the Chair.
5.09 Unless otherwise required by law or by the bylaws, every question which comes before a standing committee may be decided by a simple majority of the votes cast at the meeting of members of the committee present thereat (including the Chair of the committee) and, if there is an equality of votes on a question, the question shall be deemed to have been decided in the negative.
5.10 Each standing committee shall meet at least once a year.
5.11 Each standing committee shall meet at least once a year.
5.12 A meeting of a standing committee may be held by any means that permits every person participating in the meeting to communicate with each other simultaneously.
5.13 The Registrar shall notify each member of a standing committee in writing of the place, time and agenda for a standing committee meeting by sending such notification no less than ten (10) days before a meeting.
5.14 The Chair of a standing committee shall ensure that minutes are:
(a) taken at each meeting
(b) reviewed and approved at the meeting following the one at which they are taken, and
(c) signed by the chair after approval.
5.15 A person appointed to a standing committee shall be a member of the committee until the first meeting of the next Council.
11.2 Proposed College Bylaw Amendments re Sections 6 (Quality Assurance Committee) (GC20090326-42)
Moved by Sharon Young Kipp, Chair, Quality Assurance Committee
That Council approve that section 6.02(e) of the bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the addition of “identify opportunities to further support the achievement of these College objectives”, to read as follows:
6.02 Quality Assurance Committee:
(e) The Quality Assurance Committee shall assess the performance of the College relative to its objectives as defined in the Act, identify opportunities to further support the achievement of these College objectives and report annually to Council.
- June 4-5, 2009
- June 4, 2009 — Annual Meeting of Members
The Registrar announced that he had received a letter from the Ministry of Education that morning indicating that in the course of the Ministry’s review of O. Regulation 184/97, the Ministry was of the belief that there was no legislative authority in the College’s Act that related to Temporary Letters of Approval (TLAs) but that such teaching assignments existed with O. Regulation 298 under the Education Act. Consequently, the Ministry of Education would be requesting the transfer of responsibility for the issuance of TLAs from the College to the Ministry.
The Registrar agreed to provide a copy of the letter to Council members (GC20090326-58).
The Chair thanked the Registrar for the work he had done at the College and for the teaching profession.
The meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m.
Signed: Chair, Don Cattani |
Signed: Registrar, Brian P. McGowan |
Dated: |
Dated: |