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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of the Meeting of the Governing Council of the Ontario College of Teachers, held on December 10 - 11, 1998 in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto.

Table of Contents

1. Call to Order and Welcome

2. Approval of Agenda

3. Approval of Minutes

4. Business Arising

5. Registrar’s Report

6. Chair’s Report

7. Committee Reports

8. Correspondence

9. New Business

10. Notices of Motions

11. Next Meeting

12. Adjournment


Date: Thursday, December 10, 1998

Present: Liz Barkley, Jackie Breithaupt, William Bryce, Larry Capstick, Doug Carter, Paul Charron, John Cruickshank (Vice-Chair), Solette Gelberg, Michel Gravelle, Jean Hanson, Donna Marie Kennedy (Chair), Marilyn Laframboise, Diane Leblovic, Kathleen McFadyen, George Merrett, Karen Mitchell, Harry Mulvale, Nicholas Myrhorod, Ronald Rambarran, Cecilia Reynolds, William Rogers, Anthony Saldanha, Stan Shapson, John Slade, David Somer, Frances Thorne, Clarice West-Hobbs, Margaret Wilson (Registrar)

Speaker: Lise St-Eloi

Guests: Caroline Zayid, Legal Counsel, McCarthy Tétrault

Staff: Carmen Aranas, Joe Atkinson, Margaret Aubé, Steve Doede, Marie-France Le-Fort, Linda Grant, Richard Lewko, Patrick O’Neill, Charlie Morrison, Lynda Palazzi, Josie Peretti

Regrets: Sandi Bell, Wayne Cornack, Margaret Dempsey, James Sherlock

1. Call to Order and Welcome

The Chair, Donna Marie Kennedy, called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m. and welcomed those present.

Donna Marie Kennedy recognized and congratulated three members of Council, John Cruickshank for his appointment as Supervisory Officer effective January 1, 1999; Jean Hanson for her appointment as Supervisory Officer effective January 1, 1999; and, Margaret Wilson, a recipient of the OISE/UT Distinguished Educators Awards.

The Chair introduced Lise St-Eloi, who would act as speaker for the rest of the year. Lise St-Eloi acknowledged the introduction and outlined her role at the meeting.

2. Approval of Agenda (GC19981210-118)

The Speaker reported that date setting for meetings in 2000 would be added to the Agenda under New Business.

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That Council approve the Agenda for the December 10 — 11, 1998 Meeting of the Governing Council of the Ontario College of Teachers as amended.

3. Approval of Minutes (GC19981210-119)

The Speaker indicated that the Minutes would be amended with a correction on Page 9 of the Minutes of September 24-25, 1998 to change “199” to “1999”.

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That Council approve the Minutes of the September 24-25, 1998 Meeting of the Governing Council of the Ontario College of Teachers, as corrected.

4. Business Arising

4.1 Investigation of Complaints against Council Members who are Members of the College (GC19981210-121)

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That Council adopt the procedure for investigating complaints against Council Members who are members of the College as outlined in Document GC19981210-121.

4.2 Publication of Names of Members Called to Appear Before Discipline Panels (GC19981210-123)

It was moved by William Rogers and seconded by Larry Capstick, but


That when the Discipline Committee published brief descriptors of the cases scheduled for hearings they do not name the member so called to appear before the panel.

William Rogers requested a recorded vote.


Barkley, Liz Breithaupt, Jackie
Capstick, Larry Bryce, William
Carter, Doug  Charron, Paul
Hanson, Jean Cruickshank, John
Mulvale, Harry Gelberg, Solette
Reynolds, Cecilia Gravelle, Michel
Rogers, William Kennedy, Donna Marie
Shapson, Stan Laframboise, Marilyn
Slade, John

Leblovic, Diane

  McFadyen, Kathleen
  Merrett, George
  Mitchell, Karen
  Myrhorod, Nicholas
  Rambarran, Ronald
  Saldanha, Anthony
  Somer, David
  Thorne, Frances

Total votes For:  9

Total votes Against:  17

5. Registrar’s Report (GC19981210-123)

The Registrar, Margaret Wilson spoke to her report. A question and answer session followed.

6. Chair’s Report (GC19981210-124)

The Chair, Donna Marie Kennedy spoke briefly to her report and commented favourably on the Colleges' proactive stance in the media about teacher supply and demand. A brief question and answer session followed.

7. Committee Reports

7.1 Executive Committee Report (GC19981210-125)

The report of the Executive Committee was received. A question and answer session followed. Donna Marie Kennedy, Chair of the Committee informed the meeting that a review of the 1998 Annual Meeting would be considered by the Executive Committee at its February, 1999 meeting.

7.2 Standards of Practice and Education Committee (GC1981210-126, 146)

The report of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee was received. Liz Barkley, Vice-Chair of the Committee, spoke on behalf of the Chair, Clarice West-Hobbs. A question and answer session followed.

It was moved by Liz Barkley, Vice-Chair, Standards of Practice and Education Committee, and


That Council endorse in principle the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession, October, 1998.

It was moved by Liz Barkley, Vice-Chair, Standards of Practice and Education Committee that Council approve that a validation process for the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession, October, 1998 be initiated in January 1999, to be completed by May 1, 1999.

Clarice West-Hobbs joined the meeting at 4:40 p.m.

It was moved by Harry Mulvale, seconded by Doug Carter, but


That Council amend the Liz Barkley motion by deletion of words "to be completed by May 1, 1999".

It was moved by Donna Marie Kennedy, and


That Council call the question on the Barkley motion.

A vote was taken on the main motion, and it was


That Council approve that a validation process for the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession, October, 1998 be initiated in January 1999, to be completed May 1, 1999.

The meeting recessed at 4:55 p.m..


Date: Friday, December 11, 1998

Present: Jackie Breithaupt, William Bryce, Larry Capstick, Doug Carter, Paul Charron, John Cruickshank (Vice-Chair), Margaret Dempsey, Solette Gelberg, Michel Gravelle, Jean Hanson, Donna Marie Kennedy (Chair), Marilyn Laframboise, Diane Leblovic, Kathleen McFadyen, George Merrett, Karen Mitchell, Harry Mulvale, Nicholas Myrhorod, Ronald Rambarran, William Rogers, Anthony Saldanha, Stan Shapson, James Sherlock, John Slade, David Somer, Frances Thorne, Clarice West-Hobbs, Margaret Wilson (Registrar)

Speaker: Lise St-Eloi

Staff: Carmen Aranas, Joe Atkinson, Margaret Aubé, Marie-France Le-Fort, Richard Lewko, Patrick O’Neill, Charlie Morrison, Lynda Palazzi, Josie Peretti

Regrets: Liz Barkley, Sandi Bell, Wayne Cornack, Cecilia Reynolds

The meeting resumed at 9:00 a.m.

7. Committee Reports (continued)

7.3 Discipline Committee Report (GC19981210-128)

The report of the Discipline Committee was received. George Merrett, Chair of the Committee, informed Council that a panel of the Committee conducted hearings in October and November, 1998.

7.4 Fitness to Practise Committee Report (GC19981210-129)

The report of the Fitness to Practise Committee was received. Marilyn Laframboise, Chair of the Committee, informed Council that the first Fitness to Practise hearings were held in October, 1998.

7.5 Registration Appeals Committee Report (GC19981210-130)

The report of the Registration Appeals Committee was received. Michel Gravelle, Chair of the Committee, informed Council that the Registration Appeals Committee met and reviewed four cases.

7.6 Accreditation Committee Report (GC19981210-131)

The report of the Accreditation Committee was received. Larry Capstick, Vice-chair of the Committee spoke to the report on behalf of Cecilia Reynolds, Chair of the Committee.

7.7 Finance Committee

7.7.1 Report (GC19981210-132)

The report of the Finance Committee was received. Paul Charron , Chair of the Committee spoke to the report. A question and answer session followed.

7.7.2 October 1998 Financial Statement (GC19981210-133)

The October 1998 Financial Statement was received.

7.7.3 1999 Budget (GC19981210-134)

The 1999 Budget was received.

7.8 Investigation Committee Report (GC19981210-127)

The report of the Investigation Committee was received. Harry Mulvale, Chair of the Committee, informed Council that the Committee met and reviewed cases in October and November, 1998.

7.9 Election Committee Report (GC19981210-122, 147, 148)

The report of the Election Committee was received. Doug Carter, Chair of the Committee, spoke to the report. A question and answer session followed.

It was moved by Doug Carter, Chair of the Election Committee that Council approve the proposed Election regulation.

It was moved by Paul Charron, seconded by Diane Leblovic, but


That the proposed composition of council be amended to read: 5 electoral regions, each with one representative (one less for Northern Ontario)

That a total of eight positions be established to ensure representation of each of the four publicly-funded systems:

  • one English-language public elementary

  • one English-language public secondary

  • one English-language separate elementary

  • one English-language separate secondary

  • one French-language separate elementary

  • one French-language separate secondary

  • one French-language public elementary

  • one French-language public secondary

It was moved by Michel Gravelle, seconded by Kathleen McFadyen and


That an elector (nominator) shall only be entitled to nominate one nominee for each Council electoral category and at the time of the nomination must be eligible to seek nomination for that position.

A vote was taken on the Carter motion, and


That Council approve the proposed Election Regulation as amended.

David Somer requested a recorded vote.


Breithaupt, Jackie Somer, David

Bryce, William


Capstick, Larry


Carter, Doug


Charron, Paul


Cruickshank, John


Dempsey, Margaret


Gelberg, Solette


Gravelle, Michel


Hanson, Jean


Kennedy, Donna Marie


Laframboise, Marilyn


Leblovic, Jean


McFadyen, Kathleen


Merrett, George


Mitchell, Karen


Mulvale, Harry


Myrhorod, Nicholas


Rambarran, Ronald


Rogers, William


Saldanha, Anthony


Shapson, Stan


Slade, John


Sherlock, James


Thorne, Frances


West-Hobbs, Clarice


Total votes For:  26

Total votes Against:  1

7.10 Quality Assurance Committee Report

Karen Mitchell, Chair of the committee, provided a verbal report. She informed Council that the Committee held its first meeting in November. Brief ongoing reports would be made at future Council meetings.

8. Correspondence (GC19981210-127, 137, 138)

Correspondence from Lynn Daigneault, David Johnson, Minister of Education and Training and Laura Drake, Delta Kappa Gamma Society International was received.

9. New Business

It was reported that an item on meeting dates in 2000 would be placed on the Agenda for the next meeting of Council.

10. Notices of Motions

10.1 Criminal Records Screening — Bylaw Amendment (GC19981210-139)

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That Council approve that the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the addition of a new Section 30.02 to read:

(a) The form approved by the Registrar for persons applying for a certificate of qualification and registration, shall, inter alia, require the applicant to provide:

i) A Criminal Record Declaration which the applicant shall complete, sign and have witnessed;

ii) An original report or reports, not more than six months old at the date of receipt by the College, of a criminal record/police certificate from every jurisdiction including Canada, in which they have resided for a period of two years or more since attaining the age of 18.

(b) Where an applicant is unable to provide a report required by section 30.02(a)(ii), the applicant shall provide the Registrar with specific information as to any jurisdictions for which a report cannot be obtained, any teaching practice in those jurisdictions, and any other information the Registrar may request in order to consider the application.

(c) The Registrar may, in her/his sole discretion, waive the requirement that an applicant provide a particular report required pursuant to section 30.02(a)(ii), where the provision of a report would impose an undue burden on the applicant.

It was moved and seconded by Steering, and


That Council approve that subsecton 30.02 of the Bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be applied to those applicants who seek certification and registration from January 1, 1999.

11. Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on February 25-26, 1999.

12. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.

Signed: Chair


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