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Minutes of Council Meetings

Council Chambers, 15th Floor,
101 Bloor Street West, Toronto
February 28-March 1, 2019

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on February 28-March 1, 2019 in the Council Chambers, 15th Floor, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto


1. Call to Order/Welcome

2. Agenda and Approval of Preparation Time

3. Conflict of Interest

4. Public Presentations

4.1 Governance Review Recommendations

5. Minutes

5.1 Meeting, November 8, 2018

5.2 Special Meeting, December 6, 2018

6. Business Arising

6.1 Governance Review Recommendations, Report of the Governance Committee

7. New Business

7.1 Registrar Performance Appraisal

8. Business Arising (Continued)

8.1 Governance Review Recommendations (Cont’d)

9. Correspondence.

10. New Business (Continued)

10.1 Amendment to the Teachers’ Qualification Regulation re Accreditation Requirement for Programs of Professional Education for the Purposes of Certification.

10.2 Confirmation of College Member Appointments to Discipline and Investigation Committee Rosters

11. Notices of Motion

11.1 Change to College Bylaws – College Publication

12. Business Arising (Continued)

12.1 Governance Review Recommendations (Cont’d)

13. Next Meeting(s) of Council

14. Adjournment 24

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on February 28-March 1, 2019 in the Council Chambers, 15th Floor, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto

Present : Charles Dimitry Abraham, OCT; Diane Ballantyne, OCT (from 3 p.m.); Paige Bennett, OCT; Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT; Bob Cooper, OCT; Chantal Côté, OCT; Irene Dembek, OCT; Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT (via teleconference); Susan E. Elliott-Johns, OCT; Rebecca Forte, OCT; Melissa Gaffen, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT; Erin Glen, OCT; Mary Ellen Gucciardi, OCT; John Hamilton, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Colleen Landers (via teleconference); Marlène Marwah; Michelle Miner Seal; Mary-Anne Mouawad, OCT; Sara Nouini, OCT; Alicia Nunn, OCT; Gerry O’Reilly, OCT; Tom Potter; Nicola Powadiuk, OCT; Vincent Rinaldo, OCT; Jonathan Rose; Michael Salvatori, OCT (Registrar); Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT; Stephen Zimmermann, OCT

Regrets: Shannon Marcus, OCT; Ronna Warsh


Officer: Lori Lukinuk

Staff: Kim Bauer; Chantal Bélisle, OCT; Tan Crombie; Roch Gallien, OCT; Richard Lewko; Melissa McNabb; Charlie Morrison; Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT

Session 1: February 28, 2019

1. Call to Order/Welcome

The Presiding Officer, Lori Lukinuk, called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. and welcomed all present.

The Chair opened the meeting by acknowledging that the land on which the Council members gather is the traditional territory of the Wendat, the Anishnaabeg, Haudenosaunee, Métis and the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation. She informed members that two placemats were available for members’ information:

· The College’s Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Priorities

· College Council Parliamentary Procedural Tips

The Chair welcomed all Council members, staff and individuals seated in the public gallery to the meeting. She introduced and expressed a special welcome to new Council members Bob Cooper and Vincent Rinaldo.

It was noted that Tim Gernstein and Colleen Landers comprised the Steering Committee.

2. Agenda and Approval of Preparation Time (GC20190228-03)

It was moved by Steering, and


That the Agenda for the February 28-March 1, 2019 Council meeting be approved.

Preparation time of up to one day was confirmed for the meeting.

3. Conflict of Interest

No conflicts were declared.

4. Public Presentations

4.1 Governance Review Recommendations (GC20190228-04)
(Timed Item: 12:40 p.m. )

The President of the Ontario Teachers’ Federation, Diane Dewing, addressed Council and presented her report.

Presiding Officer Lori Lukinuk thanked Ms. Dewing for her presentation.

5. Minutes

5.1 Meeting, November 8, 2018 (GC20190228-05)

The Minutes of the Council meeting held on November 8, 2018 were approved by consensus.

5.2 Special Meeting, December 6, 2018 (GC20190228-07)

The Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held on December 6, 2018 were approved by consensus.

6. Business Arising

6.1 Governance Review Recommendations,
Report of the Governance Committee (GC20190228-37)

The Chair of the Governance Committee, Tom Potter, provided information regarding the work of the committee with respect to preparation of the report. He also shared the process used by the committee during its review of the recommendations.

It was moved by Tom Potter: #1-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to establish a Council of 16 members with 8 from the profession and 8 from outside the profession.

It was moved by Nicola Powadiuk, seconded by Michelle Miner Seal: That the motion be split, to read as follows:

That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to establish a Council of 16 members.


That the Council be comprised of 8 members from the profession and 8 from outside the profession.

The Presiding Officer ruled that the motion would be split and that no vote was required.

It was moved by Jacqueline Karsemeyer, seconded by Stephen Zimmermann, but it was LOST,

That the divided motion be postponed until after consideration of Recommendation #27.

The Presiding Officer ruled that as this was a procedural motion, it would be addressed by a show of hands.

An amendment was moved by Nicola Powadiuk, seconded by Mary-Anne Mouawad, and


That the first part of the motion be amended to strike “16” and insert “15 to 20” to read:

That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to establish a Council of 15 to 20 members.

The Presiding Officer ruled that in the interests of time, the vote would take place by a show of hands.

An amendment was moved by Alicia Nunn, seconded by Mary Ellen Gucciardi but it was LOST,

That the motion be amended by striking “15 to 20” and inserting “16 to 22” to read:

That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to establish a Council of 16 to 22 members.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Chantal Côté, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly

Against: Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Bob Cooper, Irene Dembek, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg


For : 9

Against : 20

Abstain: 1

Absent: 3

The first part of the main motion as amended was moved by Tom Potter, and


That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to establish a Council of 15 to 20 members.

eScribe vote:

For: Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg

Against: Stephen Zimmermann


For : 28

Against : 1

Abstain: 1

Absent: 3

The Presiding Officer directed Council members to the second part of the split motion: That the Council be comprised of 8 members from the profession and 8 from outside the profession.

An amendment was moved by Nicola Powadiuk, seconded by Tim Gernstein, and


That the motion be amended by striking “8 members from the profession and 8 from outside the profession” and inserting “an equal number of members from the profession and appointed members” to read:

That the Council be comprised of an equal number of members from the profession and appointed members.

eScribe vote:

For: Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg

Against: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Alicia Nunn, Nicola Powadiuk, Stephen Zimmermann


For : 25

Against : 6

Abstain: 0

Absent: 2

An amendment was moved by Stephen Zimmermann, seconded by Alicia Nunn, but it was LOST,

That the motion be amended by striking “an equal number of members from the profession and appointed members” and inserting “the ratio of professional to appointed members be two to one” to read:

That the Council be comprised of a ratio of professional to appointed members of two to one.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Chantal Côté, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Rebecca Forte, Erin Glen, Alicia Nunn, Nicola Powadiuk, Stephen Zimmermann

Against: Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Bob Cooper, Irene Dembek, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg


For : 8

Against : 22

Abstain: 0

Absent: 3

An amendment was moved by Bob Cooper, seconded by Irene Dembek, but it was LOST,

That the motion be amended by inserting “as closely as possible” between “an equal number” and “from the profession and appointed members” to read:

That the Council be comprised of an equal number as closely as possible from the profession and appointed members.

eScribe vote:

For: Bob Cooper, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad

Against: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Stephen Zimmermann


For : 2

Against : 29

Abstain: 0

Absent: 2

The second part of the main motion as amended was moved by Tom Potter, and


That the Council be comprised of an equal number of members from the profession and appointed members.

eScribe vote:

For: Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg

Against: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Alicia Nunn, Nicola Powadiuk, Stephen Zimmermann


For : 25

Against : 6

Abstain: 0

Absent: 2

It was moved by Tom Potter: #2-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to provide Council with the authority to establish a selection process for Council members.

An amendment was moved by Stephen Zimmermann, seconded by Michelle Miner Seal: That the motion be amended by addition of the words “and that the selection process for professional representatives be an election process” at the end after the words “selection process for Council members.”

An amendment to the amendment was moved by Nicole van Woudenberg, seconded by Tim Gernstein, but it was LOST,

That the motion be amended by striking the word “be” and inserting the word “include” to read:

That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to provide Council with the authority to establish a selection process for Council members and that the selection process for professional representatives include an election process.

eScribe vote:

For: Diane Ballantyne, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Sara Nouini, Tom Potter, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg

Against: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Stephen Zimmermann


For : 14

Against : 17

Abstain: 0

Absent: 2

The motion on the amendment moved by Stephen Zimmermann, seconded by Michelle Miner Seal was put, but it was LOST,

That the motion be amended by addition of the words “and that the selection process for professional representatives be an election process” at the end after the words “selection process for Council members” to read:

That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to provide Council with the authority to establish a selection process for Council members and that the selection process for professional representatives be an election process.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Rebecca Forte, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Mary-Ann Mouawad, Alicia Nunn, Nicola Powadiuk, Stephen Zimmermann

Against: Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Melissa Gaffen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Sara Nouini, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg


For : 12

Against : 19

Abstain: 0

Absent: 2

The main motion was moved by Tom Potter, and


#2-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to provide Council with the authority to establish a selection process for Council members.

eScribe vote:

For: Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Melissa Gaffen, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Sara Nouini, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg

Against: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Rebecca Forte, Tim Gernstein, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Alicia Nunn, Stephen Zimmermann


For : 21

Against : 10

Abstain: 0

Absent: 2

It was moved by Tom Potter: #3 That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to establish statutory, regulatory and the Standards of Practice and Education committees with individuals other than Council members, selected following a robust, transparent process.

An amendment was moved by Stephen Zimmermann, seconded by Michelle Miner Seal, but it was LOST:

That the motion be amended by addition of the words “and that the selection process for professional members of these committees be selected from elected professional members” at the end to read:

#3 That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to establish statutory, regulatory and the Standards of Practice and Education committees with individuals other than Council members, selected following a robust, transparent process, and that the selection process for professional members of these committees be selected from elected professional members.

eScribe vote:

For: Nicole van Woudenberg, Stephen Zimmermann

Against: Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Bob Cooper, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée


For : 2

Against : 27

Abstain: 2

Absent: 2

The main motion was moved by Tom Potter, and


#3-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to establish statutory, regulatory and the Standards of Practice and Education committees with individuals other than Council members, selected following a robust, transparent process.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Stephen Zimmermann



For : 31

Against : 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 2

The meeting recessed at 5 p.m.

Session 2: Friday, March 1, 2019

The meeting resumed at 8:30 a.m.

Present : Charles Dimitry Abraham, OCT; Diane Ballantyne, OCT; Paige Bennett, OCT; Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT (via teleconference); Bob Cooper, OCT; Chantal Côté, OCT; Irene Dembek, OCT; Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, OCT (via teleconference); Susan E. Elliott-Johns, OCT; Rebecca Forte, OCT; Melissa Gaffen, OCT; Tim Gernstein, OCT; Erin Glen, OCT; Mary Ellen Gucciardi, OCT; John Hamilton, OCT; Godwin Ifedi; Jacqueline Karsemeyer, OCT; Colleen Landers (via teleconference); Marlène Marwah; Michelle Miner Seal; Mary-Anne Mouawad, OCT; Sara Nouini, OCT; Alicia Nunn, OCT; Gerry O’Reilly, OCT; Tom Potter; Nicola Powadiuk, OCT; Vincent Rinaldo, OCT (via teleconference); Jonathan Rose; Michael Salvatori, OCT (Registrar); Stéphane Vallée, OCT; Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT; Ronna Warsh (via teleconference); Stephen Zimmermann, OCT

Regrets: Shannon Marcus, OCT


Officer: Lori Lukinuk

Staff: Kim Bauer; Chantal Bélisle, OCT; Tan Crombie; Roch Gallien, OCT; Richard Lewko; Melissa McNabb; Charlie Morrison; Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT

7. New Business

7.1 Registrar Performance Appraisal

(Timed Item: 8:30 a.m., March 1, 2019)

It was moved by Steering, and by consensus it was


That Council move into an In Camera session with only Council members, the Presiding Officer, and the Council and Committees Officer present.

Council moved out of the In Camera session by consensus at 9:35 a.m.

8. Business Arising (Continued)

8.1 Governance Review Recommendations (Cont’d)

It was moved by Tom Potter: #5-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended so the mix of profession and public members on each committee will be based on equal representation.

An amendment was moved by Stephen Zimmermann, seconded by Nicola Powadiuk, but it was LOST:

That the motion be amended by striking “equal representation” and replacing with “Representation on statutory and regulatory committees be based upon the ratio of two to one, professional to appointed public members, ensuring a majority of professional members on these committees” to read:

#5-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended so the representation on statutory and regulatory committees be based upon the ratio of two to one, professional to appointed public members, ensuring a majority of professional members on these committees.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Chantal Côté, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Alicia Nunn, Nicola Powadiuk, Stephen Zimmermann

Against: Paige Bennett, Bob Cooper, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Sara Nouini, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ronna Warsh


For : 10

Against : 21

Abstain: 0

Absent: 2

An amendment was moved by Nicole van Woudenberg, seconded by Tim Gernstein, and


That the motion be amended by inserting “statutory” after the word “each” and before the word “committee” to read:

#5-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended so the mix of profession and public members on each statutory committee will be based on equal representation.

eScribe vote:

For: Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, Bob Cooper, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ronna Warsh

Against: Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Sara Nouini, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Stephen Zimmermann


For : 21

Against : 6

Abstain: 2

Absent: 4

The main motion as amended was moved by Tom Potter, and


#5-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended so the mix of profession and public members on each statutory committee will be based on equal representation.

eScribe vote:

For: Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ronna Warsh

Against: Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Nicola Powadiuk, Stephen Zimmermann


For : 26

Against : 3

Abstain: 1

Absent: 3

It was moved by Tom Potter: #6-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to establish staggered, two-year terms for Council and committee members, renewable up to three times (6 years).

Discussion followed regarding a proposed amendment.

It was moved by Tim Gernstein, seconded by Jonathan Rose, and


That the motion on the previous question be called.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Stephen Zimmermann

Against: Jean-Luc Bernard, Michelle Miner Seal


For : 27

Against : 2

Abstain: 0

Absent: 4

An amendment was moved by Jacqueline Karsemeyer, seconded by Irene Dembek, and


That the motion be amended to strike “two-year” and replace with “three-year” and by striking “three times” and replacing with “one time” to read:

#6-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to establish staggered, three-year terms for Council and committee members, renewable up to one time (6 years).

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Nicola Powadiuk, Stéphane Vallée, Stephen Zimmermann

Against: Paige Bennett, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, John Hamilton, Colleen Landers, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Jonathan Rose, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ronna Warsh


For : 21

Against : 9

Abstain: 0

Absent: 3

The main motion as amended was moved by Tom Potter, and


#6-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to establish staggered, three-year terms for Council and committee members, renewable up to one time (6 years).

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Nicola Powadiuk, Stéphane Vallée, Stephen Zimmermann

Against: Paige Bennett, Tim Gernstein, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Jonathan Rose, Nicole van Woudenberg


For : 23

Against : 6

Abstain: 1

Absent: 3

It was moved by Tom Potter: #7-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to establish two-year, renewable terms for the Council and committee chair positions.

An amendment was moved by Jacqueline Karsemeyer, seconded by Michelle Miner Seal, but it was LOST:

That the motion be amended to strike “two” and insert “three”.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Chantal Côté, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Rebecca Forte, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Stephen Zimmermann

Against: Paige Bennett, Bob Cooper, Irene Dembek, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ronna Warsh


For : 10

Against : 19

Abstain: 0

Absent: 4

The main motion was moved by Tom Potter, and


#7-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to establish two-year, renewable terms for the Council and committee chair positions.

eScribe vote:

For: Paige Bennett, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg

Against: Diane Ballantyne, Stephen Zimmermann


For : 27

Against : 2

Abstain: 1

Absent: 3

It was moved by Tom Potter: #17-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the Council Chair position be a full-time position selected by the Council, with duties focused on ensuring an effective Council.

An amendment was moved by Tom Potter, seconded by Susan E. Elliott-Johns, and


That the motion be amended by inserting “and be a member of Council” between the words “full-time position” and “selected by Council” to read:

#17-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the Council Chair position be a full-time position and be a member of Council selected by the Council, with duties focused on ensuring an effective Council.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ronna Warsh, Stephen Zimmermann



For : 30

Against : 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 3

The main motion as amended was moved by Tom Potter, and


#17-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the Council Chair position be a full-time position and be a member of Council selected by the Council, with duties focused on ensuring an effective Council.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Ronna Warsh, Stephen Zimmermann



For : 30

Against : 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 3

It was moved by Tim Gernstein, seconded by Nicole van Woudenberg, and


That the Motion, “#1-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to establish a Council of 15 to 20 members” be reconsidered.

eScribe vote:

For: Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Colleen Landers, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg

Against: Bob Cooper, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Marlène Marwah


For : 25

Against : 3

Abstain: 1

Absent: 4

An amendment was moved by Nicole van Woudenberg, seconded by Tim Gernstein, and


That the Motion be amended by striking “15 to 20” and inserting “18” to read:

#1-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that the College’s Act be amended to establish a Council of 18 members.

eScribe vote:

For: Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Colleen Landers, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg

Against: Bob Cooper, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Marlène Marwah


For : 25

Against : 3

Abstain: 1

Absent: 4

It was moved by Tom Potter, and


#16-That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that Ontario Regulation 72/97 be amended to establish the Executive Committee as a committee of the whole.

eScribe vote:

For: Charlies Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg



For : 29

Against : 0

Abstain: 1

Absent: 3

It was agreed by consensus that Council would address other items of business on the meeting agenda and return to the remaining governance review recommendations, time permitting.

9. Correspondence

The following pieces of correspondence were received for information:

· Letter to Minister Lisa Thompson and Response

re Bill 48 (GC20190228-20)

· Letter to Minister Lisa Thompson and Response

re Medical Assessments (GC20190228-21)

· Letter to Minister Lisa Thompson and Response

re Criminal Records Screening (GC20190228-22)

· Letter to Minister Lisa Thompson re Invitation

to Address Council (GC20190228-23)

· Letter from Rémi Sabourin, AEFO and Response

re Governance Review (GC20190228-24)

· Email from Members and Response re

Governance Review Concerns (GC20190228-25)

10. New Business (Continued)

10.1 Amendment to the Teachers’ Qualification Regulation re Accreditation Requirement for Programs of Professional Education for the Purposes of Certification (GC20190228-27)

The Registrar, Michael Salvatori, and Marianne Tompkins-Carter, Manager of Evaluation Services, spoke to the proposed amendment and responded to questions.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council recommend that the Minister of Education amend the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation (Regulation 176/10) by addition, to read as follows:

S.1 “program of professional education” means,

a) a program described in subsection 1 (2), (3) or (4) of the accreditation regulation that is accredited by the College, or

(b) a teacher education program provided outside Ontario that is,

(i) acceptable to the College,

(ii) not substantially different from a program described in clause (a), and

(iii)accredited, approved or recognized, as the case may be, by the teacher regulatory authority in the jurisdiction where it was completed and at the time it was completed, as a program leading to certification, licensure, registration or another form of official recognition granted by a teacher regulatory authority and that attests or attested to the person being qualified to practise the teaching occupation in an elementary or secondary school.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Stephen Zimmermann



For : 30

Against : 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 3

10.2 Confirmation of College Member Appointments to Discipline
and Investigation Committee Rosters (GC20190228-29)

The Registrar, Michael Salvatori and the Director of Investigations and Hearings, Chantal Bélisle, reviewed the proposed roster appointments and responded to questions.

It was moved by Steering, and


That Council appoint Benoît Dussault, OCT and Josée Landriault, OCT to the roster of panellists of the Discipline and Fitness to Practise Committees, and John Tancredi, OCT to the roster of panellists of the Investigation Committee, effective immediately, to the end of the eighth Council term.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg



For : 30

Against : 0

Abstain: 1

Absent: 2

11. Notices of Motion

The following Notice of Motion was read into the Minutes for consideration at the May 30-31, 2019 Meeting of Council.

11.1 Change to College Bylaws – College Publication (GC20190228-30)

That Council approve that Section 18.03 of the College Bylaws be amended by deletion and renumbered as follows:

18.03(a) Notwithstanding subsection 18.02, any publication of a decision, finding or order of a panel of the Discipline Committee, whether pursuant to section 30(5), paragraph 3 or otherwise, shall be subject to the approval of the panel of the committee that heard and determined the matter.

18.03 (b) Where there is a dissenting opinion prepared by a member of the panel and the decision, finding or order of the committee is to be published, in detail or summary, any publication will include the dissenting opinion. , and the publication shall be subject to the approval of the member of the panel who prepared the dissenting opinion.

12. Business Arising (Continued)

12.1 Governance Review Recommendations (Cont’d)

It was moved by Tom Potter: #14 That Council approve the recommendation for the Governance and Nominating Committee to establish tools for formal annual evaluation of the effectiveness of Council, committees and Chairs.

An amendment was moved by Stephen Zimmermann, seconded by Diane Ballantyne, and


That the motion be amended to strike the word “evaluation” and replace with the word “review” to read:

#14-That Council approve the recommendation for the Governance and Nominating Committee to establish tools for formal review of the effectiveness of Council, committees and chairs.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Stephen Zimmermann

Against: Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Michelle Miner Seal


For : 25

Against : 4

Abstain: 0

Absent: 4

The main motion as amended was moved by Tom Potter, and


#14-That Council approve the recommendation for the Governance and Nominating Committee to establish tools for formal annual reviews of the effectiveness of Council, committees and chairs.

eScribe vote:

For: Paige Bennett, Irene Dembek, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Sara Nouini, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Vincent Rinaldo, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Stephen Zimmermann

Against: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Jean-Luc Bernard, Chantal Côté, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Alicia Nunn, Nicola Powadiuk


For : 19

Against : 10

Abstain: 1

Absent: 3

It was moved by Tom Potter: #25-That Council approve the recommendation to rename the Finance Committee to the Audit and Finance Committee and adjust its mandate in bylaws.

It was moved by Stephen Zimmermann, seconded by Nicole van Woudenberg, and


That motions #25 and #26 be combined.

eScribe vote:

For: Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Stephen Zimmermann

Against: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen


For : 24

Against : 4

Abstain: 1

Absent: 4

It was moved by Tom Potter, and


#25 and #26-That Council approve the recommendations to:

  • Rename the Finance Committee to the Audit and Finance Committee and adjust its mandate in bylaws; and
  • Rename the Governance Committee to the Governance and Nominating Committee and adjust its mandate in bylaws.

eScribe vote:

For: Charles Dimitry Abraham, Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Jonathan Rose, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg, Stephen Zimmermann



For : 29

Against : 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 4

It was moved by Tom Potter, seconded by Nicole van Woudenberg, and


That the balance of the Governance Committee recommendations be postponed to the next regular meeting of Council.

eScribe vote:

For: Diane Ballantyne, Paige Bennett, Jean-Luc Bernard, Bob Cooper, Chantal Côté, Irene Dembek, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Rebecca Forte, Melissa Gaffen, Tim Gernstein, Erin Glen, Mary Ellen Gucciardi, John Hamilton, Godwin Ifedi, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, Colleen Landers, Marlène Marwah, Michelle Miner Seal, Mary-Anne Mouawad, Sara Nouini, Alicia Nunn, Gerry O’Reilly, Tom Potter, Nicola Powadiuk, Stéphane Vallée, Nicole van Woudenberg



For : 27

Against : 0

Abstain: 2

Absent: 4

13. Next Meeting(s) of Council

  • May 30-31, 2019
  • September 26-27, 2019
  • December 5-6, 2019

14. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.

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