Minutes of Council Meetings
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers Held Via Videoconference on December 8, 2022
Present: Diana Miles (Chair); Chantal Bélisle, OCT (Interim Registrar); Abena Buahene; Jonathan Davey; Peter Dinsdale; Douglas Gosse, OCT; Elaine Lajeunesse; Martine Lewis, OCT; Jonathan Rose; Imran Syed, OCT; Maria Vasanelli, OCT; Tammy Webster, OCT; Valerie Williamson, OCT
Guests: Danny Anckle, Vice-Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee (from 11:20 a.m. to 11:35 a.m.); Paige Bennett, OCT, Chair of the Accreditation Committee; Rebecca Forte, OCT, Chair of the Fitness to Practise Committee; Kirby Chown, OCT, Chair of the Discipline Committee and the Adjudicative Body of Chairs; Deani Van Pelt, OCT, Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee (from 11:20 a.m. to 11:35 a.m.)
Staff: Jason Bennett; Anna-Marie Nielsen, OCT; Linda Lacroix, OCT; Jamie Robertson, OCT; Demetra Saldaris, OCT; Fred Towers; Rima Zamat; Kim Bauer (Recorder)
1. Call to Order/Welcome
The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and welcomed all those present.
2. Agenda
It was moved by Douglas Gosse, seconded by Elaine Lajeunesse, and
That the Agenda for the December 8, 2022 Council meeting be approved.
Preparation time of one half-day was confirmed.
3. Conflict of Interest
No conflicts were declared.
4. Minutes
4.1 Meeting, September 15, 2022
It was moved by Douglas Gosse, seconded by Peter Dinsdale, and
That the Minutes of the September 15, 2022 meeting of Council be approved.
4.2 Special In Camera Meeting, September 15, 2022
The Chair confirmed that the minutes of the in camera meeting were not shared with the public but could be approved in open forum if no discussion was required. She also confirmed that members who were not present at the meeting were able to participate in voting on the motion.
It was moved by Elaine Lajeunesse, seconded by Jonathan Rose, and
That the Minutes of the September 15, 2022 Special In Camera Meeting of Council be approved.
5. Chair, Registrar and Financial Reports
5.1 Chair’s Report
The Chair of Council presented her report and responded to questions. She expressed Council’s appreciation for the leadership of the Interim Registrar and CEO, Chantal Bélisle, over the previous 10 months, noting that she will begin a self-funded leave of absence in January 2023.
5.2 Registrar’s Report
The Interim Registrar and CEO presented her report, highlighting a number of areas, and responded to questions.
5.3 Financial Report
The quarterly financial report to September 30, 2022 was received and the Interim Registrar and CEO responded to questions.
6. Committee Reports
6.1 Fitness to Practise Committee Report
The Chair welcomed Rebecca Forte, Chair of the Fitness to Practise Committee, and invited her to present the committee’s annual report.
The Chair of the Fitness to Practise Committee reviewed her report. A question-and-answer session followed.
6.2 Discipline Committee Report
The Chair welcomed Kirby Chown, Chair of the Discipline Committee, and invited her to present the committee’s annual report.
The Chair of the Discipline Committee reviewed her report, which included an overview of the work of the committee, and responded to questions.
6.3 Adjudicative Body of Chairs
Kirby Chown, in her role as Chair of the Adjudicative Body of Chairs, was invited to present the committee’s annual report, which included an overview of the work of the committee.
The Chair thanked the Chairs of the Fitness to Practise and Discipline committees, and the Adjudicative Body of Chairs, for their presentations.
7. Subcommittee Reports
7.1 Audit and Finance Subcommittee
The Chair of the Audit and Finance Subcommittee, Jonathan Davey, presented the subcommittee’s report.
7.1.1 2023 Budget
The proposed 2023 College Budget was received.
It was moved by Elaine Lajeunesse, seconded by Maria Vasanelli, and
That Council approve the 2023 College Budget, with an annual membership fee of $200.
7.2 Selection and Nominating Subcommittee
Elaine Lajeunesse, Chair of the Selection and Nominating Subcommittee, presented the subcommittee’s report to Council.
It was moved by Abena Buahene, seconded by Jonathan Davey, and
That Council approve the continuation of Jonathan Rose’s appointment to Council commencing January 1, 2023 and ending the earlier of the expiration of his eligibility for Council under Section 5(4) of the Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996 or December 31, 2023, and such approval, if granted, will supersede Council’s September 15, 2022 recommendation to the Lieutenant Governor in Council.
It was moved by Martine Lewis, seconded by Jonathan Rose, and
That Council approve the following reappointments to the role of subcommittee Chair or Vice-Chair, each for a 1-year term of office commencing January 1, 2023, in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996 and regulations made thereunder:
- Abena Buahene, Vice-Chair of the Human Resources Subcommittee
- Jonathan Davey, Chair of the Audit and Finance Subcommittee
- Douglas Gosse, OCT, Vice-Chair of the Selection and Nominating Subcommittee
- Elaine Lajeunesse, Chair of the Selection and Nominating Subcommittee
- Imran Syed, OCT, Chair of the Human Resources Subcommittee
- Valerie Williamson, OCT, Vice-Chair of the Audit and Finance Subcommittee.
8. Correspondence
Eight items of correspondence were provided for information.
The Interim Registrar and CEO provided additional information regarding the College’s response to the Minister of Education’s request to develop an Additional Qualification (AQ) course guideline on Antisemitism. She advised that the College was considering a focused AQ course guideline for the existing Social Studies – Primary Junior AQ to ensure that the AQ could be ready in time for the revised curriculum on Antisemitism/Holocaust Studies in September 2023. She confirmed that a further update would be shared with Council at its March 2023 meeting.
The Chair expressed Council’s appreciation for the information and confirmed Council’s support of the proposal.
9. Notices of Motion
9.1 Proposed Bylaw Amendment – Section 20
Jason Bennett, Director of Corporate and Council Services (Interim), reviewed the Notice of Motion. He summarized the proposed amendment related to Discipline Committee reinstatement decisions and noted that Council will have an opportunity to ask questions and consider the proposed Bylaw amendment during the Special Meeting immediately following the regular meeting.
9.2 Proposed Bylaw Amendment – Section 16
The Director of Corporate and Council Services reviewed the Notice of Motion, noting that it related to a Bylaw amendment required to reflect the 2023 annual membership fee just approved by Council.
10. Council Training and Professional Development
10.1 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Presentation
The Director of Standards of Practice and Accreditation, Anna-Marie Nielsen, introduced staff who presented an information session on the role of the College in promoting equity, diversity and inclusion in Ontario classrooms. The Chair of the Accreditation Committee, Paige Bennett, and the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee, Deani Van Pelt and Danny Anckle, respectively, joined the presentation to share their reflections and committee work experiences.
A question-and-answer session followed the presentation.
11. Adjournment
Prior to adjournment, the Chair asked Council members to note the revised March meeting date – now March 21, 2023.
The meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.