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Minutes of Council Meetings

Council Chambers, 15th Floor,
101 Bloor Street West, Toronto
March 5-6, 2020

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on March 5-6, 2020 in the Council Chambers, 15th Floor, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto


1. Call to Order/Welcome

2. Agenda and Approval of Preparation Time

3. Conflict of Interest

4. Businesss Arising

4.1 Communication with Parents on College Mandate

4.2 Private Schools and Membership Requirement

4.3 Funding for Therapy and Counselling Program – College Policy

5. Risks and Strategic Priorities

5.1 Registrar’s Report

5.2 Financial Report

5.3 Chair’s Report

6. Committee Reports

6.1 Editorial Board

7. Committee Reports (Cont’d)

7.1 Governance Committee

8. Risks and Strategic Priorities (Cont’d)

8.1 Chair’s Report (Timed Item – In Camera)

9. New Business

9.1 Bylaw Amendment – Substantial Change to a Program of Professional Education Fee

9.2 Bylaw Amendment – Sections 23.10 and 23.11 re Accreditation Fees

10. Committee Reports (Cont'd)

10.1 Governance Committee (Continued)

11. Next Meeting(s) of Council

12. Adjournment

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on March 5-6, 2020 in the Council Chambers, 15th Floor, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto

Present : Charles Dimitry Abraham, OCT; Diane Ballantyne, OCT; Paige Bennett, OCT; John Cammarata; Bob Cooper, OCT; Chantal Côté, OCT (from 9:25 a.m.); Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT (via teleconference); Richard Filion (via teleconference); Rebecca Forte, OCT; Melissa Gaffen, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT (Vice-Chair); Erin Glen, OCT; Mary Ellen Gucciardi, OCT; John Hamilton, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Timothy Kwiatkowski, OCT; Colleen Landers; Marlène Marwah; Michelle Miner Seal; Sara Nouini, OCT; Wanda Percival; Paul Picard, OCT (Interim Deputy Registrar); Tom Potter; Nicola Powadiuk, OCT (from 10:50 a.m.); Jonathan Rose; Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT (Chair); Jennifer Wyatt, OCT; Stephen Zimmermann, OCT

Regrets: Irene Dembek, OCT; Susan E. Elliott-Johns, OCT; Mary-Anne Mouawad, OCT; Gerry O’Reilly, OCT; Vincent Rinaldo, OCT; Nancy Saunders, OCT

Presiding Officer: Lori Lukinuk

Staff: Rachel Balinsky, Kim Bauer; Chantal Bélisle, OCT; Tan Crombie; Roch Gallien, OCT; Richard Lewko; Charlie Morrison; Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT

Session 1: March 5, 2020

1. Call to Order/Welcome

The Presiding Officer, Lori Lukinuk, called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. and welcomed all present.

It was noted that Tim Gernstein and Colleen Landers comprised the Steering Committee.

The Chair opened the meeting by acknowledging that the land on which the Council members gather is the traditional territory of the Wendat, the Anishnaabeg, Haudenosaunee, Métis and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. She reminded members that two placemats were available for members’ information:

  • The College’s Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Priorities
  • College Council Parliamentary Procedural Tips

The Chair welcomed all Council members, staff and individuals seated in the public gallery to the meeting. She also reviewed brief biographies and expressed a special welcome for new Council members John Cammarata and Wanda Percival, and Interim Deputy Registrar Paul Picard.

2. Agenda and Approval of Preparation Time (GC20200305-01)

The Presiding Officer reviewed the use of a consent agenda to address certain items of business about which members did not have questions or that did not involve a motion. A request was made to remove the report of the Editorial Board from the consent agenda to allow for questions and further discussion.

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Agenda for the March 5-6, 2020 Council meeting be approved, as amended.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Sara Nouini, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For : 27

Against : 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 8

Preparation time of one day was confirmed for the meeting.

The following meeting minutes were noted as approved as part of the consent agenda:

  • Meeting, December 5-6, 2019
  • Special Meeting, December 6, 2019
  • Special Meeting, December 30, 2019
  • In Camera Meeting, December 30, 2019

3. Conflict of Interest

No conflicts were declared.

4. Business Arising

4.1 Communication with Parents on College Mandate (GC20200305-24)

On behalf of the mover of the motion, the Chair of Council introduced the recommendation for the College to make a formal request to the Minister of Education on the issue of communicating with parents. She noted that the request to amend the Education Act was not within the mandate of the College and was being brought forward in response to an undertaking from the December 2019 meeting of Council.

A question and answer session followed.

It was moved by Nicola Powadiuk, seconded by Melissa Gaffen, and


That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the Education Act be amended to require all district school boards, school authorities, private schools and the Provincial Schools Authority to provide information regarding the role and mandate of the Ontario College of Teachers to parents/guardians at the start of each school year, or when students register mid-year.

eScribe vote:

For: Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Chantal Côté, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Sara Nouini, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg

Against: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Bob Cooper, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Colleen Landers, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For : 18

Against : 9

Abstain: 0

Absent: 8

4.2 Private Schools and Membership Requirement (GC20200305-25)

A report on the history, structure and operation of private and independent schools in Ontario, as well as statistics for College members working at these schools was received. The Chair of Council confirmed that the information was provided as the result of an undertaking from the December 2019 meeting of Council.

It was moved by Nicola Powadiuk and seconded by Melissa Gaffen that: That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the Education Act be amended to require membership with the Ontario College of Teachers for all teachers of private schools as a condition of the annual notice of intention to operate.

A lengthy discussion followed.

Following debate, it was moved by Tim Gernstein, seconded by Nicole van Woudenberg, and


That Council establish an ad hoc committee to include 3 elected and 2 appointed members, as appointed by the Chair of Council, to further investigate and research the effect of the motion as stated and report back to the September meeting of Council.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Sara Nouini, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For : 28

Against : 0

Abstain: 1

Absent: 6

4.3 Funding for Therapy and Counselling Program – College Policy (GC20200305-26)

The Interim Deputy Registrar presented the College’s policy on the funding for therapy and counselling program. He and the Director of Corporate and Council Services responded to questions.

5. Risks and Strategic Priorities

5.1 Registrar’s Report (GC20200305-27)

The Interim Deputy Registrar, Paul Picard, provided an overview of his report.

During a question and answer session that followed presentation of the report, the Interim Deputy Registrar, the Director of Corporate and Council Services, Richard Lewko, and the Director of Investigations and Hearings, Chantal Bélisle, responded to questions.

5.2 Financial Report (GC20200305-28)

The financial report for the 12-month period ended December 31, 2019 was received. The Director of Corporate and Council Services, and the Director of Investigations and Hearings responded to questions.

5.3 Chair’s Report (GC20200305-29)

The Chair of Council, Nicole van Woudenberg, presented her report and responded to questions. Highlights of the report and responses included the following:

  • thank you to those Council members who had taken part in professional development opportunities and shared reports of the learning acquired
  • reminder to members about the available online CLEAR board member training option
  • confirmation that the Chair had invited the Chair of the Governance Committee to attend an upcoming meeting of the board of the College of Nurses of Ontario.

6. Committee Reports

6.1 Editorial Board (GC20200305-17)

Council members raised concerns regarding a recent feature in the College magazine that highlighted the work of six teachers, a majority of whom were female and all were caucasian. The Chair of the Editorial Board, Godwin Ifedi, responded to questions and a lengthy discussion followed. He committed to discussing the issue further with staff supporting the work of the Editorial Board and including additional information in the next report to Council.

As a timed item at 1 p.m. on the agenda, it was moved by Steering, and by a show of hands


That Council move into an In Camera Session with Council members, the Presiding Officer, Interim Deputy Registrar and an invited guest present to discuss a personnel matter.

Council moved out of the In Camera Session by consensus at 3:35 p.m.

The Chair of Council, Nicole van Woudenberg, reported that the following motion had been passed during the In Camera Session:

That Council, through the Chair, the Interim Deputy Registrar and supported by the Human Resources Committee, move forward with appropriate steps in order to address personnel issues.

7. Committee Reports (Cont'd)

7.1 Governance Committee (GC20200305-30)

The Chair of the Governance Committee, Tom Potter, completed a presentation that summarized the work of the committee to date. The presentation also outlined the committee’s recommendation on the use of a sortition process to identify future members of Council.

A lengthy question and answer session followed.

The meeting recessed at 4:30 p.m.

Session 2: March 6, 2020

The meeting resumed at 8:30 a.m.

Present : Charles Dimitry Abraham, OCT; Diane Ballantyne, OCT; Paige Bennett, OCT; John Cammarata; Bob Cooper, OCT; Chantal Côté, OCT; Irene Dembek, OCT (via teleconference); Richard Filion (via teleconference); Rebecca Forte, OCT; Melissa Gaffen, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT; Erin Glen, OCT; Mary Ellen Gucciardi, OCT; John Hamilton, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Timothy Kwiatkowski, OCT; Colleen Landers (in person and via teleconference after 10:30 a.m.); Marlène Marwah; Michelle Miner Seal; Sara Nouini, OCT; Wanda Percival; Paul Picard, OCT (Interim Deputy Registrar); Tom Potter; Nicola Powadiuk, OCT; Jonathan Rose; Nancy Saunders, OCT (via teleconference); Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT; Jennifer Wyatt, OCT; Stephen Zimmermann, OCT

Regrets: Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT; Susan E. Elliott-Johns, OCT; Mary-Ann Mouawad, OCT; Gerry O’Reilly, OCT; Vincent Rinaldo, OCT

Presiding Officer: Lori Lukinuk

Staff: Rachel Balinsky, Kim Bauer; Chantal Bélisle, OCT; Tan Crombie; Roch Gallien, OCT; Richard Lewko; Charlie Morrison; Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT

After welcoming those in attendance, the Chair of Council reminded members that a Human Resources presentation on compensation would immediately follow the whole group evaluation at the conclusion of the Council meeting.

8. Risks and Strategic Priorities (Cont’d)

8.1 Chair’s Report (continued)

8.1.1 Registrar Performance Evaluation (Timed Item)

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council move into an In Camera Session with Council members, the Presiding Officer, and the Council and Committees Officer present to receive information related to a personnel matter.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Sara Nouini, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For : 29

Against : 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 6

The Council and Committees Officer left the session by request at 8:50 a.m.

By consensus, Council moved out of the in camera session at 9:10 a.m.

At the request of a Council member, it was agreed by consensus to re-order the meeting agenda to address New Business items 7.1 (Bylaw Amendment re Substantial Change to a Program of Professional Education Fee) and 7.2 (Bylaw Amendment re Accreditation Fees) before continuing with other business.

9. New Business

9.1 Bylaw Amendment – Substantial Change to a Program of Professional Education Fee (GC20200305-32)

The Chair of the Accreditation Committee, Colleen Landers, provided background information on the need for an amendment to College bylaws to add reference to a fee for conducting a review of a substantial change to a program of professional education. She reviewed the need to institute a fee due to the increased number of requests received as a result of the streamlined accreditation process.

It was moved by Colleen Landers as Chair of the Accreditation Committee: That Council approve the addition to the College bylaws of subsection 23.12, as set out below:

23.12 That the application fee for the initial accreditation of programs of professional education, review, where there is reason to believe there has been a substantial change to a program and additions to programs of professional education be based on a one-time travel cost of $231.81 per person, and a daily per diem of $222.90 per person for the number of days needed to conduct a review.

Following introduction of the main motion, an amendment was proposed by the Chair of the Accreditation Committee. The committee Chair noted that the proposed amendment reflected adjustments for inflation using the inception approach.

It was moved by Colleen Landers, seconded by Paige Bennett, and


That the motion be amended by substitution to replace $231.81 with $315.17 and replace $222.90 with $303.06,

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Camarata, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Sara Nouini, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt

Against: Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Jonathan Rose


For : 22

Against : 2

Abstain: 1

Absent: 5

The Committee Chair and the Director of Standards of Practice and Accreditation, Roch Gallien, responded to questions on the amended motion. The Director confirmed that the proposed fees were not based on a cost recovery approach.

The main motion as amended was moved by Colleen Landers, and


That Council approve the addition to the College bylaws of subsection 23.12, as set out below:

23.12 That the application fee for the initial accreditation of programs of professional education, review, where there is reason to believe there has been a substantial change to a program and additions to programs of professional education be based on a one-time travel cost of $315.17 per person, and a daily per diem of $303.06 per person for the number of days needed to conduct a review.

eScribe vote:

For: Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt

Against: Diane Ballantyne, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Michelle Miner Seal


For : 22

Against : 3

Abstain: 5

Absent: 5

9.2 Bylaw Amendment – Sections 23.10 and 23.11 re Accreditation Fees (GC20200305-33)

The Chair of the Accreditation Committee, Colleen Landers, provided background information on the request to amend College bylaws to reflect increased fees for initial certification and renewal fees for programs of professional education.

It was moved by Colleen Landers, and


That Council approve the substitutions in the College bylaws of ss. 23.10 and 23.11, as set out below: 23.10 That the application fee for the initial accreditation of programs of professional education and additions to programs of professional education be based on a one-time travel cost of $231.81 $315.17 per person, and a daily per diem of $222.90 $303.06 per person for the number of days needed to conduct a review.

23.11 That the renewal fee for application for the accreditation of programs of professional education shall be based on a one-time travel cost of $231.81 $315.17 per person, and a daily per diem of $222.90 $303.06 per person for the number of days needed to conduct a site visit.

eScribe vote:

For: Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Richard Filion, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Sara Nouini, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt


For : 25

Against : 0

Abstain: 4

Absent: 6

10. Committee Reports (Cont’d)

10.1 Governance Committee (Continued)

The Chair of the Governance Committee, Tom Potter, continued his presentation on the committee’s recommendation to utilize a sortition process to support the identification of future members of Council. He and the committee Vice-Chair, Jonathan Rose, provided additional clarification and responded to questions.

It was moved by Tom Potter, and


That Council approve a sortition process that meets competency criteria to populate Council based on a) the competencies and attributes confirmed by the Governance Committee and b) the steps described in Document GC20200305-31, including:

  1. Letter
  2. Self-selection/Application
  3. Long List
  4. Short List
  5. Interview
  6. Final Sortition
  7. Audit

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, John Cammarata, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Richard Filion, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Timothy Kwiatkowski, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Sara Nouini, Wanda Percival, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Nancy Saunders, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Jennifer Wyatt, Stephen Zimmermann


For : 29

Against : 0

Abstain: 1

Absent: 5

11. Next Meeting(s) of Council

  • June 4-5, 2020
  • October 1-2, 2020
  • December 3-4, 2020

12. Adjournment

The Presiding Officer reminded members that a whole group evaluation would begin immediately following adjournment.

The meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.

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