Minutes of Council Meetings
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers, held on February 28 — March 1, 2002 in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto.
Table of Contents
1. Call to Order/Welcome
2. Agenda
3. Minutes
4. Business Arising
5. Registrar’s Report
6. Committee Reports
7. Correspondence
8. New Business
9. Notices of Motion
10. Next Meeting
11. Adjournment
February 28, 2002
Present: Bernard J. Adam, Samy Appadurai, Guill Archambault, James Black, Jackie Breithaupt , Douglas Brown, Sterling Campbell, Larry M. Capstick (Chair), Doug Carter, Janet Cornwall, Pat Daly, Karl Dean (from 2:05 p.m.), Margaret Dempsey (via teleconference), Jerry DeQuetteville, Solette N. Gelberg, Audrey Hadfield, Nancy Hutcheson, Marilyn Laframboise (Vice-Chair), Diane Leblovic, Dick Malowney, Elayne McDermid, Karen Mitchell, Harry Mulvale, Iain Munro, Elizabeth Papadopoulos, David Somer, Frances Thorne,
J.W. (Joe) Atkinson (Registrar)
Regrets: Ernie Checkeris, Martin Kings, Mark Lefebvre, Larry Mongeon
Presiding Officer: George Merrett
Guests: Caroline Zayid (McCarthy Tétrault), Allan Cohen (Communications Consultant, for Item 4.1)
Staff: Peter Alexander, Margaret Aubé, Marina Brasil, Myrtle Herzenberg, Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Patrick O’Neill, Josie Peretti, Carol Springer, W. Douglas Wilson
1. Call to Order/Welcome
The Presiding Officer, George Merrett, called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m. and welcomed all present.
The Chair, Larry M. Capstick, introduced new Council member, James Black.
Mr. Black is replacing Rich Prophet who resigned from Council to take up a teaching position in Saskatchewan. The Chair also introduced Janet Ouellette who will be replacing Dick Malowney at the end of March 2002.
It was noted that Steering was comprised of Solette N. Gelberg and Marilyn Laframboise.
Frances Thorne requested that an additional item “Associate Teachers -- Practicum” be added under New Business.
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Revised Agenda for the February 28 - March 1, 2002 Council meeting be approved as amended.
3.1 Meeting, November 8-9, 2001 (GC20020228-2)
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on
November 8-9, 2001 be approved.
4.1 College Communications Strategy (GC20020228-4, 5, 52)
Richard Lewko, Executive Co-ordinator, spoke to the report “Building Support, Raising Awareness: A Communications Plan” and gave a Powerpoint presentation on the College’s Communications Plan. A question and answer session followed.
It was agreed that activities already budgeted for in 2002 continue, that the non-budgeted items in 2002 be carried out within the budget and that activities for 2003 and beyond be revisited under future budgets.
Copies of the Powerpoint slides (GC20020228-52)were distributed at the meeting.
4.3 Deceased Members Listed on the Public Register As Suspended for Non-payment of Fees (GC20020228-6, 37, 49)
The Registrar spoke to the report. A question and answer session followed.
It was moved by Steering, “That Council approve the following recommendation contained in the report Deceased Members Listed on the Public Register as "Suspended - Non-payment of Fees,
pursuant to section 47.1 of the Ontario College of Teachers Act and section 26 of Regulation 72/97, the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Board be required to provide the College with information regarding the death of a plan member on a monthly basis and that this information be used to change the member’s status on the Public Register to deceased;
the College continue to require a copy of a death certificate or an original letter signed by the Executor of the Estate before changing a member’s status from “Suspended — Non-payment of Fees” to “Deceased”;
a recurring notice be placed in Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession requesting that (a) members provide the College with updated information when their member status changes, e.g., retirement, leaving the profession, etc., and (b) friends or family of deceased members send a copy of a death certificate or an original letter signed by the Executor of the Estate to the College so that member statuses on the Public Register are up-to-date;
a notice be placed on the College’s website requesting that (a) members provide the College with updated information when their member status changes, e.g., retirement, leaving the profession, etc., and (b) friends or family of deceased members send a copy of a death certificate or an original letter signed by the Executor of the Estate to the College so that member statuses on the Public Register are up-to-date;
the College initiate discussions with the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Board to establish a protocol regarding the placement of an annual notice in their publications, in their correspondence with individuals receiving death benefits, and in their retirement toolkits;
the College initiate discussions with the Council of Directors of Education (CODE) and representatives from Human Resources Departments of Ontario school boards to establish a protocol for the sharing of appropriate information and acceptable documentation regarding deceased members;
a notice be placed in the publications produced by the Retired Teachers of Ontario (RTO);
should the information required in 1 or 2 above be unavailable, the Registrar will review the information provided on a case by case basis and, using the Registrar's discretionary authority, will decide whether a member’s status can be changed.”
Harry Mulvale requested that the motion be split and that point 1 be dealt with as a separate motion.
A vote was taken on the first part of the split motion, and it was
That Council approve the following recommendation contained in the report Deceased Members Listed on the Public Register as “Suspended — Non-payment of Fees” (GC20020228-6):
That pursuant to section 47.1 of the Ontario College of Teachers Act and section 26 of Regulation 72/97, the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Board be required to provide the College with information regarding the death of a plan member on a monthly basis and that this information be used to change the member’s status on the Public Register to deceased.
A vote was taken on the second part of the split motion, and it was
That Council approve the following recommendation contained in the report Deceased Members Listed on the Public Register as “Suspended — Non-payment of Fees” (GC20020228-6):
That the College continue to require a copy of a death certificate or an original letter signed by the Executor of the Estate before changing a member’s status from “Suspended — Non-payment of Fees” to “Deceased”;
a recurring notice be placed in Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession requesting that (a) members provide the College with updated information when their member status changes, e.g., retirement, leaving the profession, etc., and (b) friends or family of deceased members send a copy of a death certificate or an original letter signed by the Executor of the Estate to the College so that member statuses on the Public Register are up-to-date;
a notice be placed on the College’s web site requesting that (a) members provide the College with updated information when their member status changes, e.g., retirement, leaving the profession, etc., and (b) friends or family of deceased members send a copy of a death certificate or an original letter signed by the Executor of the Estate to the College so that member statuses on the Public Register are up-to-date;
the College initiate discussions with the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Board to establish a protocol regarding the placement of an annual notice in their publications, in their correspondence with individuals receiving death benefits, and in their retirement toolkits;
the College initiate discussions with the Council of Directors of Education (CODE) and representatives from Human Resources Departments of Ontario school boards to establish a protocol for the sharing of appropriate information and acceptable documentation regarding deceased members;
a notice be placed in the publications produced by the Retired Teachers of Ontario (RTO);
should the information required not be available through the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board, or should a copy of a death certificate or an original letter signed by the Executor of the Estate not be available, the Registrar will review the information provided on a case by case basis, and, using the Registrar's discretionary authority, will decide whether a member’s status can be changed.
4.3 Amendments to Council Conference Call Protocol (GC20020228-8, 9)
A revision to point 9 of document GC20020228-8 was noted: the word “Chair” should be replaced by the word “Presiding Officer”. The Registrar spoke to the report.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve the amended Council Conference Call Protocol for Council Member Participation at Council and Committee Meetings (GC20020228-8) as corrected.
J.W. (Joe) Atkinson spoke to the report. A question and answer period followed.
The Registrar advised the Council members that Patrick O’Neill, Investigations and Hearings Co-ordinator, would retire at the end of March 2002. The Registrar acknowledged Patrick O'Neill's contribution to the College and extended his best wishes for an enjoyable retirement.
The meeting recessed at 5:30 p.m.
March 1, 2002
Present: Bernard J. Adam, Samy Appadurai, Guill Archambault, James Black, Jackie Breithaupt , Douglas Brown, Sterling Campbell, Larry M. Capstick (Chair), Doug Carter, Janet Cornwall (until 2:50 p.m.), Pat Daly, Karl Dean (until 1:00 p.m.), Margaret Dempsey, Jerry DeQuetteville, Solette N. Gelberg, Audrey Hadfield, Nancy Hutcheson, Martin Kings (via teleconference until 2:45 p.m.), Marilyn Laframboise (Vice-Chair), Diane Leblovic, Mark Lefebvre, Dick Malowney, Elayne McDermid, Karen Mitchell, Larry Mongeon, Harry Mulvale, Iain Munro, Elizabeth Papadopoulos, David Somer, Frances Thorne, J.W. (Joe) Atkinson (Registrar)
Regrets: Ernie Checkeris
Presiding Officer: George Merrett
Guests: Caroline Zayid (McCarthy Tétrault)
Staff: Peter Alexander, Margaret Aubé, Marina Brasil, Myrtle Herzenberg, Richard Lewko, Charlie Morrison, Patrick O’Neill, Josie Peretti, Carol Springer, W. Douglas Wilson
The meeting resumed at 9:05 a.m.
6.1 Executive Committee/Chair’s Report (GC20020228-11)
The Chair, Larry M. Capstick, spoke to the report and answered questions.
It was agreed that correspondence received on behalf of a Council member would be forwarded to the member concerned along with a copy of the response to that correspondence.
6.2 Investigation Committee (GC20020228-12, 13)
The Chair, Harry Mulvale, spoke to the report. He indicated that an Investigations panel had met on February 22, 2002. He also indicated that there was an elected position vacancy on the committee due to the resignation of Rich Prophet.
6.3 Discipline Committee (GC20020228-14, 15)
The Chair, Mark Lefebvre, spoke to the reports.
6.4 Fitness to Practise Committee (GC20020228-16)
The Chair, Margaret Dempsey, spoke to the report and provided an oral update of the meeting held on January 31, 2002.
6.5 Registration Appeals Committee (GC20020228-17, 18)
The Chair, Doug Carter, spoke to the reports and answered questions.
6.6 Professional Learning Committee (GC20020228-19, 20)
The Chair, Jerry DeQuetteville, spoke to the reports and answered questions.
6.7 Finance Committee (GC20020228-21, 22, 23)
The Chair, Solette N. Gelberg, spoke to the report and answered questions. She noted that the operation of the Professional Learning Program would cost an additional $5 million in 2003.
It was moved by Solette N. Gelberg, Chair, Finance Committee, and
That Council amend the Ontario College of Teachers Statement of Investment Policies and Guidelines by the addition of the following as item (iii) in section 4, to read:
Section 4 — Permitted Investments
(iii) guaranteed investment certificates issued by any trust corporation that is registered under the Loans and Trusts Corporations Act.
6.8 Standards of Practice and Education Committee
(GC20020228-24, 25, 53, 54)
The Chair, Diane Leblovic, spoke to the reports, provided an oral update of the meeting held on the morning of February 28, 2002, and answered questions. Copies of Exploring the Awareness and Understanding of the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession Report of November 2001 (GC20020228-53) and Professional Learning Framework for the Teaching Profession (GC20020228-54) were circulated to Council members.
6.9 Accreditation Committee (GC20020228-26, 27)
The Chair, Frances Thorne, spoke to the reports and answered questions.
6.10 Human Resources Committee
There was no report.
6.11 Editorial Board (GC20020228-28)
The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, spoke to the report and answered questions.
6.12 Election Committee (GC20020228-29, 30)
The Chair, Doug Carter, spoke to the report and answered questions.
It was moved by Doug Carter, Chair, Election Committee, “That Council approve the following recommendation: That in the event that an acclaimed Council position becomes vacant, more than six months prior to the end of the Council’s term, the Nomination Committee should: (i) follow the same procedures that were implemented for the selection of two College member-at-large positions on the Professional Learning Committee, by including a notice inviting applications for the vacant Council position in the College’s magazine and on the College’s web site, and (ii) receive applications from College members who are interested and meet the nomination eligibility requirements for the vacant position, and make a recommendation to Council for appointment.”
Nancy Hutcheson requested that the word “should” in the lead-in sentence be replaced with the word “shall”. This was accepted as a friendly amendment.
A vote was taken on the motion, as amended, and it was
That Council approve the following recommendation contained in the Election Committee Report (GC20020228-29):
That in the event that an acclaimed Council position becomes vacant, more than six months prior to the end of the Council’s term, the Nomination Committee shall:
follow the same procedures that were implemented for the selection of two College member-at-large positions on the Professional Learning Committee, by including a notice inviting applications for the vacant Council position in the College’s magazine and on the College’s web site, and
receive applications from College members who are interested and meet the nomination eligibility requirements for the vacant position, and make a recommendation to Council for appointment.
It was moved by Doug Carter, Chair, Election Committee, and
That the 2003 Council election be held on April 14, 2003.
It was moved by Doug Carter, Chair, Election Committee, and
That the 2003 Council election be conducted by electronic voting.
6.13 Nomination Committee
There was no report.
6.14 Quality Assurance Committee (GC20020228-31)
The Chair, Sterling Campbell, spoke to the report.
7. Correspondence (GC20020228-32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 49, 50, 51)
The following correspondence was received for information:
- Correspondence from Rich Prophet (GC20020228-32)
- Correspondence from Dick Malowney (GC20020228-33)
- Correspondence from Solette N. Gelberg (GC20020228-34)
- Correspondence from the Minister of Education (GC20020228-35)
- Correspondence from member Derek Hulse (GC20020228-36)
- Correspondence to Claude Lamoureux - Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Board (OTPPB) (GC20020228-37)
- Correspondence from Claude Lamoureux - Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Board (OTPPB) (GC20020228-49)
- Correspondence from the College and the Ontario Association of Deans of Education (OADE) to the Minister of Education regarding the Ontario Teacher Qualifying Test (GC20020228-50)
- Correspondence from the Minister of Education regarding the Ontario Teacher Qualifying Test (GC20020228-51)
Solette N. Gelberg commented on a paper Student Free Expression in Canada (GC20020228-34) that was presented at the Lancaster Education and Law Conference 2001.
8.1 Amendment to Regulation 184/97 — Definition of “Acceptable University Degree” (GC20020228-38, 39)
J.W. (Joe) Atkinson, Registrar, spoke to the report. He noted a correction in the report; on p. 3 under heading AUCC Membership, point 5, “200” should read “500”.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve the following recommendations outlined in the report Amendment to Regulation 184/97 — Definition of “Acceptable University Degree” (GC20020228-38):
1. The definition of “acceptable university degree” in Regulation 184/97, Teachers' Qualifications be amended to read:
“acceptable post-secondary degree” means a degree that is,
(a) Granted by an Ontario university that is an ordinary member of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, or a degree granted by a post-secondary institution operating under ministerial consent in Ontario or an Act of the Ontario Provincial Legislature.
2. The Registrar forward this recommendation to the Minister of Education.
8.2 Bill 110 — Quality in the Classroom Act, 2001 — Analysis (GC20020228-40)
Peter Alexander, Policy Analyst, Policy & Research Unit, spoke to the report and answered questions.
8.3 Professional Learning Motion — Elizabeth Papadopoulos (GC20020228-48)
It was moved by Elizabeth Papadopoulos, seconded by Mark Lefebvre, “That the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers advise the Minister of Education to suspend the Professional Learning requirements imposed by legislation and enter into discussion with the Ontario College of Teachers for the purpose of developing a Professional Learning Framework that is meaningful and supported by the profession.”
It was moved by Jerry DeQuetteville, seconded by Nancy Hutcheson, but
That Council amend the motion by substitution to read:
That the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers request the Minister of Education to review the Professional Learning requirements in the legislation and as a part of this review enter into discussion with the Ontario College of Teachers for the purpose of developing a professional learning program that is based upon research, best practice and consultation.
A recorded vote was requested by David Somer.
Recorded Vote:
For |
Against |
Bernard J. Adam |
Samy Appadurai |
Guill Archambault |
Jackie Breithaupt |
James Black |
Douglas Brown |
Sterling Campbell |
Janet Cornwall |
Larry M. Capstick |
Patrick Daly |
Doug Carter |
Margaret Dempsey |
Jerry DeQuetteville |
Solette N. Gelberg |
Nancy Hutcheson |
Audrey Hadfield |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Martin Kings |
Mark Lefebvre |
Diane Leblovic |
Harry Mulvale |
Dick Malowney |
Iain Munro |
Elayne McDermid |
Elizabeth Papadopoulos |
Karen Mitchell |
Larry Mongeon |
David Somer |
Frances E. Thorne |
For: 13 |
Against: 16 |
Absent: 2 |
There was discussion on the wording of the main motion, and, whether the Minister could carry out the action in the motion. The Speaker ruled the motion in order.
David Somer challenged the ruling of the Presiding Officer because he believed that the Minister could not carry out the action in the motion.
The Presiding Officer ruled that the motion was in order.
A vote was taken, and the ruling of the Presiding Officer was upheld.
David Somer requested a recorded vote on the ruling of the Presiding Officer.
Recorded Vote:
For |
Against |
Bernard J. Adam |
Samy Appadurai |
Guill Archambault |
Jackie Breithaupt |
James Black |
Douglas Brown |
Sterling Campbell |
Patrick Daly |
Larry M. Capstick |
Solette N. Gelberg |
Doug Carter |
Audrey Hadfield |
Janet Cornwall |
Martin Kings |
Margaret Dempsey |
Diane Leblovic |
Jerry DeQuetteville |
Dick Malowney |
Nancy Hutcheson |
Elayne McDermid |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Karen Mitchell |
Mark Lefebvre |
Larry Mongeon |
Harry Mulvale |
David Somer |
Iain Munro |
Frances E. Thorne |
Elizabeth Papadopoulos |
For: 15 |
Against: 14 |
Absent: 2 |
A vote was taken on the main motion, but it was
That the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers advise the Minister of Education to suspend the Professional Learning requirements imposed by legislation and enter into discussion with the Ontario College of Teachers for the purpose of developing a Professional Learning Framework that is meaningful and supported by the profession.
A recorded vote on the main motion was requested by David Somer.
Recorded Vote:
For |
Against |
Abstain |
Guill Archambault |
Bernard J. Adam |
Larry M. Capstick |
James Black |
Samy Appadurai |
Sterling Campbell |
Jackie Breithaupt |
Doug Carter |
Douglas Brown |
Jerry DeQuetteville |
Janet Cornwall |
Nancy Hutcheson |
Patrick Daly |
Mark Lefebvre |
Margaret Dempsey |
Harry Mulvale |
Solette N. Gelberg |
Iain Munro |
Audrey Hadfield |
Elizabeth Papadopoulos |
Martin Kings |
Marilyn Laframboise |
Diane Leblovic |
Dick Malowney |
Elayne McDermid |
Karen Mitchell |
Larry Mongeon |
David Somer |
Frances E. Thorne |
For: 10 |
Against: 18 |
Abstain: 1 |
Absent: 2 |
8.4 Associate Teachers -- Practicum
Frances Thorne commented on associate teachers.
9.1 Bylaw Amendments — Professional Learning Program (GC20020228-41)
The following notices of motion were read into the minutes:
Moved by Jerry DeQuetteville, Chair, Professional Learning Committee:
1. That Section 23 of the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the addition of a new subsection 23.09 to read:
23.09 The fee for application for approval as a new provider of professional learning courses be:
- $100.00 for 2001 and 2002
- $100.00 for subsequent years or as may be amended from time to time, by the amendment of these Bylaws.
2. That Section 23 of the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the addition of a new subsection 23.10 to read:
23.10 The fee for application for approval of a new professional learning course be:
- $25.00 for 2001 and 2002
- $25.00 for subsequent years or as may be amended from time to time, by the amendment of these Bylaws.
- May 2, 2002 (4:00 p.m. by teleconference)
- June 6 — 7, 2002.
The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
Signed: Chair, Larry M. Capstick |
Signed: Registrar and Chief Executive Officer, J.W. (Joe) Atkinson |
Dated |
Dated |