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Minutes of Council Meetings

Council Chambers, 15th Floor,

101 Bloor Street West, Toronto

June 7, 2018

Table of Contents

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on June 7, 2018 in the Council Chambers, 15th Floor, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto

1. Call to Order/Welcome

2. Agenda and Approval of Preparation Time

3. Conflict of Interest

4. Public Presentations

5. Minutes

5.1 Meeting, March 1, 2018

5.2 In-Camera Session, March 1, 2018

6. Business Arising

6.1 March 2018 Report of the Finance Committee

6.2 March 2018 Report of the Governance Committee

7. Registrar’s Report

7.1 Report

7.1.1 Status update on Bill 31 and Proposed Amendments to the Ontario College of Teachers Act.

7.1.2 Counselling Funding Program Environmental Scan RHPA Regulators.

7.1.3 Enhanced Teacher Education Program...

8. Committee Reports.

8.1 Finance Committee.

8.1.1 Committee Report.

8.1.2 Audited Financial Report as at December 31, 2017

8.1.3 (Re)appointment of Auditor

9. Registrar’s Report (Continued)

9.1 Financial Report as at March 31, 2018

10. Business Arising (Continued)

10.1 March 2018 Report of the Finance Committee

11. Chair’s Report

11.1 Report

12. Committee Report

12.1 Executive Committee Report

12.1.1 Professional Advisory on Duty to Report

12.2 Investigation Committee

12.3 Discipline Committee

12.4 Fitness to Practise Committee

12.5 Registration Appeals Committee

12.6 Standards of Practice and Education Committee

12.7 Accreditation Committee

12.8 Accreditation Appeal Committee

12.9 Human Resources Committee

12.10 Editorial Board

12.11 Governance Committee

12.12 Quality Assurance Committee

13. Correspondence

14. New Business

14.1 Tool for Determining Preparation Time

15. Notices of Motion

15.1 Changes to College Bylaws - Service of Documents

16. Next Meeting(s) of Council

17. Adjournment

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on June 7, 2018 in the Council Chambers, 15th Floor, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto

Present : Pier-Olivier Arsenault, OCT; Brian Beal, OCT; Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT; Anne Ciaschini, OCT; Angela De Palma, OCT, (Chair); Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad; Susan E. Elliott-Johns, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; Jane Ishibashi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Matthew Kavanagh, OCT; James Knopp; Colleen Landers; Shanlee Linton, OCT; Myreille Loubert, OCT, (Vice-Chair); Shannon Marcus, OCT; Marlène Marwah; Richard Michaud, OCT; Michelle Miner-Seal; Sara Nouini, OCT; Claudia Patenaude-Daniels, OCT; Tom Potter; Robert Ryan, OCT; Michael Salvatori, OCT (Registrar); Anthony Samchek, OCT; Vicki Shannon, OCT; Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT; Ravi Vethamany, OCT; Wes Vickers, OCT; Ronna Warsh

Regrets: Brigitte Bidal Piquette, OCT; Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Bill Petrie (10:45 to 5:00) and Jonathan Rose


Officers: Lori Lukinuk, Ric Murray

Staff: Kim Bauer; Chantal Bélisle, OCT; Tan Crombie; Roch Gallien, OCT; Joe Jamieson, OCT (Deputy Registrar); Richard Lewko; Charlie Morrison; Naomi Shopland; Fred Towers; Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT

1. Call to Order/Welcome

The Presiding Officer, Ric Murray, called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and welcomed all present.

The Presiding Officer informed members that three placemats were available for members’ information:

  • The College’s Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Priorities
  • College Council Parliamentary Procedural Tips
  • Council Member Debriefing Session Framework

The Chair opened the meeting by acknowledging that the land on which the Council members gathered is the traditional territory of the Wendat, the Anishnaabeg, Haudenosaunee, Métis and the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation.

The Chair welcomed all Council members, staff and individuals seated in the public gallery to the meeting. She also shared that new Council member, Jonathan Rose, who was unable to attend the meeting, was recently appointed to Council by the Public Appointments Secretariat.

The Chair expressed her appreciation for the work of each of the Council members during the Seventh Council. She also thanked staff and parliamentarians for their work.

It was noted that Myreille Loubert and Jean-Luc Bernard comprised the Steering Committee.

2. Agenda and Approval of Preparation Time (GC20180607-24)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Agenda for the June 7, 2018 Council meeting be approved.

It was agreed that Council members would be entitled to a full day of preparation time.

3. Conflict of Interest

No conflicts were declared.

4. Public Presentations

There were no public presentations.

5. Minutes

5.1 Meeting, March 1, 2018 (GC20180607-25)

The Minutes of the Council meeting held on March 1, 2018 were approved by unanimous consent, with the following amendments:

  • Page 7, Item 9.1: Last statement in the first paragraph should read “choose” not “chose.”
  • Page 8, Item 12.3: Last statement – the word "objections" should be written as “objection.”

The resolution grid was provided for information.

5.2 In-Camera Session, March 1, 2018 (GC20180607-26C)

The minutes of the in-camera session held on March 1, 2018 were approved by unanimous consent.

6. Business Arising

6.1 March 2018 Report of the Finance Committee (GC20180607-28)

The report of the Finance Committee was received. The Chair, Shannon Marcus, spoke to the report and answered questions. The report was first provided to Council in March 2018, however time restrictions prevented the accompanying motion from being put on the floor and debated.

The following motion was put on the floor for debate:

That Council adopt a restricted cash policy as contained in document GC20180607-28, Attachment 1.

Council requested that the vote be postponed until after the Registrar’s Report in the hopes of being better informed. The vote was passed by a show of hands.

6.2 March 2018 Report of the Governance Committee (GC20180607-29)

The report of the Governance Committee was received. The Chair, Matthew Kavanagh, spoke to the report. The report was first provided to Council in March 2018, however, time restrictions prevented the accompanying motion from being put on the floor and debated.

It was moved by Matthew Kavanagh, and it was


That Council approve the revised Council-College Staff Communication Protocol as outlined in GC20180607-29, Attachment 1.

eScribe vote:

For: Pier-Olivier Arsenault, OCT; Brian Beal, OCT; Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT; Ann Ciaschini, OCT; Angela De Palma, OCT; Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT; Susan Elliott-Johns, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; Jane Ishibashi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Matthew Kavanagh, OCT; James Knopp; Colleen Landers; Shanlee Linton, OCT; Myreille Loubert, OCT; Shannon Marcus, OCT; Marlène Marwah; Richard Michaud, OCT; Michelle Miner-Seal; Sara Nouini, OCT; Claudia Patenaude-Daniels, OCT; Bill Petrie; Tom Potter; Robert Ryan, OCT; Anthony Samchek, OCT; Vicki Shannon, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT; Wes Vickers, OCT; Ronna Warsh.



For : 30

Against :0

Abstain: 2

Absent: 3

7. Registrar’s Report

7.1 Report (GC20180607-30)

The Registrar’s Report was received. The Registrar spoke to the report and responded to questions. He highlighted the following:

· College intervention at the Supreme Court on a voyeurism case.

· 2018 election administration update.

· An update on various regulatory amendments.

· An update on various College-wide initiatives to support the four strategic priorities.

It was moved by Steering, and it was


That Council approve the destruction of the electronic ballots associated with the 2018 Council Election.

eScribe vote:

For: Pier-Olivier Arsenault, OCT; Brian Beal, OCT; Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT; Ann Ciaschini, OCT; Angela De Palma, OCT; Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT; Susan Elliott-Johns, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Matthew Kavanagh, OCT; Colleen Landers; Shanlee Linton, OCT; Myreille Loubert, OCT; Shannon Marcus, OCT; Marlène Marwah; Richard Michaud, OCT; Michelle Miner-Seal; Sara Nouini, OCT; Claudia Patenaude-Daniels, OCT; Bill Petrie; Tom Potter; Robert Ryan, OCT; Anthony Samchek, OCT; Vicki Shannon, OCT; Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT; Ravi Vethamany, OCT; Wes Vickers, OCT; Ronna Warsh.



For : 30

Against :0

Abstain: 2

Absent: 3

7.1.1 Status update on Bill 31 and Proposed Amendments to the Ontario College of Teachers Act (GC20180607-30, Attachment 1)

The Registrar provided an update on Bill 31 and the proposed amendments to the Ontario College of Teachers Act, and responded to questions.

7.1.2 Counselling Funding Program Environmental Scan RHPA Regulators (GC20180607-30, Attachment 2)

The Registrar provided information on the counselling funding program and the environmental scan on various regulated health professions, and responded to questions.

7.1.3 Enhanced Teacher Education Program (GC20180607-31, Attachment 3)

The Registrar shared an update on the Enhanced Teacher Education Program and answered questions.

Council made the decision to pause the Registrar’s Report for the duration of the timed item at 10:00 a.m. and resume once the timed item was completed.

8. Committee Reports

8.1 Finance Committee

(Timed Item: Thursday, June 7, 2018, 10:00 a.m.)

8.1.1 Committee Report (GC20180607-38)

The report of the Finance Committee was received. The Chair, Shannon Marcus, spoke to the report, thanked the committee members and responded to questions.

8.1.2 Audited Financial Report as at December 31, 2017

( GC20180607-38, Attachment 1)

The Chair of the Finance Committee, Shannon Marcus, introduced and welcomed Joane Mui, Senior Audit Manager from KPMG.

The audited financial report was received. The auditor, Joane Mui, spoke to the report.

It was moved by Shannon Marcus, Chair of the Finance Committee, and it was


That Council accept the December 31, 2017 Audited Financial Statements of the Ontario College of Teachers (GC20180607-38, Attachment 1).

eScribe vote:

For: Pier-Olivier Arsenault, OCT; Brian Beal, OCT; Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT; Ann Ciaschini, OCT; Angela De Palma, OCT; Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT; Susan Elliott-Johns, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; Jane Ishibashi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Matthew Kavanagh, OCT; James Knopp; Colleen Landers; Shanlee Linton, OCT; Myreille Loubert, OCT; Shannon Marcus, OCT; Marlène Marwah; Richard Michaud, OCT; Michelle Miner-Seal; Sara Nouini, OCT; Claudia Patenaude-Daniels, OCT; Bill Petrie; Tom Potter; Robert Ryan, OCT; Anthony Samchek, OCT; Vicki Shannon, OCT; Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT; Ravi Vethamany, OCT; Wes Vickers, OCT.



For : 31

Against :0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 4

The Chair of the Finance Committee thanked Joane Mui for her presentation to Council.

8.1.3 (Re)appointment of Auditor

It was moved by Shannon Marcus, Chair of the Finance Committee, and


That Council reappoint KPMG as auditors for the 2018 fiscal year.

eScribe vote:

For: Pier-Olivier Arsenault, OCT; Brian Beal, OCT; Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT; Ann Ciaschini, OCT; Angela De Palma, OCT; Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT; Susan Elliott-Johns, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; Jane Ishibashi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Matthew Kavanagh, OCT; James Knopp; Colleen Landers; Shanlee Linton, OCT; Myreille Loubert, OCT; Shannon Marcus, OCT; Marlène Marwah; Richard Michaud, OCT; Michelle Miner-Seal; Sara Nouini, OCT; Claudia Patenaude-Daniels, OCT; Bill Petrie; Tom Potter; Robert Ryan, OCT; Anthony Samchek, OCT; Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT; Ravi Vethamany, OCT; Wes Vickers, OCT; Ronna Warsh.



For : 30

Against :0

Abstain: 1

Absent: 3

Council resumed with the remainder of the Registrar’s Report and agenda as provided.

9. Registrar’s Report (Continued)

9.1 Financial Report as at March 31, 2018 (GC20180607-31)

The Ontario College of Teachers’ Financial Report as at March 31, 2018 was received. The Deputy Registrar, Joe Jamieson, spoke to the report and answered questions.

10. Business Arising (Continued)

10.1 March 2018 Report of the Finance Committee (GC20180607-28)

Council resumed this business item with the original speakers list. A lengthy discussion and debate regarding the original motion ensued.

It was moved by Jacqueline Karsemeyer and seconded by Susan Elliott-Johns, and it was CARRIED

That the question be called on the restricted cash policy motion. A vote was taken on the main motion, and it was


That Council adopt a restricted cash policy as contained in document GC20180607-28, Attachment 1.

Scribe vote:

For: Pier-Olivier Arsenault, OCT; Brian Beal, OCT; Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT; Ann Ciaschini, OCT; Angela De Palma, OCT; Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT; Susan Elliott-Johns, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; Jane Ishibashi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Matthew Kavanagh, OCT; James Knopp; Colleen Landers; Myreille Loubert, OCT; Shannon Marcus, OCT; Marlène Marwah; Richard Michaud, OCT; Michelle Miner-Seal; Sara Nouini, OCT; Claudia Patenaude-Daniels, OCT; Robert Ryan, OCT; Anthony Samchek, OCT; Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT; Ravi Vethamany, OCT; Wes Vickers, OCT; Ronna Warsh.

Against: Shanlee Linton, OCT; Tom Potter


For : 28

Against :2

Abstain: 1

Absent: 4

11. Chair’s Report

11.1 Report (GC20180607-32)

The Chair’s Report was received. The Chair, Angela De Palma, spoke to her report and responded to questions.

She highlighted:

· An outline of various outreach activities and stakeholder meetings across the province.

· Her attendance at various committee meetings.

· Ongoing succession planning for the Chair of the 8th Council.

· An overview of the regional election information sessions.

The Chair also spoke about her recent trip to New Zealand and shared a short slide show from her experience at a Maori school.

12. Committee Report

12.1 Executive Committee Report (GC20180607-33)

The report of the Executive Committee was received. The Chair, Angela De Palma spoke to the report.

It was moved by Angela De Palma and it was


That Council approve the Remote Location Participation Protocol in document GC20180607-33, Attachment 2.

eScribe vote:

For: Pier-Olivier Arsenault, OCT; Brian Beal, OCT; Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT; Ann Ciaschini, OCT; Angela De Palma, OCT; Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT; Susan Elliott-Johns, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; Jane Ishibashi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Matthew Kavanagh, OCT; James Knopp; Colleen Landers; Shanlee Linton, OCT; Myreille Loubert, OCT; Shannon Marcus, OCT; Marlène Marwah; Richard Michaud, OCT; Michelle Miner-Seal; Sara Nouini, OCT; Claudia Patenaude-Daniels, OCT; Tom Potter; Robert Ryan, OCT; Anthony Samchek, OCT; Vicki Shannon, OCT; Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT; Ravi Vethamany, OCT; Wes Vickers, OCT; Ronna Warsh.



For : 31

Against : 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 4

12.1.1 Professional Advisory on Duty to Report (GC20180607-33,

Attachment 1)

The amended Professional Advisory on Duty to Report was received. The Chair, Angela De Palma spoke to the amendments.

It was moved by Angela De Palma and it was


That Council approve the amendments to the Professional Advisory on Duty to Report as outlined in document GC20180607-33, Attachment 1.

eScribe vote:

For: Pier-Olivier Arsenault, OCT; Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT; Ann Ciaschini, OCT; Angela De Palma, OCT; Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT; Susan Elliott-Johns, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; Jane Ishibashi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Matthew Kavanagh, OCT; James Knopp; Colleen Landers; Shanlee Linton, OCT; Myreille Loubert, OCT; Shannon Marcus, OCT; Marlène Marwah; Richard Michaud, OCT; Michelle Miner-Seal; Sara Nouini, OCT; Claudia Patenaude-Daniels, OCT; Tom Potter; Robert Ryan, OCT; Anthony Samchek, OCT; Vicki Shannon, OCT; Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT; Ravi Vethamany, OCT; Wes Vickers, OCT; Ronna Warsh.



For : 30

Against : 0

Abstain: 1

Absent: 4

12.2 Investigation Committee (GC20180607-34)

The report of the Investigation Committee was received. The Chair, Robert Ryan, spoke to the report and responded to questions.

12.3 Discipline Committee (GC20180607-35)

The report of the Discipline Committee was received. The Chair, Vicki Shannon, spoke to the report and responded to questions.

12.4 Fitness to Practise Committee (GC20180607-36)

The report of the Fitness to Practise Committee was received. The Chair, Shanlee Linton, spoke to the report.

12.5 Registration Appeals Committee (GC20180607-37)

The report of the Registration Appeals Committee was received. The Chair, Brian Beal spoke to the report.

12.6 Standards of Practice and Education Committee (GC20180607-39)

The report of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee was received. The Chair, Ravi Vethamany spoke to the report and answered questions.

It was moved by Ravi Vethamany, Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee, and it was


That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that:

1. the following Additional Qualifications be revoked in O. Reg. 176/10, Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation:

  • Teaching Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing - American Sign Language (ASL)
  • Teaching Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing - Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ)
  • Teaching Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing - Aural and Oral Communication

2. an Additional Qualification entitled, Teaching Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Program be enacted within O. Reg. 176/10, Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation

eScribe vote:

For: Pier-Olivier Arsenault, OCT; Brian Beal, OCT; Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT; Ann Ciaschini, OCT; Angela De Palma, OCT; Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT; Susan Elliott-Johns, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; Jane Ishibashi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Matthew Kavanagh, OCT; James Knopp; Colleen Landers; Shanlee Linton, OCT; Myreille Loubert, OCT; Shannon Marcus, OCT; Marlène Marwah; Richard Michaud, OCT; Michelle Miner-Seal; Sara Nouini, OCT; Claudia Patenaude-Daniels, OCT; Tom Potter; Robert Ryan, OCT; Anthony Samchek, OCT; Vicki Shannon, OCT; Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT; Ravi Vethamany, OCT; Wes Vickers, OCT; Ronna Warsh.



For : 31

Against : 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 4

12.7 Accreditation Committee (GC20180607-40)

The report of the Accreditation Committee was received. The Chair, Nicole van Woudenberg, spoke to the report.

It was moved by Nicole van Woudenberg, Chair of the Accreditation Committee and it was


That Council approve the proposed amendments to the Accreditation Regulation outlined in the document titled “Regulation 347/02: Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs – Proposed Amendments” GC20180607-40, Attachment 1.

eScribe vote:

For: Pier-Olivier Arsenault, OCT; Brian Beal, OCT; Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT; Ann Ciaschini, OCT; Angela De Palma, OCT; Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT; Susan Elliott-Johns, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; Jane Ishibashi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Matthew Kavanagh, OCT; James Knopp; Colleen Landers; Shanlee Linton, OCT; Myreille Loubert, OCT; Shannon Marcus, OCT; Marlène Marwah; Richard Michaud, OCT; Michelle Miner-Seal; Sara Nouini, OCT; Claudia Patenaude-Daniels, OCT; Tom Potter; Robert Ryan, OCT; Anthony Samchek, OCT; Vicki Shannon, OCT; Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT; Ravi Vethamany, OCT; Wes Vickers, OCT; Ronna Warsh.



For : 31

Against : 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 4

It was moved by Nicole van Woudenberg, Chair of the Accreditation Committee, and it was


That Council approve the proposed amendments to the Accreditation Regulation outlined in the document titled “Compliance – Program of Professional Education Accredited with Conditions” GC20180607-40, Attachment 2.

eScribe vote:

For: Pier-Olivier Arsenault, OCT; Brian Beal, OCT; Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT; Ann Ciaschini, OCT; Angela De Palma, OCT; Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT; Susan Elliott-Johns, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; Jane Ishibashi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Matthew Kavanagh, OCT; James Knopp; Colleen Landers; Shanlee Linton, OCT; Myreille Loubert, OCT; Shannon Marcus, OCT; Marlène Marwah; Richard Michaud, OCT; Michelle Miner-Seal; Sara Nouini, OCT; Claudia Patenaude-Daniels, OCT; Tom Potter; Robert Ryan, OCT; Anthony Samchek, OCT; Vicki Shannon, OCT; Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT; Ravi Vethamany, OCT; Wes Vickers, OCT; Ronna Warsh.



For : 31

Against : 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 4

12.8 Accreditation Appeal Committee

There was no report of the Accreditation Appeal Committee.

12.9 Human Resources Committee (GC20180607-41)

The report of the Human Resources Committee was received. The Chair, Wes Vickers, spoke to the report.

It was moved by Steering, and it was


That Council move into an in camera session with Council members, Registrar, parliamentary speakers, Director of Corporate and Council Services, Council and Committees Officer, and Facilities Coordinator.

eScribe vote:

For: Pier-Olivier Arsenault, OCT; Brian Beal, OCT; Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT; Ann Ciaschini, OCT; Angela De Palma, OCT; Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; Jane Ishibashi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Matthew Kavanagh, OCT; James Knopp; Colleen Landers; Myreille Loubert, OCT; Shannon Marcus, OCT; Marlène Marwah; Richard Michaud, OCT; Michelle Miner-Seal; Sara Nouini, OCT; Claudia Patenaude-Daniels, OCT; Tom Potter; Robert Ryan, OCT; Anthony Samchek, OCT; Vicki Shannon, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT; Ravi Vethamany, OCT; Wes Vickers, OCT; Ronna Warsh.



For : 28

Against : 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 7

Council went in camera at 1:30 p.m. and moved back out of the in camera session at 3:55.

The following motion was moved by Angela De Palma and seconded by Myreille Loubert:

That the performance appraisal process of the Deputy Registrar be reviewed by the Human Resources Committee to receive further information on Council’s authority to conduct the performance appraisal of the Deputy Registrar and to consider more input of Council.

A debate ensued on the whether Council would have to return to in-camera to debate the motion.

The motion was WITHDRAWN.

12.10 Editorial Board (GC20180607-42)

The report of the Editorial Board was received. The Chair, Myreille Loubert, spoke to the report.

12.11 Governance Committee (GC20180607-43)

The report of the Governance Committee was received. The Chair, Matthew Kavanagh, spoke to the report and answered questions.

12.12 Quality Assurance Committee (GC20180607-44)

The report of the Quality Assurance Committee was received. The Chair, Robert Ryan, spoke to the report.

It was moved by Robert Ryan, the Chair of the Quality Assurance Committee and it was CARRIED

That Council endorse the following recommendations:

1. That the Registrar consult providers regarding the offering, availability and accessibility of AQ courses, and, in particular, French language AQ courses.

2. That the College may want to examine the AQs currently in regulation to ensure that they are appropriate to the needs of the College membership and consider whether any additional AQs are required.

3. That the Editorial Board consider making connections to the Strategic Priorities in Professionally Speaking/Pour Parler Profession on an ongoing basis, as are the College Objects.

4. That the Registrar ensure that all French and English social media content is consistent.

5. That the Registrar provide initial and ongoing training in the context of self-governance for Council Members, on the process for making Act, regulatory and bylaw amendments, including the roles/authority of Council and the Ministry of Education and the Ontario Legislature.

6. That the Finance Committee consider an analysis of the overdue fee collection process.

7. That the Registrar and Chair of Council continue to communicate Council’s request to include in the Ontario College of Teachers Act amendments that protect the professional designation.

eScribe vote:

For: Pier-Olivier Arsenault, OCT; Brian Beal, OCT; Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT; Ann Ciaschini, OCT; Angela De Palma, OCT; Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT; Susan Elliott-Johns, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; Jane Ishibashi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Matthew Kavanagh, OCT; James Knopp; Colleen Landers; Shanlee Linton, OCT; Myreille Loubert, OCT; Shannon Marcus, OCT; Marlène Marwah; Richard Michaud, OCT; Michelle Miner-Seal; Sara Nouini, OCT; Claudia Patenaude-Daniels, OCT; Tom Potter; Robert Ryan, OCT; Anthony Samchek, OCT; Vicki Shannon, OCT; Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT; Wes Vickers, OCT; Ronna Warsh.



For : 30

Against : 0

Abstain: 1

Absent: 4

13. Correspondence

The following pieces of Correspondence were received for information:

· Letter and response to the Minister of Education, Indira Naidoo-Harris re: amendment to the Teachers' Qualifications Regulation – Additional Qualifications (GC20180607-45)

· Letter and response to the Minister of Education, Indira Naidoo-Harris re: amendments to the Ontario College of Teachers Act – Sexual Abuse (GC20180607-46)

· Letter to the Minister of Education, Indira Naidoo-Harris re: protocol for removal of a decision and corresponding notation (GC20180607-47)

14. New Business

14.1 Tool for Determining Preparation Time (GC20180607-48)

Council members were provided with a proposed tool for determining the appropriate amount of preparation time for Council and committee meetings. The Registrar spoke to the tool and answered questions.

It was moved by Steering and it was


That Council adopt the tool for determining preparation time as outlined in document GC20180607-48, Attachment 1.

eScribe vote:

For: Pier-Olivier Arsenault, OCT; Brian Beal, OCT; Ciaschini, OCT; Angela De Palma, OCT; Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT; Susan Elliott-Johns, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; Jane Ishibashi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Matthew Kavanagh, OCT; James Knopp; Colleen Landers; Shannon Marcus, OCT; Marlène Marwah; Richard Michaud, OCT; Michelle Miner-Seal; Sara Nouini, OCT; Claudia Patenaude-Daniels, OCT; Tom Potter; Robert Ryan, OCT; Anthony Samchek, OCT; Vicki Shannon, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT; Ravi Vethamany, OCT; Wes Vickers, OCT; Ronna Warsh.

Against: Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT; Shanlee Linton, OCT; Myreille Loubert, OCT; Stéphane Vallée, OCT.


For : 27

Against :4

Abstain: 0

Absent: 4

15. Notices of Motion

The following Notice of Motion was read into the Minutes for consideration at the November meeting of Council.

15.1 Changes to College Bylaws - Service of Documents (GC20180607-49)

Moved by the Chairs of Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees:

That Council approve that section 9.09 of the College bylaws be amended by addition and substitution, as follows:

9.09 Subject to the Act, regulations and other provisions of the bylaws, any notice to be given, or document to be served, by the College to any member of the College or Council, or to the auditor of the College, or to any other person is sufficiently given or served:

(a) by delivering it personally, or

(b) by sending a copy by courier to the last address of the person known to the Registrar, or

(c) by sending a copy by regular mail or registered mail or e-mail email to the last address of such person known to the Registrar, or

(d) by faxing a copy to the last fax number of such person known to the Registrar . , or

(e) by serving it upon legal counsel for the person if legal counsel has agreed to accept service on behalf of the person.

9.12 Where a notice or document to be given or served is sent by email or fax under section 9.09, there is a rebuttable presumption that the notice or document is delivered to the person on the day the email or fax is sent, except that where the email or fax is sent between 5:00 p.m. and midnight, there is a rebuttable presumption that the notice or document is delivered to the person on the following day.

16. Next Meeting(s) of Council

· July 4, 2018 - Inaugural meeting of the Eighth Council

17. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.


Chair, Angela De Palma, OCT


Registrar, Michael Salvatori, OCT



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