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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting of the Fourth Council of the Ontario College of Teachers held on November 9, 2006 in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto

Table of Contents

1. Call to Order/Welcome

2. Agenda

3. Election Report

4. Nomination Committee Report

5. Registrar’s Report

6. Nomination Committee Report

7. Ceremonial Welcome from Outgoing Chair

8. Nomination Committee Report (Continued)

9. Appointment of Presiding Officer(s)

10. Recommendation from the Investigation Committee re: Roster of Panellists

11. Address by the Minister of Education

12. Nomination Committee Report (Continued)

13. Council Appointments of Committee Chairs and the Executive Committee

14. Recommendation from the Investigation Committee re: Roster of Panellists (Continued)

15. Future Meeting of Council

16. Next Meetings of Council

17. Adjournment

Present: Danny Anckle (until 2:40 p.m.), Gabrielle Blais, Paul Brazeau, Don Cattani (Chair), Brian Doubleday, Dean Favero (until 2:30 p.m.), Laura Featherstone, Rosemary Fontaine, Nick Forte, Helen Fox (until 12:15 p.m.), Brent Hamelin, Gordon Hough, Garry Humphreys, Annilee Jarvis (Vice-Chair), Andrew Kane (until 12:15 p.m.), Michael Lesperance (until 12:15 p.m.), Lynne Mastin, Bill Matheson (until 12:15 p.m.), Jacques Pavesi (from 9:40 a.m.), Ruth Ann Penny (from 1:05 p.m.), Heather Nagy, Tanya Roberts, Amin Saab, Pauline Smart, Tianna Travaglini-Babic, Jacques Tremblay, John Tucker, Henry Tyndorf, Don Watson, Hanno Weinberger, John Wells, Sharon Young Kipp, Brian P. McGowan (Registrar)

Regrets: Peter Joong, Anne Marie Levesque

Legal Counsel: David Leonard (McCarthy Tétrault), Caroline Zayid (McCarthy Tétrault)

Guests: Nancy Hutcheson, (former Vice-Chair of Council and Chair, Nomination Committee) (until 3:45 p.m.) Marilyn Laframboise (former Chair of Council) (from 11:00 a.m. to 11:05 a.m.), Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Education & ministry staff (from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.)

Staff: Margaret Aubé, Myrtle Herzenberg, Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Katherin Platt, Lise Roy-Kolbusz (Acting Deputy Registrar), Michael Salvatori, Linda Zaks-Walker

1. Call to Order/Welcome

The Registrar, Brian P. McGowan, called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and welcomed all present. He noted that the Minister of Education, Kathleen Wynne, would address Council that morning.

2. Agenda (GC20061109-200, Revised)

It was moved by Paul Brazeau, seconded by Andrew Kane, and


That the revised Agenda for the November 9, 2006 Inaugural Meeting of the Fourth Council be approved.

3. Election Report

3.1 Report on the 2006 Election Results (GC20061109-201, -211)

The Election Report, which included the Auditors’ tabulation of the 2006 election results, was received. The Registrar spoke to the report. He reported that Roberta Mary McEwen, the acclaimed candidate for the Northeast full-time position had resigned her position as she had accepted a 10-month position as a principal and no longer met the nomination requirements for the full-time regional position. He further reported that he had accepted Roberta Mary McEwen’s resignation letter (GC20061109-211).

He informed Council members that at the February 28-March 1, 2002 meeting, Council had developed a process for selecting a candidate for an acclaimed position. An invitation to apply for this position would be placed in the December issue of Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession and would be posted on the College’s website. The Nomination Committee would initiate the selection process and interview the candidates and make a recommendation to Council at its March 1, 2007 meeting.

3.2 Destruction of 2006 Ballot Returns

It was moved by Brent Hamelin, seconded by Bill Matheson, and


That the electronic ballots associated with the 2006 Council Election be destroyed.

4. Nomination Committee Report

4.1 French-Language Roman Catholic Board Secondary Position Vacancy (GC20061109-202)

The Registrar noted that this was the first time in the College’s history that no candidate had applied for a position.

Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, reported that the Nomination Committee had gone through a selection process whereby candidates were invited to apply for and were interviewed for the position. Section 18.(1) of Regulation 293/00, Election of Council Members, indicates that where there is no candidate for a position following an election, a majority of the elected members of Council shall at its first meeting elect a person to the position.

Ballots were distributed to elected members of Council. Nancy Hutcheson acted as scrutinizer for the election process.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Jacques Pavesi to fill the Council vacancy in the French-Language Roman Catholic Board - Secondary position.

Jacques Pavesi joined the meeting at 9:40 a.m. after he had taken the oath of office.

5. Registrar’s Report

5.1 Report (GC20061109-203)

The Registrar, Brian P. McGowan, noted the successes achieved by the previous Council. He also noted the transitional items to this Council from the previous Council.

5.2 Introduction of Council Members

The Registrar provided a brief biographical introduction for each Council member.

6. Nomination Committee Report (Continued)

6.1 Election of Chair of Council (GC20061109-202)

Nancy Hutcheson noted that three members had indicated an interest in serving as Chair of Council: Don Cattani, Jacques Pavesi and Henry Tyndorf. She called for further nominations from the floor. No further nominations were received. She informed Council members that each candidate for Chair would be entitled to address Council for a maximum of five minutes.

Jacques Pavesi withdrew his name for the position of Chair of Council.

Don Cattani and Henry Tyndorf addressed Council members.

Ballots were distributed to Council members. The Chair of the Nomination Committee scrutinized the election process.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Don Cattani as Chair of Council.

7. Ceremonial Welcome from Outgoing Chair

The Registrar introduced the former Chair of Council, Marilyn Laframboise.

Marilyn Laframboise spoke about the gavel and talking stick that had been presented to the first Council in 1997 by the General Teaching Council of Scotland and the British Columbia College of Teachers, respectively. She congratulated Don Cattani on being elected Chair of Council.

Don Cattani assumed the role of Chair at 11:00 a.m.

8. Nomination Committee Report (Continued)

8.1 Election of Vice-Chair of Council (GC20061109-202)

Nancy Hutcheson noted that seven members had indicated an interest in serving as Vice-Chair of Council: Dean Favero, Annilee Jarvis, Jacques Pavesi, John Tucker, Henry Tyndorf, John Wells and Sharon Young Kipp. She called for further nominations from the floor. No further nominations were received. She informed Council members that each candidate for Vice-Chair would be entitled to address Council for three to five minutes.

Jacques Pavesi, John Wells and Sharon Young Kipp withdrew their names for the position of Vice-Chair of Council.

Dean Favero, Annilee Jarvis and John Tucker addressed Council members. Henry Tyndorft declined speaking, noting that he had already addressed Council members for the position of Chair.

Ballots were distributed to Council members. The Chair of the Nomination Committee scrutinized the election process.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Annilee Jarvis as Vice-Chair of Council.

It was moved by Gord Hough, seconded by Jacques Tremblay, and


That the ballots associated with the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair be destroyed.

9. Appointment of Presiding Officer(s) (GC20061109-205)

The Registrar noted the candidates for the roster of presiding officers for the fourth Council, noting that each of these individuals was experienced in meeting management and parliamentary procedure to assist during meetings of Council.

It was moved by Heather Nagy, seconded by Laura Featherstone, and


That Council appoint

Bob Boyle

Peter Lipman

Douglas McCarthy

George Merrett

as Presiding Officers for the term of the Fourth Council of the Ontario College of Teachers.

10. Recommendation from the Investigation Committee re: Roster of Panellists (GC20061109-205)

Paul Brazeau, former member of the Investigation Committee, spoke to the request from the Investigation Committee for a Roster of Panellists. A question and answer session followed.

It was moved by Paul Brazeau and seconded by Amin Saab, “That Council approve the establishment of a roster of panellists for the Investigation Committee.”

It was agreed to continue discussion on this matter after the address by the Minister of Education.

11. Address by the Minister of Education (Timed Item: 11:30 a.m.)

The Registrar introduced the Minister of Education, the Honourable Kathleen Wynne, who addressed Council. Her address was followed by a question and answer session.

The Chair, Don Cattani, thanked the Minister.

12. Nomination Committee Report (Continued)

12.1 Appointment of Committees of Council (GC20061109-202)

The Chair, Don Cattani, introduced new Council member, Ruth Ann Penny, who joined the meeting at this time.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Investigation Committee:

Paul Brazeau (e)

Brian Doubleday (e)

Dean Favero (e)

Nick Forte (e)

Henry Tyndorf (e)

Sharon Young Kipp (e)

Garry Humphreys (a)

Michael Lesperance (a)

Anne Marie Levesque (a)

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Discipline Committee:

Don Cattani (e)

Rosemary Fontaine (e)

Brent Hamelin (e)

Annilee Jarvis (e)

Heather Nagy (e)

Tianna Travaglini-Babic (e)

Jacques Tremblay (e)

John Wells (e)

Danny Anckle (a)

Gabrielle Blais (a)

Lynne Mastin (a)

Amin Saab (a)

John Tucker (a)

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Fitness to Practise Committee:

Rosemary Fontaine (e)

Tanya Roberts (e)

Jacques Tremblay (e)

Hanno Weinberger (e)

Gabrielle Blais (a)

Lynne Mastin (a)

John Tucker (a)

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Registration Appeals Committee:

Dean Favero (e)

Helen Fox (e)

Jacques Pavesi (e)

Bill Matheson (a)

Pauline Smart (a)

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Finance Committee:

Brent Hamelin (e)

Heather Nagy (e)

John Wells (e)

Andrew Kane (a)

John Tucker (a)

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Standard of Practice and Education Committee:

Brian Doubleday (e)

Nick Forte (e)

Peter Joong (e)

Ruth Ann Penny (e)

Tianna Travaglini-Babic (e)

Garry Humphreys (a)

Michael Lesperance (a)

Pauline Smart (a)

Don Watson (a)

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Accreditation Committee:

Laura Featherstone (e)

Gord Hough (e)

Peter Joong (e)

Jacques Pavesi (e)

Ruth Ann Penny (e)

Danny Anckle (a)

Anne Marie Levesque (a)

Amin Saab (a)

Don Watson (a)

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Accreditation Appeal Committee:

Brian Doubleday (e)

Helen Fox (e)

Tanya Roberts (e)

Andrew Kane (a)

John Tucker (a)

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Human Resources Committee:

Paul Brazeau (e)

Don Cattani (e)

Rosemary Fontaine (e)

Lynne Mastin (a)

Andrew Kane (a)

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Editorial Board:

Dean Favero (e)

Annilee Jarvis (e)

Henry Tyndorf (e)

Gabrielle Blais (a)

Michael Lesperance (a)

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Quality Assurance Committee:

Gord Hough (e)

Jacques Pavesi (e)

Sharon Young Kipp (e)

Michael Lesperance (a)

Bill Matheson (a)

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Election Committee:

Gord Hough (e)

Heather Nagy (e)

Tanya Roberts (e)

Garry Humphreys (a)

Pauline Smart (a)

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Nomination Committee:

Laura Featherstone (e)

Jacques Tremblay (e)

Hanno Weinberger (e)

Danny Anckle (a)

Bill Matheson (a)

13. Council Appointments of Committee Chairs and the Executive Committee (GC20061109-204)

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Paul Brazeau as Chair of the Investigation Committee.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Jacques Tremblay as Chair of the Discipline Committee.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Rosemary Fontaine as Chair of the Fitness to Practise Committee.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Dean Favero as Chair of the Registration Appeals Committee.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Andrew Kane as Chair of the Finance Committee.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Nick Forte as Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Gord Hough as Chair of the Accreditation Committee.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Brian Doubleday as Chair of the Accreditation Appeal Committee.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Paul Brazeau as Chair of the Human Resources Committee.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Sharon Young Kipp as Chair of the Quality Assurance Committee.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Annilee Jarvis as Chair of the Editorial Board.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Tanya Roberts as Chair of the Election Committee.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint Laura Featherstone as Chair of the Nomination Committee.

Nancy Hutcheson noted that in order for the Executive Committee to be duly constituted an additional appointed member of Council would need to be elected to serve on this committee. The following appointed members expressed an interest in serving on the Executive Committee: Bill Matheson, Amin Saab, Pauline Smart, Don Watson. Bill Matheson did not address Council as he had already left the meeting. Amin Saab, Pauline Smart and DonWatson addressed Council.

Ballots were distributed to Council members. Nancy Hutcheson scrutinized the election process. It was noted that Don Watson had received the most number of votes.

It was moved by Nancy Hutcheson, Chair, Nomination Committee, and


That Council appoint the following members to serve on the Executive Committee:

Don Cattani (e) (Chair)

Annilee Jarvis (e) (Vice-Chair)

Paul Brazeau (e)

Dean Favero (e)

Rosemary Fontaine (e)

Nick Forte (e)

Gord Hough (e)

Andrew Kane (a)

Jacques Tremblay (e)

Don Watson (a)

It was moved by Jacques Tremblay, seconded by Rosemary Fontaine, and


That the ballots associated with the selection of chairs to committees and the Executive Committee be destroyed.

The Chair of Council, Don Cattani, thanked Nancy Hutcheson for her participation in the meeting and for her contributions to Council.

The Registrar advised Council that he had participated in a recent CTV National News interview that focused on the College’s disciplinary process.

14. Recommendation from the Investigation Committee re: Roster of Panellists (Continued) (GC20061109-205)

The Registrar explained the need for a Roster of Panellists for the Investigation Committee. A question and answer session followed.

It was moved by Don Watson, seconded by Jacques Tremblay, and


That the question be put re the roster of panellists for the Investigation Committee.

A vote was taken on the main motion, and it was


That Council approve the establishment of a roster of panellists for the Investigation Committee.

15. Future Meetings of Council (GC20061109-207)

It was moved by Laura Featherstone, seconded by Tianna Travaglini-Babic, and


That Council approve the Council and Executive Committee meeting dates outlined in GC20061109-207, attachment 1.

The Registrar referred Council members to the:

  • College Activity Calendar (GC20061109-208)
  • Inaugural Council and Committee Meeting Schedule (GC20061109-209)
  • Agenda for the Optional Council Briefing Session (GC20061109-210)

16. Next Meetings of Council

  • December 7, 2006, Optional Council Briefing Session
  • March 1-2, 2007

17. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m.

Signed: Chair, Don Cattani

Signed: Registrar, Brian P. McGowan



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