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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on December 8-9, 2005 in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto

Table of Contents

1. Call to Order/Welcome

2. Agenda

3. Committee Reports

4. Minutes

5. Business Arising

6. Registrar’s Report

7. Committee Reports (Continued)

8. Correspondence

9. New Business

10. Joseph W. Atkinson Scholarship Award

11. Committee Reports (Continued)

12. New Business (Continued)

13. Notices of Motion

14. Next Regular Meeting

15. Adjournment

Session 1

Thursday, December 8, 2005

Present: Gabrielle Blais, Paul Brazeau, Donald Cattani, Ted Coulson, Suzanne De Froy, Rosemary Fontaine, Nick Forte (from 1:10 p.m.) Normand Fortin, Gordon Hough, Garry Humphreys, Nancy Hutcheson (Vice-Chair), Andrew Kane, Marilyn A. Laframboise (Chair), Anne Marie Levesque, Gail Lilley (from 2:30 p.m.), Lynne Mastin, Bill Matheson, Iain Munro, Janet Ouellette, Elizabeth Papadopoulos, Howard Ramcharan, Amin Saab, Patrick Slack, Pauline Smart, Jacques Tremblay, Anne Vinet-Roy, Eileen Walker, Hilda Watkins (until 3:20 p.m.), Don Watson, W. Douglas Wilson (Registrar)

Regrets: Jennifer Pitt

Presiding Officers: George Merrett, Douglas McCarthy

Legal Counsel: Caroline Zayid (McCarthy Tétrault)

Guests: Joseph W. Atkinson (from 4:45 p.m.), Gillian Lamoureux (from 4:45 p.m.)

Staff: Margaret Aubé, Peter Brown (from 3:20 p.m.), Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson, Richard Lewko, Marisa McCallister, Jane McDonald, Brian McGowan (Deputy Registrar), Charlie Morrison, Katherin Platt, Lise Roy-Kolbusz, Michael Salvatori

1. Call to Order/Welcome

The Presiding Officer, George Merrett, called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. and welcomed all present.

The Presiding Officer noted the revisions to the Agenda and the materials to be distributed.

The Chair noted the Standards Review Update material to be distributed. She requested that Council members review the documents before the meeting the following day and complete the form entitled Council Feedback on the Revised Standards. Council members were requested to provide the Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee, Jennifer Pitt, with editorial or content comments.

It was noted that Steering was comprised of Nancy Hutcheson and Norm Fortin (until such time that Gail Lilley joined the meeting).

2. Agenda (GC20051208-201, Revised)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the revised Agenda for the December 8-9, 2005 Council meeting be approved.

3. Committee Reports

3.1 Nomination Committee (GC20051208-226, -227) (Timed Item: 1:05 p.m.)

The report of the Nomination Committee was received. The Chair, Nancy Hutcheson, spoke to the report.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Nick Forte to fill the Council vacancy in the English-language Roman Catholic — Secondary position.

The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, introduced Nick Forte to members of Council and welcomed him to the meeting.

3.2 Election Committee (GC20051208-224, -225) (Timed Item: 1:15 p.m.)

The report of the Election Committee was received. The Chair, Gord Hough, spoke to the report.

It was moved by Gord Hough, Chair, Election Committee, and


That Council approve that the 2006 Council election be held on October 24, 2006.

4. Minutes

4.1 Meeting, September 29-30, 2005 (GC20051208-202)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the September 29-30, 2005 Council Meeting be approved.

4.2 Special Meeting, October 20, 2005 (GC20051208-204)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held on October 20, 2005 be approved.

5. Business Arising

5.1 Report of the Ad Hoc Committee re Release Time for the Chair/Vice-Chair of Council (GC20051208-206, -207)

The report of the Ad Hoc Committee re Release Time for the Chair/Vice-Chair of Council was received. The Chair, Nancy Hutcheson, spoke to the report and answered questions.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Ad Hoc Committee re Release Time for the Chair/Vice-Chair of Council, “That Council approve the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee re Release Time for the Chair/Vice-Chair of Council:

  1. That the role description of the Chair of Council be approved as amended GC20051208-206, attachment 1).

  2. That the position of Chair be full-time, based on a regular school calendar as defined in regulation.

  3. With respect to compensation for the position of full-time Chair, that Council support the following principles:

    • That no Chair be compensated at a level less than their current salary.

    • That a benchmark salary be established reflecting the responsibilities of the position.

  4. That Council conduct a review of the role description, time commitment and compensation package of the full-time Chair no later than 18 months following implementation.

  5. That the duties of the Vice-Chair remain as set out in the current bylaws.

  6. That the release-time provisions for the position of Vice-Chair remain as currently defined.”

It was moved by Marilyn Laframboise, seconded by Lynne Mastin, and


That Council amend the above motion by the addition of the following paragraph:

And that an Ad Hoc Implementation Committee comprised of three members, two elected and one appointed be formed to determine the effective date and parameters of the Chair’s position.

A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was


That Council approve the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee re Release Time for the Chair/Vice-Chair of Council:

  1. That the role description of the Chair of Council be approved as amended GC20051208-206, attachment 1).

  2. That the position of Chair be full-time, based on a regular school calendar as defined in regulation.

  3. With respect to compensation for the position of full-time Chair, that Council support the following principles:

    • That no Chair be compensated at a level less than their current salary.

    • That a benchmark salary be established reflecting the responsibilities of the position.

  4. That Council conduct a review of the role description, time commitment and compensation package of the full-time Chair no later than 18 months following implementation.

  5. That the duties of the Vice-Chair remain as set out in the current bylaws.

  6. That the release-time provisions for the position of Vice-Chair remain as currently defined.

And that an Ad Hoc Implementation Committee comprised of three members, two elected and one appointed be formed to determine the effective date and parameters of the Chair’s position.

5.2 Feminization of French Text (GC20051208-208)

The French Language Services Coordinator, Lise Roy-Kolbusz, spoke to the report of the Feminization of French Publications for the Ontario College of Teachers and made a PowerPoint presentation simultaneously in French and English.

6. Registrar’s Report (GC20051208-209)

The Registrar’s Report was received. The Registrar, W. Douglas Wilson, spoke to the report and answered questions. The Registrar noted that a picture of the 200,000th member of the College would be appearing in a future publication of Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession. He noted that the Thompson Report would be an item on the Registration Appeals Committee meeting agenda on December 15, 2005.

6.1 Teachers’ Qualifications Review (GC20051208-209, attachment 1)

The Registrar provided an update on the progress of the different phases of the Teachers’ Qualifications Review and made a PowerPoint presentation.

6.2 Accreditation Regulation Review (GC20051208-209, attachments 2 and 2.1, -210)

The Report of the Review of the Accreditation Process was received. The Registrar spoke to the report and answered questions.

It was moved by Janet Ouellette, seconded by Lynne Mastin, and


That Council approve a review of the accreditation process as required under Regulation 347/02 — Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, and that the review be conducted by an external evaluator.

7. Committee Reports (Continued)

7.1 Chair’s/Executive Report (GC20051208-211, -250)

The report of the Executive Committee/Chair was received. The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, spoke to the report and answered questions.

She noted that the following appointments had been made by the Executive Committee: Bill Matheson to the Registration Appeals Committee; Amin Saab to the Accreditation Appeal Committee; Patrick Slack to the Standards of Practice and Education Committee and Pauline Smart to the Human Resources Committee.

The Chair reported on her meeting with the Membership Services Coordinator, Michael Salvatori and Registrar, Doug Wilson, and noted the work being done in that Department.

The Chair noted that a letter would be sent that day to the Minister of Education re the Role of the Principal (GC20051208-250).

Douglas McCarthy assumed the role of Presiding Officer.

7.2 Investigation Committee (GC20051208-212, -247)

The reports of the Investigation Committee were received. The Chair, Elizabeth Papadopoulos, spoke to the reports and noted the correspondence between the Ontario Principals’ Council and the Registrar. She noted that four members of the Investigation Committee had Principals’ Qualifications. A question and answer session followed.

It was agreed that the letter sent by the Chair to the Minister of Education re the Role of the Principal would also be copied to the Ontario Principals’ Council (GC20051208-250).

7.3 Discipline Committee (GC20051208-213, -214)

The reports of the Discipline Committee were received. The Chair, Ted Coulson, spoke to the reports.

7.4 Fitness to Practise Committee (GC20051208-215)

The report of the Fitness to Practise Committee was received. The Chair, Don Cattani, spoke to the report.

7.5 Registration Appeals Committee (GC20051208-216)

The report of the Registration Appeals Committee was received. The Chair, Janet Ouellette, spoke to the report.

7.6 Finance Committee (GC20051208-217)

The report of the Finance Committee was received. The Chair, Normand Fortin, spoke to the report.

7.6.1 Financial Report — October 2005 (GC20051208-218)

The Ontario College of Teachers Financial Report for the period ended October 31, 2005 was received. The French Language Services Coordinator, Lise Roy-Kolbusz, spoke to the report and answered questions.

7.7 Standards of Practice and Education Committee (GC20051208-219)

It was moved by Marilyn Laframboise, seconded by Nancy Hutcheson, and


That the Standards of Practice and Education Committee Report be postponed until the following day.

7.8 Accreditation Committee (GC20051208-220)

The report of the Accreditation Committee was received. The Chair, Iain Munro, spoke to the report. He noted that at its meeting the previous day the Accreditation Committee had established additional meeting dates for 2006 and that panel membership had been established to review the proposed programs of professional education to be offered in Ontario by Niagara University and The State University of New York (SUNY) - Potsdam. A question and answer session followed.

7.9 Accreditation Appeal Committee (GC20051208-221)

The report of the Accreditation Appeal Committee was received. The Chair, Elizabeth Papadopoulos spoke to the report.

7.10 Human Resources Committee (GC20051208-222)

The report of the Human Resources Committee was received. The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, spoke to the report.

7.11 Editorial Board (GC20051208-223)

The report of the Editorial Board was received. The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, spoke to the report and answered questions.

7.12 Quality Assurance Committee (GC20051208-228)

The report of the Quality Assurance Committee was received. The Chair, Paul Brazeau, spoke to the report.

8. Correspondence (GC20051208-229 to — 236, -245, -248, -249, 250)

The following items of correspondence were received for information:

  • AEFO Letter re Feminization of Language in College Publications and Response from the Chair of Council (GC20051208-229)
  • Letter from the Minister of Education re Extension of Council Terms and Council Election and Response from the Chair of Council (GC20051208-230)
  • Letter to the Minister of Education from the Chair of Council re the resignation of Tim Price (GC20051208-231)
  • Letter from the President of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation Survey to the Chair of Council re the State of the Teaching Profession and the Chair’s Response (GC20051208-232)
  • Letter to the Minister of Education from the Chair of Council re Signed Regulations, Extension of Council Term and Date Change for Council Election (GC20051208-233)
  • Letter to the Chair of Council from the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration re the Throne Speech (GC20051208-234)
  • Letter to Beginning Teachers from the Minister of Education re the New Teacher Induction Program (GC20051208-235)
  • Letter from the Ministry of Education re Letters of Permission (GC20051208-236)
  • Letter to the Minister of Education from the Chair of Council re Tim Price and Anne Marie Levesque (GC20051208-245)
  • Letter from the Ministry of Education to the Registrar re Bill 14 (GC20051208-248)
  • Letter from AEFO to the Chair of Council re The State of the Teaching Profession Survey in Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession (GC20051208-249)
  • Letter from the Chair of Council to the Minister of Education re the Role of the Principal (GC20051208-250)

9. New Business

9.1 Standard Rules of Procedure — Proposed Revisions (GC20051208-237, -238)

The Presiding Officer, George Merrett, spoke to the proposed revisions to the Standard Procedures of Council and the Executive Committee.

Changes to the document were noted.

It was requested that chairs of committees be provided with Robert’s Rules of Order.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve the revisions to the Standard Procedures of Council and the Executive Committee as outlined in document GC20051208-237, Attachment 1.

9.2 Format for Future College Budgets (GC20051208-239, - 240)

It was moved by Elizabeth Papadopoulos, seconded by Norm Fortin, and


That Council postpone the following motion until after the report of the Finance Committee at the March 30-31, 2006 regular meeting of Council:

That the format of the 2007 and subsequent budget reports be changed to include a line-by-line expense report and an explanation of the allocation of staff.

10. Joseph W. Atkinson Scholarship Award

(Timed Item: 4:45 p.m.)

The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, welcomed Joe Atkinson, Gillian Lamoureux and her mother to the Council meeting.

She stated that the Joseph W. Atkinson Scholarship, named for the second Registrar of the Ontario College of Teachers, provided $2,000 to a student accepted into one of Ontario’s consecutive or concurrent programs proceeding to their final year who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement and community involvement.

The purpose of the Scholarship is tosupport excellence in teacher education through the awarding of scholarships, bursaries and prizes to assist in the education of teachers or those wishing to become teachers.

The Chair noted the achievements of the recipient, a student of Queen’s University, Faculty of Education, and declared Gillian Lamoureux the third recipient of the Joseph W. Atkinson Scholarship.

Joseph W. (Joe) Atkinson presented the recipient with the scholarship award.

The Chair reminded Executive Committee members that the Special Meeting of the Executive Committee would continue at 8:30 a.m. the following day.

The meeting recessed at 4:55 p.m.

Session 2

Friday, December 9, 2005

Present: Gabrielle Blais, Paul Brazeau, Donald Cattani, Ted Coulson, Suzanne De Froy, Rosemary Fontaine, Nick Forte, Normand Fortin, Gordon Hough, Garry Humphreys, Nancy Hutcheson (Vice-Chair), Andrew Kane, Marilyn A. Laframboise (Chair), Anne Marie Levesque, Gail Lilley, Lynne Mastin, Bill Matheson, Iain Munro, Janet Ouellette, Elizabeth Papadopoulos, Jennifer Pitt, Howard Ramcharan, Amin Saab, Patrick Slack, Pauline Smart, Jacques Tremblay, Anne Vinet-Roy, Eileen Walker, Don Watson, W. Douglas Wilson (Registrar)

Regrets: Hilda Watkins

Presiding Officers: George Merrett, Douglas McCarthy

Legal Counsel: Caroline Zayid (McCarthy Tétrault)

Staff: Margaret Aubé, Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson, Richard Lewko, Marisa McCallister, Jane McDonald, Brian McGowan (Deputy Registrar), Charlie Morrison, Katherin Platt, Lise Roy-Kolbusz, Michael Salvatori

The meeting resumed at 9:10 a.m.

Douglas McCarthy assumed the role of Presiding Officer.

The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, on behalf of Council, thanked staff for an enjoyable Holiday Season reception.

The Chair noted that Anne Marie Levesque’s term of office had been extended to December 2006.

11. Committee Reports (Continued)

11.1 Standards of Practice and Education Report(GC20051208-219) (Continued)

The Chair, Jennifer Pitt, noted that there was no Report of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee. She spoke to the validation process regarding the proposed draft standards and provided an update on the Standards review and noted that she wanted to ensure that all Council members had an opportunity to review the work done and provide feedback on the revised standards.

A discussion ensued on the four questions contained in the document Council Feedback on the Revised Standards (GC20051208-219, attachment 1). The Chair requested that the completed forms be returned to her.

12. New Business (Continued)

12.1 Council Position re the Minister of Education’s Beginning Teachers Development Program(GC20051208-240)

It was noted that this item would not be dealt with at this time as no further information had been received from the Ministry of Education.

12.2 Proposed 2006 Executive Committee and Council Meeting Dates (GC20051208-241, -242)

The Registrar spoke to the proposed 2006 meeting dates for the Executive Committee and Council and answered questions.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council approve the Proposed 2006 Executive Committee and Council meeting schedule (GC20051208-241, Attachment 1) with the Annual Meeting of Members being held on September 30, 2006.

13. Notices of Motion

There were no Notices of Motion.

14. Next Regular Meeting

  • March 30-31, 2006

Nomination Committee forms for the elected member vacancies on the Investigation and Standards of Practice and Education Committees were distributed to Council members. It was requested that the forms be returned to Charlie Morrison by 5:00 p.m. on December 16, 2005.

The Chair of Council requested that those members interested in serving on the Ad Hoc Implementation Committee re the Release Time for the Chair inform her of their interest.

The Chair reminded Executive Committee members that the Special Meeting of the Executive Committee would continue after the adjournment of Council.

15. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.

Signed: Chair, Marilyn A. Laframboise

Signed: Registrar, W. Douglas Wilson



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