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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers Held Via Videoconference on March 21, 2023

Present: Diana Miles (Chair); Linda Lacroix, OCT (Registrar); Abena Buahene; Jonathan Davey; Douglas Gosse, OCT; Elaine Lajeunesse; Martine Lewis, OCT; Jonathan Rose; Imran Syed, OCT; Maria Vasanelli, OCT; Tammy Webster, OCT; Valerie Williamson, OCT

Regrets: Peter Dinsdale

Guests: The Hon. Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education (10:00-10:15 a.m.); Anne Resnick, Chair of the Investigation Committee

Staff: Jamie Robertson, OCT; Jason Bennett; Anna-Marie Nielsen, OCT; Bill Powell; Demetra Saldaris, OCT; Fred Towers; Kim Bauer (Recorder)

1. Call to Order/Welcome

The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and welcomed all those present.

2. Agenda

It was moved by Douglas Gosse, seconded by Jonathan Davey, and


That the Agenda for the March 21, 2023 Council meeting be approved.

Preparation time of one half-day was confirmed.

3. Conflict of Interest

No conflicts were declared.

4. Minutes

4.1 Meeting, December 8, 2022

It was moved by Valerie Williamson, seconded by Jonathan Rose, and


That the Minutes of the December 8, 2022 meeting of Council be approved.

4.2 Special Meeting, December 8, 2022

It was moved by Abena Buahene, seconded by Imran Syed, and


That the Minutes of the December 8, 2022 Special Meeting of Council be approved.

4.3 In Camera Session, December 8, 2022

The Chair confirmed that the minutes of the in camera meeting were not shared with the public but could be approved in open forum if no discussion was required. She also confirmed that members who were not present at the meeting were able to participate in voting on the motion.

It was moved by Douglas Gosse, seconded by Elaine Lajeunesse, and


That the Minutes of the December 8, 2022 In Camera Session of Council be approved.

5. Business Arising

5.1 Standards of Practice and Education Committee Memo

The Registrar reviewed a memo from the Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee that outlined the development of (i) an Additional Qualification course guideline (AQ) on Holocaust Education and Countering Antisemitism, and (ii) a new Professional Advisory on countering hate and intolerance (name TBD).

In response to a question, the Registrar noted that the process for developing a new AQ requires regulatory change and can take up to two years to complete. She confirmed that a focused version of the existing Social Studies, Primary and Junior AQ, that would offer professional learning in alignment with anticipated curriculum changes, would be available in the fall of 2023.

It was moved by Maria Vasanelli, seconded by Douglas Gosse, and


That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that a new Additional Qualification entitled, Holocaust Education and Countering Antisemitism / Éducation à l’Holocauste et lutte contre l’antisémitisme be enacted in Schedule D of the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation.

6. Chair, Registrar and Financial Reports

6.1 Chair’s Report

The Chair of Council presented her report and responded to questions. She welcomed Linda Lacroix to her first Council meeting as Registrar and Chief Executive Officer and Jamie Robertson in his dual role as Interim Deputy Registrar and Director of Investigations and Professional Conduct.

6.2 Registrar’s Report

The Registrar presented her report, highlighting a number of areas, and responded to questions.

6.3 Financial Report

Council received the quarterly financial report to December 31, 2022.

7. New Business

7.1 Address by the Minister of Education (TIMED ITEM: 10:00 a.m.)

The Honourable Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education, joined the meeting by video link and addressed Council.

The Minister thanked Council and the College for the work done to date to implement efficiencies in the certification process for both domestic and internationally educated applicants for membership, noting the need for continued improvement. He also stressed the importance of developing processes to respond in a nimble fashion to ongoing changes in the education sector and expressed his gratitude for the College’s support of his request to develop an Additional Qualification course for teachers with respect to countering antisemitism and holocaust education. He also noted that his ministry looks forward to working with the College to bring forth alternate pathways for Indigenous language holders to be certified by the College to meet the demand for Indigenous language programs.

8. Chair, Registrar and Financial Reports (Cont’d)

8.1 Financial Report (continued)

The Registrar continued her review of the quarterly financial report to December 31, 2022 and responded to questions.

9. New Business (Cont’d)

9.1 Proposed Amendments to Public Presentations Policy

The Registrar presented a request for Council’s direction to amend the current policy on public presentations at Council meetings. She indicated that the proposed amendments would update the policy to better reflect the College’s modernized governance structure.

The Chair confirmed Council’s support for the proposed policy amendments and noted that the item would come forward to a future meeting for Council consideration.

10. Subcommittee Reports

10.1 Audit and Finance Subcommittee

The Chair of the Audit and Finance Subcommittee, Jonathan Davey, presented the subcommittee’s report. He responded to questions and indicated that the responsibility for risk management, and whether it fell within the subcommittee’s mandate, would be considered by the Audit and Finance Subcommittee at a future meeting.

It was moved by Douglas Gosse, seconded by Jonathan Davey, and


That Council approve a contribution to the restricted cash reserve in the amount of $5,993,809, representing the 2022 year-end surplus.

It was moved by Abena Buahene, seconded by Valerie Williamson, and


That Council approve an amendment to Financial Objective #5 by deletion and substitution, as outlined in Document GC20230321-12, Attachment 1.

It was moved by Elaine Lajeunesse, seconded by Douglas Gosse, and


That the December 31, 2022 audited financial statements of the Ontario College of Teachers be accepted as presented.

10.2 Selection and Nominating Subcommittee

The Chair of the Selection and Nominating Subcommittee, Elaine Lajeunesse, presented the subcommittee’s report to Council.

It was moved by Martine Lewis, seconded by Douglas Gosse, and


That Council approve the appointment of Christian Lortie, OCT to the Accreditation Committee for a 2-year term commencing immediately, in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996 and regulations made thereunder.

11. Committee Reports

11.1 Investigation Committee Report

The Chair welcomed Anne Resnick, Chair of the Investigation Committee, and invited her to present the committee’s annual report.

The Chair of the Investigation Committee reviewed her report. A question-and-answer session followed.

12. Notices of Motion

12.1 Proposed Bylaw Amendments

The Director of Policy, Governance and Tribunals, Jason Bennett, provided a brief review of the proposed bylaw amendments. He noted that motions associated with each of the proposed amendments would be brought forward for further discussion and consideration at the June 8, 2023 meeting of Council.

13. Correspondence

Five items of correspondence were provided for information.

14. Adjournment

Prior to adjournment, the Chair reminded Council members to note the in-person strategic planning session scheduled for May 17 and 18, 2023.

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