Minutes of Council Meetings
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on June 3, 2005 in the Council Chambers, 6th Floor, 121 Bloor Street East, Toronto
Table of Contents
1. Call to Order/Welcome
2. Agenda
3. New Business
4. Minutes
5. Business Arising
6. Address by Minister of Education — Gerard Kennedy.
7. Business Arising (Continued)
8. Registrar’s Report
9. Committee Reports
10. Correspondence
11. New Business (Continued)
12. Business Arising (Continued)
13. New Business (Continued)
14. Notices of Motion
15. Next Regular Meeting
16. Chair’s Remarks
17. Adjournment
Present: Paul Brazeau, Donald Cattani, Ted Coulson, Suzanne De Froy,
Rosemary Fontaine, Normand Fortin, Gordon Hough, Nancy Hutcheson (Vice-Chair) (until 2:35 p.m. to attend the Education Partnership Table), Marilyn A. Laframboise (Chair), Anne Marie Levesque, Gail Lilley, Bill Matheson, Harry Mulvale (until 12:00 noon), Iain Munro, Janet Ouellette (until 3:00 p.m.), Elizabeth Papadopoulos (from 10:00 a.m.), Jennifer Pitt, Howard Ramcharan (from 9:05 a.m.), Jacques Tremblay,
Anne Vinet-Roy, Hilda Watkins, Don Watson, W. Douglas Wilson (Registrar)
Regrets: Patrick Slack
Officers: George Merrett, Douglas McCarthy
Guests: Caroline Zayid (McCarthy Tétrault), The Honourable Gerard Kennedy, Minister of Education (from 10:00 a.m. to 10:40 a.m.), Allison Hahn and Nigel Smith (Hahn Smith Design) (from 3:15 p.m. to 3:55 p.m.)
Staff: Margaret Aubé, Rosemary Gannon, Myrtle Herzenberg,
Richard Lewko, Jacquie Lord, Brian McGowan, Helen Melanson, Charlie Morrison, Lynda Palazzi, Josie Peretti, Katherin Platt
1. Call to Order/Welcome
The Presiding Officer, George Merrett, called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and welcomed all present.
Council members paused in silence to wish Patrick Slack and his wife comfort.
It was noted that Steering was comprised of Nancy Hutcheson and Gail Lilley.
The material to be distributed was noted.
It was noted that the Fitness to Practise Committee would meet briefly at noon.
2. Agenda (GC20050603-78 (R))
It was agreed to add the following items to the agenda under New Business:
- 8.5 Per Diems for Accreditation Panel Members
- 8.6 On-Line Registration in the Members’ Area
It was moved by Steering, and
That the revised Agenda for the June 3, 2005 Council meeting be approved as amended.
3.1 Appointment of Elected Council Member — Principal/ Vice-Principal Position (Timed Item: 9:05 a.m.) (GC20050603-118)
It was moved by Steering, and
That Howard Ramcharan (elected) be appointed to Council in the Principal/Vice-Principal position effective June 3, 2005.
4.1 Meeting, March 31, 2005 (GC20050603-79)
It was noted that the motion relating to the Differentiated Members Fee — Direction to Finance Committee on page 13, item 14.3, would reflect that Rosemary Fontaine was the mover and that Elizabeth Papadopoulos was the seconder.
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the March 31, 2005 Council Meeting be approved as corrected.
4.2 In Camera Session, March 31, 2005 (GC20050603-81C)
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the in camera session of the Council Meeting held on March 31, 2005 be approved.
5.1 College’s Wordmark and Icon Protocol (GC20050603-82, -83)
The Registrar spoke to the report and answered questions.
5.2 Release Time for the Council Chair and Vice-Chair(GC20050603-86, -87)
The Chair noted that the Executive Committee at their meeting the previous day had expressed concern regarding Council not having the required legislative authority to release the Chair full-time and the Vice-Chair part-time. She stated that the legislation governing the College does not state that the employer must provide a paid leave of absence to an employee. The Chair stated that the roles of the Chair and Vice-Chair would need to be studied once the Minister had changed the necessary legislation.
It was moved by Gord Hough, seconded by Hilda Watkins, and
That Council move into Committee of the Whole for a period of 30 minutes to discuss Release Time for the Council Chair and Vice-Chair.
Council moved into Committee of the Whole at 9:40 a.m.
It was moved by Janet Ouellette and seconded by Gail Lilley, “That Council rise from Committee of the Whole.”
It was noted that Council would continue in Committee of the Whole after the Minister’s address and after the scheduled break.
The Chair introduced the Minister of Education, the Honourable Gerard Kennedy, who addressed Council. The Minister advised Council that his Ministry had made eight appointments to Council. He apologized for not making the appointments at an earlier date. He noted that a new assessment mechanism — Beginning Teacher Development Program - was being developed by the Partnership Table and would be replacing the Ontario Teachers Qualifying Test (OTQT). He indicated that he would be making an announcement on the issue prior to the end of June 2005. A question and answer session followed his address. Nancy Hutcheson, Vice-Chair, thanked the Minister.
7.1 Release Time for the Council Chair and Vice-Chair(Continued) (GC20050603-86, -87)
Douglas McCarthy assumed the role of Presiding Officer.
The Presiding Officer provided an explanation and reasons for when a motion to rise out of the Committee of the Whole was possible.
A vote was taken on the motion to move out of Committee of the Whole, and it was CARRIED,
That Council rise from Committee of the Whole.
Council rose from Committee of the Whole at 11:15 a.m.
It was moved by Steering, “That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the legislation governing the Ontario College of Teachers be amended to enable Council to pass bylaws that would permit the Chair and Vice-Chair of Council to be granted a paid leave of absence by their employer up to full time as required by Council for the full-term.”
Legal counsel noted that Council could create the position of a full-time chair but could not compel an employer to release a teacher on a paid leave of absence.
It was moved by Don Cattani and seconded by Norm Fortin, “That the motion be amended by the deletion of the word “paid” so that the motion read: That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the legislation governing the Ontario College of Teachers be amended to enable Council to pass bylaws that would permit the Chair and Vice-Chair of Council to be granted a leave of absence by their employer up to full time as required by Council for the full-term.”
It was moved by Jennifer Pitt, seconded by Don Cattani, and
That the question be put re the amendment to the motion.
A vote was taken on the amendment to the motion, and it was
That the motion be amended by the deletion of the word “paid” so that the motion read:
That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the legislation governing the Ontario College of Teachers be amended to enable Council to pass bylaws that would permit the Chair and Vice-Chair of Council to be granted a leave of absence by their employer up to full time as required by Council for the full-term.
A vote was taken on the main motion as amended, and it was
That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the legislation governing the Ontario College of Teachers be amended to enable Council to pass bylaws that would permit the Chair and Vice-Chair of Council to be granted a leave of absence by their employer up to full time as required by Council for the full-term.
It was agreed that a new item be added to the agenda under New Business: 8.7 Sub-Committee for the Release Time for the Council Chair and Vice-Chair.
7.2 Dispute Resolution (allegations of sexual abuse) —Legal Opinion (GC20050603-88, -89)
The Registrar spoke to the legal opinion and answered questions.
Harry Mulvale, on a point of order, advised Council that he would be resigning from Council effective June 30, 2005.
The Chair, on behalf of Council, thanked Harry Mulvale for his contribution to Council and to the education community.
The Registrar, on behalf of the staff at the College, wished Harry Mulvale a long and successful retirement and recognized his dedication to the teaching profession and to the work of the College.
George Merrett assumed the position of Presiding Officer.
It was moved by Ted Coulson, Chair, Discipline Committee, but it was
That Council approve that Dispute Resolution will not be used for matters where the originator of the complaint is a member of the public and the original complaint contained allegations of sexual abuse, as defined in Section 1 of the OCTA, 1996.
Nancy Hutcheson requested a recorded vote.
Recorded Vote:
Ted Coulson
Paul Brazeau
Normand Fortin
Suzanne De Froy
Gordon Hough
Anne Marie Levesque
Nancy Hutcheson
Gail Lilley
Marilyn Laframboise
Bill Matheson
Howard Ramcharan
Iain Munro
Jacques Tremblay
Janet Ouellette
Don Watson
Elizabeth Papadopoulos
Anne Vinet-Roy
Hilda Watkins
For: 8
Against: 10
Absent: 5
The Registrar’s Report was received. The Registrar, W. Douglas Wilson, spoke to the report and answered questions.
8.1 Teachers’ Qualifications Review (GC20050603-124, -125)
The Registrar provided an update on the Teachers’ Qualifications Review. A question and answer session followed.
8.2 Proposed Council and Committees Meeting Schedule for the 2006 Budget and Annual Report Approvals (GC20050603-92)
The Proposed Council and Committees Meeting Schedule for the 2006 Budget and Annual Report Approvals was noted.
9. Committee Reports
9.1 Chair’s/Executive Report (GC20050603-93, -127)
The report of the Executive Committee/Chair was received. The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, spoke to the report and answered questions.
The Chair spoke to the Report to the Partnership Table on a Beginning Teacher Development Program — Recommendations of the Working Table on Teacher Development — June 2, 2005 (GC20050603-127) and answered questions.
The Chair reported on her meeting with the Membership Services Coordinator, Lynda Palazzi, and noted that the registry system will require upgrading in the near future.
The Chair stated that “Forms of Assessment for New Applicants to the College” would be a timed item on the Friday, September 30, 2005 Council agenda at
9:05 am.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve the extension of the interim appointments of Patrick Slack (appointed) and Gail Lilley (appointed) on the Executive Committee to September 30, 2005.
9.2 Investigation Committee (GC20050603-94, -95)
The reports of the Investigation Committee were received. The Vice-Chair,
Iain Munro, spoke to the reports. He noted that the Chair, Harry Mulvale would be missed in the future. It was noted that the work of the committee had been jeopardized because there were insufficient numbers of appointed members to serve on the committee.
9.3 Discipline Committee (GC20050603-96, -97)
The reports of the Discipline Committee were received. The Chair, Ted Coulson, spoke to the reports.
9.4 Fitness to Practise Committee (GC20050603-98, -128)
The reports of the Fitness to Practise Committee were received. The Vice-Chair,
Don Cattani, spoke to the reports. He advised Council that during the Fitness to Practise Committee meeting at noon that day, he had been elected Chair of the Committee and Anne Vinet-Roy had been elected the Vice-Chair.
He commended Lou Watson, the previous Chair, for the work she had done on the committee.
9.5 Registration Appeals Committee (GC20050603-99)
The report of the Registration Appeals Committee was received. The Chair, Janet Ouellette, spoke to the report. She noted that two meetings of the Registration Appeals Committee had to be cancelled due to the shortage of appointed members on the committee and that a backlog of cases was developing.
9.6 Finance Committee
9.6.1 Financial Report — April 2005 (GC20050603-100)
The Ontario College of Teachers Financial Report for the period ended
April 30, 2005 was received.
There was no report of the Finance Committee. It was noted that at present there was no Chair or Vice-Chair on this committee due to the expiration of public appointments on the committee.
9.7 Standards of Practice and Education Committee (GC20050603-101)
The report of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee was received. The Chair, Jennifer Pitt, spoke to the report. She noted that the Standards of Practice and Education Committee had met at noon that day and appointed a sub-committee to look at the standards review.
9.8 Accreditation Committee (GC20050603-102)
The revised report of the Accreditation Committee was received. The Acting Chair, Iain Munro, spoke to the report.
9.9 Accreditation Appeal Committee
There was no report of the Accreditation Appeal Committee.
9.10 Human Resources Committee
There was no report of the Human Resources Committee. It was noted that a meeting scheduled for June 1, 2005 had been cancelled due to the expiration of public appointments on the committee and a lack of quorum.
9.11 Editorial Board (GC20050603-103)
The report of the Editorial Board was received. The Chair, Marilyn Laframboise, spoke to the report.
9.12 Election Committee
There was no report of the Election Committee. The Chair, Gord Hough, reported that the Election Committee was scheduled to meet on June 22, 2005.
9.13 Nomination Committee
There was no report of the Nomination Committee. The Chair, Nancy Hutcheson, noted that the committee meeting scheduled for June 1, 2005 had been postponed to a later date in June pending Ministry appointments to Council.
9.14 Quality Assurance Committee (GC20050603-104)
The report of the Quality Assurance Committee was received. The Chair, Paul Brazeau, spoke to the report.
10. Correspondence (GC20050603-105, -106, -107, -121, -122, -123)
The following items of correspondence were received for information:
- Letter from Chair of Council to the Minister of Education re College Governance (GC20050603-105)
- Letter from Chair of Council to the Minister of Education re Public Appointments to Council (GC20050603-106)
- Additional Letter from Chair of Council to the Minister of Education re Public Appointments to Council (GC20050603-107)
- Letter of Resignation from Brian Rivait (GC20050603-121)
- Letter from Paul Anthony, Ministry of Education, in response to Chair of Council’s Letters to Minister of Education re College Governance
- The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario — Media Package (Toronto Star) (GC20050603-123)
Vice-Chair, Nancy Hutcheson, left Council to attend the Education Partnership Table. Don Cattani temporarily replaced Nancy Hutcheson as a member of the Steering Committee.
11. New Business (Continued)
11.1 Bylaw Amendment — Section 7 — Standing Committees — Vacancy Appointments(GC20050603-108, -109)
The Registrar spoke to the amendment to the bylaws.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve that the bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by the deletion of subsection 7.10 and that the remainder of section 7 be renumbered accordingly.
11.2 Privacy Code (GC20050603-110, -111, -126)
The Executive Coordinator, Richard Lewko, made a PowerPoint presentation on the Privacy Code.
The document entitled “List of All Investigative Bodies” (GC20050603-126) was distributed to members.
It was moved by Steering, “That Council approve the Privacy Code of the Ontario College of Teachers as outlined in document GC20050603-110.”
It was moved by Elizabeth Papadopoulos, seconded by Rosemary Fontaine, and
That the following motion be postponed to the
September 29-30, 2005 Council meeting:
That Council approve the Privacy Code of the Ontario College of Teachers as outlined in document GC20050603-110.
11.3 Confirmation of Committee Chairs (GC20050603-120)
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council confirm the appointment of Iain Munro as Chair of the Accreditation Committee.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council confirm the appointment of Don Cattani as Chair of the Fitness to Practise Committee.
12.1 Bylaw Amendment — Section 2 — Visual Identity(Timed Item: 3:30 p.m.) (GC20050603-84, -85, -129, -130)
The Executive Coordinator, Richard Lewko, made a PowerPoint presentation on the proposed changes to the College’s Visual Identity. The PowerPoint Presentation: College Visual Identity Update and The Ontario College of Teachers’ New Visual Identity Draft Guidelines were distributed to members.
Nigel Smith and Allison Hahn from Hahn Smith Design addressed Council on the proposed changes to the College’s Visual Identity.
A question and answer session followed.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve that section 2 of the bylaws of the Ontario College of Teachers be amended by substitution and addition to read:
Section 2 - Seal
2.03 The visual identity of the College shall be depicted by the College’s icon and wordmark as set out below:
2.04 The Registrar shall establish guidelines for the use of the visual identity. Any use of the visual identity other than in accordance with such guidelines requires the prior written approval of the Registrar.
2.05 Any use of the College’s visual identity by a person other than the College requires the prior written consent of the Registrar.
The Chair thanked Allison Hahn and Nigel Smith for their contribution in developing the visual identity of the College.
13.1 Per Diems for Accreditation Panel Members
It was moved by Gord Hough, seconded by Paul Brazeau, but it was
That the following motion be considered at this time:
That the work of roster members, members-at-large and institutional appointees involved in accreditation panels from January 1, 2005 to March 31, 2005 be recognized for compensation as per College Guidelines.
13.2 On-Line Registration in the Members’ Area
It was moved by Gord Hough, seconded by Paul Brazeau, and
That the following motion be considered at this time:
That staff prepare a report for the September 29-30, 2005 Council Meeting on strategies to encourage on-line registration of members.
A vote was taken on the motion, and it was
That staff prepare a report for the September 29-30, 2005 Council Meeting on strategies to encourage on-line registration of members.
13.3 Release of the Chair and/or Vice-Chair of Council — Sub-Committee
It was moved by Anne Marie Levesque, seconded by Paul Brazeau, and
That the following motion be considered at this time:
That Council strike a sub-committee of Council members to investigate the issues attached to full time or part time release of the Chair and/or Vice-Chair of Council, including but not limited to job description, rationale and financial considerations.
A vote was taken on the motion, and it was
That Council strike a sub-committee of Council members to investigate the issues attached to full time or part time release of the Chair and/or Vice-Chair of Council, including but not limited to job description, rationale and financial considerations.
The Chair requested that Council members inform her of their interest in serving on this sub-committee.
13.4 Promotion of Public Respect for the Teaching Profession
It was moved by Don Watson, seconded by Don Cattani, but
That the following motion be considered at this time:
That the Registrar report to Council at its December 8-9, 2005 meeting with policies, plans and measurable outcomes for the active promotion of greater public respect for the teaching profession.
The following Notices of Motion were read into the Minutes:
14.1 Promotion of Public Respect for the Teaching Profession
Moved by Don Watson and seconded by Don Cattani
That the Registrar report to Council at its December 8-9, 2005 meeting with policies, plans and measurable outcomes forthe active promotion of greater public respect for the teaching profession.
14.2 Per Diems for Accreditation Panel Members
Moved by Gord Hough and seconded by Paul Brazeau
That the work of roster members, members-at-large and institutional appointees involved in accreditation panels from January 1, 2005 to March 31, 2005 be recognized for compensation as per College Guidelines.
- September 29-30, 2005
- October 1, 2005 - Annual Meeting of Members
The Chair noted that a Partnership Table meeting had been scheduled during the next Council meeting in September. She indicated that either the Vice-Chair or she would attend that meeting with either the Registrar or Deputy Registrar.
The Chair informed Council members that she had received news that Pat Slack’s wife had passed away and asked that a two-minute silence be observed. She noted that condolences would be sent to him on behalf of Council members.
It was noted that the Standard Procedures for Council and the Executive Committee were being reviewed by the Presiding Officers. Council members were asked to forward any suggestions they had on the Standard Procedures to Charlie Morrison, Manager, Policy and Research Unit.
17. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
Signed: Chair, Marilyn A. Laframboise
Signed: Registrar, W. Douglas Wilson