Minutes of Council Meetings
Council Meeting
Council Chambers, 15th Floor,
101 Bloor Street West, Toronto
December 1-2, 2016
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario
College of Teachers held on December 1-2, 2016 in the Council
Chambers, 15th Floor, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto
1. Call to Order/Welcome
2. Agenda and Approval of Preparation Time
3. Conflict of Interest
4. Public Presentations
5. Committee Reports
5.1 Finance Committee
5.1.1 Report
5.1.2 2017 Budget
6. Minutes
6.1 Meeting, September 29-30, 2016
6.2 Meeting, In Camera Session, September 30, 2016
6.3 Meeting, November 8, 2016
7. Business Arising
7.1 Governance Committee Recommendation: Amendment to Election
Regulation re Realignment of Council Positions
8. Registrar’s Report
8.1 Financial Report as September 30, 2016
9. Committee Reports (Continued)
9.1 Investigation Committee
10. Address by Minister of Education
11. Committee Reports (Continued)
11.1 Investigation Committee (Continued)
12. Registrar’s Report (Continued)
12.1 Report
12.1.1 Addendum to Report
13. Presentations of Scholarship Awards
14. Chair’s Report
14.1 Report. 12
15. Committee Reports (Continued)
15.1 Executive Committee
15.2 Discipline Committee
15.3 Fitness to Practise Committee
15.4 Registration Appeals Committee
15.5 Standards of Practice and Education Committee
15.6 Accreditation Committee
15.7 Accreditation Appeal Committee
15.8 Human Resources Committee
15.9 Editorial Board
15.10 Governance Committee
15.11 Quality Assurance Committee
16. Correspondence
17. New Business.
17.1 College Bylaws: Proposed Amendments to Section 25.01 –
Contents of
the Register (Inclusion of Degrees and Dates of Degrees)
17.2 Council Member Disqualification Process: Interim Suspensions:
Council member in contravention of oath, conflict of interest
17.3 Council Meeting Schedule (amend meeting date from June 7-8,
to May 29-30, 2018)
17.4 Amendment to the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation
Additional Qualification Additions and Name Change
17.5 Appointment of the Chair of the Standards of Practice and
Education Committee and Appointment to the Executive Committee
18. Notices of Motion
18.1 College Bylaws – Proposed Amendment to Section 25.01
– Contents
of the Register (Reprimands)
18.2 Notice of Motion: College Bylaws: Proposed Amendments to
Section 25 – Contents of the Register and Section 26 –
to be Removed from the Register
19. Next Meeting(s) of Council
20. Adjournment
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held
on December 1-2, 2016 in the Council Chambers, 15th Floor,
101 Bloor Street West, Toronto
Session 1: Thursday, December 1, 2016
: Pier-Olivier Arsenault, OCT; Brian Beal, OCT; Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT;
Shabnum Budhwani; Marie-Louise Chartrand; Ann Ciaschini, OCT (via
teleconference); Angela De Palma, OCT, (Chair); Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad,
OCT; Robert Gagné; Tim Gernstein, OCT; Marie-Thérèse
Jane Ishibashi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Matthew Kavanagh, OCT; Colleen
Landers; Shanlee Linton, OCT (via teleconference); Myreille Loubert, OCT,
(Vice-Chair); Shannon Marcus, OCT; Richard Michaud, OCT;
Sara Nouini, OCT; Bill Petrie; Brigitte Bidal Piquette, OCT; Robert Ryan,
OCT; Anthony Samchek, OCT; Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van
Woudenberg, OCT; Ravi Vethamany, OCT; Wes Vickers, OCT; Ronna Warsh;
Marie-Claude Yaacov;
Michael Salvatori, OCT, (Registrar)
Susan E. Elliott-Johns, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; James Knopp; Tom Potter;
Vicki Shannon, OCT; Jennifer Stewart, OCT
Mitzie Hunter, Minister of Education (from 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.)
Scholarship recipient: Krista Bradshaw (from 4:45 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
Jim Dunsdon, Lori Lukinuk
Kim Bauer; Chantal Bélisle, OCT; Tan Crombie; Roch Gallien, OCT;
Myrtle Herzenberg; Joe Jamieson, OCT, (Deputy Registrar); Richard Lewko;
Iona Mitchell (in place of Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT); Charlie Morrison
1. Call to Order/Welcome
The Presiding Officer, Jim Dunsdon, called the meeting to order at 1:00
p.m. and welcomed all present.
The Chair noted that Shabnum Budhwani’s term of office will expire on
December 15, 2016. She thanked Shabnum for her contributions to Council and
the committees on which she served.
The Chair welcomed Marie-Louise Chartrand and Robert Gagné back to
Council. Each had been reappointed to Council for an additional year.
The Chair informed Council members that the Registrar had purchased
“Le français est un cadeau” buttons for Council members
and staff. The buttons are to be worn to promote the immediate and lifelong
benefits of learning and communicating in French.
The Chair advised members that following the debriefing sessions, the
requests of various Council members were honoured by increasing the space
between the windows and tables and by screening the Council motions.
It was noted that Myreille Loubert and Robert Gagné comprised the
Steering Committee.
2. Agenda and Approval of Preparation Time
(GC20161201-104, revised)
It was moved by Steering, and
That the revised Agenda for the December 1-2, 2016 Council meeting be
eScribe Vote:
Pier-Olivier Arsenault, Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard, Shabnum Budhwani,
Marie-Louise Chartrand, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-
Webkamigad, Robert Gagné, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse
Jane Ishibashi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Matthew Kavanagh, Colleen Landers,
Shanlee Linton, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, Sara
Nouini, Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek,
Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Wes
Vickers, Ronna Warsh,
Marie-Claude Yaacov
: 30
: 0
It was agreed that Council members would be entitled to one full day of
preparation time.
3. Conflict of Interest
No conflicts were declared.
4. Public Presentations
There were no public presentations.
5. Committee Reports
5.1 Finance Committee
(Timed Item: Thursday, December 1, 2016)
5.1.1 Report
The report of the Finance Committee was received. The Chair, Marie-Louise
Chartrand, spoke to the report. She noted that the committee had considered
the feedback received from Council members following the September budget
briefing session.
5.1.2 2017 Budget
The Controller, Fred Towers, reviewed the 2017 Budget with Council. The
Deputy Registrar and Controller responded to questions.
Lori Lukinuk assumed the role of Presiding Officer at this time.
It was moved by Marie-Louise Chartrand, Chair of the Finance Committee,
“That Council approve the 2017 budget as contained in document GC20161201 -121
with an unchanged annual membership fee of $150.00 by offsetting
operating budget pressures with a restricted cash reserve draw.
It was moved by Matthew Kavanagh, Chair of the Governance Committee,
That Council approve an additional $30,650 for the 2018 election to be
spent in 2017.”
It was moved by Angela De Palma, seconded by Myreille Loubert, but it was
That Council approve amending the amendment motion as follows:
That Council approve an additional $30,650 for the 2018 election to be
drawn from the 2017 budget.
eScribe Vote:
Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Robert Gagné,
Tim Gernstein, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Matthew Kavanagh,
Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, Bill Petrie, Brigitte
Bidal Piquette, Anthony Samchek, Nicole van Woudenberg
Pier-Olivier Arsenault, Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard,
Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Ann Ciaschini,
Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Jane Ishibashi, Colleen Landers,
Shanlee Linton, Sara Nouini, Robert Ryan, Stéphane Vallée,
Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Ronna Warsh, Marie-Claude Yaacov
: 13
: 17
It was moved by Marie-Louise Chartrand, seconded by Matthew Kavanagh, and CARRIED,
That Council approve an amendment to the amendment motion as follows:
That Council approve t
hat the budget as outlined in document
121 be amended to read, under
line 14, a budget of $105,650.
eScribe Vote:
Pier-Olivier Arsenault, Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard, Shabnum Budhwani,
Marie-Louise Chartrand, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Robert
Gagné, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Jacqueline
Karsemeyer, Matthew Kavanagh, Myreille Loubert,
Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, Sara Nouini, Brigitte Bidal Piquette,
Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Nicole van Woudenberg,
Ravi Vethamany, Ronna Warsh, Marie-Claude Yaacov
Ann Ciaschini, Jane Ishibashi, Colleen Landers, Shanlee Linton,
Bill Petrie, Stéphane Vallée, Wes Vickers
: 23
: 7
A vote was taken on the amendment to the amendment motion, and it was
That Council approve t
hat the budget as outlined in document
121 be amended to read, under line 14, a budget of $105,650.
eScribe Vote:
Pier-Olivier Arsenault, Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard, Shabnum Budhwani,
Marie-Louise Chartrand, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad,
Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Matthew Kavanagh,
Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus,
Richard Michaud, Sara Nouini, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Robert Ryan, Anthony
Samchek, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany,
Ronna Warsh, Marie-Claude Yaacov
Ann Ciaschini, Tim Gernstein, Jane Ishibashi, Colleen Landers, Shanlee
Linton, Bill Petrie, Stéphane Vallée, Wes Vickers
: 21
: 8
Further discussion ensued on the main motion as amended.
It was moved by Robert Gagné, seconded by Jane Ishibashi, and
That the question be called on the budget motion.
A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was
That Council approve the 2017 budget as contained in document
121, as amended, with an unchanged annual membership fee of $150.00 by
offsetting operating budget pressures with a restricted cash reserve
eScribe Vote:
Pier-Olivier Arsenault, Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard, Shabnum Budhwani,
Marie-Louise Chartrand, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad,
Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Matthew Kavanagh,
Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus,
Richard Michaud, Sara Nouini, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Robert Ryan, Anthony
Samchek, Nicole van Woudenberg, Marie-Claude Yaacov
Ann Ciaschini, Tim Gernstein, Jane Ishibashi, Colleen Landers, Shanlee
Linton, Bill Petrie, Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers
: 19
: 8
6. Minutes
The Presiding Officer noted that the Minutes would be approved by
6.1 Meeting, September 29-30, 2016
The Minutes of the Council Meeting held on September 29-30, 2016 were
approved by unanimous consent.
6.2 Meeting, In Camera Session, September 30, 2016
The Minutes of the in camera session of the Council Meeting held on
September 30, 2016 were approved by unanimous consent.
6.3 Meeting, November 8, 2016
It was noted that the motion approving the agenda on page 2 should read
November 8 and not November 3.
The Minutes of the Special meeting of Council held via teleconference on
November 8, 2016, as amended, were approved by unanimous consent.
. Business Arising
7.1 Governance Committee Recommendation: Amendment to Election
Regulation re Realignment of Council Positions
The report on the amendment to the Election Regulation re the realignment
of Council positions was received. The Registrar noted that Council had
referred this matter back to the Governance Committee for their
consideration pending information that was related to how other regulatory
bodies reflect the northern regions of the province within their Council
The Chair of the Governance Committee spoke to this matter.
It was moved by Matthew Kavanagh, Chair of the Governance Committee, and
That Council withdraw the following motion:
That Council request that the Minister of Education amend the Election
Regulation (Ont. Reg. 293/00) to:
merge the northeast and northwest regions into one northern region with
one part-time/full-time and two full-time elected positions
create a new French-language public board – elementary position
rename the existing French-language public board – elementary or
secondary position to reflect secondary only.
eScribe Vote:
Brian Beal, Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Ann Ciaschini, Angela
De Palma, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Robert Gagné,
Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse Hokayem, Jane Ishibashi,
Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Matthew Kavanagh, Colleen Landers,
Shanlee Linton, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, Sara Nouini,
Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Nicole
van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Ronna Warsh, Marie-Claude
Jean-Luc Bernard, Myreille Loubert
: 26
: 2
8. Registrar’s Report
It was agreed to move the Registrar’s Report to follow the
Minister’s presentation.
8.1 Financial Report as September 30, 2016
The Ontario College of Teachers’ Financial Report as at September 30,
2016 was received. The Deputy Registrar, Joe Jamieson, spoke to the report.
9. Committee Reports
9.1 Investigation Committee
The report of the Investigation Committee was received. The Chair, Robert
Ryan, spoke to the report.
Robert Gagné, Chair of the Discipline Committee, noted that the
Discipline Committee was also in favour of the Investigation Committee
having the authority to order medical assessments where it would assist the
Investigation Committee in determining the appropriate committee to which
the matter should be referred.
It was agreed to continue discussion of the topic following the
Minister’s address to Council.
10. Address by Minister of Education
(Timed Item: Thursday, December 1, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.)
The Chair welcomed and introduced the Minister of Education, the Honourable
Mitzie Hunter, who addressed Council and thanked them for their work, their
commitment to education, their partnership in the development of Bill 37
and the implementation of the enhanced teacher education program. She
congratulated the College on developing procedures that were transparent,
accountable, fair and inclusive to ensure the safety and protection of
students and for promoting teacher professionalism. The Minister
acknowledged Council’s concerns about the Protecting Students Act, specifically about the removal of
disciplinary decisions from the College’s website when terms,
conditions and limitations had been fulfilled, but also said the College
may exercise judgment to keep disciplinary decisions public.
A question and answer session ensued.
The Vice-Chair, Myreille Loubert, thanked the Minister for addressing
Council members.
11. Committee Reports
11.1 Investigation Committee
(GC20161201-116) (Continued)
Shanlee Linton, Chair of the Fitness to Practise Committee, reported that
the Fitness to Practice Committee was also in favour of the Investigation
Committee having the authority to order medical assessments to ensure that
the matter was dealt with appropriately.
A question and answer session followed.
It was moved by Robert Ryan, Chair of the Investigation Committee, and
That Council request the Minister amend the Ontario College of Teachers
Act to provide the Investigation Committee with the authority to order
a medical assessment of a member’s fitness to practise in order
to support the Investigation Committee’s role of investigating
and referring complaints.
eScribe Vote:
Pier-Olivier Arsenault, Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard, Shabnum Budhwani,
Marie-Louise Chartrand, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth
Edgar-Webkamigad, Robert Gagné, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse
Jane Ishibashi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Matthew Kavanagh,
Colleen Landers, Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud,
Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie, Brigitte Bidal Piquette, Robert Ryan,
Anthony Samchek, Stéphane Vallée, Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers,
Ronna Warsh, Marie-Claude Yaacov
: 28
: 0
Jim Dunsdon assumed the role of presiding officer.
12. Registrar’s Report (Continued)
12.1 Report
The Registrar’s Report was received. The Registrar spoke to his
report and responded to questions.
The Registrar advised that following the implementation of the
province’s enhanced teacher education program, there has been
increased interest across the sector for students completing additional
qualification courses at the time of their initial teacher education
program. He advised that a survey would be conducted to determine the
effectiveness of the Additional Qualification courses and that he would
report to Council once the analysis of the results had been completed.
12.1.1 Addendum to Report
The addendum to the Registrar’s report on The Protecting Students Act was received. The Registrar noted that
at the September meeting, Council had requested that the Minister make
amendments to the Act to address a number of areas of concern. He advised
that of the eight areas of concern only one area had led to a subsequent
amendment by the Government. The Registrar advised members on how the
College could remain in compliance with the Act and still maintain all
discipline decisions on the College website and available to the public. He
further advised that the College’s legal counsel and ministry staff
had confirmed that since the Act provides the College with bylaw authority
to determine when notations of decisions or resolutions are to be removed
from the register, it is within the College’s authority to keep these
decisions posted on the website. The Registrar advised that he would be
presenting a Notice of Motion for consideration at the March 2017 Council
meeting as a result of the provisions of Bill 37. (See pages 20-23.)
The Registrar demonstrated how decisions and notations were posted to the
public register and the College website.
In response to a request to improve the search engine capacity for the
digital component of the magazine, the Registrar advised that he would
consider this matter and report to Council at a future meeting.
The Registrar agreed to consider a request to link the Ethical Standards
and the professional advisories to disciplinary decisions in Professionally Speaking/ Pour parler profession so that an
explicit connection can be made between these matters.
Presentations of Scholarship Awards
(Timed Item: Thursday, December 1, 2016 at 4:45 p.m.)
The Chair, Angela De Palma, welcomed award winner Krista Bradshaw and her
guests to the Council meeting.
The Chair noted that the Ontario College of Teachers’ Scholarship
Program recognizes and supports excellence in teacher education by awarding
scholarships to prospective teachers whose achievements and characteristics
model those values.
The Chair noted the achievements of Maria Sinclair of Western University,
the recipient of the
Ontario College of Teachers Primary/Junior or Junior/Intermediate
for the 2016-2017 year, and advised that a cheque for $2,000 would be sent
to her.
The Vice-Chair of Council, Myreille Loubert, noted the achievements of
Patrick Vaillancourt of the Université Laurentienne,
the recipient of the
Ontario College of Teachers Intermediate/ Senior Scholarship
award for the 2016-2017 year, and
advised that a cheque for $2,000 would be sent to him.
The Chair noted the achievements of Krista Bradshaw of Queen’s
University, the recipient of the
Joseph W. Atkinson Scholarship for Excellence in Teacher Education
award for the 2016-2017 year, and presented her with a cheque for $2,000.
Krista Bradshaw addressed and thanked Council for honouring her with the
Joseph W. Atkinson Scholarship for Excellence in Teacher Education
The meeting recessed at 5:00 p.m.
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held
on December 1-2, 2016 in the Council Chambers, 15th Floor,
101 Bloor Street West, Toronto
Session 2: Friday, December 2, 2016
: Pier-Olivier Arsenault, OCT: Brian Beal, OCT; Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT;
Shabnum Budhwani; Marie-Louise Chartrand (via teleconference until 2:30
p.m.); Ann Ciaschini, OCT (via teleconference); Angela De Palma, OCT,
(Chair); Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT (until 2:15 p.m.); Robert
Tim Gernstein, OCT; Marie-Thérèse Hokayem (until 2:15 p.m.); Jane
Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Matthew Kavanagh, OCT; Colleen Landers; (via
teleconference until 2:00 pm.); Myreille Loubert, OCT, (Vice-Chair) (until
2:15 p.m.); Shannon Marcus, OCT; Richard Michaud, OCT; Sara Nouini, OCT;
Bill Petrie; Robert Ryan, OCT; Anthony Samchek, OCT; Vicki Shannon, OCT;
Stéphane Vallée, OCT (until 2:10 p.m.); Nicole van Woudenberg,
Ravi Vethamany, OCT; Wes Vickers, OCT; Ronna Warsh; Marie-Claude Yaacov;
Michael Salvatori, OCT, (Registrar)
Susan E. Elliott-Johns, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; James Knopp; Shanlee Linton,
OCT; Brigitte Bidal Piquette, OCT; Tom Potter; Jennifer Stewart, OCT
Lori Lukinuk
Kim Bauer; Chantal Bélisle, OCT; Tan Crombie; Roch Gallien, OCT;
Myrtle Herzenberg; Joe Jamieson, OCT, (Deputy Registrar); Richard Lewko;
Iona Mitchell (in place of Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT); Charlie Morrison
The meeting resumed at 1:00 p.m.
Lori Lukinuk assumed the role of Presiding Officer.
14. Chair’s Report
14.1 Report
The Chair’s Report was received. The Chair, Angela De Palma, spoke to
her report. The Chair projected a picture of a painting by artist Bruce
Beardy that she had presented to the Saskatchewan Professional Teachers
Regulatory Board (SPTRB) on behalf of the College in recognition of
Saskatchewan’s teaching profession being granted the privilege of
self-regulation. The Chair displayed a framed piece of glass artwork
depicting wheat from Berting Glass that she had accepted from the SPTRB, on
behalf of the College.
15. Committee Reports
15.1 Executive Committee
The report of the Executive Committee was received. The Chair, Angela De
Palma, spoke to the report and responded to questions.
The Chair agreed that she would request the Executive Committee to consider
the timing of the awards for the scholarships, given that two of the three
recipients were unable to attend the award ceremony.
15.2 Discipline Committee
The report of the Discipline Committee was received. The Chair, Robert
Gagné, spoke to the report and responded to questions.
The Chair advised that the committee had met on November 18, 2016 and
discussed the topic of reprimands. He spoke to the survey results of the
practices of other regulators in cases where reprimands are not delivered
as scheduled. He noted that the committee had examined a recommendation
that reprimands of members issued by the Discipline Committee be delivered
orally in a public forum, transcribed and appended, in full text form, to
the Discipline Committee panel’s written reasons for its decision. He
also noted that a protocol would be developed to address the concern of
members failing to appear to hear the reprimand. He advised that the
committee’s Rules of Procedure would be amended to encompass this
process, once Council approves of the amendments to the Rules related to
recording and publication of reprimands.
The Chair advised that a Notice of Motion would be read into the Minutes
requesting the details of reprimands appear on the register by way of a
link to the disciplinary decision. (See page 20.)
15.3 Fitness to Practise Committee
The report of the Fitness to Practise Committee was received. The
Stéphane Vallée, spoke to the report and responded to questions.
It was noted that it was not in the purview of the Fitness to Practise
Committee to issue reprimands.
15.4 Registration Appeals Committee
The report of the Registration Appeals Committee was received. The Chair,
Brian Beal, spoke to the report.
15.5 Standards of Practice and Education Committee
The report of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee was
received. The Vice-Chair, Richard Michaud, spoke to the report.
15.6 Accreditation Committee
The report of the Accreditation Committee was received. The Chair, Nicole
van Woudenberg, spoke to the report.
15.7 Accreditation Appeal Committee
There was no report.
15.8 Human Resources Committee
The report of the Human Resources Committee was received. The Chair, Wes
Vickers, spoke to the report and responded to questions.
It was moved by Wes Vickers, Chair of the Human Resources Committee, and
That Council approve the Council Member Application for Employment with the College
policy as outlined in document
124, Attachment 1.
eScribe Vote:
Pier-Olivier Arsenault, Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard, Shabnum Budhwani,
Marie-Louise Chartrand, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth
Edgar-Webkamigad, Robert Gagné, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse
Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Matthew Kavanagh, Colleen Landers,
Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, Sara Nouini,
Bill Petrie, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Ravi Vethamany,
Wes Vickers, Ronna Warsh
: 25
: 0
It was moved by Wes Vickers, Chair of the Human Resources Committee, and
That Council approve the College Employees’ Nomination to Council policy as
outlined in document
124, Attachment 2.
eScribe Vote:
Pier-Olivier Arsenault, Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard, Shabnum Budhwani,
Marie-Louise Chartrand, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth
Edgar-Webkamigad, Robert Gagné, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse
Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Matthew Kavanagh, Myreille Loubert,
Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie, Robert Ryan,
Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Nicole van Woudenberg,
Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Ronna Warsh
Jane Ishibashi
: 25
: 1
Since Council has endorsed this policy, a collateral amendment to the
Election Regulation (O. Reg. 293/00) is required.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council request that the Minister of Education amend O. Reg.
293/00, Election of Council Members to read as follows:
7.1(1) A person is eligible to be nominated to a position on Council if
that person,
(a) is an elector,
(b) resides in Ontario,
(c) is not employed by or in the College, or if a former employee, at least 12 months has elapsed, and
(d) satisfies the nomination requirements set out in subsection (2),
(3), (4) or (5) with respect to the position.
eScribe Vote:
Pier-Olivier Arsenault, Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard, Shabnum Budhwani,
Marie-Louise Chartrand, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth
Edgar-Webkamigad, Robert Gagné, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse
Jane Ishibashi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Matthew Kavanagh,
Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, Sara Nouini,
Bill Petrie, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Nicole van
Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Ronna Warsh
: 26
: 0
15.9 Editorial Board
The report of the Editorial Board was received. The Chair, Myreille
Loubert, spoke to the report. She noted a correction to the report under
the heading “Future Meeting Date”, where it should read the
March issue of the magazine, not the December issue.
15.10 Governance Committee
The report of the Governance Committee was received. The Chair, Matthew
Kavanagh, spoke to the report and responded to questions.
It was noted that the Council referral motion had been dealt with under
Business Arising. (See pages 7-8)
It was noted that the motion related to the budget had been dealt with
under the discussion of the 2017 Budget. (See pages 5-7)
15.11 Quality Assurance Committee
The report of the Quality Assurance Committee was received. The Chair,
Robert Ryan, spoke to the report.
16. Correspondence
(GC20161201-128 to -132)
The following items of correspondence were received for information:
· Letter of Invitation to the Minister of Education to Address Council
· Letter to the Minister of Education re Council Motions from
September 2016 Council meeting (GC20161201-129)
· Letter to the Minister of Education re Proposed Amendments to Bill
37 (Previously Bill 200) (GC20161201-130)
· Letter to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Ontario Teachers’
Federation re Information on Public Register (GC20161201- 131)
Open Letter to the Minister of Education re Transparency Concerns
17. New Business
17.1 College Bylaws: Proposed Amendments to Section 25.01 –
Contents of the Register (Inclusion of Degrees and Dates of Degrees)
The Registrar reminded Council members that at its September 29-30, 2016
meeting, a notice of motion was read into the Minutes for consideration at
the December Council related to the recording of degrees and the dates of
the degrees on the public register.
The Manager of Membership Records, Iona Mitchell, explained that the
requested amendment would put into bylaw what the College has been doing
since its inception with respect to the recording of degrees and the dates
of the degrees on the public register.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve that section 25.01 of the bylaws of the Ontario
College of Teachers be amended by adding the following sub-section (g)
to read as follows:
In addition to the information prescribed by section 23 of the Act, the
register shall contain:
(g) any undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate degree granted to a
member, with the name of the post-secondary educational institution
authorized to grant the degree, and the date the member completed the
The current subsections 25.01(g)-(i) would be renumbered as required.
eScribe Vote:
Pier-Olivier Arsenault, Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard, Shabnum Budhwani,
Marie-Louise Chartrand, Ann Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Elizabeth
Edgar-Webkamigad, Robert Gagné, Tim Gernstein, Marie-Thérèse
Jane Ishibashi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Matthew Kavanagh,
Myreille Loubert, Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, Sara Nouini,
Bill Petrie, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Nicole van
Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Ronna Warsh
: 26
: 0
17.2 Council Member Disqualification Process: Interim Suspensions:
Council member in contravention of oath, conflict of interest
The briefing note on
Interim Suspension Process – Conflicts of Interest and Breaches
of Oath/Affirmation
was received. The Director of Corporate and Council Services, Richard
Lewko, explained that Council member conduct is addressed by the Council
member code of ethics contained in the College bylaws and in Ontario
Regulation 72/97. He advised that following Council’s approval of the
interim suspension process, and while the College was working with the
Ministry to draft the necessary regulatory amendments, it was noted that
the interim suspension process should be extended to cover failures to
disclose a conflict of interest and breaches of the oath/affirmation.
Without the extension of this process, only conduct that is incompatible
with the position of a Council member would be able to be reviewed for a
possible interim suspension.
A question and answer session ensued.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council recommend that the Council member interim suspension
process be amended to include complaints against Council members
regarding failure to disclose conflicts of interest and breaches of the
eScribe Vote:
Pier-Olivier Arsenault, Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard, Shabnum Budhwani, Ann
Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Robert Gagné, Tim Gernstein,
Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Matthew Kavanagh, Shannon Marcus,
Richard Michaud, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek,
Vicki Shannon, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Ronna
: 21
: 0
The Director of Corporate and Council Services advised Council that once
the draft regulatory amendments had been finalized they would be provided
to Council for review and approval.
17.3 Council Meeting Schedule (amend meeting date from
June 7-8, 2018 to May 29-30, 2018)
The Registrar spoke to the proposal to amend the meeting date for the June
2018 Council meeting. He noted that the reason for the proposal was to
minimize costs and to provide Council members with an opportunity to attend
the College bi-annual conference on Inspiring Public Confidence
which would be held on May 31 – June 1, 2018.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve a change in date for the June 2018 Council meeting
to May 29 – May 30, 2018 and the Annual Meeting of Members to May
29, 2018.
eScribe Vote:
Pier-Olivier Arsenault, Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard, Angela De Palma,
Robert Gagné, Tim Gernstein, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Matthew Kavanagh,
Richard Michaud, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek,
Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Marie-Claude Yaacov
Ann Ciaschini, Shannon Marcus, Vicki Shannon
: 17
: 3
17.4 Amendment to the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation
Additional Qualification Additions and Name Change
(GC20161201-136, -136C)
The Director of Standards of Practice and Accreditation, Roch Gallien,
advised members that the motions approved by Council at their September
meeting to amend Regulation 176/10, Teachers’ Qualifications, were
now in regulation for their consideration.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve the amendments to 0. Reg. 176/10, Teachers’ Qualifications, as outlined in document
eScribe Vote:
Pier-Olivier Arsenault, Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard, Shabnum Budhwani, Ann
Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Robert Gagné, Tim Gernstein,
Jane Ishibashi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Matthew Kavanagh,
Richard Michaud, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek,
Vicki Shannon, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Ronna
Warsh, Marie-Claude Yaacov
: 22
: 0
The Registrar noted that the black-cornered regulation would be signed
following the meeting and sent directly to the Minister.
17.5 Appointment of the Chair of the Standards of Practice and
Education Committee and Appointment to the Executive Committee
The Registrar informed Council members that it was Council’s
responsibility to appoint chairs to committees and to make appointments to
the Executive Committee.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council confirm the appointment of Ravi Vethamany as the Chair of
the Standards of Practice and Education Committee.
eScribe Vote:
Pier-Olivier Arsenault, Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard, Shabnum Budhwani, Ann
Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Robert Gagné, Jane Ishibashi,
Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Matthew Kavanagh, Richard Michaud, Sara Nouini, Bill
Petrie, Robert Ryan, Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Nicole van Woudenberg,
Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Ronna Warsh,
Marie-Claude Yaacov
: 21
: 0
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council appoint Ravi Vethamany to the Executive Committee.
eScribe Vote:
Pier-Olivier Arsenault, Brian Beal, Jean-Luc Bernard, Shabnum Budhwani, Ann
Ciaschini, Angela De Palma, Robert Gagné, Tim Gernstein,
Jane Ishibashi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Matthew Kavanagh,
Shannon Marcus, Richard Michaud, Sara Nouini, Bill Petrie, Robert Ryan,
Anthony Samchek, Vicki Shannon, Nicole van Woudenberg,
Ravi Vethamany, Wes Vickers, Ronna Warsh, Marie-Claude Yaacov
: 23
: 0
Ravi Vethamany thanked Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, the previous chair of
the Standards of Practice and Education Committee, for her leadership and
for providing the indigenous community with a voice on the committee.
18. Notices of Motion
The following Notices of Motion were read into the Minutes for
consideration at the
March 2-3, 2017 Council Meeting:
18.1 College Bylaws – Proposed Amendment to Section 25.01 –
Contents of the Register (Reprimands)
Moved by Steering:
That Council approve that section 25.01 of the bylaws of the Ontario
College of Teachers be amended by adding the following sub-section (c) to
read as follows:
In addition to the information prescribed by section 23 of the Act, the
register shall contain:
the decision of the Discipline Committee on the College website that is
linked to the register, in accordance with section 23(2)(b.5) of the Act,
shall include the text of any reprimand ordered by the Discipline Committee
and delivered to the member.
18.2 Notice of Motion: College Bylaws: Proposed Amendments to Section
25 – Contents of the Register and Section 26 – Information
to be Removed from the Register
Moved by Steering:
That Council approve that Section 25 and 26 of the College Bylaws be
amended by deletion, addition and substitution as follows:
Section 25 - Contents of the Register
In addition to the information prescribed by section 23 of the Act, the
register shall contain:
a. each member's College registration number
if the Discipline Committee has made a decision, or adopted a
resolution, a notation stating:
subject to any order of the Discipline or Fitness to Practise
Committees, if a finding of professional misconduct, incompetence or
incapacity has been made
i. that fact
ii. the date of the
decision or the date of the adoption of the resolution
iii. the finding, if any
the fact of any penalty ordered, subject to any order made by the
Discipline Committee pursuant to section 30(5) of the Act with respect
to the period of time that any reprimand, admonishment or counselling
shall be recorded on the register.
the penalty,
v. if under appeal, a
to that effect
in the case of a decision of the Discipline Committee, a hyperlink to
the decision that is contained on the College’s website.
if terms, limitations, conditions have been imposed, a notation to that
viii. if a member is reinstated following
cancellation or
revocation of the member's certificate a
to that effect.
the decision of the Discipline Committee on the College website that is
linked to the register, in accordance with section 23(2)(b.5) of the
Act, shall include the text of any reprimand ordered by the Discipline
Committee and delivered to the member.
subject to any order of the Fitness to Practise Committee, if a
decision of the Fitness to Practise Committee has been made, a notation
i. that fact
ii. the date of the decision
iii. the disposition, if any
iv. if under appeal, a statement to that effect
If the Investigation Committee adopts a resolution that provides for a
notation to be included on the register, a notation stating:
i. the fact of the adoption of the resolution
ii. the date of the adoption of the resolution
iii. the disposition, if any
iv. if under appeal, a statement to that effect
if the resolution provides for the resolution, summary of the
resolution or a part of the resolution to be published on the
College’s website, a link to that publication
where a matter has been referred to the Discipline Committee under
section 26, 29 or 33 of the Act, a notation stating that fact and the
date of the referral
g. the date on which the member’s certificate of qualification and
registration was issued and, if applicable, the termination or expiration
h.the basic qualifications of the member as entered on the member's
certificate of qualification
i. any additional qualifications of the member as entered on the member's
certificate of qualification
j. any program of teacher education which has been completed by the member
and entered on the member's certificate of qualification.
a notation that a Notice of Hearing has been issued, as a result of
referral from the Investigation Committee to the Discipline Committee,
and the notation will remain on the register until the matter has been
l. a summary of a restriction imposed on a member’s
right to teach (practise)
eligibility to teach or practice the profession
as a result of an undertaking or an agreement entered into between the
member and the College or one of its statutory committees
a summary of a restriction imposed on a member’s right to teach
that has been imposed by a court or other lawful authority, including
the name of the court or other lawful authority that imposed the
restriction, and the date the restriction was imposed.
Section 26 - Information to be Removed from the Register
Notwithstanding section 23 of the Act, and other provision of the
a finding of professional misconduct was made against a member, and
the penalty imposed was limited to a reprimand, admonishment,
counselling, or a fine, and
at least three (3) years have elapsed since the order became final,
the finding of professional misconduct and the order shall be removed
from the register, subject to any order of the Discipline Committee;
a finding of professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity was
made against a member or conditions were imposed by the Registration
Appeals Committee or the Registrar;
the order imposed was limited to terms, conditions or limitations
imposed upon a member’s certificate, and
the terms, conditions, or limitations have been fulfilled or removed
from the certificate
the content of the terms, conditions, or limitations and related
finding if applicable shall be removed from the register, subject to
any order of the Discipline, Fitness to Practise, or Registration
Appeals Committees.
Where a member's certificate of qualification and registration has been
suspended by the Registrar pursuant to section 24(1) of the Act, and that
suspension has been removed pursuant to section 24 (3), the notation of
that suspension shall be removed from the register.
Where a matter has been referred to the Discipline Committee under
section 26, 29 or 33 of the Act, a notation stating that fact and the
date of the referral shall be removed from the register when the matter
has been resolved.
19. Next Meeting(s) of Council
20. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
Chair, Angela De Palma, OCT
Registrar, Michael Salvatori, OCT