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Minutes of Council Meetings

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers Held Via Videoconference on June 6, 2024

Present: Diana Miles (Chair); Linda Lacroix, OCT (Registrar); Natacha Akineza, OCT; Mark Baxter; Abena Buahene; Valerie Fontenelle, OCT; Douglas Gosse, OCT; Jonathan Rose; Imran Syed, OCT; Maria Vasanelli, OCT; Tammy Webster, OCT

Regrets: Jonathan Davey; Elaine Lajeunesse

Guests: The Hon. Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education (10:00-10:15 a.m.) Christine Forsyth, Chair of the Registration Appeals Committee

Staff: Jamie Robertson, OCT; Anna-Marie Nielsen, OCT; Saran Ragunathan, OCT; Demetra Saldaris, OCT; Eric Mézin; Andy Rosenhek; Fred Towers; Elicia Persaud (Recorder)

1. Call to Order/Welcoming Remarks

The Chair, Diana Miles, called the meeting to order at 9:57 a.m. She welcomed everyone present and began with a land and territory acknowledgment. In her remarks, she introduced Mark Baxter, a new member of the Council appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. The Chair also noted that Council meetings going forward will incorporate a consent agenda to support ongoing governance improvements.

2. Agenda

The Honourable Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education, joined the meeting by video link and addressed Council.

The Minister commended the collective progress in education initiatives that modernize and strengthen the protection and safety of all students. This includes:

  • The successful implementation of the sexual abuse prevention program which has been completed by 95% of Ontario-certified teachers.
  • The development of an Additional Qualification on Holocaust Education and Countering Antisemitism.
  • The modernization of disciplinary processes, including handling discriminatory remarks and professional misconduct more effectively, and noted improvements in the college’s investigative processes which were made possible with the passing of the Better Schools and Students Outcomes Act, which aims to better safeguard information sharing and address professional misconduct.
  • The efforts to streamline certification timelines and improve teacher recruitment, including international and inter-provincial mobility, and reducing barriers for Canadian and new internationally educated teachers.

He noted the need to develop new pathways to certification for specialized roles like French and skilled trades educators. He concluded by acknowledging the ongoing challenges in the education system emphasizing the need for continued work and innovative approaches to improve education and address current gaps, and thanked Council and the College for all of their work.

3. Conflict of Interest

No conflicts were declared.

4. Minutes

It was moved by Douglas Gosse, seconded by Imran Syed, and


That the Consent Agenda for the June 6, 2024 Council meeting be approved.

Preparation time of one half-day was confirmed.

5. Registrar’s Reports

The Registrar, Linda Lacroix, reviewed a PowerPoint presentation that summarized highlights of her report. Following her report, the Registrar and members of the College senior leadership team responded to questions.

6. Statutory and Regulatory Amendment Process

The Registrar introduced the item by noting Council’s responsibility in considering statutory and regulatory amendments. Saran Ragunathan, Director of Policy, Governance and Tribunals provided a high-level overview of the operational protocol that the College has been using to bring forward statutory and regulatory amendments to Council and then into law. The Director of Policy, Governance and Tribunals responded to questions.

7. Special Education Additional Qualification – French Name Change

The Registrar brought forward for Council’s consideration a request by the Deputy Minister to support a regulatory amendment to the French translation of Special Education to align with more inclusive language. Following a high-level introduction by the Registrar, the Director of Policy, Governance and Tribunals, Saran Ragunathan, presented Council with detailed information regarding the Minister’s consultation and anticipated next steps.

It was moved by Natacha Akineza, seconded by Jonathan Rose, and


That Council request that the Minister of Education amend Regulation 176/10, Teachers’ Qualifications and Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs to change “education de l’enfance en difficulté” to "éducation spécialisée" and approve the retroactive name change from “education de l’enfance en difficulté” to "éducation spécialisée" on the certificates of all members who have previously been granted the qualification.

8. Correspondence

Two items of correspondence were provided for information.

9. Subcommittee Reports

9.1 Audit and Finance Subcommittee

Fred Towers, Controller, provided Council with an overview of the Q1 financial results, noting that Q1 revenue and spending are within normal levels.

9.2 Selection and Nominating Subcommittee

Abena Buahene, Chair of the Selection and Nominating Subcommittee, provided an overview of the work conducted over the last quarter which includes beginning the process to recruit candidates who are not members of the College and are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, noting three upcoming vacancies will need to be filled.

The Selection and Nominating Subcommittee also supported a recommendation to reappoint two members who sit on Council as Lieutenant Governor in Council appointees.

It was moved by Abena Buahene, seconded by Mark Baxter, and


That Council recommend that the Lieutenant Governor in Council reappoint Diana Miles and Elaine Lajeunesse to Council for a three-year term commencing on January 1, 2025, in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996 and regulations made thereunder, as applicable.

It was moved by Abena Buahene, seconded by Douglas Gosse, and


That Council appoint Danielle Morin to the Investigation Committee and Cathy McCann Kyte, OCT to the Accreditation Committee for a 2-year term commencing immediately.

10. Committee Reports

10.1 Registration Appeals Committee

Due to technical difficulties, this item was deferred and will be presented at the October 1, 2024 Council meeting.

11. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m.

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